I’ve come across some of these videos on YouTube and it seems like the guys are always SO FUCKING GORGEOUS. And yet their wives or girlfriends love secretly pranking them with these trunks, and posting it on social media for the entire world to see. How is this even remotely ok? Especially because if the genders were swapped, people would be foaming at the mouth and wanting his manhood cut off? If it doesn’t reveal much, then I guess it’s kinda funny but when it’s literally their naked asses and even dicks popping out in a public place with children around, and she posts it on YouTube or Facebook, that is not cool! And then the dude probably gets screamed at by some Karen for “indecent exposure” or his work sees it and fires him.
Does anyone know where I can find videos like this but it’s not posted by some woman? Because again, most of these guys are so deliciously hot and it makes my stomach turn knowing that they’re with these chicks. Yeah those guys are big simps. I found one years back with this slightly bigger daddy (not super fat) but he had a really nice ass that his friend slapped as he walked away. Hehe. Ugh I’m not trying to sound like a hypocrite. Even if my best male friend or even my partner posted a video of me, I’d be upset.
Does anyone know where I can find videos like this but it’s not posted by some woman? Because again, most of these guys are so deliciously hot and it makes my stomach turn knowing that they’re with these chicks. Yeah those guys are big simps. I found one years back with this slightly bigger daddy (not super fat) but he had a really nice ass that his friend slapped as he walked away. Hehe. Ugh I’m not trying to sound like a hypocrite. Even if my best male friend or even my partner posted a video of me, I’d be upset.