Going4Seven: Hey guys,
I was wondering if anyone notices a difference in the way they build up to orgasm through masturbation and sex. I can last for hrs at a time through masturbation but when I have sex with my girl, I have to be careful cause i could cum literly within minutes. It sucks cause i always have to stop and pull out to let the feeling subside and then go back to it. She doesn't like this cause i stop the feeling for her... I really can't jack off ahead of time as sex is a surprise thing for us sometimes... meaning, sometimes we don't plan on having sex that night but the feeling comes up and we just go at it. I'm thinking about getting a cock ring, but I just haven't been able to get one yet. Should I just jack off everynight before I see her just in case we have sex later to prolong orgasm? I don't know what I should do... anyone else have the same issues?
I was wondering if anyone notices a difference in the way they build up to orgasm through masturbation and sex. I can last for hrs at a time through masturbation but when I have sex with my girl, I have to be careful cause i could cum literly within minutes. It sucks cause i always have to stop and pull out to let the feeling subside and then go back to it. She doesn't like this cause i stop the feeling for her... I really can't jack off ahead of time as sex is a surprise thing for us sometimes... meaning, sometimes we don't plan on having sex that night but the feeling comes up and we just go at it. I'm thinking about getting a cock ring, but I just haven't been able to get one yet. Should I just jack off everynight before I see her just in case we have sex later to prolong orgasm? I don't know what I should do... anyone else have the same issues?