
Legendary Member
Feb 28, 2023
Kansas City, MO, USA
99% Gay, 1% Straight


As Aaron kicked the locker room door open, it cracked like thunder as it slammed against the wall.

Face twisted and dreads swinging with the sway of his walk, anger exuded from every inch of him. Even his locker wasn't safe as he snatched it open, causing the little metal door to clatter loudly as metal struck metal.

He had no lock on it, it wasn't like he had anything worth stealing, anyway.

The melted snow on his ratty old coat sprayed droplets of water as he tore it off and threw it into the locker. The jeans he'd been wearing for two days were shoved to the floor, his golden brown ass and dick popping out as soon as they were no longer constricted. Rage shook him, sending undulations through his firm, round ass as his jeans crashed into the locker. Even his breaths were dramatic and loud. Not one of his coworkers looked up or even reacted.

This was normal.

The angry, nude man was fresh out of high school. Four years of track and field gave him a runner's cut and toned form. Push ups gave his chest a bit of definition. A long flaccid dick swung from sparse pubes as he prepared to take his shower, searching through his coat pockets for the shower cap he'd need. His tiny waist flared into the round, muscular glutes of a runner, complete with two deep dimples framing his barely visible spine and smooth, hairless crack.

"Aaron!" a deep voice barked, its tone a threat.

Aaron flinched hard toward the sound. The dark-skinned man behind him was far taller and much broader than he was. His hairy chest was eye level, wet and framed by crossed arms that not only expressed his displeasure, but made his biceps bulge. More hair trailed down his naval, thickening until it became the top of his wiry bush, which was visible just above the towel clinging for dear life across his powerful thighs. That towel did nothing to hide the soft, tubular mound of the thick meat hanging in the center.

Several of Aaron's coworkers whistled and laughed. A few were so bold as to say things along the line of, "He's done it now." or "Finally got caught with that bullshit."

This was not normal.

Normally, Malcolm would have showered and been on the floor before the company's doors even opened. Aaron had never seen him outside of the unflattering work uniform they all had to wear. Aaron had had no idea how much more impressive seeing the manager in just a towel would be.

Realizing he was staring at the wrong part of the man in front of him, Aaron snatched his eyes up into the angry mug of his favorite manager. Possibly formerly favorite manager.

The smaller man just stood there, slack jawed with half his dreadlocks stuffed into his shower cap, the bullet shaped head of his dick exposed and rising. He had to swallow the drool pooling in his mouth and did his best to start focusing on Malcolm's face. He was also resisting the urge to cover his dick. Fearful that he would draw attention to it as it swelled hungrily.

"Fuck is wrong with you, man?" The aggressive tone of Malcolm's deep, raspy voice silenced the snickering around the locker room.

"I... uh..." Aaron swallowed again.

Malcolm wasn't waiting for an answer. "I suggest you calm that shit down." His voice was a growl through clenched teeth that made Aaron shudder.

"Y-yes sir, I was just..." Aaron's anger had completely deflated, unlike his dick.

"I don't care, just deal with it." Malcolm interrupted, his tone letting Aaron know he wasn't in the mood for a conversation. Aaron stood straight and suppressed the urge to salute as his old ROTC habits kicked in. Little Aaron, however, was at full salute and drooling.

Luckily, Malcolm was too busy locking eyes with Aaron's soul to notice the thick, curved 8 inches of biracial cock reaching for him.

Then the menace left the manager's face, and his features softened. When he spoke, his voice was gentle, and every word made Aaron's dick twitch, "Get showered... don't be late... and stop damaging company property."

Malcolm then disappeared behind the lockers and Aaron completely deflated. The red-hot anger inside of him pulsed, trying to burn its way to the surface alongside his arousal and fear of being fired.

It was going to be a long work week.
Part 2

Aaron's hands shook as the weird cocktail of emotions assaulted his mind. Having his hot boss yell at him in a towel, possibly losing his job along with the small shreds of hope he was trying to cultivate. Lost as he was, it was a dollop of precum hitting his foot that that shocked him out of his depression. Suddenly he was hyper aware that he was in a public place. Snatching a clean towel from their designated place above the lockers he covered himself.

-Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!- he thought as his indignant cock protested by forcing him to suppress an involuntary moan. His dick was so hard it hurt, his balls swollen and begging for release. Luckily, no one else had chosen the most secluded and isolated back corner of the locker room the way he had.

Once his raging libido grew calm, he walked bare ass into the showers, his large feet slapping against the tiled floor.

Aaron began pumping the bright orange company soap into his hand as the hot water ran down his body. Calloused hands that were no stranger to hard work slid over lean, but well defined, muscle. He wasn't hairy, just a light dusting of fuzz on his arms and legs that was nearly invisible unless it was wet. As he scrubbed the chemical soap into his skin, he couldn't help but daydream a bit about how those little curly hairs on Malcolm's chest would feel against his face.

The water dripping down his ass as he stood under the water felt disgustingly wonderful. It had been so long since anything had touched it that wasn't a wash rag.

-Lather, rinse, repeat- he thought, trying to shove Malcolm's chest and his own hole out of his head before he had another erection to hide.

"Told ya..." The moment he heard Rodney's smug voice, his shoulders slumped.

"You ain't told me shit..." Aaron snapped as he turned to look at the big pearly whites and dark skin of the asshole behind him. The man was so close he was practically his shadow. He elbowed the lanky fool away. He moved maybe an inch back, if that.

Rodney, unperturbed, pointed at Aaron's face, his dripping finger inches away from his cheek, snarkily saying, "I told you all that shit."

When Aaron swung, admittedly not with his full force, Rodney wasn't there anymore. The taller man leapt away laughing, his round butt and long, flaccid, uncut dick bouncing as droplets of water sprayed everywhere. They were alone in the showers.

The young, biracial man began ignoring the older, taller fool as he began to wrestle the fire in the pit of his stomach back into its box. Family, shame, lost friends and thoughts of abandonment all went into that box. Deep breaths, hot water and the familiar ritual of washing before work gave him the strength to put the fire out of his mind.

Rodney talked through it, the way he always did. Aaron didn't pay attention to a single word as sudds flowed down the crack of his round and firm ass crack.
Part 3

Once he was out on the work floor, Aaron was in his element. Mouth closed, head down, torch in his hand welding small plates together to create large industrial batteries.

Every employee at Lexington and Rhodes was required to wear personal protective equipment due to the huge vats of molten lead present in the facility. Heat resistant gloves, big ass boots and overalls protected Aaron from potential burns while he worked. A respirator and goggles kept airborne lead out of his eyes and mouth. He also wore a leather cap to protect his locks, and earplugs to protect his hearing from the constant cacophony the machines around him made.

Beneath all that equipment, Aaron's body pumped sweat like there was no tomorrow. His undershirt was soaked and clinging to his slender form, the wet material constantly rubbing his very sensitive nipples. He wasn't wearing underwear, meaning his long dick and swinging balls were just dripping the stuff. The near constant stimulation to his nipples meant he often had an erection while he worked. Today, in particular, his dick was also leaking.

The thick material hid Aaron Jr while he threw his tantrum, begging for attention after the excitement of that morning. His dick would go down, then he'd think about his boss and it would rise again to drool onto his leg. The image of Malcolm's muscular thighs kept reigniting the fire that fueled his loins.

Rodney, the man "training" him, simply watched as Aaron welded metal plates together with deft efficiency. The tall, lanky, long dicked fool was insufferable, but Aaron counted on that fool to secure a nice pair of beige overalls, the swag of a full hire.

Aaron would finish a few plates, Rodney would inspect them for defects. Sometimes Aaron would finish an order and Rodney was gone. Not willing to wait, Aaron would just go grab another order and begin filling it. He couldn't afford to wait on his "trainer", especially since he had never needed a job so bad.

When he felt a tap on his shoulder, Aaron didn't look up, he just pulled an earplug out of his ear so he could hear the only person in the entire facility who was dumb enough to touch him.

"Aye..." Rodney yelled above the machinery.

Aaron just kept working and waited for the idiot to get to the point.

"Now I've been telling ya kid," yelled the man who was only a few years older than he was, " got to get a hold of that bullshit you be on."

Aaron sighed as he began placing his tools in the proper places on his work station. Another Rodney lecture, great. Luckily, he was ahead of his quota for the day and it'd be lunch time soon.

The biracial man shot up to his full height, which wasn't much, and snatched his welding helmet off to glare at his trainer with all the contempt he could muster.

Rodney just smiled bigger, eyes practically glazed over, "Malcolm wants to see you in his office."

Rage ignited every cell in Aaron's body as he kicked his mobile work station, sending the tools in it clanging to the floor. He roared as loud as he could, fists clenched so tight his knuckles cracked. Hatred coursed through him like an electric jolt.

This was it, he was going to get fired, and it was all his fault just like everything else was.

When Aaron finished, Rodney was, for the first time ever, frowning. The fool's face looked like he was ready to box, and Aaron itched at the prospect.

The "trainer" looked at the mess Aaron had made and said, still yelling above the machinery, "You a stupid ass bitch."

Breathing hard, Aaron wanted nothing more than to break the finger Rodney had in his face.

"Calm the fuck down, you fucking asshole." Rodney raged, "Malcolm ain't gonna do shit but talk to you." Aaron deflated quickly, but Rodney wasn't done, "And if you was gonna get fired, yo little temper tantrum wouldn't help at all you jackass."

Aaron's shoulders dropped. He hesitated, unsure of what to say or do. Rodney's face was cocked to the side in disbelief, then he threw his arms into the air.

"Bro..." Rodney was still yelling but chuckled despite himself, and even with the respirator on you could see his cheekbones pulled apart into his face warping grin, "...clean this shit up... NOW."

The "older" man leaned against the wall and watched Aaron retrieve the scattered tools, arms crossed. He didn't help at all, and Aaron took the few seconds to calm himself back down.

"You lucky nobody saw you do that stupid shit. We got mental health care here, you need that shit if you ever get hired." Rodney was doing his best to remain stern but seemed to find something extremely funny.

Aaron could only mumble an apology through clenched teeth before Rodney walked him up the stairs to the offices for his talk with their boss.
Part 4

Aaron followed Rodney to the second floor of the facility. He had to take his size 12, runner's feet out of the company boots and slip them into cheap, disposable rubber slippers so as not to track lead to the upper floors. The concrete windowless box of the work floor gave way to bright lights, crisp air and windows displaying the heavy snow outside. They'd walked out of the oven, and right into the freezer.

Rodney walked like a fucking cartoon. Highly animated, arms swinging wide, whistling and stopping to greet everyone who happened to be in the vicinity. Some of the people who Aaron usually avoided stopped and talked to the facility clown with big amused smiles, most gave him a nod and waved him off before he could start a conversation.

Aaron just stood and waited, head bowed to not make eye contact. If anyone spoke to him he looked up and greeted them awkwardly. He had no idea who any of them were.

Malcolm's office was way back in the corner of the building. As they entered, the crisp chill of the loud AC unit in the back washed over them.

The moment he saw Malcolm, Aaron's jaw dropped. Malcolm had the straps of his overalls hanging at his waist. The man stood in front of the AC unit, shirt lifted as sweat fled down his abs. That damn treasure trail was going to be the death of him. On top of the visual, the woodsy scent of his cologne tempered the harsh, mouth watering scent of his body. Aaron could taste the slight musk on his tongue. He breathed deeply and didn't notice his mouth was open till he began to drool.

Luckily, Malcolm was on the phone and so focused on his conversation he didn't notice Aaron's thirst. The manager caught Rodney's eye and raised a hand to indicate the door. Rodney chuckled nervously and looked over at Aaron, accidentally catching his eye in the process.

Rodney's eyes were very much like the proverbial deer in headlights. It was all there on the idiot's face. Rodney had no fucking clue what Malcolm wanted. Worse, his eyebrows pulled down in an expression of pure pity. He genuinely believed Aaron was about to get fired.

If looks could kill, Rodney's face would have melted instantly.

Their silent conversation over, the fool just shrugged and gave his soon-to-be-fired "friend" a bright smile. His hand hesitated toward Aaron, but the shark like aggression on the temp's face told him he was better off not touching him. The cracking of Aaron's trembling knuckles confirmed this. So he dipped, careful to never be within arm's reach.

"Have a seat, Aaron." Malcolm stage whispered, hand on the receiver.

The call sounded important, but Aaron could only hear his heart hammering in his ears. New, mostly nervous, sweat joined the old gross wetness already on his body. He focused on sitting still, but felt jittery. He tried breathing, but his breaths felt too loud. He tried to relax, but his body wouldn't get comfortable. He refused to tap his foot, but that was like holding on to a motor and expecting it not to move. He couldn't even enjoy the visage of the hot older man in front of him.

When he could hold it in no more, he shuddered. Suddenly Malcolm was handing him clean hand towel. Confused, Aaron took the offering as Malcolm stood and fiddled with the temperature controls in the room. The coldness slowly ebbed, like water flowing down a drain.

Aaron's heartbeat slowed to the norm, and the itching of his skin subsided and his dick drooled at the simple gesture. Had it really been so long that some fine ass dude being nice to him had him bricked like this?

Once Malcolm hung up his phone, he shot an award winning smile at Aaron, "Sorry about the cold man, corporate wants us to leave the offices at a certain temperature to let people come in from the work floor and cool down. Also I was probably supposed to be a polar bear, everyone always says my house is freezing. That better?"

"Yes sir." Aaron's deep voice cracked, uncertain and questioning.

"Alright, well let's get to it. You've been a temp here for the past three months. That's halfway through your work contract with Ace Employment. Because your contract is temp to hire, we like to touch base at this point to let prospective full-employees know where they stand. Uh... before we start, would you like a drink or anything?"

Aaron didn't trust himself to speak, his heart was hammering again. Everything he had done wrong in the past 3 months shot through his head in an instant. He shook his head, Malcolm reached back to his mini-fridge and pulled out a small, light blue bottle of Gatorade and placed it on the desk close to Aaron.

"Just in case." Malcolm's deep thrum of a voice seemed amused, "So, you've been with Mr. Hill. He's been giving you perfect reviews since the day you were hired, which is rare. He has been telling us you've been ready for a permanent position since the end of your first week here. I'm looking in your file and I'm seeing you don't have any formal training... is that correct?"

"Yes sir."

"So, when you came here, was it the first time you've done this kind of work?"

Aaron cleared his throat. Malcolm nodded his head toward the blue bottle and, for the first time in a while, Aaron genuinely smiled. It felt awkward on his face, like a stranger's expression. He took a gulp. When he spoke, he almost sounded normal, "I... uh... my grandad owned his own business when he was alive, I used to weld sheet metal and pipes for him."

Malcolm typed on his computer for a second, "Have you ever thought about getting an official certification?"

Aaron sat the empty bottle down, having chugged the rest of his drink. "I was enrolled in the program at Penn Community College, but I had some things come up and couldn't afford the course."

"Well, I've inspected your work, Quality Assurance has inspected your work, we've all been impressed. Admittedly, we don't let temps near any of our more advanced products so what you've been doing is fairly simple. Still, everyone in the junior management team has been impressed with the quality of your pieces."

The smile awkwardly stretched across his face. Keeping his head down and not talking to anyone had apparently worked.

"You're also fast. We pay our full time employees a rate based on the number of products they finish. At the rate you're working, you'd be getting overtime pay or we'd be sending you home early. That's hard to do with the simple projects you've been assigned."

Aaron's soft pink lips pulled back, his teeth suddenly prominent. This was going well, and it was exactly what he needed to hear after everything.

"However," Malcolm's eyes locked onto Aaron's as he spoke, "...some of the employees have raised concerns about your behavior."

The smile faltered. Its awkwardness began to feel insidious instead of refreshing.

"I was planning to expedite your hiring process and draw up your employment contract today. I was also going to see about enrolling you in a course, we would need you to get certified before you could tackle anything more advanced."

The faltering smile dropped and his eyes began to sting. So Aaron hung his head, face hidden behind his dreadlocks, fists clenched in his lap.

Malcolm continued, "Whenever I've seen you on the floor, or at lunch, you've mostly kept to yourself and done your job. But, with the employee complaints and what I saw this morning, I can't justify buying out your contract early to my bosses."

Aaron concentrated on his breathing. The jittery feeling was back. Suddenly, Malcolm's finger was lifting his chin. Aaron made the effort to wipe his features clean, but from the look on Malcolm's face he knew he had failed miserably.

"I'm... I'm sorry." Aaron's voice was small and fluttery, the warmth of Malcolm's touch agitated his stomach, warmed his heart and made his dick flex. Another weird cocktail of emotions for the horny, younger man to sift though.

Malcolm held the finger beneath his chin, thumb planted firmly in the hair on Aaron's face as he spoke, "You have a week to get your shit together, Aaron. After that, we can revisit expediting your employment contract. You will have zero incidents, and I mean that. You will not be late, you will not damage company property, you will not get into an altercation with anyone during that time. Am I clear."

The sensual seduction of musk and cologne was flooding his nostrils, and it smelled almost too good. Malcolm's words irritated an old wound, Aaron didn't want to trust it. Yet, he had to, "Yes sir."

For a moment Malcolm's eyes bore into him and Aaron felt naked and vulnerable. He was afraid Malcolm would somehow read his mind and know what a horny little sexual deviant he was. Still, it was impossible to look away from those warm brown eyes. Finally, the finger on his chin dropped and with it the weird feeling.

Suddenly Malcolm, still standing way too close with his exposed treasure trail, bowed his head and began fiddling with a photo on his desk, "You drive the brown Impala, right?"

Aaron's face cocked to the side, "huh? Oh... yeah?"

"The one with the clothes, blankets and pillow in the back?"

Aaron's nostrils flared. Fire leapt up into his face as it flinched around his anger, becoming a threatening sneer.

"Relax." Malcolm's tone was commanding, almost as threatening as the one he had used that morning.

Past experience told Aaron he couldn't trust himself to speak, instead he just looked down again. He felt like he was talking to his dad, and his stomach twisted around the knife made of memories he didn't want to relive.

All thoughts of his dad vanished from his consciousness as Malcolm knelt in front of him to look up into his dreads, firmly planted between the temp's spread legs.

"There's supposed to be a snowstorm tonight." Malcolm's voice was a soft, deep note of hope and uncertainty. A bicep barely restrained by his shirt, reached between Aaron's leg and pulled the office chair even closer.

Aaron swallowed audibly.

The dark skinned man looked like he was trying to get a wild animal to trust him but all Aaron could think of was how badly he wanted his boss to lift his legs and press them into his chest. He wanted this older, gentler man to ravage him like a beast, to fold him in half and pound him into a quivering mess with every inch of the biggest dick he'd ever seen.

"If you need a place to stay Aaron, you wouldn't be the first temp to sleep at my house... and with the storm I don't want you sleeping in your car..."

The stinging feeling in his eyes was all the warning Aaron had. Malcolm was too close, he had nowhere to hide. A life time of stress and emotional neglect broke him and suddenly ugly little tears began pouring out of his eyes. He sneered and shoved his face downward, the curtain of dreadlocks returning.

Then Malcolm's hand found his shoulder. The taller man stood, pulling down his shirt so his midriff was no longer exposed. The squeeze sent his already leaking dick into berserk mode. The potent mixture of extreme emotions and arousal left him light headed. His fists were clenched so tightly that his short nails began to dig into his palms. He hated himself for crying, for breaking, for being weak.

Once he was done, Malcolm released him and spoke as if nothing happened while handing Aaron a clean towel, "Alright... Ground rules: you gonna work my schedule, that means you'll be here an hour before everyone else and an hour after. Temps are hourly, that means you'll get two hours of OT a day. Save your money... you're not squatting in my place forever. Once you're a permanent employee we'll give you an advance and you get an apartment in Rockwood heights, I know the owner and plenty of the guys here live there."

"Yes, sir." Aaron said, wiping his face. As he did, he caught a glimpse of the trembling steel rod between his legs tenting the heavy duty, protective overalls he was wearing. He leaned his body forward, his runner's thighs clamping around the snarling meat between his legs.

Malcolm didn't seem to notice, "Take a few minutes, then get yo lil ass back to work," he said, "...and once you're ready, we can talk or not talk about your situation. Just... don't make me regret this Aaron, I mean it."

"You won't, sir.." Was all Aaron could before the older man left him alone in his office.

The moment he was sure Malcolm wouldn't be back Aaron rose to his feet. His dick was fully bricked, 100% and it was not going down.

The door had once of those button locks so he pressed it before shoving the overalls down, exposing his smooth bubble butt and thighs, along with the impressive 8 inch monster roaring for his attention. His back against the door, he pumped his dick with nothing but spit for lube.

Visions of Malcolm shoving him into a couch, pulling his hair and splitting him in half spurned Aaron to stroke faster and harder. Fantasies of waking up to that giant snake nestled in his crack and those thick arms holding him tight had the sexually repressed biracial man's toes curling.

It didn't take long for him to feel his cum boiling to the surface. He snatched up the towel and pressed it against his dick head, which swelled and spurted into the already wet cloth. He did his best to supress his moans as his climax raged on, his dick filling the towel with so much seed it overflowed, staining the inside of the overalls restraining his thighs.

Breathing hard, Aaron couldn't help but smile.

At the end of the work day, Aaron was genuinely feeling good. When the bell rang he kept working, which caused Rodney to do a very exaggerated double take, "Why the fuck are you still here and not heading to yo lil mobile home?"

"Malcolm gave me some OT, so fuck off." Aaron snapped.

"They don't give Temps OT." Rodney practically yelled. With the machines turning off, his voice drew more than a few curious glances.

No one could see Aaron's face beneath the respirator and protective eyewear, but it wasn't like his angry glares had ever deterred Rodney from being... Rodney.

"Well fuck it, I'm staying too." Rodney snapped at barely an octave lower.

Aaron could only shake his head. Not even Rodney's shenanigans could get a rise out of him. For the first time in what seemed like forever, he wasn't going to sleep in his car at a Quick Trip.

The two men spent the extra hour of work cleaning out the vats that lead was melted down in. Jackhammer-like tools vibrated their arms as they chiseled away at the walls around them, each was large enough that they could step inside of them. Malcolm operated the lift to put the proper vats in the cleaning area before joining them. When it was all over, they all hit the showers... together. Aaron hadn't thought of that.

He tried to hang back and pretend he was checking his phone. His dick was absolutely bricked, his little solo session in Malcolm's office hadn't tamed his beast at all. His plan was to wait till the others were nearly done with their showers to start his own.

Rodney was having none of that, "Bro put the phone away and come the fuck on... they tryna close the fucking building before the storm. We gotta get out of here."

The slightly older man stood, towel on his shoulder with his tall, slender form exposed for the viewing pleasure of the world. While Aaron had seen every inch of Rodney's body before, he just realized he hadn't actually looked at him for real.

Rodney looked like one of those guys who couldn't gain weight, but hard work had toned his skinny body up nicely. He was a little hairy, islands of unconnected pepper on the inside of this thighs and stomach, his pits were dense blackness but not bushy. The uncut dick between his slim legs hung low, very low. If he hadn't been a dopey fool, Aaron might have really looked at him sooner.

Aaron realized he had just taken a visual tour of Rodney's body and snatched his eyes up to Rodney's face, the fool's face flinched away the moment their eyes met.

That was weird.

Feeling flustered, Aaron reached for his comfortable expression and sneered, "Just go wash yo ass dude." Aaron said as he scrolled through some unimportant social media app, his hidden dick begging for attention.

"He's right," The deep thrum of Malcolm's voice made him flinch in that direction, he had made no sound at all, "It's time to go man, you can do that at the house."

Unlike Rodney, Malcolm's towel wasn't on his shoulder. It was nowhere to be seen. Worse yet, Aaron was eye level with his dream dick. The larger man was circumcized, the big brown head hanging limply by a thick shaft. It was long, it was thick and it was the most beautiful dick Aaron had ever seen in life. Nestled in a lightly trimmed bush between thighs that promised power and percision,.

Aaron's mouth dropped open to take a sharp inhale, and Malcolm's mouth watering scent took a knee to his face. Aaron's eyes were saucers as his gaze traveled up to where Malcolm was looking down at him, head cocked in confusion.

Like Rodney had done before, Aaron snatched his face away from Malcolm's stern gaze, "Yes sir." falling out of his mouth before he could stop it.

Heart pounding, hands trembling, he jumped to his feet and stuffed his phone into his bag. The moment he unbuckled the heavy overalls they fell to the ground, and his trapped dick slapped his belly hard enough to make a very audible and wet sound. Precum splashed above his naval, he had to wipe off the connecting strand it created to his dick.

Luckily the other men had left for the showers. Aaron realized he'd be showering with Malcolm, alone, every day. His erection flexed at the thought, even as the horror and embarrassment dawned on him.

But this wasn't insurmountable. He'd seen plenty of guys with erections in the shower, Rodney among them. This was no different. He strutted into the showers, his bare feet slapping the floor as the heat and steam embraced him. He avoided looking at Malcolm, and looked away from Rodney as the lanky fool gawked at his very hard, very obviously leaking dick.

Aaron turned on the water, praying molten rock would come through the shower head and end his suffering.

Company policy stated he had to wash his entire body and hair with the company soap before and after work. The soap was designed to neutralize any stray lead particles that might get past his protective equipment. Each shower he had to soap up and rinse three times.

It was midway through his first wash that Aaron realized Rodney was uncharacteristically silent. He turned and noticed the fool was covered in suds from head to toe, scowling like someone had spit in his cereal.

"You good buddy?" Aaron asked, aiming a friendly swat at his trainer.

"I'm fine." Rodney said unconvincingly.

Aaron cocked his head and realized he was genuinely worried about Rodney, a man whom he thought he hated.

Then, out the corner of his eye, he saw the thing he was trying not to see.

Soap ran down Malcolm's wide back as he dumped more of the bright orange chemical soap on himself. The man was the perfect fusion of meat and muscle, the soap tracing the defined lines on his well sculpted back. They traveled down his slim waist to his powerful glutes and thighs. It streamed down his crack like seafoam, bubbling to hide the treasure beneath it. Even from behind, Aaron could see his favorite manager's massive dick hanging between his legs. He was majestic, elemental and sculpted to perfection. A living painting of masculinity, a marble statue of some African god.

Rodney cleared his throat and Aaron realized he'd been staring.

"Fuck." Aaron whispered as he began his mantra. His dick denied his request for flaccidity, and stayed bricked throughout his shower.

Rodney spent the whole time speaking as usual, but then suddenly a hand was on his shoulder, "Bro...?" Rodney whispered, catching his eye,"...I have something serious to talk to you about."

"Huh?" Serious and Rodney didn't belong in the same sentence.

"I mean... where you sleeping tonight? It's gonna storm bad, and they already canceled work for tomorrow."

"Uh..." Aaron couldn't help feeling a great swell of gratitude for Rodney, "I... uh..."

"He'll be with me tonight Mr. Hill." Malcolm said as he cut off the water to his own shower. His voice was deep but had a bit of his no-bullshit sharpness to it.

Rodney could only say, "Oh..." his shoulders slumped, "...ok."

"I'm sure Aaron appreciates the obvious offer though, Mr. Hill." Malcolm was behind them and it took every ounce of willpower Aaron had not to turn and take in what he knew was a wonderful view as Malcolm's big feet slapped their way toward the lockers.

"Y-yeah..." Aaron said. He did have the ability to look at Rodney though as he said, genuinely, "T-thank you."

"I just didn't want you out in the cold young blood." Rodney said, not looking back at him.

Aaron just started his third wash, mumbling another appreciative string of words as he ran from the conversation. It made him very uncomfortable with both of the men in the shower with him knowing he was homeless. He had been naked around Rodney five days a week for the last three months, but this was the first time he had ever felt exposed.
