Lpsg Guide......

LPSG Support

Mythical Member
Staff member
Sep 26, 2017
No Response
I know it can be a little overwhelming when you first get to LPSG.
What is this site?
What is LPSG?
Where do I start?

I thought I'd create this LPSG Guide for new users (and old) to get an idea about how to get the most out of LPSG. If I miss anything please reply with suggestions and I'll add them in. If you are new to LPSG and you have a specific reason for being here and would like feedback on where to find it post it believe and we will guide you in the right direction.

What is LPSG? LPSG Stands for the Large Penis Support Group. Is was started in 1999. My understanding is the site and the name were started as a bit of a joke and it just took off. It was mentioned in a few magazines and a few tv shows. Since then it has grown to become a large community that has something for everyone.

Is this just a (Large) Penis Site? LPSG is much more than just a bunch of dicks. LPSG welcomes everyone. All sizes, all sexes, all sexualities. The best way to describe LPSG is it is a place for open-minded people to explore and enjoy themselves.

Where to start? This is the magic question. LPSG has a lot of areas and sections to it. I'll give you a rundown of each here. The question boils down to what you want from the site. If you have something specific you are looking for ask below and myself or someone else will let you know.

Looking to Chat or Cam - LPSG Video Chat Room
This is our Live Chat/Cam room. It is free to use. There is always someone there and usually quite a few people on cam as well. Our chat room runs on an old Flash program. We hope to be upgrading it later this year.

New Member Introductions
This is where you can introduce yourself to the community and where you can meet other new users. If you are looking for people to meet and chat with this is a great place to start.

Sex With a Large Penis
This is where you can discuss penis issues. From condom help, to masturbation techniques to hands free orgasm talk. A wide variety of discussion about penis issues.

Relationships, Discrimination, and Jealousy
Relationships discussion.

Underwear, Clothing, and Appearance Issues
This includes mostly photos of dicks in underwear or out in the wild.

The Healthy Penis
This is where you can ask or discuss any penis and health issues you may have.

Show Off
A place for LPSG members to show themselves off.

Women's Issues
This is the LPSG Ladies corner of the site :)

Sexual Forums Forum
This is a new section to welcome all the users that were on the site SexualForums. The site shut down so we opened up a section to welcome these users to LPSG.

Funny Stuff: Jokes, Quizzes, Games & Pics
Funny stuff :)

Penis Enlargement
Techniques and advice to help enlarge your penis.

Health, Fitness and Bodybuilding
A place to discuss workouts and overall fitness

Fictitious Stories
A place for you to post Erotic Stories.

Et Cetera, Et Cetera
Random stuff that doesn't fit into any other category

LPSG Political section. I tell everyone to enter here at your own risk. Unfortunately like our society, this section is very divided. This section gets heated and quite ugly. It isn't for everyone. You've been warned.

Webcams / Cyber Connections
If you are looking to meet someone to chat or skype this is the place for you.

Personal Ads
Personal Ads :)

Models and Celebrities
Web Personalities and Influencers
These two sections are very similar and our most popular on the site. Where you can go to discuss celebrities, influencers or onlyfans performers. This section is almost entirely content gay content or solo male content.

OnlyFans/Just4Fans Reviews
A place for you to read reviews of OnlyFans accounts or share your experiences.

Then we have our Ask Someone Section Here
Ask a Question
This is where you can go ask someone a question. You can ask a Man, a Woman, A Straight Man, a Gay Man, a Bisexual man, a Transgender person, an Asexual Person or ask a Couple. Anyone can ask questions here but answers can only come from the specified group. So for ask a Woman anybody can ask a question but only women can reply.

Straight Photos and Videos
Straight Adult Websites

This is where you can go to share or view some straight porn.

Gay Photos and Videos
Gay Adult Websites

This is where you can go to share or view some gay porn.

Trans Photos and Videos
Trans Adult Websites

This is where you can go to share or view some trans porn.

Everything Else Photos
Everything Else Websites

This is where you can go to view a mixed bag of porn that doesn't fit into the other categories.

Announcements, Questions, Sharing Ideas
Our announcements section.

Contests and Polls
Our Contests Section.

Photo Verification Requests
Our Gold Photo Verification center. This is where you can go to get verified or view other verified users.

Support Center
If you need any help or support you can go here

LPSG Search
You can search threads, members, and forums here.

You can see all the threads you are following here.

Recent Posts | LPSG
New posts for the entire site here.

If you want to share content of yourself you can create an album(s). You can do that here



Here is where you can see all the Gallery Categories & browse member's albums


Here are the most recently added media to member's galleries


Here are the most recently added photos that have been added to galleries


Here are the most recently added videos that have been added to galleries


This is our member's home. This is where you can find which members are online, who posts the most etc.


Here is where you can go to see all the most recently added images as attachments (ie images that weren't uploaded to a gallery but rather were posted in a thread).


Here is where you can go to see all the most recently added videos as attachments (ie videos that weren't uploaded to a gallery but rather were posted in a thread).

Blogs | LPSG
Here is where you can read and view LPSG Blogs

One of the best features is to click "Most Liked Posts" on a popular thread.
Here is an example
If you go to this thread
Photo - Big/Small Comparison Thread?
There are 211 pages of posts and more than 4000 posts.
If you click "Most Liked Posts" Photo - Most liked posts in thread: Big/Small Comparison Thread? | LPSG
All of a sudden you have all the most liked content from that thread.

Why won't the videos play? Unlimited videos and photos are only available to LPSG Gold Members. We work hard to keep LPSG Ad-Free. LPSG is an expensive site and business to run. In order to pay for the costs of the business, we have a Gold Membership. You can get a free Gold membership by verifying your account Verification Center or you can pay our monthly or yearly subscription here Upgrade to Gold Here

I have a question? You can see the answers to our most frequently asked questions here Frequently Asked Questions...
SF peeps:

Consider Et Cetera to be equivalent to "The Lounge" in SF. :)

And women's issues is kinda more than just the section for women to hang out, it's a place for women to discuss issues that don't pertain to men. There are serious topics, political discussions (which are directly about policies which affect women specifically) sexy threads, funny games... It's a pretty detailed section.
One of my favourite features is clicking through to a user’s Album tab and browsing the pics in an album. If you like the content - you can ‘watch’ the album. That way, when the user adds more content to that album, you get notified.

A perfect way to start the day by nosing around new content :)

Huge welcome to all new members. I’ve said it before - I think this is the best place on the internet. Such a cool, open and kind community.
And there’s a ton of vids and pictures of dick!! Oh, and the management and mods are superb ;)
I can say personally that Mr. LPSG has shown how much he wants this to be an engaging and stimulating place for everyone, and I mean EVERYONE. “Above and beyond” applies here. I truly appreciate his efforts. Thank you!
Thanks to all of the moderators who do their very best to keep the train from derailing. It’s not always easy to keep the passengers’ heads inside the trolley.
Click on their name and the profile will come up. At the bottom of the profile box, you will see start a conversation. Go ahead and practice it on me if you want.
Sorry, I just remembered that I believe it is 2-3 days before they activate it for you. The owners want to be sure you are not a robot.
Click on their name and the profile will come up. At the bottom of the profile box, you will see start a conversation. Go ahead and practice it on me if you want.
It’s also just under the avatar <<<<<< if you’re using the wider version of the site on your laptop or tablet :)
Just learned of this site. It’s great.
How do you search for individuals that live in a certain city? Can’t figure it out.
Advanced member search is currently disabled. We hope to have it running soon.
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