MTF with large cock (and other general trans questions)


Cherished Member
May 15, 2004
Washington, D.C. (United States)
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Last night I was browsing the trans section on chaturbate. One MTF model had a very large cock. It's clear with someone like that on a site like that that she is using her cock to her advantage - to show it off - that she likes her situation.

For MTF trans people who may not have that exhibitionist streak that compels them to show off their naked bodies and cocks on a public site like that, does having a large cock still get in the way, so to speak? Does it cause problems? Maybe still having a cock in general causes problems, since it's one of the main, most visible reminders of being a male at birth and your gender is something you are seeking to change/have changed. But I'm wondering if having a large cock as a MTF makes this issue even worse. I can see how a larger cock would be harder to conceal, but is there anything else about a large cock that makes it harder for you to feel more fully a female?

Also, I'm curious for MTF people who have not had bottom surgery: How do you choose to urinate? I guess it's kind of a crude question: If you still have a penis, you are more easily able to urinate standing up, but do you? If you're out in public and go to a public restroom, you're probably going to use the women's bathroom, so there aren't going to be urinals, and so you're going to sit down in a stall to urinate. But at other times (at home), is it easier to preferable to pee while standing?

And I'm just curious how you handle sexual urges and your response to them, i.e., masturbation. I guess if you haven't had bottom surgery, you still have a cock, which is the main way to satisfy a sexual urge - one of the main things you have to masturbate with. Is this a problem, that is, when you want to masturbate, you're forced to touch and see that one main male part of your anatomy? Is that the case, or how do you regard your cock in that regard?

I guess the common thread in these questions is how you handle the remaining anatomy (penis) as a MTF trans person - is it a problem in various situations? Is it a constant reminder of your former self?
Gals who have a cock, i.e. ladyboys, are typically happy to have their cocks. Some may be transitioning, but they are the minority here I think.
Those who take hormones tend to lose their ability to use their cocks and are bottoms.
There's 5000000000000000 variations of this as each individual has their own reasons and motivations for doing whatever they do.
some might sit down, others might stand up. women's toilets are cubicles, so it's their choice, i guess. they don't have urinals, typically.
From what some non-op mtf women have said, they are typically bottom, and whilst they'd wank their cock they like to be fucked as it's more womanly to them.
everybody is different. some would be happy with their cock and like to top. others would be happy with their cock and like to bottom. I guess if they are passable, and are socially seen and treated as female, they'd have no dysphoria on their penises.
all groups of humans are varied. Blacks, whites, men, women, cis, trans, Asians, Muslims, Christians, Jews, Germans, Dutch, Nigerians, South Africans, Man United fans, Liverpool fans, Madridistas, NFL fans, NBA fans, Star Wars fans, etc. are not a monolith.
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