Mtf Hormone Changes




So i’m a non-binary person who has identified with that label for about a year now and I’ve realized that I am interested in starting hormones (now identifying with the label of a non-binary women a but more).

Ive been a bit worried about the impact that its going to have on my body, but I know I would like breasts and hips more than the lean mannish figure I have now.

I guess my question is, did you enjoy the changes you saw in your body while transitioning? And how did it effect your confidence as you were?

I’m 22, about 5’6, and around 120 lbs, so i’d love to hear the experiences of anyone similar to me.

Much love and power to all <3
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I have been thrilled by all the changes so far with the exception of one. My loss of muscle mass is a mixed bag. I do love my body not having that muscular definition that screams masculine but lacking the strength to do things I've done all my life is taking a lot of getting used to. I expect that eventually I'll embrace that as well. In the meantime it is more than a fair trade to have boobs and hips in exchange for strength.

One thing I'd investigate and consider if I were your age is the certainty that you will become sterile. This is an irreversible outcome according to all but a single source according to my research. Freezing sperm is a path many take.

Your chance of having a great body at your age and size is excellent. Best luck.