- Joined
- Aug 3, 2023
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- Buffalo, New York, United States
- Sexuality
- 100% Gay, 0% Straight
Leo, A healthy, in shape, clean cut 28 year old young man flicked his thumb through his phone. He spent the past half hour job searching on an app.
"Sucks to be laid off. Now what am I supposed to do?"
His job had to end up doing some job cuts and he was one of the victims.
Finally Leo saw something that caught his eye. A job posting from ODT, aka Orgasm Denial Therapy. It said:
Help Wanted
Position: Milker
Job Description: We are looking for someone to fill in the role of a milker at our facility. They will be tasked with milking our clients at the final stage of their Orgasm Denial Therapy.
Experience Edging & Milking preferred but we can teach if needed.
Starting Salary - $50,000
"Interesting... ive never edged or milked a guy but I am pretty good with my hands...." Leo thought.
He decided why the hell not and submitted his resume.
A few days passed and Leo was suprised when he finally got a call back.
"Good afternoon Leo, we recieved your application. We would love to meet with you if you can come in tomorrow for an interview"
"Of course! I'll be there!"
"Great! We'll see you tomorrow"
Leo was over the moon getting a call back. It was hard to even sleep that night.
The morning came, Leo got dressed up in a proper suit and drove himself to the facility.
Leo walked up to the building and knocked.
A handsome middle aged man with salt and pepper hair and a nicely trimmed beard answered.
“Why hello! Come on in. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr.Alec.”
They shook hands.
His smooth, calm deep voice was noticeable.
They sat at Alec's desk.
"So what we do here at ODT is a specific type of Therapy for people with behavioral issues. It's a diversion program to focus on rehabilitation and learning, rather than just being straight up punitive. The idea of using edging and orgasm denial to frustrate men with attitude problems until they can become complient and obedient. They will be forced to learn self control, manners, following instruction, and rules of someone with authority over them with respect. Any attitude, disrespect, or rule breaking is used against the client and will only extend their stay until they are 100% fully complient" Alec said.
"Interesting, I was in the army right out of high school so I know all about discipline. I think I could be fit for being one to provide it" Leo responded.
"Now what I described is the edging and denial portion of Orgasm Denial Therapy. You would be one of our milkers. Once the clients have passed ODT they are sent to the milking stage where the milkers work out all of the built up cum that's accumulated in the weeks, months, or yes, even years of denial....I'll have you meet and shadow the other members of the milking team before assigning you your first client" Alec said.
Leo followed Alec down a long series of halls until they eventually made it to where the employed milkers work.
3 other smiley men were there to greet him.
Dante, a tall handsome 30 year old black man. Couldn't be a more friendly guy. Very soft hands Leo noted when he shook them.
Jin, a fit, slim, good looking Asian man around Leo's age. He used to be an Edger be transferred to the milking department due to a shortage. Probably one of the most skilled guys in that building.
Rick, a handsome 50 year old man. Bear like with a trimmed beard. Big firm strong hands. CumControl is a passion for him. He actually trained all the edger who work there and is probably ODT's oldest employee.
All 3 men enthusiastically greeted Leo.
"Nice to meet you fella. We could certainly use the help. No shortage of bad guys out there cycling through here who could use some correcting. We only have so many hands!" Rick said.
The men all laughed.
"So Leo, now that you've met everyone I'll have you come back Monday. You'll shadow Dante, then Jin Tuesday, Rick Wednesday, and We'll have you have your shot at a guy on Thursday. I typically always prep the clients with hypnosis befire their sessions. They will have triggers installed that make them extra horny and sensitve to touch" Alec said, "Congrats on being hired, welcome to the team" He continued with a wink.
Leo spent the weekend watching as many edging and milking videos as he could while bating his own cock. He wanted to study.
He was so nervous that he hoped he would be able to deliver.
Monday came.
Leo met up with Dante.
"Hey man, so basically you will just observe me in a session with a guy today. You're just a viewer. I have a young man named Tyler. He has been here a few months. Was sent here after numerous fights" Dante said.
Tyler walked in, Dante had him secured naked on a table in the middle of the room.
He put a mouth spreader in Tyler's mouth which Leo was curious about.
"So basically the rules are that the clients deliver at minimum 3 loads. Otherwise, the milker has the discretion to make up their own other rules for the session. You can have the restrained in any way you want, make then cum in any way you want. Any violation of a rule can have them sent to start their orgasm denial therapy all over again at your discretion..." Dante said.
Dante unlocked Tyler's chastity cage.
Tyler's dick immediately sprang up. A drop of precum rolled down the shaft.
Dante lubed up his hands and began edging Tyler.
"I'm not edging you, so you can cum whenever bud" Dante instructed.
It didn't take longer than 30 seconds of double handed stroking for cum to start shooting out of his dick.
Dante quickly engulfed Tyler's cock with his mouth as he started to shoot.
Tyler bucked as Dante sucked.
When Dante let his mouth off his dick he walked up to Tyler's head. Dante had his mouth full of Tyler's cum.
Dante leaned down to Tyler's spread open mouth and began to passionately kiss him.
Tyler sqeeled around and tried screaming but his screams were muffled.
Saliva and cum oozed out of the sides of both their mouths as Dante kept kissing him.
Dante finally got up.
Tyler had gone soft.
He still owed 2 more loads though.
Dante left the room and came back with an e-stim system. He hooked everything up to Tyler's dick and then used the controller to play with the frequencies.
Tyler's dick began to grown to a hard on once again, much to his & Leo's fascination.
Dante lightly rubbed and stimulated Tyler's nipples as the estim did its work. The nipples were basically hardwired.
Tyler began to spurt a couple more jets of cum, not as much as last time.
He squirmed as the estim kept going.
Dante removed it.
"Alright just one more load to go my man and toy are finally out of here" Dante said enthusiastically.
Dante grabbed a lubbed up fleshlite.
He began to stroke it very slowly up and down.
Tyler didn't know if he would be able to cum again but after 20 mins or so he began tensing up and his moaning grew louder until....
He reached the point of no return. Dante rapidly removed the fleshlite completely. A lone strand of cum rolled down Tyler's shaft. Dante gripped the dick and stroked with his hand. Not much else was really coming out. Basically almost a dry orgasm.
"Congrats Tyler! Been a long ride but you did it. You finally got us out of your hair. I'll get you off this table so you can get dressed and they can check you outta hear" Dante said to Tyler, patting his leg proudly.
Tuesday came.
Leo met Jin.
"Nice to see you! I do things a big differently than Dante. I'm much more into ruined orgasms and frustration based milking. My client today is Willy. He has a long list of violent and non violent crimes and has been here longer than any other client. About a year and a half... he has not had an orgasm during his whole stay. He finally passed Orgasm Denial Therapy so well see how the milking phase goes with him" Jin said to Leo.
Willy came in, a very angry looking biker type man.
Leo had him cuffed with his arms behing his back and around a pole that he was made to stand against in the middle of the room.
"Okay Willy, you know the rules, no swearing or verbal anger. You must let me know when you're gonna come" Jin instructed.
He lubed up his hands and began to stroke.
"Close!" Willy said almost right away.
Jin removed his hand and cum began to leak out.
This went on for a while. Ruined after ruined orgasm throughout the half hour.
Leo could see in Willys face that he was getting fucking pissed.
Everytime Willy was close Leo would give an extra stroke or 2 to take it over the edge but stop stimulation so the orgasm was ruined and the cum just slowly and sadly plopped to the floor.
What happened next is what finally did Willy in. Just as he was pushed over the edge again, Jin dug his fingers into Willys sides and began to tickle him hard.
"Aaaaaahhhhh! Fuck! Hahhahah" Willy yelled.
Cum streamed out for like, the 8th time but Willy could not enjoy it because the tickling.
Jin stopped tickling but Willy lashed out.
"This is fucking bullshit man! I've given you much more than 3 loads!"
Jin replied,
"3 is just the minimum sir, the session goes as long as the milker feels"
"You are purposefully keeping it going until I fail you fucking prick! You just keep ruining them all. This is fucked!"
"Willy I'm afraid this will not fly. I'm gonna have to terminate our session and have you sent to Orgasm Denial Therapy to start the program over. You know their is no swearing or lashing out. It goes against everything you learned in ODT" Jin replied calmly, unfazed by the yelling.
Willy was unruffled and immediately lunged at Jin in a pure rage.
Leo and some security rushed in to help subdue him.
The security walked Willy away forcibly.
"You alright?" Leo asked.
"Oh yes, I'm fine. I kinda knew he would break easy. Poor guy hadn't had an orgasm in over a year and has known anger issues. I feel like we won't be seeing him for a while. He'll be stuck at Denial therapy" Jin said.
Leo could tell that Jin almost seemed around of himself, he broke that big tough guy by doing nothing but ruin his orgasms over and over. Jin had a satisfied smirk as he washed his hands. He knew exactly what he was doing. Willy never had a chance.
Wednesday came.
Leo met up with Rick.
"Howdy,I'm just getting my client set up. 20 year old. Very impulsive and quick temper on him. I heard he is mouthy haha. Name is Evan" Rick said.
Evan, a good looking twink came in. He had a bitchy look on his face and glared at both men.
"Alriht Evan, So my rules are simple. You'll lay on the mat on the floor, flat. You are not allowed to move at all. No squirming. No lifting your arms or legs. You are not allowed to make noise. Not even moaning. You are not allowed to speak, unless it's to warn me that you are close to cumming" Rick instructed.
Even layed flat on the floor. He spread his legs so Rick could sit between them.
Rick removed the chastity cage and began stroking.
Evan breathed very hard. You could see his stomach go up and down rapidly.
"Close...." he muttered.
Rick intensified and increased the speed of the stroke until cim was flying everywhere.
Evan bit his bottom lip, his eyes sqeezed close.
It was like Rick didn't even notice the orgasm. He kept stroking the now hyper sensitive cock even after, not changing pace or stroke.
It was so sensitive. Evans body tensed up. His eyes watered as he struggled to remain still and silent.
Rick stopped stroking and gripped the bottom of the shaft firmly, with his other hand he circled the cockhead with his palm.
This was to much for Evan, who screamed and squirmed away from Rick's grip.
"Dammit!" Evan yelled.
Rick chuckled.
"Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to have you sent back to the Orgasm Denial Therapy program. You'll get another shot sometime. We only got 1 orgasm here" Rick said.
Evan angrily stormed out of the room much to Leo and Rick's amusement.
Leo was happy he got to watch all of their sessions. Learn all about different types of strokes and grips, ruined orgasms, different types of tools and toys. What can make a milkee tick...
Thursday came.
It was finally Leo's day.
Alec was there and introduced him to his first ever client.
"This is Donny. He has been here about 6 months. He is anxious to finally get milked and get out of here haha" Alec said.
"Hello there Donny, I'll be your milker today"
Leo reached out and shook hands with Donny.
The tatted muscle bro guy looked like he was trying his best to portray friendly and disciplined but you could see in his eyes he was anxious to cum.
Leo watched Alec prep Donny with hypnosis.
Donny looked intensly at the wall while Alec whispered in his ear for a while. Finally the whispering stopped and Alec snapped in Donnys ear.
Leo noticed a wet spot in Donny's shorts where his chastity cage was form.
"There, sensitivity and horniness triggers are installed and active. Good luck gentlemen" Alec said walking away.
Leo took him to his milking room he had set up.
A low to the ground massage table in the center of the room. A whole where someone's duck an balls could fit through in the center of the table.
Leo removed Donnys chastity and had him lay face down on the milking table.
Their were straps to secure his arms, legs, waist, and back which Leo fastened.
"Okay Donny, were gonna go the minimum 3 rules. Remember no swearing, lashing out or anything like that. No need to tell me when you're close, you can just cum" Leo instructed.
Leo crawled under the table and layed on his back.
He lubed up his hands and began to stroke.
Donny squirmed and buckled. On the table as Leo worked his shaft and sensitive head.
"Ahhh I'm cumming!" Donny yelled.
Cum squirted out and drenched Leo's t-shirt.
Leo began laughing.
"Hahhahaha wow man. Jesus....wasn't expecting a cum bath"
Donny continued to buckle and squirm. This was made worse that he was now experiencing post orgasm torment.
Donny learned to control his anger in ODT but now he could feel it bubbling up as he struggled not to curse during the hyper sensitive continued stroking.
"CAN YOU PLEASE GAG ME!" He blurted out.
Leo was not expecting that request.
"It's to sensitive sir, I'm afraid I might say something I regret. Please gag me" Donny pleaded.
"I understand, I appreciate you letting me know" Leo responded.
Leo crawled from under the table. He looked around but could not see anything to use.
A light bulb went off.
He kicked off his shoes and peeled his dress socks off his size 12 feet.
He stuffed one sock in Donny's mouth and tied the other around his mouth/head to keep it in.
"Sorry man haha. Gotta be resourceful and use what I have" Leo said before r crawling back under the table.
Leo gripped Donny's balls and started stroking again. The grip made it harder for Donny to buckle upward away from his stroking.
It took a while but a second load finally flew out of Donny's dick, hitting Leo's shirt.
Donny screamed. It sounded like a scream of pain but really he was just very overstimulated.
Leo stroked for another half hour of so but Donny was only getting softer. Leo didn't think he would be able to pull a 3rs load.
Leo came up with an idea.
He had Donny re-situated to lay upwards. He gave Donny a viagra before re-gagging him.
Leo left the room before coming back with a milking machine.
Donny's eyes widened.
Leo attached the milker, turned the machine on and left the room.
As he walked down the hall he smiled as he could hear Donny yell into his gag.
Leo came back an hour later and shut off the machine. Donnys eyes were rolling around in his head. He seemed weak.
When Leo pulled the tube off his cock a ton of cum spilled out.
"Wow! I wonder how many loads this is?!?! You must have been shooting dry after a while. Can't beat the machine haha" Leo said.
Leo helped Donny up and got him some water. He had to help support Donny to stay up for a bit.
"Congrats, you finally did it man. I know it was intense but so worth it in the end. I'm proud of you brother. I hope you can apply to patients and obedience you've learned here in the real world now. We are rooting for you" Leo said.
"Thank you, that means a lot man. This was all definetly a challenge" Donny said.
Donny and Leo shared a long hug. Leo patted him on the back.
Leo left to let Donny get change and checked out of the facility.
He smiled to himself and he walked out to his car.
He couldn't believe this was his real job. He was living the dream.
"Sucks to be laid off. Now what am I supposed to do?"
His job had to end up doing some job cuts and he was one of the victims.
Finally Leo saw something that caught his eye. A job posting from ODT, aka Orgasm Denial Therapy. It said:
Help Wanted
Position: Milker
Job Description: We are looking for someone to fill in the role of a milker at our facility. They will be tasked with milking our clients at the final stage of their Orgasm Denial Therapy.
Experience Edging & Milking preferred but we can teach if needed.
Starting Salary - $50,000
"Interesting... ive never edged or milked a guy but I am pretty good with my hands...." Leo thought.
He decided why the hell not and submitted his resume.
A few days passed and Leo was suprised when he finally got a call back.
"Good afternoon Leo, we recieved your application. We would love to meet with you if you can come in tomorrow for an interview"
"Of course! I'll be there!"
"Great! We'll see you tomorrow"
Leo was over the moon getting a call back. It was hard to even sleep that night.
The morning came, Leo got dressed up in a proper suit and drove himself to the facility.
Leo walked up to the building and knocked.
A handsome middle aged man with salt and pepper hair and a nicely trimmed beard answered.
“Why hello! Come on in. It’s nice to meet you. I’m Dr.Alec.”
They shook hands.
His smooth, calm deep voice was noticeable.
They sat at Alec's desk.
"So what we do here at ODT is a specific type of Therapy for people with behavioral issues. It's a diversion program to focus on rehabilitation and learning, rather than just being straight up punitive. The idea of using edging and orgasm denial to frustrate men with attitude problems until they can become complient and obedient. They will be forced to learn self control, manners, following instruction, and rules of someone with authority over them with respect. Any attitude, disrespect, or rule breaking is used against the client and will only extend their stay until they are 100% fully complient" Alec said.
"Interesting, I was in the army right out of high school so I know all about discipline. I think I could be fit for being one to provide it" Leo responded.
"Now what I described is the edging and denial portion of Orgasm Denial Therapy. You would be one of our milkers. Once the clients have passed ODT they are sent to the milking stage where the milkers work out all of the built up cum that's accumulated in the weeks, months, or yes, even years of denial....I'll have you meet and shadow the other members of the milking team before assigning you your first client" Alec said.
Leo followed Alec down a long series of halls until they eventually made it to where the employed milkers work.
3 other smiley men were there to greet him.
Dante, a tall handsome 30 year old black man. Couldn't be a more friendly guy. Very soft hands Leo noted when he shook them.
Jin, a fit, slim, good looking Asian man around Leo's age. He used to be an Edger be transferred to the milking department due to a shortage. Probably one of the most skilled guys in that building.
Rick, a handsome 50 year old man. Bear like with a trimmed beard. Big firm strong hands. CumControl is a passion for him. He actually trained all the edger who work there and is probably ODT's oldest employee.
All 3 men enthusiastically greeted Leo.
"Nice to meet you fella. We could certainly use the help. No shortage of bad guys out there cycling through here who could use some correcting. We only have so many hands!" Rick said.
The men all laughed.
"So Leo, now that you've met everyone I'll have you come back Monday. You'll shadow Dante, then Jin Tuesday, Rick Wednesday, and We'll have you have your shot at a guy on Thursday. I typically always prep the clients with hypnosis befire their sessions. They will have triggers installed that make them extra horny and sensitve to touch" Alec said, "Congrats on being hired, welcome to the team" He continued with a wink.
Leo spent the weekend watching as many edging and milking videos as he could while bating his own cock. He wanted to study.
He was so nervous that he hoped he would be able to deliver.
Monday came.
Leo met up with Dante.
"Hey man, so basically you will just observe me in a session with a guy today. You're just a viewer. I have a young man named Tyler. He has been here a few months. Was sent here after numerous fights" Dante said.
Tyler walked in, Dante had him secured naked on a table in the middle of the room.
He put a mouth spreader in Tyler's mouth which Leo was curious about.
"So basically the rules are that the clients deliver at minimum 3 loads. Otherwise, the milker has the discretion to make up their own other rules for the session. You can have the restrained in any way you want, make then cum in any way you want. Any violation of a rule can have them sent to start their orgasm denial therapy all over again at your discretion..." Dante said.
Dante unlocked Tyler's chastity cage.
Tyler's dick immediately sprang up. A drop of precum rolled down the shaft.
Dante lubed up his hands and began edging Tyler.
"I'm not edging you, so you can cum whenever bud" Dante instructed.
It didn't take longer than 30 seconds of double handed stroking for cum to start shooting out of his dick.
Dante quickly engulfed Tyler's cock with his mouth as he started to shoot.
Tyler bucked as Dante sucked.
When Dante let his mouth off his dick he walked up to Tyler's head. Dante had his mouth full of Tyler's cum.
Dante leaned down to Tyler's spread open mouth and began to passionately kiss him.
Tyler sqeeled around and tried screaming but his screams were muffled.
Saliva and cum oozed out of the sides of both their mouths as Dante kept kissing him.
Dante finally got up.
Tyler had gone soft.
He still owed 2 more loads though.
Dante left the room and came back with an e-stim system. He hooked everything up to Tyler's dick and then used the controller to play with the frequencies.
Tyler's dick began to grown to a hard on once again, much to his & Leo's fascination.
Dante lightly rubbed and stimulated Tyler's nipples as the estim did its work. The nipples were basically hardwired.
Tyler began to spurt a couple more jets of cum, not as much as last time.
He squirmed as the estim kept going.
Dante removed it.
"Alright just one more load to go my man and toy are finally out of here" Dante said enthusiastically.
Dante grabbed a lubbed up fleshlite.
He began to stroke it very slowly up and down.
Tyler didn't know if he would be able to cum again but after 20 mins or so he began tensing up and his moaning grew louder until....
He reached the point of no return. Dante rapidly removed the fleshlite completely. A lone strand of cum rolled down Tyler's shaft. Dante gripped the dick and stroked with his hand. Not much else was really coming out. Basically almost a dry orgasm.
"Congrats Tyler! Been a long ride but you did it. You finally got us out of your hair. I'll get you off this table so you can get dressed and they can check you outta hear" Dante said to Tyler, patting his leg proudly.
Tuesday came.
Leo met Jin.
"Nice to see you! I do things a big differently than Dante. I'm much more into ruined orgasms and frustration based milking. My client today is Willy. He has a long list of violent and non violent crimes and has been here longer than any other client. About a year and a half... he has not had an orgasm during his whole stay. He finally passed Orgasm Denial Therapy so well see how the milking phase goes with him" Jin said to Leo.
Willy came in, a very angry looking biker type man.
Leo had him cuffed with his arms behing his back and around a pole that he was made to stand against in the middle of the room.
"Okay Willy, you know the rules, no swearing or verbal anger. You must let me know when you're gonna come" Jin instructed.
He lubed up his hands and began to stroke.
"Close!" Willy said almost right away.
Jin removed his hand and cum began to leak out.
This went on for a while. Ruined after ruined orgasm throughout the half hour.
Leo could see in Willys face that he was getting fucking pissed.
Everytime Willy was close Leo would give an extra stroke or 2 to take it over the edge but stop stimulation so the orgasm was ruined and the cum just slowly and sadly plopped to the floor.
What happened next is what finally did Willy in. Just as he was pushed over the edge again, Jin dug his fingers into Willys sides and began to tickle him hard.
"Aaaaaahhhhh! Fuck! Hahhahah" Willy yelled.
Cum streamed out for like, the 8th time but Willy could not enjoy it because the tickling.
Jin stopped tickling but Willy lashed out.
"This is fucking bullshit man! I've given you much more than 3 loads!"
Jin replied,
"3 is just the minimum sir, the session goes as long as the milker feels"
"You are purposefully keeping it going until I fail you fucking prick! You just keep ruining them all. This is fucked!"
"Willy I'm afraid this will not fly. I'm gonna have to terminate our session and have you sent to Orgasm Denial Therapy to start the program over. You know their is no swearing or lashing out. It goes against everything you learned in ODT" Jin replied calmly, unfazed by the yelling.
Willy was unruffled and immediately lunged at Jin in a pure rage.
Leo and some security rushed in to help subdue him.
The security walked Willy away forcibly.
"You alright?" Leo asked.
"Oh yes, I'm fine. I kinda knew he would break easy. Poor guy hadn't had an orgasm in over a year and has known anger issues. I feel like we won't be seeing him for a while. He'll be stuck at Denial therapy" Jin said.
Leo could tell that Jin almost seemed around of himself, he broke that big tough guy by doing nothing but ruin his orgasms over and over. Jin had a satisfied smirk as he washed his hands. He knew exactly what he was doing. Willy never had a chance.
Wednesday came.
Leo met up with Rick.
"Howdy,I'm just getting my client set up. 20 year old. Very impulsive and quick temper on him. I heard he is mouthy haha. Name is Evan" Rick said.
Evan, a good looking twink came in. He had a bitchy look on his face and glared at both men.
"Alriht Evan, So my rules are simple. You'll lay on the mat on the floor, flat. You are not allowed to move at all. No squirming. No lifting your arms or legs. You are not allowed to make noise. Not even moaning. You are not allowed to speak, unless it's to warn me that you are close to cumming" Rick instructed.
Even layed flat on the floor. He spread his legs so Rick could sit between them.
Rick removed the chastity cage and began stroking.
Evan breathed very hard. You could see his stomach go up and down rapidly.
"Close...." he muttered.
Rick intensified and increased the speed of the stroke until cim was flying everywhere.
Evan bit his bottom lip, his eyes sqeezed close.
It was like Rick didn't even notice the orgasm. He kept stroking the now hyper sensitive cock even after, not changing pace or stroke.
It was so sensitive. Evans body tensed up. His eyes watered as he struggled to remain still and silent.
Rick stopped stroking and gripped the bottom of the shaft firmly, with his other hand he circled the cockhead with his palm.
This was to much for Evan, who screamed and squirmed away from Rick's grip.
"Dammit!" Evan yelled.
Rick chuckled.
"Well, I'm afraid I'm gonna have to have you sent back to the Orgasm Denial Therapy program. You'll get another shot sometime. We only got 1 orgasm here" Rick said.
Evan angrily stormed out of the room much to Leo and Rick's amusement.
Leo was happy he got to watch all of their sessions. Learn all about different types of strokes and grips, ruined orgasms, different types of tools and toys. What can make a milkee tick...
Thursday came.
It was finally Leo's day.
Alec was there and introduced him to his first ever client.
"This is Donny. He has been here about 6 months. He is anxious to finally get milked and get out of here haha" Alec said.
"Hello there Donny, I'll be your milker today"
Leo reached out and shook hands with Donny.
The tatted muscle bro guy looked like he was trying his best to portray friendly and disciplined but you could see in his eyes he was anxious to cum.
Leo watched Alec prep Donny with hypnosis.
Donny looked intensly at the wall while Alec whispered in his ear for a while. Finally the whispering stopped and Alec snapped in Donnys ear.
Leo noticed a wet spot in Donny's shorts where his chastity cage was form.
"There, sensitivity and horniness triggers are installed and active. Good luck gentlemen" Alec said walking away.
Leo took him to his milking room he had set up.
A low to the ground massage table in the center of the room. A whole where someone's duck an balls could fit through in the center of the table.
Leo removed Donnys chastity and had him lay face down on the milking table.
Their were straps to secure his arms, legs, waist, and back which Leo fastened.
"Okay Donny, were gonna go the minimum 3 rules. Remember no swearing, lashing out or anything like that. No need to tell me when you're close, you can just cum" Leo instructed.
Leo crawled under the table and layed on his back.
He lubed up his hands and began to stroke.
Donny squirmed and buckled. On the table as Leo worked his shaft and sensitive head.
"Ahhh I'm cumming!" Donny yelled.
Cum squirted out and drenched Leo's t-shirt.
Leo began laughing.
"Hahhahaha wow man. Jesus....wasn't expecting a cum bath"
Donny continued to buckle and squirm. This was made worse that he was now experiencing post orgasm torment.
Donny learned to control his anger in ODT but now he could feel it bubbling up as he struggled not to curse during the hyper sensitive continued stroking.
"CAN YOU PLEASE GAG ME!" He blurted out.
Leo was not expecting that request.
"It's to sensitive sir, I'm afraid I might say something I regret. Please gag me" Donny pleaded.
"I understand, I appreciate you letting me know" Leo responded.
Leo crawled from under the table. He looked around but could not see anything to use.
A light bulb went off.
He kicked off his shoes and peeled his dress socks off his size 12 feet.
He stuffed one sock in Donny's mouth and tied the other around his mouth/head to keep it in.
"Sorry man haha. Gotta be resourceful and use what I have" Leo said before r crawling back under the table.
Leo gripped Donny's balls and started stroking again. The grip made it harder for Donny to buckle upward away from his stroking.
It took a while but a second load finally flew out of Donny's dick, hitting Leo's shirt.
Donny screamed. It sounded like a scream of pain but really he was just very overstimulated.
Leo stroked for another half hour of so but Donny was only getting softer. Leo didn't think he would be able to pull a 3rs load.
Leo came up with an idea.
He had Donny re-situated to lay upwards. He gave Donny a viagra before re-gagging him.
Leo left the room before coming back with a milking machine.
Donny's eyes widened.
Leo attached the milker, turned the machine on and left the room.
As he walked down the hall he smiled as he could hear Donny yell into his gag.
Leo came back an hour later and shut off the machine. Donnys eyes were rolling around in his head. He seemed weak.
When Leo pulled the tube off his cock a ton of cum spilled out.
"Wow! I wonder how many loads this is?!?! You must have been shooting dry after a while. Can't beat the machine haha" Leo said.
Leo helped Donny up and got him some water. He had to help support Donny to stay up for a bit.
"Congrats, you finally did it man. I know it was intense but so worth it in the end. I'm proud of you brother. I hope you can apply to patients and obedience you've learned here in the real world now. We are rooting for you" Leo said.
"Thank you, that means a lot man. This was all definetly a challenge" Donny said.
Donny and Leo shared a long hug. Leo patted him on the back.
Leo left to let Donny get change and checked out of the facility.
He smiled to himself and he walked out to his car.
He couldn't believe this was his real job. He was living the dream.