Oh damn yeah his other mate Billy Hocken is also hot as hell.
Hot young Aussie bucks, they’re so fkn sexy these days.

There are plenty of others I could name too. They are all over TikTok now days.
Billy, Brock and Keanu are a blessed group of friends, they’re all fucking stunning
Billy is my favourite.

Keanu gives off some bisexual vibes actually.
Wonder if any of them ‘experiment’…
Not me commenting a year later but i just found this thread. Just to inform you Kianu has a boyfriend now☺️ Dillon Collins on ig and tiktok. They are very cute together
Not me commenting a year later but i just found this thread. Just to inform you Kianu has a boyfriend now☺️ Dillon Collins on ig and tiktok. They are very cute together
Aw stoked for him, they do look very cute together!!
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