Mr. Oblivious here. I have too many stories but the best one is when I lived in an apartment complex one of my neighbors was this attractive tall athletic guy with a swimmers build and short brown hair. We were about the same age. He lived upstairs and a few doors down from me. Our cars were always parked near each other so we would say hello and exchange some brief words when our paths crossed. I noticed he had a hot ‘friend’ who would come and go from his apartment a lot. One Saturday afternoon as I was parking and getting out of my car, I noticed my neighbor and his friend were getting out of their car. His friend went up to the apartment but my neighbor kind of lingered around his car. When I got out of my car, we said hello to each other and made some small talk then my neighbor said something like there is nothing going on for the weekend so he and his buddy would just be hanging out and I should come up and have a beer. I said something like ‘I don’t like beer. So no thanks.’ Then I went on my merry way. Later that night I was thinking about what had happened and then it hit me, ‘Heeeeeeey, wait a minute. I think that guy was coming on to me.’ Damn it!