Long time pumper getting back into it starting TONIGHT! Looking for advice


Admired Member
Oct 4, 2004
Los Angeles, CA, USA
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Hello friends! Used to pump quite a bit (see my photo library!) but its been a little while. I upgraded from the HYDROMAX 7 to the HYDROEXTREME 7. Picked up the pump last night!
Going to measure again tonight and post my starting, as everyone says it will likely take 3-months or so of consistent 5 days a week sessions consisting of three (3) five minute (5) sets per day.

Any other recommendations? I bought a cock ring too, which I have zero experience with, and some water based lube for inserting into the pump. If any of you seasons pumping vets wanted to help coach me, I would be willing to compensate someone for holding me accountable and helping stay disciplined through the process. Dying for more girth...I am OK with my length, but definitely feel thinner than I want to be given I have lost some girth over the years.
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Hello friends! Used to pump quite a bit (see my photo library!) but its been a little while. I upgraded from the HYDROMAX 7 to the HYDROEXTREME 7. Picked up the pump last night!
Going to measure again tonight and post my starting, as everyone says it will likely take 3-months or so of consistent 5 days a week sessions consisting of three (3) five minute (5) sets per day.

Any other recommendations? I bought a cock ring too, which I have zero experience with, and some water based lube for inserting into the pump. If any of you seasons pumping vets wanted to help coach me, I would be willing to compensate someone for holding me accountable and helping stay disciplined through the process. Dying for more girth...I am OK with my length, but definitely feel thinner than I want to be given I have lost some girth over the years.
It is very beneficial to go low vacuum like a five or 7 inches of mercury so you’ll need to get a gauge and slowly build up the amount of time under vacuum in the cylinder. Like you, I started out one or two minutes and I kept it very low vacuum. I’m now up to, 7 inches of mercury in the vacuum chamber for nine minutes that’s when I noticed that the veins start to disappear on my shaft and that is a telltale sign that it’s time to reduce the vacuum to one inch of mercury and I do that for one minute or sometimes I’ll just take it out and play with it for a minute and then put it back under vacuum for another nine minutes . Do this for 45 minutes approximately because 9×5 is 45 but then of course the one minute rest so it actually comes out closer to 50 minutes total and it’s good for about a day and a half sometimes too and then I go back under vacuum and I’ve been doing this now for six years and this is what I look like.
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He is referring to a gauge on the pump … bath mates do not have this

It is safest to have a gauge on the pump to make sure you are not applying too much pressure 5-7 psi is the safest range to avoid injuries and red marks

From what understand of bath mate the key is to do multiple sessions of like 10-15 minutes to achieve desired result… you just have to go by the feel of how much pressure you have applied

Best of luck on you size goals man !!!!
So I had a great first night! Got so thick I had to J O when I was done. I did 3 sets of 5 min in the pump, but I did have the donut effect (really puffy this time!!) near the glans. No pain at all and it went away by the morning. I certainly didn’t keep it in too long, just had too much pressure i think.

Is it better to do lower pressure and stay in longer - or do the pressure that I can handle (strong, but maybe not as strong as last night to prevent the donut)?

I’ve heard some of you say 15-45 min, yet others (and bath mate) say 3 sets of 5 minutes, 5 days a week.
Ive noticed that if I only do one set, it doesnt last long at all. If I do all three sets (5 minutes each with light to medium pressure to build up) then I will get the slight donut effect like you see in the pictures above and it can last into the morning (i pump at night).

The extra thickness post pump (For me) is quite impressive. I am close to 4.5'' girth normally and I pump to over 5'', which may still be smaller compared to most guys, but for me, its massive. Feels so meaty. And I can fuck with it. It is a little harder to get SUPER hard (For me) after a long pump, however.

I am trying to pump as often as I can, every day or every other day, but i am not using strong strong pressure. Only girth gains here...I am not even tracking length at this point.