
Mythical Member
Oct 14, 2012
I've seen quite a few posts from men in the site saying that they don't like the look of a pussy when the labia majora hide the labia minora. It's often described as looking "too young". This annoys me.

I'm over 30 years old and my pussy is the kind described as looking "too young" to these individuals. I never knew my bits looked over ten years younger just because of the fact that I don't have visible labia minora when standing upright. I assure the men reading, my pussy is the same age I am. Over 30.

I suppose I just want to put it out there: grown women have varying body types. If you look at a vagina and feel uncomfortable because it looks "young" maybe you're the one who has some growing up to do. Just sayin'. If the woman you're with is an adult, the way her vagina looks shouldn't make you uncomfortable.
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My labia gets carded at the clubs all the time :rolleyes:

I am in the same boat. I have a fat venus mon, she covers my inner labia with nice plumb labia majora. She looks comfortable, kinda snuggly and definitely friendly to touch. I've never thought my labia looked illegal. Cuz unlike those idiot dudes I've seen heaps of vaginas in real life. My experince is not limited to porn fueled fetishism.

Now I have to be cranky about cooter-ageism.
My labia gets carded at the clubs all the time :rolleyes:

Now I have to be cranky about cooter-ageism.

1. Bahahahahaha!

2. I sorry. I had to bring it up though, three threads in one morning had similar posts about it. Had to call that shit out.
I swear, some men are idiots. Individual looks of any part of a woman should not be the focus of anyone. There is unique beauty in everyone. My wife has a huge birth mark on her body. I can't remember the last time I saw it. Sure, it's very visible when she is in a bikini, but I don't remember the last time I saw it.

There are only two kinds of people in the world: 1. Those that start out looking beautiful and get uglier and uglier the better you get to know them; and 2. Those that start the same way, but get more beautiful the better you get to know them.

As far as lady bits are concerned-- I've seen all kinds and have yet to complain about the look. Takes a real insecure person to comment negatively on another's looks. TNJ-- sounds like their problem and not yours.
I've seen quite a few posts from men in the site saying that they don't like the look of a pussy when the labia majora hide the labia minora. It's often described as looking "too young". This annoys me.

I'm over 30 years old and my pussy is the kind described as looking "too young" to these individuals. I never knew my bits looked over ten years younger just because of the fact that I don't have visible labia minora when standing upright. I assure the men reading, my pussy is the same age I am. Over 30.

I suppose I just want to put it out there: grown women have varying body types. If you look at a vagina and feel uncomfortable because it looks "young" maybe you're the one who has some growing up to do. Just sayin'. If the woman you're with is an adult, the way her vagina looks shouldn't make you uncomfortable.

Hmmm, I don’t have a basis for what too young looks like. Maybe we should think about why they know what that even looks like.
I have never spared much thought on what my labia looks like. Even with this thread, I am not going to look. I have seen it, but all I remember thinking was, well - there it is - prettier than I thought. I’d like to stick with that memory. :)
I've seen quite a few posts from men in the site saying that they don't like the look of a pussy when the labia majora hide the labia minora. It's often described as looking "too young". This annoys me.

I'm over 30 years old and my pussy is the kind described as looking "too young" to these individuals. I never knew my bits looked over ten years younger just because of the fact that I don't have visible labia minora when standing upright. I assure the men reading, my pussy is the same age I am. Over 30.

I suppose I just want to put it out there: grown women have varying body types. If you look at a vagina and feel uncomfortable because it looks "young" maybe you're the one who has some growing up to do. Just sayin'. If the woman you're with is an adult, the way her vagina looks shouldn't make you uncomfortable.

Weird. I mostly have seen men say they prefer your kind of bits. Either way, lots of shit talking online it seems about looking young or looking like beef, but anyone I ever chose to get naked with was just happy to get naked with me..
I've seen quite a few posts from men in the site saying that they don't like the look of a pussy when the labia majora hide the labia minora. It's often described as looking "too young".

I don't think that's more than the tip of the iceberg with respect to all the stupid shit men around here say.

With luck, there will be at least 1 mis-educated dude out there who reads post from women above and beyond furiously jacking off to ask-a-woman replies, peruses your post, and takes home a bit of newfound wisdom.
I've seen quite a few posts from men in the site saying that they don't like the look of a pussy when the labia majora hide the labia minora. It's often described as looking "too young". This annoys me.

I'm over 30 years old and my pussy is the kind described as looking "too young" to these individuals. I never knew my bits looked over ten years younger just because of the fact that I don't have visible labia minora when standing upright. I assure the men reading, my pussy is the same age I am. Over 30.

I suppose I just want to put it out there: grown women have varying body types. If you look at a vagina and feel uncomfortable because it looks "young" maybe you're the one who has some growing up to do. Just sayin'. If the woman you're with is an adult, the way her vagina looks shouldn't make you uncomfortable.
Pics or it didn’t happen.
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For fuck's sake.

These mouth breathers should be damned grateful that a Real Woman ( and not a Real Doll)
wants to get naked with them at all - even if hard currency has to change hands first.
So, what?
Tell me how this works......okay?
A woman gets naked, you take one look at her labia and say.."Nope! Sorry but your labia isn't up to standard and I'm just not feeling it."
"Please get dressed and leave."


People come out with some fucked things and I really don't think they read what they write
out loud before they hit Post.
Tehehe! I do have pics posted. Those who can see them know. I have fat majora, much smaller minora.

I think my pussy looks wonderful. :cool:
Well, I can’t see them.
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I've seen quite a few posts from men in the site saying that they don't like the look of a pussy when the labia majora hide the labia minora. It's often described as looking "too young". This annoys me.

I'm over 30 years old and my pussy is the kind described as looking "too young" to these individuals. I never knew my bits looked over ten years younger just because of the fact that I don't have visible labia minora when standing upright. I assure the men reading, my pussy is the same age I am. Over 30.

I suppose I just want to put it out there: grown women have varying body types. If you look at a vagina and feel uncomfortable because it looks "young" maybe you're the one who has some growing up to do. Just sayin'. If the woman you're with is an adult, the way her vagina looks shouldn't make you uncomfortable.

My only comment in this regard is to point out that plastic surgeons around the world are busily trying to drum up business by convincing young women that visible labia MINORA are unsightly or unwomanly and how they ought to get labiaplasty so that their nether bits would look more like you describe your own. They often suggest that men PREFER women this way or are turned off by visible minora.

I have seen some men post their preference for visible minora with an intention to chime in as opposed to this brand new means for profit oriented business to try and make women feel their bodies insufficient. That is- pointing out that many men find the visible variation preferrable.

So this is a sword that cuts both ways.

Myself- when I love a woman, no matter how her body is shaped or formed, she becomes my definition of exciting and attractive.
My labia gets carded at the clubs all the time :rolleyes:

I am in the same boat. I have a fat venus mon, she covers my inner labia with nice plumb labia majora. She looks comfortable, kinda snuggly and definitely friendly to touch. I've never thought my labia looked illegal. Cuz unlike those idiot dudes I've seen heaps of vaginas in real life. My experince is not limited to porn fueled fetishism.

Now I have to be cranky about cooter-ageism.
Bloody gravity. Nothing to do with age ....after walking around on a planet that only lets you jump a few feet off the ground...Mother Gravity tugs on everything :)

Mind stays young cause it be Gravity free....everything else is subjected to Earthly forces.

Anyways...there always be the granny channel :) :)