
Admired Member
Jan 13, 2019
California (United States)
99% Gay, 1% Straight
So, I have a male coworker from whom I've just always gotten a "vibe" he has some latent bi-curiosity in him... (Don't ask me by what criteria I'm getting this vibe from; I just get feelings about certain people sometimes, and they've proven to be correct more times than not. If you are like this, too, then you know exactly what I mean.) I am a 28-year-old gay man, and the coworker in question is newly 21. When I first started at this job, he took more to me than to some of our other coworkers who he'd worked with for years there and who are all cool people to work and hang out with. He just never seemed to really be "open" with any of them, though, in the way he began to be open with me pretty quickly into my time here. We used to close at our store a lot together because our schedules were some of the only ones that could work for closing. He recently was broken up with by a girl who worked upstairs, whom he had been dating for a year. That was rough for him because while he didn't necessarily seem like he was super super into her, he definitely didn't want to be alone. During that time, he would always come over to me wherever I was on our sales floor and just hang around and especially wanted to just talk about his feelings with me regarding the breakup whenever it was mostly just us two. I can remember one day, we were both sequestered to our backstock to do backstock tasks, and when we finished, and I went to go back out to the floor, he actually said, "Wait, let's just stay back here and hang out." Now, granted, he didn't at all like to work and was very lazy and, ergo, took any opportunity to not do work, so I fully think that was the driving force behind that comment, but he only ever really wanted to open up to me about anything personal, especially his breakup. I obliged him, and we just kind of talked about how he was feeling, which was generally sad about everything, and stayed in the back for what must have been 30 minutes past the time we finished our tasks.

He is also a very immature, childish type of guy, feeling more like a glorified teen than a 21-year-old. For example, one day, I was in our backstock up on a ladder, and he came back there and literally stood at the foot of the ladder and stared at me in my eyes with this childish look about him for what must have been at least 2 minutes straight, totally silent, not really talking back when I would try to break the silence because it definitely felt kind of awkward and uncomfortable, him just staring at me in total silence when he could've been doing literally anything else. I actually felt uncomfortable in that moment of him staring at me because I actually felt this strange feeling of, like, "What does this mean...? Is he just being weird and immature, or...? Why is he staring at me like this?" He was very very immature and acted like a kid generally, so I think I chalk it up to that more than anything, but it was VERY weird, nonetheless.

The REAL experience I came here to share that kind of pinged him for me as potentially bi-curious is that one day, *apropos of absolutely nothing,* he was telling me how he and his group of guy friends, all around his age, took a photo of one of their friends on the toilet over a stall and got a pic of the friend's penis on the toilet. He then proceeded to further explain that every now and again, one of the friends will post this dick pic in their group chat in an effort to piss off the one friend. He proceeds to pull this pic up on his phone because HE KEPT IT in his phone gallery (is that not weird that he keeps it in his own phone gallery???), and he shows me his friend's dick on the toilet. Lol Now, I DID NOT ask to see it; he just pulled it up of his own volition and showed me. And he was particularly interested in the fact that this friend's penis was small, but the friend is Black. I felt the fact that he still had it on his phone was particularly suss... It very could be—and probably is—that it's just a thing among straight male "bros" to joke around in this manner, but idk... The whole thing just felt like he was particularly antsy to bring it up and to show me...

Now I have left that job, but we still send each other memes over DM, and the memes he sends are usually some sort of gay sexually humorous memes, and they're usually sexually charged, and that's what I find weird. Like, of all the memes to send... you want to go for the ones that are so horny? Lol I send him back, and this is our current relationship. I don't think he's even remotely aware of if he is curious or not, but a lot has made me feel that it may be latent in him...

What do you think?
OH!! He would also make random, apropos-of-nothing jokey comments involving his penis but only around me and not our other coworkers. Now, of course, that could just be his immaturity at play, and it very likely is, but I found it interesting that he only ever said jokey stuff about his penis when he was around me.
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OOH forgot to mention!! There was one time where he and I were closing, and it was really slow in our store. He wanted to try on some shirt we had just gotten in, so he asked me to come back with him to the fitting rooms and proceeded to strip off his shirt in front of me in front of a mirror that's in the fitting/alterations area in our FR. I instinctually looked away and actually kind of walked away to give him some privacy because I didn't want him to think I was staring at him shirtless, and he commented on how I walked away, "What, are you 'standing guard' outside the FR?" So, it's like he wanted me to watch him take his shirt off; otherwise, why would he bring attention to me looking away? Why would it matter at all that I did that?

Another time, we were in the backstock, and I began to take off my shirt in front of him, unexpectedly to him, to try on a shirt, and I caught him looking at my chest, and then he lowered his eyes and wouldn't look my way again until I had put the shirt on that I wanted to try on.
Male coworker latent bi-curiosity? I'm a 28-year-old gay man and he's 21. He took more to me than other coworkers. After he broke up with a girl he'd talk about his feelings. He didn't like work, was very lazy and took any opportunity to not work. Also very immature, childish guy. He told me he and his friends took a photo of one on the toilet and got a pic of the friend's penis. He said, every now and again, one friend posts this dick pic in group chat to piss off <their victim>. In his phone gallery he showed me the toilet pic. The penis was small, but the friend was Black. Now I left that job. We still send each other memes over DM. The memes he sends are usually gay sexually humorous memes and that's what I find weird. Lol I send him back and this is our current relationship. Bi-curious or not? What do you think?

I think you were fortunate not to have him snap a candid photo of you nude upon the toilet. You have a good rapport with one another - which is all I can say about this situation. He was comfortable confiding in you with regard to his personal issues in the past. Speak to your friend in order to satisfy any curiousity you have concerning him.
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OOH forgot to mention!! There was one time where he and I were closing, and it was really slow in our store. He wanted to try on some shirt we had just gotten in, so he asked me to come back with him to the fitting rooms and proceeded to strip off his shirt in front of me in front of a mirror that's in the fitting/alterations area in our FR. I instinctually looked away and actually kind of walked away to give him some privacy because I didn't want him to think I was staring at him shirtless, and he commented on how I walked away, "What, are you 'standing guard' outside the FR?" So, it's like he wanted me to watch him take his shirt off; otherwise, why would he bring attention to me looking away? Why would it matter at all that I did that?

Another time, we were in the backstock, and I began to take off my shirt in front of him, unexpectedly to him, to try on a shirt, and I caught him looking at my chest, and then he lowered his eyes and wouldn't look my way again until I had put the shirt on that I wanted to try on.
I think your perceptions, feelings and reasoning are all reasonably sound. I think it would be worth spending time with him outside of work and seeing if he wants to explore doing more with you. Kind of seeing where things go.
I don't think he's bi or anything. From your story, he's just a playful teen (21 i know, but u said he acts more like a teenager) whose actions & behavior are childish & may not mean anything. I mean, maybe he's just like a child who likes to joke about penis & stuff, without realizing what kind of sexual innuendo it brings. Also, the sending of horny memes, I see my straight friends doing it all the time, & yesss, the memes they share are guys & dicks. And does he actually know that you're gay?
All in all, I think he just reeeally thought of you as a bro & was super comfortable with you to the point of sharing all the 'sus' stories. Cuz unless he'd made it super obvious, I think that he's just in his comfort zone with you. But it doesn't hurt to try & get it out of him. Try giving him hints that are more on the explicit side (i.e. comment on those memes he sends in a xxx kinda way) & see how he reacts.
(Sorry if my English is bad, it's not my first language).
Dic pic on the phone aside. All the events can easily be explained with him just being childish. Straight guys will do a lot of things that can be perceived as gay, but it is just all for laughs. IMO, it may be something about your personality that makes him more willing to open up.
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That's the challenge, he could possibly be curious about some inner feelings or it could all just be the playful ignorance of youth. I understand the whole vibe thing though as I have a friend I used to work with where we just have this super strong vibe. Now in his case, he's straight and I'm 99.9% sure there will never be anything between us beyond just being good friends but should he ever approach the situation of being something more, I'd certainly jump at it as in addition to being cute af, he's the sweetest, most positive-energy type person I've ever known and we just deeply click with each other and it was like that from the first day we met.

Does your friend know you like guys at all? If he does and there's still that energy, there might be something to it, but there's a good chance he's just oblivious to anything more than a friendship as many people, particularly youthful, tend to be.

If you want there to be something deeper, my only advice is to spend time together and maybe you can figure it out. If you have similar interests, travelling together and doing stuff you enjoy is a good chance to get to know each other more. Something deeper might come of it, or maybe it never does, but if you enjoy spending time with him, you aren't really losing out even if nothing further than a friendship comes of it.
Any news about this story? I came herr to watch the whole season, but you released only a few episodes 🥲
Ps: he is playful, okay, but I think he kinda knows that u have a different way of looking at him. I'd say he likes the attention
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