Does anyone have full videos of this guy? He's made a lot of videos back then. I have some videos of him myself, but I'd love to trade with those who have his videos. :)
Instead of trading why not share stuff here for everyone to enjoy? I'll start us off.

MuscleGod19 Flex.mp4

videoplayback.mp4 - MuscleGod19 Flex Show-zSxwcw4uv0I-720p-1717441883.mp4

11258895.mp4 - MuscleGod19 Steel Bars Trailer-oqjjRyBbcG4-720p-1717441772.mp4 - Musclegod19 Bicep Madness-cKeMxOCigNU-720p-1717441968.mp4


Musclegod19 White Shirt.mp4

MG19 4.mp4
Does anyone have any full videos of him?
Seems like his stuff is incredibly rare, I was barely able to find anything other than short clips. There is that one video though (the about 10 minute one) but that's been reposted everywhere. Do you have anything full? I'll have to check if I do but in the mean time perhaps you could share one?