Love, Lies, and In-Laws : A Tale of Marrying into the Abrams Family


Mythical Member
Mar 19, 2018
Indianapolis (Indiana, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight

The day of the wedding had finally arrived. As 28 year old Oliver stood in front of the mirror, adjusting his tie nervously, he couldn't help but feel anxious about the big day. For months, he had been thinking about whether he should go through with marrying into the Abrams family. Specifically, his soon-to-be father-in-law, Victor Abrams.

It all began six years ago when Oliver met Bella Abrams in college. They hit it off immediately and over the years, their relationship only grew stronger. But when Bella suggested introducing Oliver to her family, he couldn't shake off the feeling of nervousness. After all, Bella's family was known for being close-knit and traditional.

As they arrived at the Abrams' house, Oliver couldn't help but feel a bit intimidated. Bella's two sisters greeted them with warm hugs and excited chirps, but Oliver's eyes were fixated on the man standing in the living room – Victor.

Bella's father was a tall, broad-shouldered man with a thick head of gray hair. Despite his strong appearance, his warm smile put Oliver at ease. But before he could say much, Victor took Oliver aside, asking to talk in the dining room.

Nervously, Oliver looked at Bella who just laughed and reassured him that it was nothing to worry about. She whispered, 'My dad always does this to my sister's boyfriends.' With a pat on his back, she disappeared into the living room with her sisters.

As soon as they were alone, Victor's stern expression softened and he smiled at Oliver. 'Tell me, how did you two meet?' he asked kindly.

And for the first time, Oliver shared his story with Victor. How he fell in love with Bella and how she completed his life in ways he never thought possible. Victor listened attentively and nodded along, finally saying, 'That's great to hear.'

The rest of the day went by in a blur as Bella and Oliver were surrounded by their families and friends, celebrating their love. Months went by, and Oliver and Victor grew closer, spending more time together as a family.

During one of their visits to Victor's house, the topic of his late wife came up. It had been three years since her passing and Victor missed her dearly. Oliver couldn't help but feel a pang of sadness for him.

'It must be hard for you,' Oliver said softly. 'Losing your wife, the love of your life.'

Victor's eyes filled with tears as he shared memories of his wife. Oliver listened attentively and when Victor finished, he gently placed a hand on his shoulder. 'I'm sorry, I didn't mean to...I just think your wife would want you to find happiness again. And I think you still have a chance to meet someone special.'

For a moment, Victor's face lit up with hope before he shook his head and said, 'No one can replace her.'

But the seed had been planted in his mind, and in the following months, Oliver could see that Victor was slowly opening up to the idea of finding love again.

Then one day, Oliver decided it was time to ask for Victor's blessing to marry his daughter. As he stood in front of the Abrams' house, butterflies in his stomach, he could hear his own heartbeat echoing in his ears. When Victor opened the door, he was surprised to see Oliver.

'What's going on?' Victor asked, looking at him.

Oliver's heart was beating so fast, but he took a deep breath and said, 'I love your daughter and I think you are a kind and wonderful father. I want to ask for your blessing to marry her.'

Victor's eyes widened before a warm smile spread across his face. 'Of course, you have my blessing.'

Overcome with emotion, Oliver embraced Victor, feeling his warm body pressed against him. Victor's arms wrapped around him, squeezing him tightly. But then, Oliver realized that he was feeling something else – desire. And with a quick pull, he separated himself from Victor and mumbled a thank you before quickly leaving the house.

The next day, Oliver surprised Bella with a bouquet of red roses and got down on one knee to propose to her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she said yes and hugged him tightly.

As the wedding day approached, Bella and her friends and sisters went shopping, leaving Oliver and Victor alone in the house. Victor congratulated Oliver and asked if he was ready for the big day in two weeks. Oliver smiled and replied with a confident yes. Victor put his hand on Oliver's shoulder and said, 'You're going to marry into the Abrams family, and I am so happy to have you as my son-in-law.' They embraced in a warm hug, and as they were hugging, Oliver's eyes met Victor's. In that moment, something changed between them.

Oliver and Victor slowly turned their heads towards each other and before they knew it, their lips were locked in a passionate kiss. It was electrifying, and both men couldn't resist the pull towards each other. Oliver was the first one to break away, his mind filled with confusion and guilt. He stammered, 'I-I'm so sorry, I don't know what came over me.'

Victor was taken aback at first, but then he smiled and said, 'It's okay, Oliver. Don't apologize for your feelings.' He then grabbed Oliver's head and pulled him closer, their lips meeting once again in a heated kiss. This time, Oliver didn't hesitate. He let his desires take over as they continued to explore each other's bodies, their hands roaming freely.

As things were heating up between them, they heard laughter coming from outside the door. Realizing that Bella and her entourage were back from shopping, they quickly pulled away from each other, their faces flushed with a mixture of embarrassment and desire. As Bella walked into the kitchen, Oliver and Victor separated and tried to act normal.

Bella greeted them with a smile and a hello, oblivious to the tension in the air. Oliver and Victor greeted her back, trying to hide their discomfort. As Victor went to join Bella in the kitchen, he turned back to Oliver and said, 'I'm sorry, but we can't do this. I shouldn't have let my feelings take over like that.' With that, he walked away, leaving Oliver standing there, his mind racing with everything that just happened.

Oliver sat in his room, nervously fidgeting with his tie. Today was the day he was getting married, and he couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been plaguing him for the past few weeks. Just as he was lost deep in thought, there was a knock on his door. He quickly straightened up and walked over to open it, only to find Victor standing there.

'Hey, Oliver. I just wanted to check on you, see if you're okay,' Victor said with a warm smile.

Oliver hesitated for a moment before finally admitting, 'I'm nervous. I don't know if I can go through with this wedding.'

Victor's expression softened, and he stepped into the room. 'It's normal to feel nervous. My wife and I were a wreck on our wedding day. But trust me, you'll be just fine.'

Oliver couldn't help but feel comforted by Victor's words, and he found himself blurting out his true feelings. 'I can't marry Bella because I'm falling in love with you.'

Victor's eyes widened and he took a step back. 'Oliver, this is wrong. I can't do this to my daughter. You have to get married.'

Oliver felt his heart sink, but he couldn't deny the pull he felt towards Victor. 'I don't want to hurt Bella, but I can't stop thinking about you. I want to be with you.'

Victor's resolve seemed to falter for a moment as he stared into Oliver's eyes. But then he shook his head and said firmly, 'No, we can't do this. It's not fair to anyone. Especially Bella.'

But Oliver couldn't let go of his feelings. He walked up to Victor and gently caressed his face. 'You don't have to be alone. Let me be with you.'

Victor's eyes softened, and he leaned in to kiss Oliver. The kiss was passionate and filled with longing, as if it was the release of pent-up feelings that had been building for years.

They were soon lost in each other, kissing and touching each other's bodies. Oliver couldn't believe this was happening, but he couldn't stop himself either. Victor turned him around and kissed the back of his neck, sending shivers down his spine.

Before he knew it, Victor had bent him over on the table and pulled down his pants and briefs, exposing his bare butt. Oliver moaned as Victor slowly entered him, filling him up with his hard cock.

They moved together in a rhythm that felt natural and exhilarating. Victor's thrusts were hard and rough, and Oliver couldn't help but moan loudly in pleasure. He had never felt this way before, and he didn't want it to end.

But soon, they both reached their climax, and Victor's moans filled the room as they both came. As they kissed, Victor pulled away and said, 'You have to marry my daughter.'

Oliver nodded, knowing that he couldn't break Bella's heart. They both cleaned up and got ready for the wedding, but their secret encounter stayed with them.


Mythical Member
Mar 19, 2018
Indianapolis (Indiana, United States)
100% Gay, 0% Straight
The next two days, Victor sat on the couch, his eyes glued to the TV, there was a knock on the door. He got up and opened the door, surprised to see Bella standing there.

'What are you doing here?' Victor asked, a bit confused. 'You're supposed to be on your honeymoon with Oliver.'

Bella's face fell slightly as she stepped inside and took a seat on the couch. 'I know, Daddy, but I needed to talk to you.'

Victor felt a sense of unease wash over him, wondering if Bella had somehow found out about him and Oliver. He sat down next to her, waiting for her to speak.

'I just wanted to tell you how much it means to me to see how well you and Oliver get along,' Bella said, breaking the silence. 'I can tell how much you care about him, and it means a lot to me.'

'Thank you,' Victor said, trying to keep his emotions in check.

Bella smiled and reached out to squeeze her father's hand. 'I also wanted to tell you that Oliver and I have decided not to be together anymore.'

Victor's heart skipped a beat. 'What? Why?'

Bella took a deep breath before explaining. 'We both know that our relationship wasn't going to work out in the long run. We didn't sign the marriage license, and we both agreed that it was for the best. But we still care about each other and want to remain friends.'

Victor let out a sigh of relief, grateful that his secret wouldn't be revealed. He couldn't bear the thought of hurting his daughter with the truth.

'What about Oliver?' Victor asked, curious about how he had taken the news.

Bella smiled. 'He's actually not upset at all. In fact, we both came to the realization that we were better off as friends. And I wanted to tell you because...well, I know how you feel about him.'

Victor's eyes widened in surprise. ' know?'

Bella nodded. 'I've seen the way you look at him, Dad. I know you have feelings for him.'

Victor couldn't believe that his daughter had figured it out, but he was also touched by her understanding and acceptance. He had always been afraid of how she would react if she found out.

'I'm not mad, Dad,' Bella said, breaking him out of his thoughts. 'In fact, I'm kind of seeing someone else now.'

Victor's eyes widened in shock. 'Who? Do I know them?'

Bella took a deep breath before answering. 'It''s Samantha.'

Victor's jaw dropped. 'Samantha? Your best friend from childhood, the one who was your bridesmaid?'

Bella nodded, a small smile on her face. 'Yes, Dad, that Samantha.'

Victor couldn't believe what he was hearing. His daughter was in love with a woman, and that woman happened to be her childhood best friend. He couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and happiness for her.

'And how does Oliver take it?' Victor asked, wondering about his former son-in-law's reaction.

Bella shrugged. 'He wasn't really upset. We both know that our relationship wasn't meant to be, and we're both happy for each other.'

Victor couldn't help but feel a sense of relief. He was glad that things had worked out for the best, and he was grateful for his daughter's understanding and acceptance.

'I love you, baby girl,' Victor said, pulling Bella into a hug.

Bella hugged him back, tears in her eyes. 'I love you too, Dad. Thank you for understanding and supporting me.'

That night, Oliver went to Victor's house. When he arrived, he took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Victor answered the door, a smile spreading across his face when he saw Oliver. Without saying a word, they embraced and Oliver felt a spark run through him. They both pulled back, their eyes locked in an intense gaze.

Without a word, they began to kiss passionately. Their lips moved in perfect sync, their bodies pressed against each other. Victor's hand moved to the back of Oliver's head, deepening the kiss.

Feeling bold, Oliver reached down and began to stroke Victor's cock through his pants. He could feel it growing hard under his touch, and he wanted more. He broke the kiss and looked into Victor's eyes, silently asking for permission.

Victor nodded, a lustful glint in his eyes. They quickly made their way to the bedroom, their hands and mouths never leaving each other's bodies. As soon as they were on the bed, Oliver pulled down Victor's pants and began to suck on his cock.

He took it deep into his throat, moaning around it as Victor's hands tangled in his hair. Victor's moans spurred him on even more, and he could feel himself getting turned on by the thought of pleasuring Victor.

But Victor wasn't content to just receive pleasure. He pulled Oliver's pants down and began to finger his hole, making Oliver gasp and moan around his cock. Victor could feel how tight and ready Oliver was, and he couldn't resist any longer.

He turned Oliver around and got behind him, spreading his legs and leaning down to rim his hole. Oliver moaned loudly, his back arching as he felt Victor's tongue deep inside him. He had never felt so turned on and wanted before.

Victor sat up and slowly pushed his cock inside Oliver's hole, making them both moan in pleasure. He began to thrust, his hips meeting Oliver's ass with each movement. Oliver could feel himself getting closer and closer to his release, but he couldn't hold on for much longer.

With one final thrust, Victor came hard inside Oliver, his moans filling the room. Oliver couldn't hold back any longer and he came, his body shaking with pleasure.

They collapsed on the bed, both panting heavily. Victor smiled and pulled Oliver into his arms, kissing the top of his head. 'You and my daughter may not be together anymore, but you will always be part of the Abrams family,' he said softly.

Oliver smiled, feeling a sense of comfort and belonging in Victor's arms. He leaned up and kissed him, pouring all of his feelings into that one moment. As they pulled back, they both knew that this was just the beginning of something special between them.