As a young man, I didn't have a lot of imagination and just used the full-hand grip to masturbate. Never really included any ball play or shaft teasing - it was straight to the cum for me.
As I've aged, I've discovered tremendous pleasure in different methods. Last night, for example, I went to bed and grabbed some lube. I put just a couple of drops on the head of my cock and then made a tube with just my fingers stroking my cock from the head to the shaft. For some reason, that method really pleasures my glans ring which I NEVER did while wanking in my usual way.
I typically edge naked in my kitchen every morning. On-and-off stroking with either hand to get that precum to start oozing. I find that squatting from the standing position ramps up the arousal. And, when I get close to the PONR, gently rubbing my tight ball sack or the area just under my balls is electric.
I also find face down/ass up stroking to be very erotic. Stroking with my cock pointing straight down gives me a nice rush.