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Jul 24, 2024
All characters are of mature age.
Story may be a bit long.

Peter is an accountant and owns a farm, he has a partner named Harley. Peter is 42 years old, but he has a very fit and hairy body, his head is shaved and his sexy look radiates because his handsome face is covered with a thick beard, he has a big two-story house with a big farm next to it.

Peter did his job right, meeting his business associates and drinking beer afterwards. He went home with a dizzy head, probably because too much beer in his stomach caused nausea and dizziness.

"My head is very dizzy," Peter said as he unbuckled his belt.
"Do you need help, sir?" the Uber taxi driver asked.
"No need, thank you," Peter closed the door and waved goodbye.

Peter walked carefully to the gate and opened it. Peter's head turned slightly towards the entrance of the house. Peter sat in the living room but drifted off when he heard a strange man's voice and a woman's moaning.

"Yeah, you wanna have cum inside you bitch," the man's voice sounded.
"Yes, come inside me, sir," a female voice familiar to Peter was heard.

Peter immediately came to his senses and headed for the guest room which was next to the living room.

"What the fuck Harley," Peter stood and looked at a man who had just come in front of him and realized it was Harley's ex Tom.
"Ehh, sorry man," Tom grinned.
"Sorry Peter, I didn't mean to," Harley walked up to Peter with her sweaty naked body.
"FUCK THIS!!!" Peter ran up to Tom and threw a punch right in Tom's face.

Peter went all out on Tom.

"Peter, enough or I'll call the police," Harley grabbed Peter's fist.
"You better go, GO!!!" Peter threatened.
"OK man," Tom quickly put on his clothes with a battered face.
"Hurry up Tom," Harley whispered.
"OK" Tom got out and walked away.

Peter sat dreamily on the ground, shocked by what had happened, wiping his hands of Tom's blood splatter.

"Peter, I can explain everything," Harley approached Peter.
"I don't want an explanation," Peter got up and went upstairs.

Peter ruffled up Harley's clothes and put them in a red suitcase.

"Peter, please," Harley seemed to be crying.
"I don't need anything from you," Peter was still putting all of Harley's things in the suitcase.
"Peter please, I can explain," Harley held Peter's hand as he put Harley's equipment into the suitcase.
"I've had enough, you've done it a few times with Tom," Peter brushed Harley's hand away.

Harley had met Tom several times this month. Peter knew all about it from the ranch employees because he sometimes saw the same man come in several times a month.

"Get dressed and put all your stuff in the suitcase, SLUT!!," Peter snapped.
"All right," Harley was surprised that Peter had never said the word 'slut' to her in the almost three years they had been together.
"Yeah, go to your master," Peter sat on the floor.

Harley cried as she put her clothes on, put her things in the suitcase and closed the zipper."Peter, give me a chance," Harley cried, clutching Peter's hand pleadingly.
"I've given it, but I've had enough," Peter brushed Harley's hand away.
"Peter, please," Harley still stood there pleading.
"GO NOW, I don't want to see you again," Peter stood up angrily.

Harley walked out of the house, Peter was speechless as he looked in the bathroom mirror and washed his hands and face. Peter went to the window to see Harley standing at the gate and found Tom approaching Harley, lifting the suitcase and putting it in the trunk of the car.

"Yeah, get your master cock bitch," Peter yelled.

Peter laughed as he shed tears seeing his ex-girlfriend Harley leaving with Tom.
He threw himself on the bed and drifted off to sleep.
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Chris is a 30-year-old villa caretaker, he has a fit body, a handsome face, his belly looks like a slightly hairy torn bread, his body looks sexy because he has a seductive butt, his green eyes can attract almost everyone who sees them.
Peter takes care of the two-story villa with a swimming pool area next to it and is located in a hilly area. The pool has a beautiful and cool view of the lake and mountains. Chris has been doing all the work since his partner decided to quit, sometimes with the help of his girlfriend Sam.

"Babe, let's eat," Chris put out the freshly cooked food.
"Okay, in a minute," Sam fixed the lights that had gone out.
"Watch it, it's falling," Chris watched as Sam turned the lamp around.
"Ok done" Sam patted his hand.

Sam cleaned up all his tools and walked over to Chris.

"Thank you my love," Sam kissed Chris from behind and fondled Chris' ass.
"We need some power first," Chris reached for the bulge in Sam's crotch.
"Yeah, we need it," Chris teasingly bit his ear.

Chris and Sam ate all the food Chris had lovingly cooked, silently Sam played with his foot, reaching for Chris's crotch, inserting his thumb, playing with Chris's balls, into Chris's hole.

"Shit, what is that?" moaned Chris.

Sam went under the dining table, grabbed Chris' boxers and pulled them down. Sam started licking Chris's ball area towards the hole area and stuck his tongue in.

"Have you got enough energy?" Sam spat into Chris's rectum.
"Yes Daddy," Chris teased.

Sam swirled his tongue around and stuck both fingers in, Chris moaned. Chris took Sam's head deep into his ass as his tongue played with his hole.

"I want you inside me," Chris struggled to catch his breath.
"You want me boy" Sam stood up and slapped his already hard cock against Chris's cheek.
"Yes Daddy" Chris took Sam's cock head in his mouth.

Sam grabbed Chris's head and guided it into his mouth, the deep throat going on for so long that Chris almost died from losing his breath. Sam's 7 inch cock was the same size as Chris', but Sam's thick cock filled Chris' mouth.

"That's so sweet," Chris licked the head of Sam's cock.
"I ate a pineapple this morning," Sam's body shook.

Sam pulled Chris up, slamming Chris's body into the kitchen area, Sam kissed Chris while jerking Chris's cock.

"Shit I'm so wet," Chris cooed into Sam's mouth.
"Are you ready baby?" Sam grabbed the spit and shoved it into Chris's hole.

Chris's body shook violently as he realized his hole was filled with ice cubes, Sam inserted a round ice cube into Chris's hole.

"is that ice cube?" Chris felt his body float.

Without hesitation, Sam pushed his entire cock into the still round piece of frozen ice. Chris held Sam back as he was surprised to feel the coolness in his stomach area. Sam flipped Chris over and held both hands behind his back, immediately jerking Chris' hips hard.

"Oh my God, that feels so good," Chris whimpered in pleasure.
"Your hole is fantastic," Sam rammed his cock deep.
"Oh shit" Chris' body felt like lightning.

Chris orgasmed but didn't come.

"Look who's already orgasmed" Sam grinned with pleasure.
"Yes Daddy go fast" Chris stood up and grabbed Sam's neck.
"Do you want me inside?" Sam kissed Chris on the lips.
"Yes Daddy" Chris' mouth fell open.

Sam kept up the pace, grabbing Chris's gaping mouth with his hand as Sam's fingers pulled under Chris's jaw. Sam moaned into Chris's ear like a tiger.

"Shit, I'm coming," Sam pushed Chris deeper into him.
"Yes Daddy go hard" Chris grabbed Sam's balls.

Sweat poured everywhere in the kitchen. Sam's balls tightened and squirted a whole load into Chris.

"Oh shit, I'm taking so much," Sam plunged his cock in and out of Chris' hole, which was full of thick white fluid.
"That feels refreshing" Chris felt his stomach warm and cold.
"This is amazing" Sam put his hand on the cum coming out of Chris' hole.
"Sorry to let go" Chris let all the white fluid out of his hole and let out a little fart.

They laughed as Chris made a little fart sound, Sam grabbed Chris's neck and put all the cum in his hand into Chris's mouth.

"So sweet," Chris played with the sperm in his mouth.

Chris grabbed Sam and kissed him, playing with his tongue inside, Sam carried Chris on his body.

"I think we should clean up this mess" Chris's mouth was full of his saliva mixed with cum.

They started to clean up the kitchen area as well as the dining area, forgetting that they had eaten, it was all done with Sam carrying a half naked Chris back to the room.