Kendall Jo ( On Instagram)

He recently won an international male pageant Caballero Universal 2022


Kendall Jo on Instagram: "About a week or so ago, I participated in a global men’s pageant called Caballero Universal 2022. I was fortunate enough to be rewarded for my hard work and dedication as I was crowned King in the finale. However, it was never really about winning for me. A few things really sparked my interest to make such a spontaneous last minute trip to Venezuela, the country where the competition was held. I’ve been speaking Spanish for about 5 years now as I graduated with a minor in the language and spent time traveling to countries where it was the native tongue. With a passion for travel and improving my second language, I set out to win the experience of a lifetime. Venezuela was beautiful and so rich in nature, culture, food and local people that were just so friendly, with free spirits and lots to laugh about. Furthermore, this contest catered to representatives from many different Latin countries and also two countries from the Asian continent. Connecting with these guys, conversing with all the different Spanish dialects and then translating back and forth between my two languages in order to help everyone connect with each other; this all made things quite challenging but rewarding. Beyond that, the activities, dining, site seeing, and bonding between the contestants, personnel and myself, all made for the real prize of this experience, one that we all won. I’m so grateful to be a part of this pageant and so appreciative to @raenrra and all the other precious people that played important parts. Everything I just listed is precisely why it was such a special period in my life that I will never forget. Therefore, I will wear this crown with pride to represent this pageant and all the beauty involved not just the superficial or external that only goes skin deep, but the all encompassing beauty of a team, a dream and one heck of a scene. ⛰️ ️ #caballerouniversal2022 #caballerouniversal #mrusa #kingkendall #venezuela #venezuela #malepageant #grateful"