Loose dad bod

I want to loose some of my dad bod look.
Very shy about goi g to a gym.
What kind of exercises can I do around the house and what types of food should I be eating.
Working out at home is a good way to start. The gym can be very intimidating if you're just starting out with a fitness plan, and since the key is consistency, if you think you'd be more consistent at home, then go for it. I went through several stages, and am currently at the gym almost every day now that I feel like I can hold my own there.
I'm not sure what your body looks like now, but I'll tell you what I did. First I figured I needed to lost fat probably more than I needed to build muscle. I did several things. I changed the way I ate. I've always been a big eater, so I changed what I ate to good, lean proteins, good carbs (steamed veggies), real oatmeal for breakfast (not instant oats like in the envelope). Hard boiled eggs, natural peanut butter (not the kind with sugar), apples, bananas. No alcohol, sugars, extra salts, cheeses, sauces, dressings. I downloaded from the internet some HIIT programs that can be done at home with no equipment. These included a lot of jump squats, ski jumps, burpies, body weight exercises, etc, and I also downloaded some kickboxing workouts. I bought inexpensive dumbbells. Here in NY, Modells sells them for $1 per pound. I started out with a couple of light pairs (15s and 20s), and then as I got stronger, would buy the next heavier pair so that I wasn't spending a ton of money at one time. I currently have pairs from 15s to 50s in 5 pound increments. I was doing seated and standing curls, squats, bent over rows using a chair, kickbacks, extensions, and all the dumbbell exercises I could research. I listened to my body. When I needed to move to the next level, I have a garage, so I bought a used old school weight bench on craigslist, as well as a barbell and some plates. This enabled me to do heavier bench presses, etc. I followed some basic protocols regarding grouping the muscle groups. For me, that meant chest and tris, legs and shoulders, back and bis. Compound lifts, squats with shoulder presses, dead lifts. I kept a workout journal to record weights, sets, reps by date. That also helped me to stay on track, since I hated to see to many skipped days in my journal. When you workout at home, you need to be your own cheerleader and drill sergeant. In about 9-10 months, I lost fat and added muscle, with a net weight loss of 40 pounds. This made me look like a totally different man. A few months ago, I felt I like needed to take it to the next level, and having seen the progress from working out at home, I felt comfortable joining an inexpensive gym, where I've made more accelerated progress. The guys who go to the gym have been a great resource for learning even better workout tips, combined with more equipment. A few key points that helped me: the workout journal, tracking what you eat, and the idea that a bad or less than perfect workout is better than no workout at all, were all things that made huge differences in my progress. I hope this summary has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any specific questions.
I need to do the same, actually. People have success reducing flab when they give up any foods that have added sugar (and all the different names - cane juice, glucose, sucrose, honey, etc.) or are primarily sugars (all fruit juices). Also, make vegetables a larger part of your diet...and decrease the rest a bit.

Maybe give burpees a try for a home exercise. It's simple and works a lot of muscles. If you do enough it gets your heart rate up for a little while too. Some pushups and crunches are also pretty easy to start with and track your progression just by counting how many you can do.

Good luck.
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You have to eat less food if you want to lose the dad bod.

For exercising at home, you can run, do push-ups, etc. To really get into shape you need some sort of weight equipment.

One really inexpensive thing I did was to buy a couple bags of “tube” sand from Home Depot. 60 pounds of sand in tube shaped bags. They’re used to add extra weight to rear wheel drive vehicles like pick-up trucks to help with traction on slippery roads. Wrapped them—mummified them—in duct tape. You can do lots of lifting with those. Probably lots of online ideas for exercise.
I want to loose some of my dad bod look.
Very shy about goi g to a gym.
What kind of exercises can I do around the house and what types of food should I be eating.
Gooday mate, basically in the same boat as you. There has been some good advice put up already, the most important one I have found as i am doing the same myself, is to build up gradually, it takes time, if you go to hard to quick you will give yourself an injury. i have witnessed this countless times as with running, steady goes it. Shin splints are nasty and painfull or torn hamstrings,knees. Build it up and over time your body becomes use to being put under extra pressure. Stretch before you exercise, warm the muscles up, but steady stretching. Push ups, Crunches, Squats,Chair dips, planking, skipping, burpees, whatever your comfortable with. Cans of food as in Baked beans for arm curls but do them till your arms get tired, but try and do the whole body as in arms,chest,legs, back,core, core works shit loads of muscles, balance on one of those big kickass balls, but as i have said,take it easy because pulled muscles and strains can ocurr going to hard to soon. Eating wise cut out as much processed sugar as you can,Alcohol,soft drinks. i eat nuts, fruit, vegetables,meat(only an average meat eater compared to some,but still like my meat). You still need your carbs for energy. Drink lots of water,flush all the crap out of your system. Eat sensibly, cut back on the calories which will happen from cutting processed sugars out. Later on you can get into the science side of it if you want to be shredded and cut, lot of work in that and discipline. Dont be disappointed if it doesnt happen straight away,stick with it mate and results will happen, but once you have what you want you will good about your achievement, the other thing to remember is we all start somewhere, and your having a go, good onya, wishing you the very best
Working out at home is a good way to start. The gym can be very intimidating if you're just starting out with a fitness plan, and since the key is consistency, if you think you'd be more consistent at home, then go for it. I went through several stages, and am currently at the gym almost every day now that I feel like I can hold my own there.
I'm not sure what your body looks like now, but I'll tell you what I did. First I figured I needed to lost fat probably more than I needed to build muscle. I did several things. I changed the way I ate. I've always been a big eater, so I changed what I ate to good, lean proteins, good carbs (steamed veggies), real oatmeal for breakfast (not instant oats like in the envelope). Hard boiled eggs, natural peanut butter (not the kind with sugar), apples, bananas. No alcohol, sugars, extra salts, cheeses, sauces, dressings. I downloaded from the internet some HIIT programs that can be done at home with no equipment. These included a lot of jump squats, ski jumps, burpies, body weight exercises, etc, and I also downloaded some kickboxing workouts. I bought inexpensive dumbbells. Here in NY, Modells sells them for $1 per pound. I started out with a couple of light pairs (15s and 20s), and then as I got stronger, would buy the next heavier pair so that I wasn't spending a ton of money at one time. I currently have pairs from 15s to 50s in 5 pound increments. I was doing seated and standing curls, squats, bent over rows using a chair, kickbacks, extensions, and all the dumbbell exercises I could research. I listened to my body. When I needed to move to the next level, I have a garage, so I bought a used old school weight bench on craigslist, as well as a barbell and some plates. This enabled me to do heavier bench presses, etc. I followed some basic protocols regarding grouping the muscle groups. For me, that meant chest and tris, legs and shoulders, back and bis. Compound lifts, squats with shoulder presses, dead lifts. I kept a workout journal to record weights, sets, reps by date. That also helped me to stay on track, since I hated to see to many skipped days in my journal. When you workout at home, you need to be your own cheerleader and drill sergeant. In about 9-10 months, I lost fat and added muscle, with a net weight loss of 40 pounds. This made me look like a totally different man. A few months ago, I felt I like needed to take it to the next level, and having seen the progress from working out at home, I felt comfortable joining an inexpensive gym, where I've made more accelerated progress. The guys who go to the gym have been a great resource for learning even better workout tips, combined with more equipment. A few key points that helped me: the workout journal, tracking what you eat, and the idea that a bad or less than perfect workout is better than no workout at all, were all things that made huge differences in my progress. I hope this summary has been helpful. Please let me know if you have any specific questions.
Have a look at my profile. I want to loose the spare tyre and tighten the chest .going to join the gym as my partner has agreed to go with me for support. Def will do what you said aswell
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Have a look at my profile. I want to loose the spare tyre and tighten the chest .going to join the gym as my partner has agreed to go with me for support. Def will do what you said aswell
I apologize. I didn't look at your albums until after writing this, so I should have seen your body picture first. However, based on what I've seen, I wouldn't amend anything I've said. You already have some good basic proportions, so you're ahead of the game. Also, if you are going to the gym, and you have someone to go with you, that's great. The key is to be consistent. Do something every day, even if your day is too busy to get to the gym, or even do a workout at home, try to find at least a few minutes to do something (a few sets of pushups, planks, etc). Skipped days have a tendency to accumulate. If your friend happens to become less consistent, or lose his motivation, don't let that affect you. Just keep pushing yourself.
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Bit of running can work, I do it on and off but get bored quickly of the same routes.
Done a few DVD workouts did the original Insanity and that worked. Tried Body Combat, the X one can't remember the actual name of it and T25 which is a pretty decent little workout.