Laughing during Sex


Superior Member
Dec 6, 2022
No Response
So I like to make sex as engaging; entertaining as possible. It's not like I'm an event planner scheduling the evening bed-scape routine, but I want to make sure we both have a good time.

There have been times (even intense times) when I've thought of something that was funny. Rather than worrying about whether it might ruin the moment, I just blurt it out. Everytime so far, it ends up with both of us cracking up, while still having sex (won't lie, it feels good too, physically). When I've asked a woman afterwards if it was ok/she minded that I interrupted with some banter, I've usually gotten the response of "well, that was a 1st", "that was cool", or "I dont know what to make of it, but I liked it".

Would you be weirded out by random banter, joking during sex?

Have you had any similar experiences?

I know when I was younger, if I had a sense that she was nervous or anxious, I would go out of my way to make her feel comfortable - or at least less anxious/nervous. But now this isnt a forced thing.

My gut feeling is - if it isn't a bad experience, its a good experience. But I haven't had a sex partner who's been able to articulate how they felt about it, other than it was fun. And yes, I already know... I tend to overthink things.
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If it suits the situation, that's not a problem for me. It also creates a certain intimacy and reduces uncertainty if something doesn't go as planned.
But anything else would be a total turn-off for me. I'd think WTF if my partner suddenly started cracking jokes or saying stupid things during sex without any context... But that's my personal opinion, whoever enjoys it should go for it.
I love this thread! We laugh all the time when playing. But there are times when matters get serious, and then we laugh some more!

Like Scarlet says, if you can't laugh when being intimate with your partner then you either need an attitude adjustment or another partner!

Look, getting hit in the face with a boob or a weenie is pretty freaking funny, if you ask me. And it happens a lot! LOL!
I'd think WTF if my partner suddenly started cracking jokes
that said, really stupid comments can cause too much of a bump.
Thanks for the input. What I say always to the action at hand. I guess I figure if I'm sharing an intimate moment, I might as well share all my take away from the moment, rather than trying to filter out what might "upset" the mood. Whenever its happened I get a full body laugh out of her, its more the aftermath that she might not know what to make of it because it's never happened before. I'd feel horrible though if she though it was stupid or it ruined the moment - that would immediately start making me filter the thoughts that might come to mind.

I contend if you cannot laugh together, noting else is worth undertaking.
I couldn't agree more.
I love this thread! We laugh all the time when playing.
I was so relieved to read that. Especially from you, not to be biased, but you dole out some of the best advice - no matter how real & to the point it may be.

getting hit in the face with a boob
Get out of my head, that's what happened the last time. "Alright Mike Tyson, if we walk out of the house & I've got 2 black eyes, you're gonna have a lot of explaining to do".