Godzilla is an admitted neo nazi who has a weird obsession with black dick.
So many logical fallacies.
Lie. I am not an admitted neo-nazi, nor do I have a weird obsession with black dick. I told you in private message you are a insecure white guy and now you have a grudge against me. You try and pin your own insecurities onto me. Deceptive.
I own websites dedicated to big white cocks and spend a lot of time making big white cock and big asian dick compilations. Black men is your obsession to downplay them, it is all you ever talk about. I sussed you out, then you had to defame me as a neo-nazi.
I have created threads on this forum for big dick
Asian, black, white and Indian men. You on the other hand only seem to ever post black guys and a few white. I am more varied and try and post all races. You are an insecure white guy, who doesn't want big black dick over 9 inches existing because it would make your own dick look small. You are scared of it. Sad. There are white, Indian, black guys over 9" out there, deal with it.
He is actually a legitimate racist with a swastika tattoo on his leg. He is working thru his own issues here and used the same language "I used to be like you it ruined my worldview that blacken have bigger dicks". He now projects that onto other users if they don't think Mandingo is 10 inches or whatever. He is basically arguing with himself.
Lie. I do not have a swastika tattoo on my leg, who would do that? I live in the UK, I have family during WW2 who died by Nazis. I am nothing to do with modern neo-Nazism. I told you privately what the truth about this was. You misrepresent me on purpose to defame.
I agree with this and don't think it is unfairly personal.
Lie! You made it personal. I never insulted you originally. You posted on this forum "we are all family" and you wanted to know what tattoo I had. In good faith, I told you what it was. You then lied, posted publicly onto this thread and said it was a swastika and I am a neo-nazi. That is evil behavior and outright lying. If I have a swastika tattoo on my leg where is it? Where is the photographic evidence? You have none. You just make crap up to discredit people. Nasty.
The guy is an admitted neo nazi who has cited studies from racist sources about the low IQ and criminality of black men.
Lies. You are posting defamation and if you lived in my country and you had an open identity, you could be sued for this. People have been sued for trying to discredit people as "neo-nazi" without evidence. It could be damaging to peoples reputations or business etc. Obviously nobody cares about an anonymous penis forum, but still an evil thing to do. Not a single post on this forum have I admitted to be a "neo-nazi". Such a claim is not true. Your life is built around deception.
I have never cited a "racist source" to prove low IQ in black men, I do not believe in racist IQ pseudoscience. I cited several peer-reviewed studies that revealed interracial relationships between black and white women do not last as long as other relationships in real life. Not a racist statement. Those relationships do often not last and yes sadly there is a higher rate of those relationships ending in violence. You can look this up easily. It is not racist to point this out. I posted these studies in 2017 in a handful of posts, and have never discussed it since. Why would you bring this up now? Again to defame.
He has created a blog about white dicks (nothing wrong with that in and of itself) and also claimed on the blog that porn is an "evil agenda created by Jews to promote the BBC hoax".
I see, you just post defamation and have no interest in truth. Usually the point in making a claim is only done if you can back it up with evidence. You have no evidence I have written these things, because I haven't.
I have never shared my new website dedicated to big white dicks on this forum, but some users have probably seen it. So this is another lie from you. "
Evil agenda created by Jews to promote the BBC hoax". Definitely not posted by me and that sort of nonsense wouldn't be acceptable by a domain host. I do indeed have a domain host. So you are lying again. If I posted that, where is the evidence? I see no screenshot was presented. You make up nonsense to defame.
Poisoning the well - Wikipedia
But has done a weird about face where he now says he did that out of insecurity (probably true lol) so now if you don't agree with him on certain sizes you are an insecure downplayer like he used to be in his warped and confused mind.
More lies. I have never claimed to be insecure on this topic. I have defended all races on the subject of penis-size, but yes I am white and yes I do prefer big white cocks like many others, but I posted all races. You on the other hand are an insecure white guy, who refuses to accept a black man has a penis over 9 inches long. That is the definition of warped and insecure.
I have admitted all races have big and small dicks, and over 9" does exist in all races.
He has also claimed length is all that matters and women wouldn't care about girth. When called out on this, he admitted he is a virgin in his 20s. It sounds like a personal attack to note this, however it is important to understand we are dealing with a very disturbed, position shifting person with absolutely zero clue about dick size and sex.
You repeatedly attack people in their early 20s for being a virgin. That supports your hateful agenda. I am younger than you, and most users on this forum.
If you are such a sex god then why do you have over 2000 posts on this penis forum only on this
single thread dedicated to measured pornstars? If you were getting laid so much in real life you wouldn't be on this thread every week talking about pornstars penis size. I doubt you have ever had a relationship in real life.
You are not here like me to build a community for big dicks and support them or post pictures of big cocks or hot women outside of this thread. You have not even created a single thread at LPSG, you rarely post videos. Your entire existence on this forum is to talk about pornstars penis length. You are not here to support big dicks like myself. I have created countless threads on this forum.
What you are doing here is downplaying pornstars to make yourself feel better about the world. This is LPSG a support group for big dicks. I created many threads about big dicks and hot women. If you are such an expert about sex you would be out in real life doing it, but instead you sit on this thread to downplay pornstars and attack other users. But please continue! I will put you back on ignore now.