Ok, time for a new story. I'm several chapters in, and I'm going to have to take this one more slowly, because I have a lot of real life stuff going on, but I wanted to get some feedback and see what you all thought. Hope you like it.
Chapter 1
It was nearly dawn when I pulled into the parking lot for a public park. There was a gathering of about twenty men standing around all in neon yellow t-shirts. There were tall guys, and short guys; skinny guys and fat guys; and bald guys and some still with hair. This was an over-forty all men’s running club called “the yellow highlighters,” given the organization’s shirt color choice. I had been introduced to them online by a member I was chatting with on Grindr. I was trying to get laid on Friday night, but this guy mentioned that he had this hot group thing the next day that I might be interested in instead. I asked him what he was talking about and he sent me the web address for the group. I decided it might be fun to get out and meat, er, meet a few new guys. I was still nursing a break up of a two-year relationship that had happened the week before and I had spent most of the time since just moping around.
I got out of my car and walked over to a folding table that was set up to register folks. I pulled out my wallet and retrieved a five dollar bill, and handed it to the guy taking attendance. “Thanks,” he said, “can I get your name?” I nodded, “sure, it’s Glen Jacobs. One n.” He smiled, “got you down Glen one n, welcome aboard, I’m Rich.” I smiled, “thanks Rich, glad to be here.” I wasn’t sure that I was. “I have you paired with Roger Moore over there, the bearded guy in the yellow t-shirt!” He laughed at his own joke. I looked at him lost given there were several beards in yellow t-shirts milling about. “Hey Roger,” he yelled over to a guy about ten feet away, who turned. “This is Glen, your running buddy for the day.” I waved, and he waved me over to the group of guys he was standing around. I walked over to his group and stuck out my hand.
“Hi there, I’m Glen, one n.” He smiled and shook my hand. “I’m Roger, no ns,” he replied with a deep sonorous voice. I smiled. It’s a common refrain. “So, what brought you out this morning?” I shrugged my shoulders, “dunno, being single again, needing to do something outside, this group sounded fun.” He nodded, “yeah, we get a few of those that are of the walking wounded, but only a few stick around.” I nodded, “well, I’m trying to figure out the next step in life, so maybe putting on a running shoe will help,” I offered. He nodded again and then turned to the others. “This here’s Glen, this is John, Bob, Rick, and Steve.” I nodded and shook hands around the group. John was tall and lean, several inches taller than me as I looked up at him. Bob was the opposite, a good head shorter than me with a bit of a stomach, but not too overweight. Rick was my height and had a big Santa belly, and Steve was muscular and a little shorter than me with great defined calf muscles.
“Nice to meet all of you,” I said. Steve replied, “you haven’t met all of us yet,” and shook his cock in his shorts. I looked down. It seemed to fill up the shorts nicely and the shake gave an outline to the lump that snaked down the left leg. “Well, the morning is still young, and we have many miles to go,” I replied as I stared at his crotch a little too intensely. I saw the lump lunge outward a bit, as I looked back up at his eyes that were staring back at me. I smiled a little and he returned a little grin himself. Roger cleared his throat. “Steve here puts the ‘fun’ in ‘fun run.’ You’re in the beginner’s group where we are just getting back into the pace of running.” I nodded and said, “that’s just fine, I like a little fun in my run,” I winked over at Steve. He smirked, and Rick rolled his eyes. “Steve flirts again with the new guy,” Rick said.
I looked over at Rick. Yeah, he had a big belly, but he had kind eyes, brown, with a twinkle. He could play Santa with his stature and his zz-top style beard. He had a bald head that he clearly kept shaved. I love rubbing a guy’s bald head, especially when he’s kneeling in front of my pecker swallowing it. I felt my cock twitch in my shorts as I looked down at Rick’s crotch and swore I saw the outline of a thick dickhead. The ridge of his crown clearly on display through sweatshorts. He must of seen me looking because he took his hand and fluffed the fabric which shifted his cock toward the fabric more prominently. All of these guys were teasing me with their cocks I thought. Rick reminded me of a biker dude, and I wondered if he had a Harley in addition to the hog in his shorts.
Roger patted me on the shoulder. “Well, let’s get running I say.” We all started walking over to the walking path about 20 yards from the parking lot. Some of the more advanced runners were already off. Roger said, “we go at a pretty slow pace. The idea is to get the blood flowing to more than our cocks,” he stared at Rick and Steve, “and to work up to about a mile and a half. Feel free to walk or whatever. We are pretty relaxed about things in this part of the team.” I nodded. We all started off. John as the tallest kept back as he was more apt to stride ahead with his long legs. I didn’t get to see him running, but Steve was right in front of me, and I watched his ass cheeks shift left to right to left in front of me, teasing me with their bobbing up and down with every step. Rick was beside me on my right, and Roger on my left, keeping watch over me. Bob trailed behind with John and I didn’t get much of a vibe from him. I suspect that he and John were running buddies too. We jogged along the path through the city park, trees and grass and the occasional patch of flowers.
I was okay for the first 15 minutes or so, and then my side started really hurting. Roger must have noticed because he said, “ no shame in walking, but just breathe through it.” I nodded and kept on jogging at the regular pace, watching Steve’s ass go back and forth to distract me from the pain. We came up to a hill and our pace slowed a bit more as we climbed upward a little at a time. Even John was huffing and puffing a bit behind me, as we reached the top. Roger stopped us and said, “Let’s stretch and take a minute here, we are at the mile mark, and the rest of it is back down hill.” We all stopped and stretched. I bent over and grabbed the back of my knees, and I could feel eyes on my butt behind me. I stood back up and turned around to see John quietly staring at me. I looked him over. He was tall with a grey crew cut. He had steely blue eyes, and a strong jaw. He was skinny, but not anorexic, just trim, with smooth tan skin. I looked over at his crotch and I saw a log in his shorts, easily 5 inches soft shifting from side to side as he was stretching out his hips, or putting on a show for me. It was like a flesh metronome swinging back and forth slowly in the folds of nylon mesh shorty shorts. I bent over toward him to stretch my hamstrings a bit, and as I rose up, the shorts were closer as he had moved in to give me a better view of his cock, still swinging to and fro.
Bob was off in his own world, checking his phone, and I didn’t get much of a chance to check him out. He was nice enough, quiet, and a little nervous, like he was worried about being there. He came over after putting his phone back in his shorts and said hello to me finally. I said hi back. I looked at him more intently. He had curly red hair and green eyes, and freckles on his face, neck and arms. The hottest thing about him was the bright red leg hair on his calves and thighs that offered an orange glow to his skin in the early morning sunlight. I just wanted to lick him from knees to knob.
Roger was next to me but turned around so his back and ass were facing me. I finally had a chance to look him over as he was now talking to Rick and Steve about the path back. He was muscular, with a bit of a belly, but his ass was firm and round. Big and meaty, like he could take a dick and keep on trucking. His legs were very muscular, and I got the sense that there might be a body builder under a layer of fat, which got my cock really stirring. The back of his neck was hairy and so were his triceps and his legs. I imagined that the entire backside of him was fully carpeted, and I could only imagine the tufts in his asscrack and how they might smell after this little fun run of ours. I wasn’t sure what his story was, because he had a ring on his finger, but I did get the vibe that he wasn’t too chaste. Maybe I was just hoping I would get to crawl up into that beefy, hairy ass of his at some point.
“Alright gents, let’s head back to the ranch,” Roger said, as he started back jogging down the path. Steve and Rick followed and I stuck with John and Bob bringing up the rear. John spoke after a while, “I like the view from here,” he said, confessing his love for the other guys’ asses. I nodded, “yeah, it’s quite a buffet for me too.” Bob nodded and we chuckled as we watched the asses in front of us bounce up and down with their footsteps, different sizes and thicknesses all in motion. I didn’t get a cramp on the way back, and the stretching midway helped ease the tightness developing in my shins. I hadn’t been that active in the last year because I was too busy with dating Dan and work to get to the gym. I had about 30 pounds of ‘used to be boyfriend’ weight that I could stand to lose, and maybe more. But as I looked at Rick I thought, well, I’m thinner than he is. Not as in shape as Steve, or as thin as John, but I am okay, certainly fitting into this group of rag tag misfits.
Roger and I were in a good rhythm as the others sort of paired up as well and stayed together but in sets of two about ten feet apart. “How’s the side?” Roger finally asked me. I nodded, “good, it seemed to go away after a bit. I’m just rusty.” He nodded, “yeah, usually we have a few drop at this point in the run, especially if it’s their first time.” He looked me over real good and said, “you seem to be doing just fine,” and he leaned on the word fine. I nodded and said, “thanks, I did run track in school. But that was a while ago.” He laughed, “yeah, many of us did as well, but it’s now in the rear view mirror.” I laughed as we huffed and puffed along back to the starting line. We came around the bed and there were other yellow t-shirts joining from other directions and some already done and chatting at the parking lot. Roger said, “we normally go to breakfast after the run if you want to join us.” I nodded and said, “sure, would give me a chance to talk to everyone a bit more.” Roger nodded and we fell back into a rhythm of footsteps in silence as we approached the end of our ‘fun’ run.
We crossed a line drawn in the dirt and we were done. We each stopped running and did a little walking in circles and stretching, like we had just finished a marathon. For some it was akin to a marathon, and really it was hard for me, so I didn’t belittle the accomplishment. Rich greeted me and asked if I was going to breakfast. I nodded and he made a tally mark in his notebook as he was getting a headcount. Steve came over and sidled up close to me and said, “so you coming,” and winked at me. I smiled back and said, “not yet, but if you pull on it a bit I might.” He laughed, “to breakfast silly,” I nodded, and then he said, “but about that pulling, why don’t you come up and see me some time,” ala Mae West. I tipped an invisible cowboy hat and said, “don’t mind if I do sometime there little partner.” He laughed and said, “it’s not so little.” I smirked and whispered back, “I already noticed. But calling you big partner might raise an eyebrow.” He shrugged and said, “they’re just jealous,” and sauntered off to his car exaggerating the motion of his hips while he flexxed his ass muscles. I think he was hoping I would notice. And I did.
Roger came over and touched me on the shoulder. “Hey, uh, the group meets for breakfast over at O’Leary’s if you are interested in joining?” I nodded and turned to him. He kept his hand on my shoulder. “Yeah, that sounds great, it would be nice to chat without huffing and puffing along the trail.” I smiled and he smiled back. “Great, see you there. You know where you are going?” I nodded. “Yeah, and I have Waze to direct me,” as I held my phone up. He squeezed and then patted my shoulder and said, “well good, we’ll save you a seat.” I waved and walked over to my car. I debated on shimmying my ass as I walked but I was tired enough not to want to give a show. I really wanted to sit a minute and catch my breath.
I started the car and headed out, but there were four cars in front of me all trying to turn onto the street so I was just another car idling and waiting my turn. I reflected on the yellow shirts. It was a nice group of guys. Nobody was a model, but obviously some handsome gents there, and certainly a few that made my cock take notice. The best part of the morning was that I was able to be distracted from the events of the previous week, all the drama about the breakup and then the feeling of being completely withdrawn. The relationship wasn’t always great, but there was a constancy there, like coming home and an old chair in the living room you stub your toe on. You get rid of the chair, but the carpet still has the outline of the feet and the square of where the chair sat seems to be a different color. It’s the hole that’s left that tells you the shape of what it once was. And for about two hours this morning, the hole wasn’t noticed. It’s like I moved a table over the chair spot.
Chapter 1
It was nearly dawn when I pulled into the parking lot for a public park. There was a gathering of about twenty men standing around all in neon yellow t-shirts. There were tall guys, and short guys; skinny guys and fat guys; and bald guys and some still with hair. This was an over-forty all men’s running club called “the yellow highlighters,” given the organization’s shirt color choice. I had been introduced to them online by a member I was chatting with on Grindr. I was trying to get laid on Friday night, but this guy mentioned that he had this hot group thing the next day that I might be interested in instead. I asked him what he was talking about and he sent me the web address for the group. I decided it might be fun to get out and meat, er, meet a few new guys. I was still nursing a break up of a two-year relationship that had happened the week before and I had spent most of the time since just moping around.
I got out of my car and walked over to a folding table that was set up to register folks. I pulled out my wallet and retrieved a five dollar bill, and handed it to the guy taking attendance. “Thanks,” he said, “can I get your name?” I nodded, “sure, it’s Glen Jacobs. One n.” He smiled, “got you down Glen one n, welcome aboard, I’m Rich.” I smiled, “thanks Rich, glad to be here.” I wasn’t sure that I was. “I have you paired with Roger Moore over there, the bearded guy in the yellow t-shirt!” He laughed at his own joke. I looked at him lost given there were several beards in yellow t-shirts milling about. “Hey Roger,” he yelled over to a guy about ten feet away, who turned. “This is Glen, your running buddy for the day.” I waved, and he waved me over to the group of guys he was standing around. I walked over to his group and stuck out my hand.
“Hi there, I’m Glen, one n.” He smiled and shook my hand. “I’m Roger, no ns,” he replied with a deep sonorous voice. I smiled. It’s a common refrain. “So, what brought you out this morning?” I shrugged my shoulders, “dunno, being single again, needing to do something outside, this group sounded fun.” He nodded, “yeah, we get a few of those that are of the walking wounded, but only a few stick around.” I nodded, “well, I’m trying to figure out the next step in life, so maybe putting on a running shoe will help,” I offered. He nodded again and then turned to the others. “This here’s Glen, this is John, Bob, Rick, and Steve.” I nodded and shook hands around the group. John was tall and lean, several inches taller than me as I looked up at him. Bob was the opposite, a good head shorter than me with a bit of a stomach, but not too overweight. Rick was my height and had a big Santa belly, and Steve was muscular and a little shorter than me with great defined calf muscles.
“Nice to meet all of you,” I said. Steve replied, “you haven’t met all of us yet,” and shook his cock in his shorts. I looked down. It seemed to fill up the shorts nicely and the shake gave an outline to the lump that snaked down the left leg. “Well, the morning is still young, and we have many miles to go,” I replied as I stared at his crotch a little too intensely. I saw the lump lunge outward a bit, as I looked back up at his eyes that were staring back at me. I smiled a little and he returned a little grin himself. Roger cleared his throat. “Steve here puts the ‘fun’ in ‘fun run.’ You’re in the beginner’s group where we are just getting back into the pace of running.” I nodded and said, “that’s just fine, I like a little fun in my run,” I winked over at Steve. He smirked, and Rick rolled his eyes. “Steve flirts again with the new guy,” Rick said.
I looked over at Rick. Yeah, he had a big belly, but he had kind eyes, brown, with a twinkle. He could play Santa with his stature and his zz-top style beard. He had a bald head that he clearly kept shaved. I love rubbing a guy’s bald head, especially when he’s kneeling in front of my pecker swallowing it. I felt my cock twitch in my shorts as I looked down at Rick’s crotch and swore I saw the outline of a thick dickhead. The ridge of his crown clearly on display through sweatshorts. He must of seen me looking because he took his hand and fluffed the fabric which shifted his cock toward the fabric more prominently. All of these guys were teasing me with their cocks I thought. Rick reminded me of a biker dude, and I wondered if he had a Harley in addition to the hog in his shorts.
Roger patted me on the shoulder. “Well, let’s get running I say.” We all started walking over to the walking path about 20 yards from the parking lot. Some of the more advanced runners were already off. Roger said, “we go at a pretty slow pace. The idea is to get the blood flowing to more than our cocks,” he stared at Rick and Steve, “and to work up to about a mile and a half. Feel free to walk or whatever. We are pretty relaxed about things in this part of the team.” I nodded. We all started off. John as the tallest kept back as he was more apt to stride ahead with his long legs. I didn’t get to see him running, but Steve was right in front of me, and I watched his ass cheeks shift left to right to left in front of me, teasing me with their bobbing up and down with every step. Rick was beside me on my right, and Roger on my left, keeping watch over me. Bob trailed behind with John and I didn’t get much of a vibe from him. I suspect that he and John were running buddies too. We jogged along the path through the city park, trees and grass and the occasional patch of flowers.
I was okay for the first 15 minutes or so, and then my side started really hurting. Roger must have noticed because he said, “ no shame in walking, but just breathe through it.” I nodded and kept on jogging at the regular pace, watching Steve’s ass go back and forth to distract me from the pain. We came up to a hill and our pace slowed a bit more as we climbed upward a little at a time. Even John was huffing and puffing a bit behind me, as we reached the top. Roger stopped us and said, “Let’s stretch and take a minute here, we are at the mile mark, and the rest of it is back down hill.” We all stopped and stretched. I bent over and grabbed the back of my knees, and I could feel eyes on my butt behind me. I stood back up and turned around to see John quietly staring at me. I looked him over. He was tall with a grey crew cut. He had steely blue eyes, and a strong jaw. He was skinny, but not anorexic, just trim, with smooth tan skin. I looked over at his crotch and I saw a log in his shorts, easily 5 inches soft shifting from side to side as he was stretching out his hips, or putting on a show for me. It was like a flesh metronome swinging back and forth slowly in the folds of nylon mesh shorty shorts. I bent over toward him to stretch my hamstrings a bit, and as I rose up, the shorts were closer as he had moved in to give me a better view of his cock, still swinging to and fro.
Bob was off in his own world, checking his phone, and I didn’t get much of a chance to check him out. He was nice enough, quiet, and a little nervous, like he was worried about being there. He came over after putting his phone back in his shorts and said hello to me finally. I said hi back. I looked at him more intently. He had curly red hair and green eyes, and freckles on his face, neck and arms. The hottest thing about him was the bright red leg hair on his calves and thighs that offered an orange glow to his skin in the early morning sunlight. I just wanted to lick him from knees to knob.
Roger was next to me but turned around so his back and ass were facing me. I finally had a chance to look him over as he was now talking to Rick and Steve about the path back. He was muscular, with a bit of a belly, but his ass was firm and round. Big and meaty, like he could take a dick and keep on trucking. His legs were very muscular, and I got the sense that there might be a body builder under a layer of fat, which got my cock really stirring. The back of his neck was hairy and so were his triceps and his legs. I imagined that the entire backside of him was fully carpeted, and I could only imagine the tufts in his asscrack and how they might smell after this little fun run of ours. I wasn’t sure what his story was, because he had a ring on his finger, but I did get the vibe that he wasn’t too chaste. Maybe I was just hoping I would get to crawl up into that beefy, hairy ass of his at some point.
“Alright gents, let’s head back to the ranch,” Roger said, as he started back jogging down the path. Steve and Rick followed and I stuck with John and Bob bringing up the rear. John spoke after a while, “I like the view from here,” he said, confessing his love for the other guys’ asses. I nodded, “yeah, it’s quite a buffet for me too.” Bob nodded and we chuckled as we watched the asses in front of us bounce up and down with their footsteps, different sizes and thicknesses all in motion. I didn’t get a cramp on the way back, and the stretching midway helped ease the tightness developing in my shins. I hadn’t been that active in the last year because I was too busy with dating Dan and work to get to the gym. I had about 30 pounds of ‘used to be boyfriend’ weight that I could stand to lose, and maybe more. But as I looked at Rick I thought, well, I’m thinner than he is. Not as in shape as Steve, or as thin as John, but I am okay, certainly fitting into this group of rag tag misfits.
Roger and I were in a good rhythm as the others sort of paired up as well and stayed together but in sets of two about ten feet apart. “How’s the side?” Roger finally asked me. I nodded, “good, it seemed to go away after a bit. I’m just rusty.” He nodded, “yeah, usually we have a few drop at this point in the run, especially if it’s their first time.” He looked me over real good and said, “you seem to be doing just fine,” and he leaned on the word fine. I nodded and said, “thanks, I did run track in school. But that was a while ago.” He laughed, “yeah, many of us did as well, but it’s now in the rear view mirror.” I laughed as we huffed and puffed along back to the starting line. We came around the bed and there were other yellow t-shirts joining from other directions and some already done and chatting at the parking lot. Roger said, “we normally go to breakfast after the run if you want to join us.” I nodded and said, “sure, would give me a chance to talk to everyone a bit more.” Roger nodded and we fell back into a rhythm of footsteps in silence as we approached the end of our ‘fun’ run.
We crossed a line drawn in the dirt and we were done. We each stopped running and did a little walking in circles and stretching, like we had just finished a marathon. For some it was akin to a marathon, and really it was hard for me, so I didn’t belittle the accomplishment. Rich greeted me and asked if I was going to breakfast. I nodded and he made a tally mark in his notebook as he was getting a headcount. Steve came over and sidled up close to me and said, “so you coming,” and winked at me. I smiled back and said, “not yet, but if you pull on it a bit I might.” He laughed, “to breakfast silly,” I nodded, and then he said, “but about that pulling, why don’t you come up and see me some time,” ala Mae West. I tipped an invisible cowboy hat and said, “don’t mind if I do sometime there little partner.” He laughed and said, “it’s not so little.” I smirked and whispered back, “I already noticed. But calling you big partner might raise an eyebrow.” He shrugged and said, “they’re just jealous,” and sauntered off to his car exaggerating the motion of his hips while he flexxed his ass muscles. I think he was hoping I would notice. And I did.
Roger came over and touched me on the shoulder. “Hey, uh, the group meets for breakfast over at O’Leary’s if you are interested in joining?” I nodded and turned to him. He kept his hand on my shoulder. “Yeah, that sounds great, it would be nice to chat without huffing and puffing along the trail.” I smiled and he smiled back. “Great, see you there. You know where you are going?” I nodded. “Yeah, and I have Waze to direct me,” as I held my phone up. He squeezed and then patted my shoulder and said, “well good, we’ll save you a seat.” I waved and walked over to my car. I debated on shimmying my ass as I walked but I was tired enough not to want to give a show. I really wanted to sit a minute and catch my breath.
I started the car and headed out, but there were four cars in front of me all trying to turn onto the street so I was just another car idling and waiting my turn. I reflected on the yellow shirts. It was a nice group of guys. Nobody was a model, but obviously some handsome gents there, and certainly a few that made my cock take notice. The best part of the morning was that I was able to be distracted from the events of the previous week, all the drama about the breakup and then the feeling of being completely withdrawn. The relationship wasn’t always great, but there was a constancy there, like coming home and an old chair in the living room you stub your toe on. You get rid of the chair, but the carpet still has the outline of the feet and the square of where the chair sat seems to be a different color. It’s the hole that’s left that tells you the shape of what it once was. And for about two hours this morning, the hole wasn’t noticed. It’s like I moved a table over the chair spot.