Life with Damon


Superior Member
Apr 17, 2011
Michigan, USA
60% Gay, 40% Straight
A buddy of mine sent me a desperate text the first week of March. He had just broken up with his girlfriend. They were arguing all the time and they just couldn't get along. He told her that he needed a break from her and that she had gotten pissed that he got laid off from his job and he wasn't bringing any money home. He needed a place to crash for a little while and he asked me if he could use the spare bedroom at my place. He really didn't have any place else to go so I texted him back and told him to come on over. He knew that I was currently living alone and that I had plenty of room at my place if he ever wanted to come visit. He (Damon) texted me back right away that he was on his way over.

It'd been a couple months since I had last seen Damon. We hung out some time around Christmas. We had a great time back then but we always have a great time whenever we got together over the years. I quickly went around the house and picked some shit up and got the spare room ready for him. He got to my place in record time. I swear he was probably right around the corner. He came up and pounded on my front door like he was the cops. LOL! Scared the shit outta me! He burst through the door shouting "JOHNNY!" for me (sounding more like "John-nay"). He came barrelling through the door arms outstretched at me for a hug. He slapped my back so hard as I grimaced and I swear he left bruises. I slapped his back just as hard. You dish it out, bro, you take some, too. My dude stands about 5'8" and I pretty much got a face full of his wild-ass hair. He was all smiles but I knew he was hiding his pain behind those brown eyes when he looked up at me. He was looking a little rough and smelled like he'd been drinking most of the afternoon. Whiskey was his go-to in times of need just like me. He had gotten a little bit heavy and his clothes were fitting him a little snug. I was glad that his girlfriend had at least been still feeding him good. His girlfriend and him sure made a great couple and I couldn't imagine them being seperated after all this time together. I couldn't help being a little saddened by his situation right now.

We popped a squat on the sectional couch and he started catching me up on his woes. He was struggling to find a new job and wasn't willing to stoop low enough to get a job at a fast food joint. That aint him anyway. He had apps in at all the places he was interested in but hadn't gotten much feedback yet. He was leaning more into getting another assembly plant job since that was what he was most comfortable doing. He was pretty convinced that the layoff from the last job was for good and that they weren't gonna call him back in. I told him that he could stay at my place while he got back on his feet but it wasn't gonna be no free ride. He needed to pull his weight around here and contribute in some way until he could get back out there. I aint no rich man and I wasn't gonna support his ass forever. He understood that this was a temporary situation and that buddies or not he promised me that he wasn't gonna take advantage of this new situation at my place. I told him that just because he was staying at my place it didn't mean that what I do and how I act in my own place was gonna change. We are bros and I didn't want him to feel awkward or uncomfortable around here either cause I wasn't gonna be. He needed to feel right at home at my house.

Damon fought back from yawning as he filled me in on his girlfriend situation. He wasn't working now for at least 6 weeks and she (Anna) was constantly riding his ass about bringing home the bacon. Sorry but my buddy got exactly what he deserved from her. Nobody should tolerate his freeloading ass. They love each other but shit just goes downhill when the bills start piling up. She was frustrated and kicked his ass to the couch last week. The constant bickering back and forth had gotten out of hand and his drinking tonight was the last straw and she booted his ass out. He was convinced that they were gonna get back together but he needed to show her that he could get his ass a job and clean up his act. Fighting back the yawns and the tears, he kept nervously checking his phone and we talked on through the next hour or so. I think he was expecting a text from Anna. It's pretty disheartening when that text doesn't come. I let him know that I was here for him and that I knew he was gonna pull through this rough patch. He came in for a side hug and I pulled him in a little closer and gentler this time. He got my waterworks going and he sobbed like a little girl. I laughed out loud told him to knock this shit off. He knows I aint got no feelings! I looked into those sad eyes and rubbed my knuckles into his messed up bedhead hair. I got him to laugh cause that was what I was good at. He thanked me over and over again for the help and the listening ear.

I helped him get his stuff from his pickup truck and encouraged him to settle in. The spare bedroom hadn't had a guest in it for some time. It was the smallest bedroom with an old twin bed and desk with my old desktop computer on it. He really wasn't putting me out. I told him to go ahead and use the empty dresser and what little room there was left in the closet. He didn't have much with him. Damon just had a duffle bag and a black trash bag full of some random bullshit. I offered to help him unpack but he yawned and said he didn't wanna settle in until tomorrow. He was kinda still tired but he begged permission to take a shower. I told him to go ahead and said again that he needed to feel at home at my place. I straightened up a crooked mirror on the wall as I headed for the doorway. I glanced at the mirror as he whipped his t-shirt off revealing his light brown hairy chest and slight beer belly. The hair on his chest was trimmed and seemed to lay flat across his skin and near his almost comically tiny nipples. The pattern of his belly hair formed a trail straight to his belt buckle. It aint like I'd never seen him shirtless but I hadn't seen him since he had gotten a little out of shape. Gone was the trim body, the defined chest and slight washboard abs that he loved to show off at the drop of a hat a few years back. Right as I get outside the doorway he shouts "Hey!" and I turn around to catch yet another hug and he says thanks buddy. Man, I aint used to all the love and this shit was gonna get old as mushy as he was acting. His brown eyes were cliche puppy dog and my heart was melting a little as we embraced in the hallway. I lightly slapped and rubbed him on his thick and slightly hairy upper back and pushed him away when the hug seemed to last just a little too long for me. He backed up and I smirked as he smiled and yawned. I told him that I needed to hit the sack since I needed to go to work in the morning. He unbuckled his belt and undid his pants releasing that fuzzy belly just a little bit more and said he's gotta get that shower in before he passes out. He slapped his belly like a bongo drum and I laughed at him. We said our goodnights and I headed down to the end of the hallway to bed.

I gotta admit that I knew things were probably gonna be weird around my house having another person around. I hadn't had much activity around here since my girlfriend left me for her coworker almost a year ago. She was putting in too much "overtime". I was ignorant of the red flags she was throwing out there. I aint one for being taken advantage of but that girl bout bled me dry. She is some other guy's problem now but I aint gonna lie that I miss the constant pussy she was putting out. It was pretty much hard to please her for very long and she was insatiable in bed. It took me a little while to get over that my seven inch cock wasn't satisfying enough for her. I was almost constantly quick to get hard and ready to go anytime she wanted it. Her straying aint from my lack of trying. It wasn't really no surprise that she was spreading herself around. Once she was gone though I had to rip out anything from the house that reminded me of her. I don't open my heart to just any woman and she just ripped it out when she took off. Betrayal hits a guy hard and in the back of my mind I was kinda glad her ass was gone. I easily got used to the quiet around here over time. Having Damon around might be cool. We could hang out and party it up like we used to back in the day.

I laid there in bed waiting for sleep to come but the noises in the house and the dim light coming through the opening in the bedroom doorway were keeping me awake. I'm not one to close doors in my own house and with Damon around I forgot to close that damn door. I was snuggled in with all the pillows in all the right places and struggling to slip off to La La land. I reluctantly got up and went over to the door to shut it just as Damon was coming out of the bathroom. I stopped dead in my tracks and stood in the darkness of my room as he slowly walked out into the hallway struggling with a towel on top of his head. He was shaking that towel on his head like he was fighting a cat under there. His naked body caught my attention as he stopped to try to right himself and get his balance back. The dimly lit hallway light shone down on his still wet and glistening hairy bod. The tangle of armpit hairs seemed to dance about as he shook that towel. His downright sasquatch ass shimmied a little as his feet were righting themselves. I thought he was gonna fall over. I clutched the doorknob and was about to whip the door wide open to catch him before he fell but second thoughts changed my mind. I didn't want him to think me a creeper eyeing him from my doorway. In reality that is exactly what I was doing. Creepin. He shot a hand out to the wall and twisted and braced himself to get back his balance. I couldn't help but glimpse his junk as he turned a little my way. Damn, this man was just as hung as I remembered. It's a little different situation when you aren't side by side pissin out back behind the garage though. His pecker swung back and forth literally making a noise as it slapped against his upper thighs. His low-hanging balls were clearly visibly swaying behind his pendulous cock. His tightly groomed pubic hair confidently showed off the true weight and the full length of that girthy shaft. The trail on his slightly swollen abdomen lead right to something truly desirable for any drippin wet pussy. What a lucky son-of-a-bitch to be carrying around that piece and that tight round furry ass. I couldn't help but feel envious of what he was packing. I am proud to say that what I'm packing down below is worthy of shakin a stick at but I couldn't help but think that that dick would look great and more proportioned on me with my larger than average stature. Realizing that I was now gawking at him, my face fiushed red and I felt my own junk beginning to stir. Aint no lie that I hadn't had any in a while but there aint no way I should be gettin feelings like this for my own buddy.

The towel fell to floor as Damon braced himself against the hallway wall. He let out a quiet burp, covered his mouth and wiped it and looked down the hall towards my bedroom. He couldn't see me lurking in the dark of my own bedroom. Damon slowly bent over, swooped one arm and attempted to pick up the towel. His fingers grazed the towel as he missed it on the first try. His body and back arched and hopped at his first try to grab the towel. I pretty much got a full rosebud view of his fucking ass. I at first winced and cringed as he showed me his mossy ass crack but something stirred again within me. Time seemed to meaninglessly stand still all during this lone hallway waltz in this faintly lit space. The second attempt at retrieving the towel was a little more successful as he squatted down determinedly. From between his legs I could see first his penis then his balls slowly graze the hallway floor. Damon twitched a little stirringly feeling the cold of the hardwood. He quickly rose with towel and clutched it against his crotch. He passed his free hand over the hall light switch and lightly flopped it around there and turned his head and gazed down the hall. Stubble visible on his now untroubled and serene face, a stray droplet of water cast down from his bangs and kissed his prominent nose. His eyebrows grew closer together for just a second. I swear I felt he couldn't have seen me. The hall goes dark. His body was silhouetted from the light coming from the spare room as he slipped inside and swung the door almost all the way closed. The slight bit of light from the now occupied room glinted across the remnants of water that dripped from his once elegiac body during this secret encounter.
It wasn't easy to get comfortably back in to bed and sleep. My mind was focusing on Damon and his naked trip from the shower. I was still pretty sure he hadn't seen me gawking at him from the darkness of my bedroom. I was feeling kind of sorry for him concerning his relationship with Anna and his unemployment too. I laid there trying to convince myself to not get too deeply involved in trying to fix his problems. I cared for Damon wholeheartedly but he needed to take it upon himself to get his life straightened back out. My thoughts did finally wander off and I succumbed to sleep later than I usually do. I had a hard time dragging my ass out of bed when my alarm went off on my cellphone. Ugh. Time for work crept up on me way too fast but thank God it was Friday!

I reluctantly emerged from my bedroom ready to begin another day. Damon's door was ajar and I poked my head in to see if he was still sleeping. He laid wearing just a holey tight pair of checkered Hanes boxers. He was sprawled out on the bed coverless on his stomach with his legs spread out. There was a hole under his left butt cheek and I could clearly see his hairy ass bulging through. He was snoring away and I was sure he was gonna have a real good headache after drinking last night. He snorted and sucked in air and changed position. I backed away and headed for the bathroom for shit, shower and shave. I usually left myself 30 minutes to get myself ready for work. I sat on the can and played with my phone for a short while then I hopped in the shower.

The water felt good as I stood under the shower head. It felt like the spray would wash all of my thoughts and worries away if I stood there under it long enough. The water enveloped my head as I reached for the shampoo and started scrubbing my hair. I heard a grunt and realized Damon must be in the bathroom with me. Then I heard him apologize and said he just needed to take a quick leak. He reminded me that I had left the door wide open and he figured that I wouldn't mind. I didn't really mind because we were always comfortable around each other and never felt awkward no matter the situation. The sound of his piss stream was so loud over the sound of the shower that I didn't think he was ever gonna empty his bladder. He paused for a second and cleared his throat, let out a few random squirts and then flushed the toilet. I let out a yelp and I burst through the shower curtain to avoid the cold water surge. My wet naked body collided with Damon as I busted out of the tub and I pushed him against the vanity. His ass was almost entirely in the sink. We both immediately burst into laughter. I was just slightly angry but glad I washed all that shampoo out of my hair before my shower was abruptly interrupted. Damon pushed both his palms out and rested them against my chest in an effort to push me off. I was dripping all over him. I shook my head and rubbed my face to clear my eyes. I was face to face with my buddy perched up on that sink. My dick just hanging there in all its glory just dripping wet for him to see. Damon's own dick was still partially hanging out of the fly of his beat up old boxers. We were just inches away from touching our dick heads together. My cheeks quickly flushed red. He glanced down and was not at all uncomfortable that he had caught me mid flight and was now almost as drenched as I was. We both smiled quickly at each other and he gave me a quick nut tap that caught me off guard. He shoved me away and threw a towel at me as he exited the room. He said he was sorry about the flush and I told him that paybacks were hell.
I busted my ass to hurry up and get ready for work. I quickly got dressed even though I was still somewhat damp. I could hear the radio and I could smell fresh brewed coffee as I rushed into the kitchen to grab something to take with me for lunch. Damon, who was still just in his tattered boxers, said he helped himself to the Folgers and hoped I liked my coffee strong. He was moving around the kitchen and shaking to the music. His butt was jiggling around and his hairy butt cheek played peek-a-boo with me every time he took a step. He started coming at me mouthing the lyrics of the song on the radio. He was mouthing all the words exaggeratedly and was trying to get me to sing along to some Kenny Chesney song. Damon was shaking his hips and kept getting in my way like he wanted me to dance with him. It was much too early for this craziness and it was much to early in the morning for me to dodge those dance moves. His fat cock head popped out the fly every once in a while like it wanted to escape but couldn't get out. I knew exactly how it felt. Just as the coffee maker stopped dripping he paused and filled my travel mug up for me. I took a quick sip. It was damn good coffee. I told him that I'd be home later tonight and that we should probably go out to Leno's bar for burgers for dinner when I got home. Damon's eyes grew wide with the anticipation of going out with his old buddy. I told him to help himself to whatever was in the fridge and cupboards when he got hungry while I was gone. He wanted to use the old desktop computer in his room so I gave him the password. He said he was gonna check his e-mails and send out some online applications and stuff. He sounded like he planned to keep busy while I was away. I was hoping he would continue this positive mood and that he would keep his mind off his troubles today.

My workday went by fast and the drive home was easy. I drove past Leno's bar and damned if that parking lot wasn't packed for a Friday night. I was really looking forward to hanging out with Damon tonight. I pulled in my driveway and grabbed the mail and headed inside. The kitchen radio was still playing but Damon wasn't around. I called out for him but he didn't answer. I checked out his room and there he was crashed out on the bed. The screen saver on the old desktop computer helped light up the darkened bedroom. It looked like he had gotten all ready to go out tonight and had just settled down to take a quick nap. He was lying on his stomach with his big ass sticking up. He had on a plain black t-shirt and the same jeans he had on yesterday and I could clearly see the outline of the hem of his boxers through his worn out jeans. He must have another pair. Man, They were so damn tight on him since he gained weight. He's gotta be uncomfortable in them. They'd be strangling my balls for sure. He was facing me and I could see drool coming out of the corner of his mouth and adding to the puddle on the pillow. I said his name again and his half open left eye just looked glazed over staring off in the distance. He was asleep but strangely his eye was partially open. I pushed on his shoulder but he didn't stir. Man. he was conked out! I firmly grabbed his shoulder and shook him to wake him up. He snorted and half growled whipped around and his arms started swinging and I quickly jumped back. He rubbed his eyes and popped back to reality with a grin on his face and said he was just about ready to go. He just needed to wait for me to get ready.
I retreated to my bedroom relieved that I dodged Damon's wakening boxing match. Damon followed me down to my room and sat in the wing chair in my bedroom while I got ready to go out. He talked about how he spent his day as I undressed and rummaged through the closet for something to change into. I settled for a newer pair of dark blue jeans and a black polo shirt. Damon propped a leg over the arm and slumped a little deeper into the overstuffed chair. He watched me as I undressed and seemed to pay close attention to me getting ready. I found it odd to be stared at the whole time because most guys would look away from another guy as they strip down. I pulled on a fresh pair of black boxer briefs and struggled a little to get the jeans on over my heals. I staggered a little but maintained my balance. I couldn't help but notice Damon staring again at the bulge in my boxer briefs. His eyes followed it as I staggered and it bounced and wobbled. I got the jeans pulled up and coax my package through the fly opening trying not to bruise the goods. Damon continued talking the whole time but as soon as I fastened my jeans he grew quiet and his mouth gaped open just a bit and he seemed to slowly space out. I pulled the polo on and snapped my fingers at him to get his attention. I asked him if he was totally ready and if he had checked his 3 B's. It's always important to remember the 3 B's before going out.He said BODYSPRAY really loud. I grabbed the can of Brut off my dresser and sprayed my upper body liberally. Damon shouted CHECK and laughed a little bit then shouted BLING. I grabbed a silver chain, bracelet, watch and sterling ring and quickly put them on. Damon jumped out of the chair and shouted CHECK and then shouted BULGE. I grabbed at my crotch and shook my bulge and he shouted CHECK. Those jeans fit me tight in all the right places and damn if my ass didn't look fine too. Damon laughed out loud and grabbed his own crotch. I shot a glance down at his jeans as he took his hand away. I told him his jeans were hella tight. There aint no mystery if he was circumcised or not. I told him that anyone could clearly see the shape of his big ole bulging cock through his worn out jeans. He gave me quick salute and shouted CHECK. We both laughed and he slapped me on the back and we were off to the bar.

We had very little trouble getting a booth at the bar. Leno's was hoping and loud but there were still tables empty. We were waited on quickly and I told Damon to get whatever he wanted cuz it was on me. We both got burgers and fries and big frosted mugs of Miller Lite. The beer was so frosty that it churned with chunks of ice as it fizzed in the mug. The beer was so chilly and it went down really easy and smooth. Before we knew it we were ordering more beer. The burgers were the best. I watched Damon literally scarf his down in 2 minutes. It dripped all down his chin and he had streaks of juice going down both forearm before he was done. He licked his fingers and his forearms like an animal with his fat tongue and then wiped off the rest with his napkins. Damon finished his fries and then ate the rest of mine. I asked him if it was good and he said YEP! and rubbed his chubbed up belly. We ordered more beers and sat back to people watch for a little while. Not much of an exciting crowd. The place was more filled with couples and kids. You know the hangout has gone to hell when the local drunks are absent and the place turns into a family restaurant. Damon got to talking about Anna and how much he missed her. It made for awkward conversation. I mostly listened and tried to console him. We ordered some last beers and I watched Damon grow quiet and his mind wandered off. I sat quietly for a few moments and sipped then chugged my beer. I told Damon that we needed to blow this popsicle stand and he chugged his beer down and we left for home.

Damon was quiet the whole drive home. Thank God it was just a short drive home from Leno's. I started to feel like I was getting a buzz just as I pulled in the driveway. I parked the SUV and I had to piss like a racehorse. I told Damon that I was gonna take a piss around the side of the garage before we went inside for fear of pissing myself rummaging to get the front door unlocked. Damon said it was a good idea and said he was gonna join me. We ducked around the side of the garage near the hedgerow. I unzipped quickly and whipped out my dick and immediately started to urinate. Damon sidled up next to me and was obviously trying to check out my package. I waved my dick a little and did circular motions with the piss stream and giggled a little. Damon struggled to undo his tight pants. He managed to release his schlong from its entrapment and gripped it strongly for sweet relief. He held it proud like the mighty beast it was. He was sporting a semi and the vein on top of his cock wrapped and squiggled down the top of its length. Any man would be proud to own that porn star quality cock and Damon did like to put on a show sometimes. He noticed I was checking him out so he too waved it around like he was writng words in the dark night. I had a steady stream release and was shaking and milking off the last few drops when Damon staggered and bumped into me. I hadn't quite zipped up when he lost his grip on his dick and grabbed ahold of my upper arm. I could feel the pantleg of my jeans getting warm as he continued to urinate all down my left leg. I shouted at him and he composed himself and apoligised. I was pissed but we both laughed anyways. We zipped up and Damon tried brushing the piss off my pants as he sincerely apoligized over and over again. I told him to hush up because he was gonna wake the neighborhood and we headed for the front door.

We rounded the corner and I struggled a little to get the door unlocked but succeeded and pushed my way through the threshold. Damon straggled behind, slammed the passenger car door that he left wide open and rushed into the house. He collided with me just as I was kicking my shoes off. He bum rushed me for a hug and said he was sorry and thanked me for everything I was doing to help him out. His breath smelled of stale beer and onions from the hamburger he ate as he gazed up at me for acceptance. I told him everything would be alright and just chill out. I slowly pushed him off but he lost his balance tripping on my shoe and landed in a heap in the pile of boots and shoes next to the front door. We burst into laughter together as I pushed the door shut, caught his hand as he thrust it upward and helped him up off the floor. I stripped my wet jeans off and threw them on top of the shoe pile and headed for the sectional couch. Damon managed to get his shoes off and joined me. He plopped himself down so hard right next to me that I felt my ass rise up off the cushion. Damon grabbed for the remote from off the coffee table and started flipping through the channels. He found an action movie that had Russell Crowe in it and we both sank deeper into the sectional couch. The movie didn't seem to keep my interest but I was too comfortable and drunk to get off my ass and go to bed. I dozed off rather quickly and I think Damon did too.
I came awake a short time later to the sound of Damon's light snoring. On the TV Russell Crowe was naked and doing some weird karate moves in a laboratory. I always liked him but this was some really bizarre movie we weren't watching. Damon had slumped up against me with his head laying gently on my chest and his hand resting on my upper belly. The eye that I could see was partially open and glazed over. I could feel a damp spot on my upper belly where a puddle of his drool was soaking into my polo shirt. He looked as if he was going in for a sleep hug and froze mid hug and passed out. My arm was trapped under him and was tingling and had fallen asleep. I carefully pulled it free and rested it on the back of the couch. Damon was out cold and I really didn't want to bother waking him. I was still feeling a little buzzed and I have to say that his warm embrace was very comforting. I said his name out loud to stir him and rubbed his head a little but he didn't stir. He snorted and continued his louder than normal breathing. I was glad that Damon was resting and he need to sleep his drunkeness off. The soothing glow from the TV lulled me to sleep as I tried to watch the movie once again.

I awoke again sometime later and the TV had gone in to sleep mode. The screen was dark except for the bright white text "Are you still there? Yes or No." I could barely see anything in the room but was well aware that a familiar feeling was stirring in my boxer briefs. I must have been having quite the dream before I opened my eyes. Reality came back and found me still drunk and sunken into the couch and I could feel myself slowly getting aroused. Squinting and looking down I could see Damon's head had slipped down to rest on my belly and was creating a new damp spot on my abs. His hand had also slipped further down my torso and was now resting on the waistband of my black boxer briefs. He looked so peaceful yet dumb with his mouth agape and drooling in this awkward position. An occasional light snore and his lips that glistened with saliva would quiver just a bit. I could feel my cock uncontrollably wanting to grow just under the shroud of my cotton briefs. Blood was pumping for some unknown reason and I felt my dick pulse to life. There was no way I could control my dick if I wanted to. It jumped up once just inches away from Damon's meaty hand. For fuck sake. I needed out of this weird situation but there seemed no easy way out. I could probably shake him awake and risk getting punched. That wouldn't be fun. After he woke up he'd definitely notice my hardon right in front of his face and probably freak out. I thought it best to just let sleeping dogs lie. Feeling lazy or just plain stupid drunk, I laid there and could feel the vibration of his light snores on my stomach. HIs one eye was staring off as if watching TV but he was dead asleep. Another pulse of my cock and it straightened out and was now pointing right to its destination. God, what I wouldn't give to get off right now. I was so horny. I was so drunk. I was so tired.

Damon snorted in a breath and he stirred awake in just a split second. His eyes flitted fully open looked toward the TV and then looked down at my awakening crotch. He shuddered just a second, whispered my name and waited for a reply. I said nothing and pretended to be asleep. I thought that this was perfect. Now it wouldn't be so awkward if he was now awake and he moved off of me. He said my name louder and asked if I was asleep and again got no response. He lifted his head slightly as if to look up at me as I tightly closed my eyes. To my surprise he settled again and rested his head on my belly where it was before. The shock of this predicament had me going soft. My mind struggled on what to do but I decided to just lay still for now and see. The beer was relaxing me and I could have easily dozed back off if it weren't for the fact that I was so horny. It seemed like eternity and then I opened my eyes and looked down at him. His eyes were sleepily focused on the bulge that was returning to my crotch. His hand flexed and my cock jumped under my briefs. I could see a little smile form on the corner of his mouth. He wiggled his fingers as if coaxing and training a reluctant pet. My cock pulsed again and inched to life toward his waiting hand. Wow, he must think I'm asleep and having one hell of a dream. I played along as he let out a light snoring noise to continue his ruse too. After a few more attempts my cock jumped to attention and slipped right under his waiting hand. Nothing seperated my now throbbing dick from his hand but the thin layer of cotton of my black boxer briefs. Another throbbing spasm of my cock drove it deeper into Damon's warm grasp.

What was I to do. My dick was at full mast and thoughts were swarming my head. I had conflicting feelings yet I was willing to see this situation as an opportunity to get my nut. Damon's rhythmic breathing and warm grasp on my dick was sending me chills. I could feel his hot breath ruffle the hair near the wasteband of my underwear. My dick pulsed a few more times and then I could see the head bust through the waistband. I slowly and uncontrollably thrust my hips upward to meet Damon's grasp and made a little moaning sound. This visibly startled Damon just a little. I could see his eyes close and he released a little snore sound, I too returned his ruse with my own little snore. He tightened his grip, startled me and I slowly and quietly sunk back into the deep cushions on the couch. Thought sure I was gonna scare him off. I wasn't really sure how this whole thing would go down. His fake snoring put me at rest and my cock continued its throbbing dance under the palm of his hand. I used gentle little hip motions to create small friction within his grip. Precum started to form on the head of my penis and it dripped down to my belly. I kept a slow rhythm as Damon's hand grip changed from tight to loose. Each time it tightened my cock would lustfully throb and I would let out tiny moans. An ocassional droplet of precum started a little bit of slurry between the skin of my abs and my cock head. I lightly thrusted a few more times and Damon stirred, sucked in air, gripped my cock tight and his head slipped even farther down my abs.
Damon's body seemed so contorted and twisted to the side it was a wonder he could maintain this position if it weren't for his intoxicated state. I was in disbelief as I had seen his head finally resting so low and so near my throbbing dick. Drool from his mouth continued to flow and it started to intermix with the small puddle of precum on my tightening abs. I was now holding my breath for fear of Damon's revulsion of this fine predicament we were in. His lips were now just mere inches from my glistening cock head. Each new throbbing pulse of my cock left the head oozing fresh precum. With a slow elongated hip thrust I pushed the head of my engourged penis into Damon's parting lips. I clenched my body and let it rest there within his warm lips. His mouth half agape I could feel precum starting to pump out between his lips. Damon suckled it as he took in air carrying on his snoring sounds. His light snores now vibrated the head of my cock. My dick coursed full with blood and with a sudden pump of new blood my cock jumped from his mouth and rested on the side of his lips. I could feel cum filling up inside me and my balls started to tighten even more painfully. He carefully reinserted my cock into his mouth with the quick movement of his tongue. My mind was wondering how far I could go with this and before I could decide Damon began to suckle my cock again like a sleepy puppy latched on to its mama's teat. I was over the edge and there was no turning back now. Damon's hand had a pretty tight grip on my cock and he wasn't letting up. His tongue moved lightly over the slit on the tip of my cock as to coax the semen out. He probed the tip slightly yet not forcefully and lapped at the frenulum with broad undulating movements from his fattened tongue. I remained perfectly still as my mind shut down and my body took over. I slowly inched my dick a little further in between Damon's lips. The solid engorged head of my penis disappeared between his lips. I could only get one more slow thrust in before my lower body went into small convulsions. I was cumming and there was no stopping it now. Each throb of my member shot cum into Damon's suckling grasp of my cock. It was like my dick was fully alive for the first time as I watched the veins of my dick quiver between Damon's lips and his meaty fist. I could see him quietly and effortlessly swallow as I pumped a few more ropes of cum into his warm wet mouth. His tongue continued to move behind the embrace of his moist lips. Poor pup swallowed every bit with not much of a fuss at all.

I laid there in sheer ecstasy as Damon quietly and slowly sucked my cock clean. His hand slowly moved down the length of my still hardened shaft and he began to cup my tight balls in a hugging embrace. He kneaded my testicles slowly within his grip as to relax them from their drawn up state. His tongue was still working around the head of my penis when I involuntarily gave one final pulse and jumped free from his mouth. Damon let out a slight gasp as if to catch his breath and licked his lips. He started to turn his head to me so I closed my eyes and let out a slight snore to keep things kosher. He loosened his grip and moved his head back up to my chest and then brought his hand up to rest under his cheek. He watched my crotch as my dick began to lose rigidity and shrink. It was finally gonna slip back under the waste band of my boxers when it released one last tiny droplet of cum. Damon darted out his index finger and gathered the droplet of cum from the tip of my penis and then inserted his finger in his mouth. My dick snuck below the waste band of my boxers dampened yet warm in its cozy retreat. A moment later I stirred a little and made a snorting sound and then brought my arm off from the top of the couch and wrapped it around his upper arm in a sweet sleepy embrace, A grin spread across his lips as Damon closed his eyes one last time to slip under sleep's spell. At that moment I realized that our friendship had changed and had the potential to develop into something new and different. I wasn't so sure I was ready to take any more steps in another direction. I sunk into the couch hugging my friend wondering what would it be like in the morning when we both woke up. We both drifted off listening to each other breathe and to each other's heartbeats in the darkened oblivion of my livingroom. The TV continued its vigil "Are you there? Yes or No"
Damon's body seemed so contorted and twisted to the side it was a wonder he could maintain this position if it weren't for his intoxicated state. I was in disbelief as I had seen his head finally resting so low and so near my throbbing dick. Drool from his mouth continued to flow and it started to intermix with the small puddle of precum on my tightening abs. I was now holding my breath for fear of Damon's revulsion of this fine predicament we were in. His lips were now just mere inches from my glistening cock head. Each new throbbing pulse of my cock left the head oozing fresh precum. With a slow elongated hip thrust I pushed the head of my engourged penis into Damon's parting lips. I clenched my body and let it rest there within his warm lips. His mouth half agape I could feel precum starting to pump out between his lips. Damon suckled it as he took in air carrying on his snoring sounds. His light snores now vibrated the head of my cock. My dick coursed full with blood and with a sudden pump of new blood my cock jumped from his mouth and rested on the side of his lips. I could feel cum filling up inside me and my balls started to tighten even more painfully. He carefully reinserted my cock into his mouth with the quick movement of his tongue. My mind was wondering how far I could go with this and before I could decide Damon began to suckle my cock again like a sleepy puppy latched on to its mama's teat. I was over the edge and there was no turning back now. Damon's hand had a pretty tight grip on my cock and he wasn't letting up. His tongue moved lightly over the slit on the tip of my cock as to coax the semen out. He probed the tip slightly yet not forcefully and lapped at the frenulum with broad undulating movements from his fattened tongue. I remained perfectly still as my mind shut down and my body took over. I slowly inched my dick a little further in between Damon's lips. The solid engorged head of my penis disappeared between his lips. I could only get one more slow thrust in before my lower body went into small convulsions. I was cumming and there was no stopping it now. Each throb of my member shot cum into Damon's suckling grasp of my cock. It was like my dick was fully alive for the first time as I watched the veins of my dick quiver between Damon's lips and his meaty fist. I could see him quietly and effortlessly swallow as I pumped a few more ropes of cum into his warm wet mouth. His tongue continued to move behind the embrace of his moist lips. Poor pup swallowed every bit with not much of a fuss at all.

I laid there in sheer ecstasy as Damon quietly and slowly sucked my cock clean. His hand slowly moved down the length of my still hardened shaft and he began to cup my tight balls in a hugging embrace. He kneaded my testicles slowly within his grip as to relax them from their drawn up state. His tongue was still working around the head of my penis when I involuntarily gave one final pulse and jumped free from his mouth. Damon let out a slight gasp as if to catch his breath and licked his lips. He started to turn his head to me so I closed my eyes and let out a slight snore to keep things kosher. He loosened his grip and moved his head back up to my chest and then brought his hand up to rest under his cheek. He watched my crotch as my dick began to lose rigidity and shrink. It was finally gonna slip back under the waste band of my boxers when it released one last tiny droplet of cum. Damon darted out his index finger and gathered the droplet of cum from the tip of my penis and then inserted his finger in his mouth. My dick snuck below the waste band of my boxers dampened yet warm in its cozy retreat. A moment later I stirred a little and made a snorting sound and then brought my arm off from the top of the couch and wrapped it around his upper arm in a sweet sleepy embrace, A grin spread across his lips as Damon closed his eyes one last time to slip under sleep's spell. At that moment I realized that our friendship had changed and had the potential to develop into something new and different. I wasn't so sure I was ready to take any more steps in another direction. I sunk into the couch hugging my friend wondering what would it be like in the morning when we both woke up. We both drifted off listening to each other breathe and to each other's heartbeats in the darkened oblivion of my livingroom. The TV continued its vigil "Are you there? Yes or No"
Fuuuuuck!!!! Hot!!!! Keep going man! Great writing!!!!
Damon's body seemed so contorted and twisted to the side it was a wonder he could maintain this position if it weren't for his intoxicated state. I was in disbelief as I had seen his head finally resting so low and so near my throbbing dick. Drool from his mouth continued to flow and it started to intermix with the small puddle of precum on my tightening abs. I was now holding my breath for fear of Damon's revulsion of this fine predicament we were in. His lips were now just mere inches from my glistening cock head. Each new throbbing pulse of my cock left the head oozing fresh precum. With a slow elongated hip thrust I pushed the head of my engourged penis into Damon's parting lips. I clenched my body and let it rest there within his warm lips. His mouth half agape I could feel precum starting to pump out between his lips. Damon suckled it as he took in air carrying on his snoring sounds. His light snores now vibrated the head of my cock. My dick coursed full with blood and with a sudden pump of new blood my cock jumped from his mouth and rested on the side of his lips. I could feel cum filling up inside me and my balls started to tighten even more painfully. He carefully reinserted my cock into his mouth with the quick movement of his tongue. My mind was wondering how far I could go with this and before I could decide Damon began to suckle my cock again like a sleepy puppy latched on to its mama's teat. I was over the edge and there was no turning back now. Damon's hand had a pretty tight grip on my cock and he wasn't letting up. His tongue moved lightly over the slit on the tip of my cock as to coax the semen out. He probed the tip slightly yet not forcefully and lapped at the frenulum with broad undulating movements from his fattened tongue. I remained perfectly still as my mind shut down and my body took over. I slowly inched my dick a little further in between Damon's lips. The solid engorged head of my penis disappeared between his lips. I could only get one more slow thrust in before my lower body went into small convulsions. I was cumming and there was no stopping it now. Each throb of my member shot cum into Damon's suckling grasp of my cock. It was like my dick was fully alive for the first time as I watched the veins of my dick quiver between Damon's lips and his meaty fist. I could see him quietly and effortlessly swallow as I pumped a few more ropes of cum into his warm wet mouth. His tongue continued to move behind the embrace of his moist lips. Poor pup swallowed every bit with not much of a fuss at all.

I laid there in sheer ecstasy as Damon quietly and slowly sucked my cock clean. His hand slowly moved down the length of my still hardened shaft and he began to cup my tight balls in a hugging embrace. He kneaded my testicles slowly within his grip as to relax them from their drawn up state. His tongue was still working around the head of my penis when I involuntarily gave one final pulse and jumped free from his mouth. Damon let out a slight gasp as if to catch his breath and licked his lips. He started to turn his head to me so I closed my eyes and let out a slight snore to keep things kosher. He loosened his grip and moved his head back up to my chest and then brought his hand up to rest under his cheek. He watched my crotch as my dick began to lose rigidity and shrink. It was finally gonna slip back under the waste band of my boxers when it released one last tiny droplet of cum. Damon darted out his index finger and gathered the droplet of cum from the tip of my penis and then inserted his finger in his mouth. My dick snuck below the waste band of my boxers dampened yet warm in its cozy retreat. A moment later I stirred a little and made a snorting sound and then brought my arm off from the top of the couch and wrapped it around his upper arm in a sweet sleepy embrace, A grin spread across his lips as Damon closed his eyes one last time to slip under sleep's spell. At that moment I realized that our friendship had changed and had the potential to develop into something new and different. I wasn't so sure I was ready to take any more steps in another direction. I sunk into the couch hugging my friend wondering what would it be like in the morning when we both woke up. We both drifted off listening to each other breathe and to each other's heartbeats in the darkened oblivion of my livingroom. The TV continued its vigil "Are you there? Yes or No"
HOT story…please continue!
My head was pounding when I finally woke up in the morning. The TV was off and Damon wasn't around. I was still on the sectional couch and I had a fuzzy blanket tangled around my legs. I clasped my hands above my head and stretched my arms and shoulders up and down. My back was gonna kill me when I get up. I lightly ached all over. I was regretting sleeping on the couch for more than one reason. I couldn't believe that I let my lust take over last night and let Damon seduce me like that. I understood that I have needs and Damon had needs but I never would have assumed that Damon had any desire to suck my cock let alone me having the ability to let my buddy even follow through with the act. I yawned really loud just to see if I could stir Damon out of the shadows. Sure enjoy he emerged from down the hallway clad in yesterday's clothes and foaming at the mouth with a toothbrush hanging out of the side of his mouth. He muttered something through toothpaste spittle to me that took me a minute to comprehend but by the smell in the air I could tell it was about the coffee brewing. I found it funny that Damon had an orange toothbrush just like mine. I nodded to him and he asked me for some Tylenol so I told him to get it from the kitchen junk drawer. He wandered off and then came back and brought me some Tylenol too. He downed a couple capsules and handed me the bottle and I dry-swallowed a half dozen. He asked me how I was doing and I told him I was feeling pretty rough and thanks for getting the coffee going. He nodded back and then went back to the bathroom.

I was dying for a cup of coffee so I grabbed a mug and sat at the kitchen table in the dappled sunlight streaming from the east window. It took a while to clear my eyes and some more yawning to clear my head. Damon sat across the table from me with his own mug of coffee carefully sipping it. His wild hair going every which way and his four day beard was really coming in kinda strong. He pounded a fist on the table to startle me and then asked me what I wanted to do today. I had no solid plans on a Saturday so I told him that I had to go to the store and that other than that I was staying home. He said it sounded like a good plan that the two of us would just hang out together and then he inquired about food plans. I told him we needed to grill something and grab stuff at the store. He said grab some more beer and I laughed out loud and shook my head. He smiled from across the table as he raised the coffee mug to his lips and asked if I was OK. I told him I was gonna be alright after I got some more caffeine in me. I was running through my head the scene that transpired between us last night on the couch and my mind clearly wandered off. Damon was acting as if nothing had happened and I'm sure he wasn't going to bring up what happened to us while I was asleep last night. I concluded to just ride it out and see how the day plays out. Maybe see just what kind of game Damon was playing here.

I was really struggling to break out of this groggy feeling so I needed to liven up with a shower. Damon went in his room while I prepped to reclaim the day on a better note. I splashed my face at the bathroom sink and grabbed my strangely wet toothbrush and slowly brushed my teeth in front of the mirror. I stood there for a moment with my mouth agape when I realized that Damon had used my toothbrush. Motherfucker under my breath. Spit and rinse. Spit and rinse and rubbed my mouth. I ran the toothbrush under the scalding hot water and returned it to the cup beside the faucet. I shaved my face and took a quick hot shower and dressed in some comfy basketball shorts and t-shirt. Damon was still in his room when I walked passed the doorway on my way to fill my mug in the kitchen. I was kinda looking forward to hanging with Damon today. It was nice having him around to stir thing up in my normally boring life. His quirks and carefree attitude were still going to take some getting used to though. I was now ready to roll and get this day started out right.

I went back down the hallway to Damon's room and lightly pushed the door open to see if Damon was ready yet. He was sitting in the office chair in front of the computer with his back partially to me. He was wearing an old pair of large headphone that he must have found in the desk. He had his pants around his knees and his dick in his hand. On the monitor was a brunette chick with too much makeup and hairspray on riding a big fat dildo that was suctioned to the floor of an obvious studio set. Was He camming? What the fuck! No way he was camming with this chick. He knew we were just about to leave. He couldn't have picked a better time to get his nut off? She was bouncing on that silicone piece of meat quite furiously and Damon was having a hard time keeping pace with her rhythm. I guess he didn't see me trying to come in cuz he was pretty focused at the task at hand. His fat tongue was out of his mouth and the tip of it was arched and perched on his upper lip as he was concentrating on the monitor. His left hand was getting quite a workout coaxing his big vieny cock to completion. He switched hands then clutched the arm of the office chair with his free hand. His hair was flipping here and there as he was trying to succumb to the fury of his commitment to cum. Not a single drop of precum was forming on the swollen head of his circumcised cock head. I couldn't tell by the grimace on his face if he was dry bating with sheer pleasure or pure pain. Maybe he just wanted to squeeze one out before we took off for the store. He was a horny little fucker. At any rate I retreated to the hallway and pulled the door slightly shut.
I stood there for a second recalling his toilet flush and our collision in the bathroom yesterday and my damp toothbrush and without another thought the cruel man inside me pounded really hard on that bedroom door and shouted if he was ready to go. I heard him say yep and listened to him scramble around. Paybacks were hell and yet pure pleasure for others. Damon was gonna get off on my watch! I giggled a little inside. I traded my mug of coffee for a bottle of water for me and one for Damon too. He came in the kitchen grinning and took the bottle out of my hand. I could still feel the warmth of his hot touch from heat friction as his fingers grazed mine. I wiped my hand on my shorts like I had soiled it. I couldn't help but notice his erection springing up from the crotch of his tight jeans. It jutted to left of the fly at an angle pointing upward and I could swear I saw it pulsing. I couldn't help but feel amazed at how he got that schlong entrapped in them tight-ass jeans, It seemed almost a cruel punishment. He assumed a slight stooped over posture and tried to block my view of his crotch by standing behind one of the kitchen chairs. His VPL twitched then jutted to the right and lined up perfectly between the rungs of the back of that old wooden chair. He was slowly and subconsciously dry humping the chair as he was asking where we were going and what we were picking up. He let loose a little thrust and his cock bulge pressed through the back of the chair and I could almost make out the viens and the muscles of its stiffness through the thin strecthy material of his jeans. He thought he was pretty good at containing his excitement through droll conversarion but I was privy to what was happening just a moment ago behind that bedroom door. I mentally went through a grocery list in my head as Damon started to settle down and go flacid. Wearing dirty clothes or not I guess I was going to let Damon be Damon and be happy that he at least got his teeth brushed today. I stood up and said let's go and we were off like a prom dress.

We hit the dreaded Walmart and picked up beer, whiskey, steak and tubs of cold pasta salad and returned home to start up the barbeque grill. Damon handled the grilling and I prepped the rest. Damn. Damon might not be good at much but he had mad grilling skills and could scorch up a mean steak right quick like. Medium rare with juice and blood on the plate all around and just a slight crisp to the fat streak running down the side of that slab of meat. Macaroni salad and chips rounded out our late afternoon dinner. Damon sure could put away the food. Something almost primal took him over as he devoured everything on his plate. Food desire is all that came to mind. This boy wasn't starving and I couldn't understand how he couldn't sit back and enjoy a meal and savor all its flavors rather than scarf it down like it was just fuel. There were no leftovers and he kept poppin the tops on those beer bottles left and right. We decided to play cards and listen to music in the kitchen. We did some shots of whiskey and I won most of the games of gin or king's corners. Damon kept toasting shots and cracking open beers. He had quite the lineup of beer bottles on the kitchen counter. Damon started talking about Anna and getting back with her. He talked about how much he missed her and of the things they used to do together. He started to weep and I moved closer to rub his shoulder hoping to help him feel better. He carried on and then got out of the chair wanting a hug. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and I wrapped my arms around his upper back. I could feel him tremble as he tried to catch his breath. He rested his head against my upper chest and held me closer. He smelled of man musk and sweat and alcohol. I felt as if I was absorbing his warmth and his smell. Why was I letting my buddy creep in under my feels like this. It had been a while since I opened up and let anyone in. Emotional detachment was more a norm for me these last few months. I became way too comfortable in my old habits and I finally felt that I needed to open myself up for the deep friendship that Damon seemed to be offering.

We stood there quietly embracing in the incandescent light of the kitchen. Two grown men just having a much needed tender moment. I was starting to get the feels and with all his crying I felt like I was gonna start to cry. Damon raised his head up to me and I looked down to him. He had such deep sadness in his eyes. I would do almost anything to help my friend to feel better. Damon's eyes seemed to penetrate me to my very soul. A tear finally snuck out of the corner of my eye and fell and landed on his pouty lower lip. His lips parted and he lightly licked the tear from his lip. He loosened his bear hug and I slapped him on the back a couple of time to try to break from his grasp. He apologized and thanked me again for giving him a place to stay. He thanked me for helping him try to feel better then fell silent for a second and for a moment I thought he was gonna go for a kiss. I let go and gently broke from our embrace. Damon anounced that he needed to piss and stumbled for the hallway towards the bathroom.
I stood there for a second recalling his toilet flush and our collision in the bathroom yesterday and my damp toothbrush and without another thought the cruel man inside me pounded really hard on that bedroom door and shouted if he was ready to go. I heard him say yep and listened to him scramble around. Paybacks were hell and yet pure pleasure for others. Damon was gonna get off on my watch! I giggled a little inside. I traded my mug of coffee for a bottle of water for me and one for Damon too. He came in the kitchen grinning and took the bottle out of my hand. I could still feel the warmth of his hot touch from heat friction as his fingers grazed mine. I wiped my hand on my shorts like I had soiled it. I couldn't help but notice his erection springing up from the crotch of his tight jeans. It jutted to left of the fly at an angle pointing upward and I could swear I saw it pulsing. I couldn't help but feel amazed at how he got that schlong entrapped in them tight-ass jeans, It seemed almost a cruel punishment. He assumed a slight stooped over posture and tried to block my view of his crotch by standing behind one of the kitchen chairs. His VPL twitched then jutted to the right and lined up perfectly between the rungs of the back of that old wooden chair. He was slowly and subconsciously dry humping the chair as he was asking where we were going and what we were picking up. He let loose a little thrust and his cock bulge pressed through the back of the chair and I could almost make out the viens and the muscles of its stiffness through the thin strecthy material of his jeans. He thought he was pretty good at containing his excitement through droll conversarion but I was privy to what was happening just a moment ago behind that bedroom door. I mentally went through a grocery list in my head as Damon started to settle down and go flacid. Wearing dirty clothes or not I guess I was going to let Damon be Damon and be happy that he at least got his teeth brushed today. I stood up and said let's go and we were off like a prom dress.

We hit the dreaded Walmart and picked up beer, whiskey, steak and tubs of cold pasta salad and returned home to start up the barbeque grill. Damon handled the grilling and I prepped the rest. Damn. Damon might not be good at much but he had mad grilling skills and could scorch up a mean steak right quick like. Medium rare with juice and blood on the plate all around and just a slight crisp to the fat streak running down the side of that slab of meat. Macaroni salad and chips rounded out our late afternoon dinner. Damon sure could put away the food. Something almost primal took him over as he devoured everything on his plate. Food desire is all that came to mind. This boy wasn't starving and I couldn't understand how he couldn't sit back and enjoy a meal and savor all its flavors rather than scarf it down like it was just fuel. There were no leftovers and he kept poppin the tops on those beer bottles left and right. We decided to play cards and listen to music in the kitchen. We did some shots of whiskey and I won most of the games of gin or king's corners. Damon kept toasting shots and cracking open beers. He had quite the lineup of beer bottles on the kitchen counter. Damon started talking about Anna and getting back with her. He talked about how much he missed her and of the things they used to do together. He started to weep and I moved closer to rub his shoulder hoping to help him feel better. He carried on and then got out of the chair wanting a hug. He wrapped his arms around my lower back and I wrapped my arms around his upper back. I could feel him tremble as he tried to catch his breath. He rested his head against my upper chest and held me closer. He smelled of man musk and sweat and alcohol. I felt as if I was absorbing his warmth and his smell. Why was I letting my buddy creep in under my feels like this. It had been a while since I opened up and let anyone in. Emotional detachment was more a norm for me these last few months. I became way too comfortable in my old habits and I finally felt that I needed to open myself up for the deep friendship that Damon seemed to be offering.

We stood there quietly embracing in the incandescent light of the kitchen. Two grown men just having a much needed tender moment. I was starting to get the feels and with all his crying I felt like I was gonna start to cry. Damon raised his head up to me and I looked down to him. He had such deep sadness in his eyes. I would do almost anything to help my friend to feel better. Damon's eyes seemed to penetrate me to my very soul. A tear finally snuck out of the corner of my eye and fell and landed on his pouty lower lip. His lips parted and he lightly licked the tear from his lip. He loosened his bear hug and I slapped him on the back a couple of time to try to break from his grasp. He apologized and thanked me again for giving him a place to stay. He thanked me for helping him try to feel better then fell silent for a second and for a moment I thought he was gonna go for a kiss. I let go and gently broke from our embrace. Damon anounced that he needed to piss and stumbled for the hallway towards the bathroom.
Not me camping here for the next one