Make Your Cock Less Sensitive Right After Orgasm?


Legendary Member
Platinum Gold
Nov 10, 2015
Chicago, Illinois, US
99% Gay, 1% Straight
Immediately after cumming, my dick is on the far, far end of the sensitivity spectrum. Even slight contact with the head is unpleasant—it's a sensation overload. There's no painfulness; I don't need to check with a doctor or anything. It's the normal post-orgasm sensitivity, but for me it's always ratcheted up to level 10. It's weird to describe it as unpleasant, because it's immediately connected with the pleasure of cumming. Maybe it's a feeling in the same family as being tickled: you're not in pain, but you recoil from it because the sensation is just too intense. I guess I would say it is "uncomfortable."

But I wish it wasn't, because my favorite sex practices are ones that practically demand post-cum contact. I'm a dom/top guy, and my partners are submissive cock-lovers who get off on servicing me. We both get off on cock worship, and that entails busting a huge load as a reward for my partner's dedicated service. I wish I could really feed my cocksuckers, letting them swallow my load and then keep guzzling on my dick afterward, cleaning up every last drop they can get. I love to see that in porn. It's so hot. But for me it's damn near impossible. Even letting somebody swallow my load, keeping my dick fully in their mouth, is kind of difficult. As soon as I cum I tend to yank my dick back out of their mouth to avoid the intensity of over-stimulation.

So maybe it's possible to learn, through practice, to enjoy post-cum cock stimulation. I'm wondering if anyone else sympathizes. Please share experiences and/or advice!
You know, I very very rarely have that post orgasm sensitivity. I can cum and be cumming and can continuously rub the head of my dick or anywhere on it without being over stimulated or feel much different than the pleasurable feelings right before orgasm. When I do have that sensitivity, it just feels like my orgasm is extended and feels amazing, not uncomfortable.

I know this is a very common occurrence for men since they made those memes about "when you cum but she still sucking" and post-cum torture vids.

I'm sorry I don't have any advice on turning down that sensitivity for you.
I've found that, if I explain the sensitivity to my "servicer" beforehand, they're generally pretty good at freezing the motion and then very slowly and gently using their tongue to "edge" me for a couple of minutes of rather exquisite pleasure. I also take the opportunity to show them my frenulum (I'm so grateful to the doc who circumcised me when I was 20) and explain its sensitivity. If they understand, I get some extreme pleasure from throat fucking. Just my experience, your mileage may vary!
Yeah, I had always assumed the post-orgasm sensitivity was something every guy had. I can't even touch my cockhead after I cum. But if I wait a minute or two it goes away. Not sure if there's any way to limit the sensitivity
When I young I had the same problem. Sensitive to the point of being painful. This continued until I was 28 and was circumcised. As time went on the sensitive issue lessened rather quickly. Within two years it was gone completely. Now at 58 I can have my partner keep sucking as long as they like with absolutely no discomfort. With the help of ED drugs I can maintain an erection and go for multiple loads. However after long sessions and shooting multiple loads the sensitive does start to come back to a small degree but it think that is more to overuse than to post cum sensitivity.
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