Looking for WHOLESOME "SPH"


Experimental Member
Jan 20, 2011
60% Gay, 40% Straight
Hello everyone,

you might be confused but the odd title since SPH is not usually wholesome but hear me out.

I developed a kink for feeling bad for being smaller down there than most guys, at first I enjoyed it but it developed into a big issue in my life. I was afraid to commit into a relationship since I was sure that once we get intimate, I would not be able to make her feel good. So I started to sometime visit prostitutes and most of them made me feel like I'm a stud which gave confidence until one commented how happy she was that I'm "sized like a boy", since she had a lot of clients who were "more than double my size". Not sure if she exaggerated, but to me she seemed like she was honestly happy and didn't mean to make me feel bad.

I even booked a meeting with a therapist but he did not really take me serious sadly. I tried everything to make him take my issue seriously, I even showed him my dick after a lot of discussion but he just said that I'm just thinking about it to much. He could not help me.

The one thing that helped me was starting to go to the gym and just yolo it and shower naked. At first I tried to hide my dick as best as possible but I soon realized that noone cares, and most of the other guys were bigger.

Right now I'm at a point in my life where I'm accepting that I'm pretty small but it's not like I'm a lesser man because of it. I know that I will meet women that will be left unsatisfied because I'm unable to do what a big and thick dick can make a women feel. But I know that I will meet someone that I'm able to make feel good, I mean there are enough toys that would make my inadequacy into something that every normal man should have. Doing something like this is the least someone with a small dick should do - I mean it isn't fair that a women should endure feel unsatisfied - she was not the one to decide that I shouldn't grow an adequate reproduction organ.

I think that I'm going into the right direction, looking from where I started. I once sympathized with Hitler because someone told me that he started the war because he had a microdick and was made fun of by some Jews who where much bigger ... Yeah, I stupidly decided to believe this story ...
The bigger misstep I had was my (excuse me, I really was stupid) to hate black men. I hated that all of them have the biggest dicks and they really where not humble with this fact. I'm my neighborhood at the public pools, every black man and boy would undress without hiding and to me it seemed like they wanted to show how us white kids and men that they are better.

So you see, SPH is something that I accept and I would like with someone who is bigger than me, but not to be humiliated but to be told that I'm small and that's okay. We can exchange stories and share experiences.

I speak English and German.

Tell me how to reach out to you.
Hello everyone,

you might be confused but the odd title since SPH is not usually wholesome but hear me out.

I developed a kink for feeling bad for being smaller down there than most guys, at first I enjoyed it but it developed into a big issue in my life. I was afraid to commit into a relationship since I was sure that once we get intimate, I would not be able to make her feel good. So I started to sometime visit prostitutes and most of them made me feel like I'm a stud which gave confidence until one commented how happy she was that I'm "sized like a boy", since she had a lot of clients who were "more than double my size". Not sure if she exaggerated, but to me she seemed like she was honestly happy and didn't mean to make me feel bad.

I even booked a meeting with a therapist but he did not really take me serious sadly. I tried everything to make him take my issue seriously, I even showed him my dick after a lot of discussion but he just said that I'm just thinking about it to much. He could not help me.

The one thing that helped me was starting to go to the gym and just yolo it and shower naked. At first I tried to hide my dick as best as possible but I soon realized that noone cares, and most of the other guys were bigger.

Right now I'm at a point in my life where I'm accepting that I'm pretty small but it's not like I'm a lesser man because of it. I know that I will meet women that will be left unsatisfied because I'm unable to do what a big and thick dick can make a women feel. But I know that I will meet someone that I'm able to make feel good, I mean there are enough toys that would make my inadequacy into something that every normal man should have. Doing something like this is the least someone with a small dick should do - I mean it isn't fair that a women should endure feel unsatisfied - she was not the one to decide that I shouldn't grow an adequate reproduction organ.

I think that I'm going into the right direction, looking from where I started. I once sympathized with Hitler because someone told me that he started the war because he had a microdick and was made fun of by some Jews who where much bigger ... Yeah, I stupidly decided to believe this story ...
The bigger misstep I had was my (excuse me, I really was stupid) to hate black men. I hated that all of them have the biggest dicks and they really where not humble with this fact. I'm my neighborhood at the public pools, every black man and boy would undress without hiding and to me it seemed like they wanted to show how us white kids and men that they are better.

So you see, SPH is something that I accept and I would like with someone who is bigger than me, but not to be humiliated but to be told that I'm small and that's okay. We can exchange stories and share experiences.

I speak English and German.

Tell me how to reach out to you.
I can relate, btother
Being a keen nudist for decades I can assure you that a small penis can attract plenty of positive attention from women…it’s a matter of confidence and how you project yourself.
If you’re negative and ashamed of your size then you’re going to give out bad vibes and get the wrong type of attention but confidence projects positive vibes and often attracts positivity in return
No women want desire idealize under 6"
Given the global average that would mean the vast majority of us are undesirable to women which is clearly nonsense. Learn to love yourself and women will be more positive towards you
Given the global average that would mean the vast majority of us are undesirable to women which is clearly nonsense. Learn to love yourself and women will be more positive towards you
We are. Just because they compromise for OTHER benefits does not mean it satisfies their ideal and optimal sex partner
Being a keen nudist for decades I can assure you that a small penis can attract plenty of positive attention from women…it’s a matter of confidence and how you project yourself.
If you’re negative and ashamed of your size then you’re going to give out bad vibes and get the wrong type of attention but confidence projects positive vibes and often attracts positivity in return
What kind of positive attention can they possibly receive because of it?
You’re assuming big = attractive and small = unattractive and that’s genuinely not the case for many women…it’s the whole person that determines attraction and if someone feels bad about themselves and is giving off negative vibes THAT is going to put women off rather than the dick itself
You’re assuming big = attractive and small = unattractive and that’s genuinely not the case for many women…it’s the whole person that determines attraction and if someone feels bad about themselves and is giving off negative vibes THAT is going to put women off rather than the dick itself
You said that the small penis itself is the attraction and gets positive attention So now you are saying it js not the case