Males Friends Asking How Often I Have Sex


Superior Member
Platinum Gold
Jan 28, 2006
99% Straight, 1% Gay
In the past few weeks a few of my male friends have asked me how often I have sex.

I ask them why they want to know and their answer is basically they want to see how lousy their sex is. These are married men.

I tell them that it is not an answer they would want to hear as I don't want to demoralize them.

Anyone else have conversations like this with their friends?
I only one promoted that he fucked a lot never ever ask him how much it, I guess he needed to let the people know.
I believe everyone does the best they can with what they have.
Personally if I had the looks and body of superman i probably would have the success of Clark Kent.
No. They'd be wasting their time asking me something like that. As a rule I don't kiss and tell. That subject would be off limits.
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It comes up vaguely at times, but very rarely and very vaguely. Not from me. Usually from guys who are really excited about their new gf. Don’t think it’s ever come up amongst friends that are married. One of my best friends did blurt out how often he fucks his wife anally to a group of us on the patio, but he was drunk.
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Not since like college maybe. I’ve had friends just complain to me about how much sex they aren’t having either with their partner or because they are lazy and don’t leave their house.
I was teased a couple times after I got married that once you're married sex decreases by the guys. I told them I got laid every day and they scoffed. actually, it was several times a day. we had our privacy, lived in an old little but adequate house. and we were both horny all the time. she was beautiful, great body. loved my big cock, and besides that I was a pretty good looking guy back then.

years later, I met a guy one night in a bar, and we became friends. he was dating a gal we knew. so one night we all met up for drinks and had a great time. the dude was head over heels over my wife. told me I was such a lucky guy, etc. over time, I learned he was divorced mainly cuz his ex wife's lack of sexual desire. so one night, we're talking about ladies, past and present, and he says, "what is she like?" and I say, well?? you've been around her...." he says, " I know, but what IS she like? does she like...." I cut him off, "Sex?" I say. he nods yes, and I said. "She loves sex. we fuck at least once a day, everyday." The guy was sad and happy at the same time. happy cuz the woman he was in love with, my wife, loved sex which his ex hated, but sad because my wife was my woman, and it broke his image of her being an angel in bed. I told him, "She likes big cock, MY Big Cock and that's why she likes lots of sex. I think he was hurt a little bit, but our friendship endured. unfortunately, about 2 years later, he was found outside his car on a Saturday morning. he was a hard drinking dude.
My very best friend and I will sometimes have a chat about sex with our wives. He's married to my wife's sister, so it's interesting how they're similar and different I guess but these conversations are rare and respectful, absolutely nothing our wives would object to us sharing... But even then we don't talk about quantity of sex.

On the other hand, my wife told me her and her girl friends have had several discussions about how often they're doing it, but they never go into details beyond quantity.