Let It All Hang Out 🍆


Expert Member
Aug 27, 2024
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Know thyself, advised Socrates.👀 Easier said than fucking done.🤔 Existentialism revealed the impact others had on our sense of self, so unless you live in a fucking cave, knowing thyself includes knowing what others think as well.💭 And we can’t escape these opinions, our identity depends on them, and being judged poorly leads to feelings of shame.😞 That’s the part that screws us up most. Especially guys. Why? Because if you’re a guy, you have a dick.🍆 Stuck alone on a desert island, a dick is just for pissing and wanking, but in everyday society, the opinion of others about something few see can fuck with your head.👿

A dick has a purpose, a ‘final cause’ as it’s called in philosophy. This has extended from excreting and mating to a being a tool of pleasure.🤤 But our performance fucking objectifies us.🫦 Makes us into a ‘fucking object’ which others can make judgement about.👎 For many other actions, looking or talking to someone gives us a hint at their potential, (for example, a fit long-legged person may also be a good runner or swimmer), but a man’s potential for fucking is mostly hidden away.🙈 Without experience, an even deeper hole of shame can be dug, as men pre-judge themselves on what they believe others might think, putting themselves at the mercy of social norms, which in this case, is usually porn, where bigger is better.😢

Pleasure is a subjective feeling.🥰 Our bodies differ, so what is pleasurable for me may not be pleasurable for you. Statistically, everyone’s size, cock, vagina or ass, sits on a normal distribution curve – which works exactly the same way as measuring height with a shape that looks like a hump, with a small group of tall people on one side, a small group of short people on the other and then everyone else in the middle. Nearly two thousand years ago the Kama Sutra pointed out the challenge with size; that the deer (small woman) will not find the most pleasure with a horse (large man).🐴 She is looking for the hare.🐰 Therefore, no matter what porn throws at us, there are people who prefer small dicks to large, and there should be roughly the same number of such people as those who have small dicks.🤏 And if you’re average-sized, rejoice because roughly 70% of people are also average-sized, and average works best with average.🍾

Socrates was asking us to do two things. One was to look at ourselves, warts and all, but the other was to understand the limits of our knowledge and not fall for our own assumptions.🧐 We can all enjoy fucking, it just takes a little effort to find a right size-matched partner.😍 And we all owe ourselves to make this effort, to share pleasure with another, because everyone deserves it. 🫂 Enjoying a fuck is a fundamental human right, sitting right next to food, health, life and liberty, and we can all proudly strut our stuff knowing that every size has a place, and bigger is not necessarily better.😎

On this note, I always find the word "average" to be ill perceived in general. People take "average" size as refering to quality instead of a simple mathematical occurence.
I like Atypical above average of time. Oz. and gals. are involved as well.