'I think we need to dispense with undergarments,' I said to the tailor who had come to oversee new uniforms for my new staff. I did not appreciate why it had taken Bentley, usually so proficient, more than seven days to find a suitable tailor but when the tailor arrived, I understood. It was a lady.
'I assumed a person of your sex would appreciate what it was you required from the new uniforms, my lady,' he said by way of explanation. He was right as he always is. As soon as Jeannette walked into the main salon as I took afternoon tea looking out over the estate, I knew that a female tailor -- so rare! Unheard of even! -- would understand my approach, and respect my choices, far better than a male. Like the undergarments. She entirely agreed.
'I am of the same view, my lady,' she said, sipping from her cup. I would put her age at around 50, dark hair, handsome face, beautiful hands and a costume that was at once elegant and fashionable. 'I feel that if you have a good laundryman, there is no need for young men to encumber themselves with an extra layer of stuff. I myself barely use undergarments on my own person.' And she laughed in such a way that I did not know if she was in jest or speaking seriously. I had foregone underwear myself that day, enjoying as I was the feeling of my newly shaved sex.
'I also think, when young men are working so hard, that extra layers encumber them, make their work more taxing,' she said, gazing out of the window at two of my gardeners, shirtless as per the new rules, bending and lifting and generally presenting a very appealing picture to both of us watching them.
'And for that reason, I have sought material that is fine, unbulky, hard-wearing and easy to clean even if washed every day.' She brought out a piece of the stuff and handed it to me to finger. It was fine and silky and very sensuous.
'I have taken the liberty,' she continued, 'of making up a pair of breeches in this stuff so that you can see how they sit on a young man's body.' She unpacked a pair of breeches from her reticule and held them up for me to see. They looked well.
'I have made the crotch area very shallow,' she went on, running her finger down the centre of the front of the breeches. 'This means that a young man has no choice but to put all of his... treasures down one side of the seam. And that means that such treasure is available for the sight of his mistress. If you follow me...'
I did follow her. By forcing the young men to dress to one side or the other, I, their mistress, would have her eye on their balls and their penises at all times. I was delighted with the very idea of it. 'And I think these ones I have prepared in advance would fit that young man very well,' she said, looking out of the window at a slim red-headed boy of around 19, whose skin was white as snow and whose nipples so pink they looked like fondants.
I rang my hand bell. Bentley appeared and gave one of his small bows to his mistress.
'Bentley, would you ask this red-headed lad...'
'Daniel, my lady.'
'Would you ask Daniel to join us. We have a task for him to carry out.'
'Certainly, my lady. Would you like him to dip in the tub before he presents himself?'
I looked at Jeannette. She shook her head almost imperceptibly. 'No, Bentley. Ask him to come directly. He need not even replace his shirt.'
As Bentley went to the garden to summon Daniel, Jeannette picked up her cup again and with a sly smile said, 'I do think we have very similar tastes, my lady. Your butler, Bentley, is a very fine specimen. I am impatient to show you the working uniform I have devised for him.'
Bentley returned with Daniel, who I had not had the pleasure of up until this moment, and I asked him to remain to oversee the process of fitting the new breeches.
'Daniel...,' I said.
'Yes, my lady.'
'I am working with this lady, Mme. Dufour, on the new uniforms for the staff and we would like your help in modelling them,' I said.
'Anything my lady says,' he replied, blushing. His colouring really was exquisite. Whiter than a ghost but with splashes of pink that could not but make one think of raspberries and cream.
'Let's get you out of these breeches,' said Jeannette, standing up and opening the flap for herself.
The breeches came down and pooled around the ankles of Daniel so he was standing in shoes, stockings and undergarments.
'You are so right on the subject of undergarments, my lady,' said Jeannette, indicating the sous-vêtements of the young man with her hand. 'What do they do apart from bulk up the outer clothing? Very not elegant, in my opinion.'
'Remove the undergarments, Daniel,' I said, at which he looked unsure that he had understood me but pulled them down anyway so they were sitting on his breeches. He was slightly turned away from me at this moment but from the look on the face of Jeannette, I fathomed there was a sight to behold.
'Turn to me, boy,' I instructed him. And stepping out of the pooled garments walked a step or two in my direction in just stockings and buckle shoes. My! Apart from presenting a most arresting sight naked in just stockings and shoes, Daniel was proud owner of a penis so long and so thick... I realised that my experience of young men's penises was in its infancy but this member was so much bigger than any I had seen until this moment. I was quite aghast.
I looked over at Bentley who greeted my look with a small smug smile and a raise of his dark eyebrows. 'Well, Bentley, I can see you have been selecting young men for the household with great care,' I said.
'Anything for my lady's pleasure,' he said, the smirk still playing around his lips.
'Well, maybe we have chosen the wrong model for these breeches,' said Jeannette with a giggle, 'but I think we should try anyway, just to see how they look upon him.' With this, she handed the breeches to Daniel. The knee ties were undone so he could step into them without removing his shoes. Pulling them up, the prodigious member hung from the front in a very becoming way. Jeanette stepped forward, took the penis in her hand and proceeded to tuck it into the front of the breeches as if it were the most natural act in the world.
And once inside the breeches, she stood before him rearranging that prize in the breeches, putting her hand down inside and repositioning it from the outside. 'As you can see my lady, the seam of the breeches comes right up so that Daniel's maleness has no choice but to go to one side.'
She stood back for my perusal. It was true. Daniel's penis was clearly visible on one side of the breeches, down to the curvature beneath his helmet while each of his balls was delineated below it. 'And you see the fineness of the stuff means that not only can Daniel move easily but...' She clearly did not know how to put this in front of the lad himself. 'My lady can enjoy a fine prospect whenever Daniel is close by.'
'Or not even that close by,' chipped in Bentley, saucily.
It was true what he said. The penis so visible in the breeches was clearly growing even more at all the attention it was receiving. Remember it had been several days since the implementation of the rule that forbade these young men from expending their seed without my permission. And so young and virile were they all that the lack of outlet was beginning to make itself felt in an atmosphere of heightened sensuality, many glances towards my own person and an easy stiffening at the slightest caress or even word.
'And you will see, my lady,' said Jeannette, 'that the fine stuff expands with the, erm, body to remain comfortable. Is that not right, Daniel?'
'Yes, my lady,' said Daniel, readjusting his penis so it went further to the side. 'These are more comfortable than the previous breeches. Lighter.'
'That'll do, Daniel,' said Bentley, harshly, I felt. At which the boy blushed and looked to the floor.
'Well, take them off, Daniel,' I said, kindly, to repair any damage to his feelings Bentley's sharpness may have provoked. 'Madame will need them to replicate for your workmates.'
He undid the button, slipped the breeches down and stepped out of them so that he was again in just knee stockings and buckle shoes. I could not help but stare at this beautiful sight. It was not just the prodigious size of his manhood and his bright red pubic hair, it was the juxtaposition of the stockings and the shoes with his nakedness.
He stepped forward to secure his original breeches and undergarments but I stopped him with a simple, 'Not quite yet, Daniel.'
He seemed not to understand what I was asking and looked towards Bentley for clarification.
'My lady would like to survey you, Daniel,' he said, then, seeing that the vocabulary he was using was lost on the boy. 'My lady wants to look at your body, boy.'
'Come set down by me...' I said to Jeannette, pulling her chair towards mine and patting it with my hand to indicate she should join me. When we were sitting side by side, I said, 'Now, Daniel, approach us please.'
He darted a look at Bentley, who nodded his head in our direction, and walked towards us in his white stockings and buckle shoes, his penis swinging against one thigh and then against the other, until he was stood in front of us two women, his penis still slightly lively from his experience in the new breeches.
Handing Jeannette her tea, I kept my eyes on Daniel's member and said, 'And you don't think such a fine manhood as Daniel's would be constricted by your new tighter, breeches, Madame?'
'Oh, no,' she said, realising my game. 'The breeches are so light that they should move with the body even...' at this she reached out towards Daniel's penis -- looking back at me to say 'with my lady's permission', which I granted with a smile -- 'even if the manhood is large, as in this case...' And she held it in her fine little hand, the head big enough to fill her palm. 'And even if it should grow...'
At this she grasped Daniel's manhood in her hand and moving that delicate little hand up and down, within moments had produced an extreme hardening until Daniel's penis was standing up straight against his belly and would have taken four or five hands to cover it. I looked towards Bentley, who was readjusting himself, presumably over the idea of this lady's hand upon his own manhood.
'Just feel the hardness, my lady,' said Jeannette, passing me the penis. 'For one so large, it is prodigious stiff.' She was right. I took the penis in my hand and found it to be almost like marble, so hard was it. I continued the motion Jeannette had started, eliciting light moans from Daniel as his head tipped back and his hands moved to his little pink nipples.
Jeannette stood and taking position behind Daniel reached around and replaced his hands on his nipples with her own, pinching and rubbing them as his hips began to thrust his penis faster in my hand. I looked up at her. She gave a little nod of her head. I understood her meaning and angled the penis into my mouth, only able to fit the head and another inch in, such was its girth.
The feeling of my soft mouth on his member -- even only on part of his member -- was enough to send Daniel into some sort of frenzy. His hips bucked, with his buttocks bouncing off Jeannette's person on the back stroke and his cock drilling further into my mouth on the forward stroke. After moments of this, I heard him begin to pant and gasp, 'My lady, my lady, my lady...' I knew what he was trying to ask and simply looked up into his tortured face and assented with my eyes.
Without delay, thick young sperm flooded my mouth as Daniel panted and Jeannette let out a tinkling little laugh. His balls were in my hand and I held them tight as he pumped what seemed like an endless stream into my greedy mouth, over my tongue and into my throat. His seed -- like the sight of him in stockings and shoes -- was delicious.
I kept his penis in my mouth long after he had expended the last of his sperm, torturing his over-sensitive cockhead with my tongue as he writhed in Jeannette's grip continuing to torture his nipples. At last, I took mercy on him and allowed him to withdraw, taking his now deflated penis between my thumb and forefinger to draw the last drops from it.
'Good boy,' I said, smiling gently at him.
'Thank you, my lady,' he said, blushing deeper even than before while I blushed at the thought of this young man's muck now in my throat and soon in my belly.
'There is...' started Daniel, indicating my face. I realised he meant that there was a blob of his semen on my cheek. I put my finger to my face, wiped and looked down to see what looked like jelly and, instinctively, lifted my skirts slightly and -- seeing as I was, me neither, wearing undergarments since Bentley had shaved my quim -- smeared the sperm onto my lips and a little inside. Now this beautiful boy was on my lips, in my mouth, in my belly and in my sex. I shuddered at the thought of it.
'Thank you so much for coming today,' I said to Jeannette, standing to give her her leave. 'I would be delighted if you would fashion uniforms for all my staff.' She beamed, and not only at the work and fortune that was coming her way. 'But I would ask that you do not take liberties with my young men. Several among them are as yet undiscovered by me - by anyone! - and I do reserve that particular right for myself. Bentley will accompany you in your measurements to ensure that no impropriety should take place.'
'Of course, my lady,' she said, visibly crest-fallen but maintaining an aspect of gratitude and respect. She gave a shallow curtsey, smiled a genuine smile of a woman who had shared in another woman's pleasure, and took her leave.
Bentley had witnessed this exchange and, the lady having left, gave me one of his half smiles to communicate his approval. Like me, he felt proprietorship over these young men. They were not to be farmed out willy-nilly to just anyone, even if I did sometimes deign to invite them halfway into the experience.
'I assumed a person of your sex would appreciate what it was you required from the new uniforms, my lady,' he said by way of explanation. He was right as he always is. As soon as Jeannette walked into the main salon as I took afternoon tea looking out over the estate, I knew that a female tailor -- so rare! Unheard of even! -- would understand my approach, and respect my choices, far better than a male. Like the undergarments. She entirely agreed.
'I am of the same view, my lady,' she said, sipping from her cup. I would put her age at around 50, dark hair, handsome face, beautiful hands and a costume that was at once elegant and fashionable. 'I feel that if you have a good laundryman, there is no need for young men to encumber themselves with an extra layer of stuff. I myself barely use undergarments on my own person.' And she laughed in such a way that I did not know if she was in jest or speaking seriously. I had foregone underwear myself that day, enjoying as I was the feeling of my newly shaved sex.
'I also think, when young men are working so hard, that extra layers encumber them, make their work more taxing,' she said, gazing out of the window at two of my gardeners, shirtless as per the new rules, bending and lifting and generally presenting a very appealing picture to both of us watching them.
'And for that reason, I have sought material that is fine, unbulky, hard-wearing and easy to clean even if washed every day.' She brought out a piece of the stuff and handed it to me to finger. It was fine and silky and very sensuous.
'I have taken the liberty,' she continued, 'of making up a pair of breeches in this stuff so that you can see how they sit on a young man's body.' She unpacked a pair of breeches from her reticule and held them up for me to see. They looked well.
'I have made the crotch area very shallow,' she went on, running her finger down the centre of the front of the breeches. 'This means that a young man has no choice but to put all of his... treasures down one side of the seam. And that means that such treasure is available for the sight of his mistress. If you follow me...'
I did follow her. By forcing the young men to dress to one side or the other, I, their mistress, would have her eye on their balls and their penises at all times. I was delighted with the very idea of it. 'And I think these ones I have prepared in advance would fit that young man very well,' she said, looking out of the window at a slim red-headed boy of around 19, whose skin was white as snow and whose nipples so pink they looked like fondants.
I rang my hand bell. Bentley appeared and gave one of his small bows to his mistress.
'Bentley, would you ask this red-headed lad...'
'Daniel, my lady.'
'Would you ask Daniel to join us. We have a task for him to carry out.'
'Certainly, my lady. Would you like him to dip in the tub before he presents himself?'
I looked at Jeannette. She shook her head almost imperceptibly. 'No, Bentley. Ask him to come directly. He need not even replace his shirt.'
As Bentley went to the garden to summon Daniel, Jeannette picked up her cup again and with a sly smile said, 'I do think we have very similar tastes, my lady. Your butler, Bentley, is a very fine specimen. I am impatient to show you the working uniform I have devised for him.'
Bentley returned with Daniel, who I had not had the pleasure of up until this moment, and I asked him to remain to oversee the process of fitting the new breeches.
'Daniel...,' I said.
'Yes, my lady.'
'I am working with this lady, Mme. Dufour, on the new uniforms for the staff and we would like your help in modelling them,' I said.
'Anything my lady says,' he replied, blushing. His colouring really was exquisite. Whiter than a ghost but with splashes of pink that could not but make one think of raspberries and cream.
'Let's get you out of these breeches,' said Jeannette, standing up and opening the flap for herself.
The breeches came down and pooled around the ankles of Daniel so he was standing in shoes, stockings and undergarments.
'You are so right on the subject of undergarments, my lady,' said Jeannette, indicating the sous-vêtements of the young man with her hand. 'What do they do apart from bulk up the outer clothing? Very not elegant, in my opinion.'
'Remove the undergarments, Daniel,' I said, at which he looked unsure that he had understood me but pulled them down anyway so they were sitting on his breeches. He was slightly turned away from me at this moment but from the look on the face of Jeannette, I fathomed there was a sight to behold.
'Turn to me, boy,' I instructed him. And stepping out of the pooled garments walked a step or two in my direction in just stockings and buckle shoes. My! Apart from presenting a most arresting sight naked in just stockings and shoes, Daniel was proud owner of a penis so long and so thick... I realised that my experience of young men's penises was in its infancy but this member was so much bigger than any I had seen until this moment. I was quite aghast.
I looked over at Bentley who greeted my look with a small smug smile and a raise of his dark eyebrows. 'Well, Bentley, I can see you have been selecting young men for the household with great care,' I said.
'Anything for my lady's pleasure,' he said, the smirk still playing around his lips.
'Well, maybe we have chosen the wrong model for these breeches,' said Jeannette with a giggle, 'but I think we should try anyway, just to see how they look upon him.' With this, she handed the breeches to Daniel. The knee ties were undone so he could step into them without removing his shoes. Pulling them up, the prodigious member hung from the front in a very becoming way. Jeanette stepped forward, took the penis in her hand and proceeded to tuck it into the front of the breeches as if it were the most natural act in the world.
And once inside the breeches, she stood before him rearranging that prize in the breeches, putting her hand down inside and repositioning it from the outside. 'As you can see my lady, the seam of the breeches comes right up so that Daniel's maleness has no choice but to go to one side.'
She stood back for my perusal. It was true. Daniel's penis was clearly visible on one side of the breeches, down to the curvature beneath his helmet while each of his balls was delineated below it. 'And you see the fineness of the stuff means that not only can Daniel move easily but...' She clearly did not know how to put this in front of the lad himself. 'My lady can enjoy a fine prospect whenever Daniel is close by.'
'Or not even that close by,' chipped in Bentley, saucily.
It was true what he said. The penis so visible in the breeches was clearly growing even more at all the attention it was receiving. Remember it had been several days since the implementation of the rule that forbade these young men from expending their seed without my permission. And so young and virile were they all that the lack of outlet was beginning to make itself felt in an atmosphere of heightened sensuality, many glances towards my own person and an easy stiffening at the slightest caress or even word.
'And you will see, my lady,' said Jeannette, 'that the fine stuff expands with the, erm, body to remain comfortable. Is that not right, Daniel?'
'Yes, my lady,' said Daniel, readjusting his penis so it went further to the side. 'These are more comfortable than the previous breeches. Lighter.'
'That'll do, Daniel,' said Bentley, harshly, I felt. At which the boy blushed and looked to the floor.
'Well, take them off, Daniel,' I said, kindly, to repair any damage to his feelings Bentley's sharpness may have provoked. 'Madame will need them to replicate for your workmates.'
He undid the button, slipped the breeches down and stepped out of them so that he was again in just knee stockings and buckle shoes. I could not help but stare at this beautiful sight. It was not just the prodigious size of his manhood and his bright red pubic hair, it was the juxtaposition of the stockings and the shoes with his nakedness.
He stepped forward to secure his original breeches and undergarments but I stopped him with a simple, 'Not quite yet, Daniel.'
He seemed not to understand what I was asking and looked towards Bentley for clarification.
'My lady would like to survey you, Daniel,' he said, then, seeing that the vocabulary he was using was lost on the boy. 'My lady wants to look at your body, boy.'
'Come set down by me...' I said to Jeannette, pulling her chair towards mine and patting it with my hand to indicate she should join me. When we were sitting side by side, I said, 'Now, Daniel, approach us please.'
He darted a look at Bentley, who nodded his head in our direction, and walked towards us in his white stockings and buckle shoes, his penis swinging against one thigh and then against the other, until he was stood in front of us two women, his penis still slightly lively from his experience in the new breeches.
Handing Jeannette her tea, I kept my eyes on Daniel's member and said, 'And you don't think such a fine manhood as Daniel's would be constricted by your new tighter, breeches, Madame?'
'Oh, no,' she said, realising my game. 'The breeches are so light that they should move with the body even...' at this she reached out towards Daniel's penis -- looking back at me to say 'with my lady's permission', which I granted with a smile -- 'even if the manhood is large, as in this case...' And she held it in her fine little hand, the head big enough to fill her palm. 'And even if it should grow...'
At this she grasped Daniel's manhood in her hand and moving that delicate little hand up and down, within moments had produced an extreme hardening until Daniel's penis was standing up straight against his belly and would have taken four or five hands to cover it. I looked towards Bentley, who was readjusting himself, presumably over the idea of this lady's hand upon his own manhood.
'Just feel the hardness, my lady,' said Jeannette, passing me the penis. 'For one so large, it is prodigious stiff.' She was right. I took the penis in my hand and found it to be almost like marble, so hard was it. I continued the motion Jeannette had started, eliciting light moans from Daniel as his head tipped back and his hands moved to his little pink nipples.
Jeannette stood and taking position behind Daniel reached around and replaced his hands on his nipples with her own, pinching and rubbing them as his hips began to thrust his penis faster in my hand. I looked up at her. She gave a little nod of her head. I understood her meaning and angled the penis into my mouth, only able to fit the head and another inch in, such was its girth.
The feeling of my soft mouth on his member -- even only on part of his member -- was enough to send Daniel into some sort of frenzy. His hips bucked, with his buttocks bouncing off Jeannette's person on the back stroke and his cock drilling further into my mouth on the forward stroke. After moments of this, I heard him begin to pant and gasp, 'My lady, my lady, my lady...' I knew what he was trying to ask and simply looked up into his tortured face and assented with my eyes.
Without delay, thick young sperm flooded my mouth as Daniel panted and Jeannette let out a tinkling little laugh. His balls were in my hand and I held them tight as he pumped what seemed like an endless stream into my greedy mouth, over my tongue and into my throat. His seed -- like the sight of him in stockings and shoes -- was delicious.
I kept his penis in my mouth long after he had expended the last of his sperm, torturing his over-sensitive cockhead with my tongue as he writhed in Jeannette's grip continuing to torture his nipples. At last, I took mercy on him and allowed him to withdraw, taking his now deflated penis between my thumb and forefinger to draw the last drops from it.
'Good boy,' I said, smiling gently at him.
'Thank you, my lady,' he said, blushing deeper even than before while I blushed at the thought of this young man's muck now in my throat and soon in my belly.
'There is...' started Daniel, indicating my face. I realised he meant that there was a blob of his semen on my cheek. I put my finger to my face, wiped and looked down to see what looked like jelly and, instinctively, lifted my skirts slightly and -- seeing as I was, me neither, wearing undergarments since Bentley had shaved my quim -- smeared the sperm onto my lips and a little inside. Now this beautiful boy was on my lips, in my mouth, in my belly and in my sex. I shuddered at the thought of it.
'Thank you so much for coming today,' I said to Jeannette, standing to give her her leave. 'I would be delighted if you would fashion uniforms for all my staff.' She beamed, and not only at the work and fortune that was coming her way. 'But I would ask that you do not take liberties with my young men. Several among them are as yet undiscovered by me - by anyone! - and I do reserve that particular right for myself. Bentley will accompany you in your measurements to ensure that no impropriety should take place.'
'Of course, my lady,' she said, visibly crest-fallen but maintaining an aspect of gratitude and respect. She gave a shallow curtsey, smiled a genuine smile of a woman who had shared in another woman's pleasure, and took her leave.
Bentley had witnessed this exchange and, the lady having left, gave me one of his half smiles to communicate his approval. Like me, he felt proprietorship over these young men. They were not to be farmed out willy-nilly to just anyone, even if I did sometimes deign to invite them halfway into the experience.