Mexicanos: Do Mexican Men Typically Keep Pubic Hair? Why?


Legendary Member
Mar 27, 2024
Atlanta, GA, USA
60% Straight, 40% Gay
I’m curious about the grooming habits of men in Mexico, specifically regarding pubic hair. I’ve noticed that in amateur porn, Mexican men tend to have pubic hair. Compared with American and European men, it seems to be the norm, which makes me think there is a strong cultural influence. How common is it for men to keep their pubic hair, and is there a cultural reason behind it? Is pubic hair seen as a symbol of masculinity, and could that be why men might not shave it often? I’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences on this topic!

Tengo curiosidad por los hábitos de acicalamiento de los hombres en México, específicamente en relación con el vello púbico. He notado que en el porno amateur, los hombres mexicanos suelen tener vello púbico. En comparación con los hombres norteamericanos y europeos, parece ser la norma, lo que me hace pensar que hay una influencia cultural fuerte. ¿Qué tan común es que los hombres mantengan su vello púbico, y hay alguna razón cultural detrás de esto? ¿El vello púbico se ve como un símbolo de masculinidad y quizás por eso los hombres no suelen afeitarlo? ¡Me encantaría conocer sus opiniones y experiencias sobre este tema!
well, I'm Mexican and I always shave my pubes. I think it depends on the producers (the kink they have) and the type of porn, for example, in straight porn they tend to have no hair at all
Thanks. I know that professional porn companies dictate how they want their model/actors to look, but in amateur porn or random videos made by regular guys, it seems that most of them keep their pubes. So based on this, I concluded that most guys in Mexico keep their pubes. What's your experience?
Also, what do you think is the general opinion of men who shave their pubes or do any manscaping in Mexico?
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I got a mexican heritage and live near people who also have Mexican heritage. I rarely shave and mostly keep it trimmed. From my perspective, Mexican people are not open people, they share conservative values with grooming. Having body hair is seen as normal for a dude and shaving that takes a bit of their masculinity away. It’s like a dude shaving their legs. Not saying some Mexicans do shave, but just been monkey see monkey do so many don’t shave. Most of the dudes in my area have hair / and just trim. Very few shave. But it also has to do with more like social influence and preference.
I got a mexican heritage and live near people who also have Mexican heritage. I rarely shave and mostly keep it trimmed. From my perspective, Mexican people are not open people, they share conservative values with grooming. Having body hair is seen as normal for a dude and shaving that takes a bit of their masculinity away. It’s like a dude shaving their legs. Not saying some Mexicans do shave, but just been monkey see monkey do so many don’t shave. Most of the dudes in my area have hair / and just trim. Very few shave. But it also has to do with more like social influence and preference.
Now, that explains why so many Mexican guys keep their pubes these days. It's fascinating that this perception still exists in Mexico, similar to how it was viewed in the US before the 2000s. During the 70s and 80s, body hair was considered a symbol of masculinity, and men typically did not shave it off. The exceptions were mainly muscle-bound gym enthusiasts who shaved their chests and legs in the 90s, along with some gay men.
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Tengo curiosidad por los hábitos de aseo de los hombres en México, en especial en lo que respecta al vello púbico. He notado que en el porno amateur, los hombres mexicanos tienden a tener vello púbico. En comparación con los hombres estadounidenses y europeos, parece ser la norma, lo que me hace pensar que hay una fuerte influencia cultural. ¿Qué tan común es que los hombres mantengan su vello púbico? ¿Existe una razón cultural detrás de esto? ¿Se considera el vello púbico un símbolo de masculinidad y podría ser esa la razón por la que los hombres no lo afeitan con frecuencia? ¡Me encantaría escuchar sus pensamientos y experiencias sobre este tema!

Tengo curiosidad por los hábitos de aseo de los hombres en México, específicamente en relación con el vello púbico. He notado que en el porno amateur, los hombres mexicanos suelen tener vello púbico. En comparación con los hombres norteamericanos y europeos, parece ser la norma, lo que me hace pensar que hay una fuerte influencia cultural. ¿Qué tan común es que los hombres mantengan su vello púbico, y hay alguna razón cultural detrás de esto? ¿El vello púbico se ve como un símbolo de masculinidad y quizás por eso los hombres no suelen afeitarlo? ¡Me encantaría conocer sus opiniones y experiencias sobre este tema!
Porque por algo lo tenemos, es parte de nuestro cuerpo, el BAÑO DIARIO lo mantiene limpio, además en el ámbito sexual es preferible, conserva ese aroma que tanto excita, es decepcionante cuando se tiene actividad sexual que descubras qué tu compañero se quito el vello y con ello gran parte de ese olor, además de que si se ve más masculino, recuerda que se ha descubierto que un pubis lampiño en un adulto esta relacionado con la p3d0filia
Well, in my personal experience. They usually remove all the hair. And my heterosexual friends often say that they take it away too. I prefer a man with all his hair intact.
But based on my experience, that happens more often with Mexican Americans or Mexican guys who are in the US or close to the border. In Mexico, especially once you go south (Guadalajara, Mexico City, etc), guys tend to keep their pubes more.
Now, that explains why so many Mexican guys keep their pubes these days. It's fascinating that this perception still exists in Mexico, similar to how it was viewed in the US before the 2000s. During the 70s and 80s, body hair was considered a symbol of masculinity, and men typically did not shave it off. The exceptions were mainly muscle-bound gym enthusiasts who shaved their chests and legs in the 90s, along with some gay men.
I believe that body hair is objectively perceived as masculine (not just socially considered as such). In my opinion, men who shave their body completely (not trimming), look to me like they have the body of a boy. Hopefully this is a trend that will go away sometime in the near future
For mexicans, its very normal from what I take. im half mexican on my dads side. so yea, the masculine view is to keep the hairs. they have the mentality that one is a man or guy with all natural hairs. ive hooked up and asked them, they've given me their 2 cents over time

I, for one, fuckin love it, i can't get enough natural mexican cock bush when i go down on them. makes me hungry for their cum. if other latino, arabs, white and euro do the same, ill be just as crazy for them
It’s most definitely a masculinity or even machismo thing, keeping any and all hair intact. Some fellow coworkers give crap to other workers whose trim/shave their armpit hair, or legs/chest.

I’m Mexican from both sides. I simply trim it. Mostly because women are slightly grossed out by naturally bushy pubic hair, and your less like to get a BJ from a woman when your natural. So trimming it is a middle ground. But with a guy, it almost seems like they want natural pubic hair, and are disappointed when you trim it.
It’s most definitely a masculinity or even machismo thing, keeping any and all hair intact. Some fellow coworkers give crap to other workers whose trim/shave their armpit hair, or legs/chest.

I’m Mexican from both sides. I simply trim it. Mostly because women are slightly grossed out by naturally bushy pubic hair, and your less like to get a BJ from a woman when your natural. So trimming it is a middle ground. But with a guy, it almost seems like they want natural pubic hair, and are disappointed when you trim it.
with your second paragraph, you are very correct. im gay and very laid-back. countless women told me they dont like the hair or want it trimmed down like wow. but me? keep it natural and manly, whatever amount you have, and i'll def give down low fun
with your second paragraph, you are very correct. im gay and very laid-back. countless women told me they dont like the hair or want it trimmed down like wow. but me? keep it natural and manly, whatever amount you have, and i'll def give down low fun
Exactly!!! So trimming it is a happy middle ground.
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A bit off topic but I noticed that many mexican actors who have chest and belly hair tend to shave or trim it. It seems to be a trend for almost 25 years now. Interestingly, many of the now older actors who sport a smooth chest, showed chest hair in the 90´s, which indicates that shaving became a trend in Mexico too