Life changing fuck - a myth or reality?


Loved Member
Mar 16, 2012
99% Straight, 1% Gay
Hello all.

There is a thread around this forum with videos where the women experience life changing fuck. I followed it for some time, but I always considered it more of a turn on or kink (for the men), things you see in the porn, than the real deal.

However, last weekend I was in mixed group of friends and after a little bit of drinking, we got quite relaxed and open, so sex naturally became one of the topics. One woman (she is in early 30s) shared her experience with us from her last girl-only holiday, where she had a sex with complete stranger that actually completely rediscovered sex as a term for her and made a real difference when it comes to her expectations and current experience. In a way opened her eyes and got her curious about many kinks, she started to watch porn because of it, started to fantasize more etc.

She had a one long-term relationship, few one-night stands and has a fiancee at the moment (he obviously was not present), but this experience from summer holiday in particular considers incomparable with everything she experienced before. She explained as sheer difference in energy and technique and "a factor X" which she cannot explain. Some of us mentioned as a joke endowment, but she said he was actually average at most.

So maybe I am being naive - but do things like this actually happen? Did you experience that "factor X" fucker that made you look at sex differently or at least remember great experience? And what made it different?
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Well, I guess you can say it was life changing. The first time my husband and I played pokey pokey changed my life. I mean, I married him, after all. And it's been a thrill a minute since then! LOL!
Don’t forget the ones that end in additional people.