My boyfriend and his amazing c0ck


Legendary Member
Sep 18, 2024
Back story: based on a true story of my life.
I am on a few different sites looking chatting and just enjoying being single and free to do whatever. One day I am on one site and I get this DM. This man reaches out to me. Now I am not going to go into great detail about this part. But he lives in L.A and flys to New York on a regular basis. So a lot of airline travel in his life. So we did the online thing for three months before we met In person.

We had been together for a little over three months. So far we go out dinner or a movie or just walk around downtown. We would normally end up back at my house I own on the intercostal side of Orange Beach. Once inside the front door, I mean I barely get it closed. He turns me around, pulls me close and start to kiss me. Nothing soft here, deep makes every nerve in your body react. His hand sliding down. He undoes the front of my jeans his hand then move back slowly sliding inside my jeans and under my regular boxer shorts. I am pressed up against him and my hands are on wrapped around his chest. He slowly squeezes my ass, moaning in my mouth as he does. Till he breaks our kiss, pulls one hand up tells me to open my mouth. He inserts two of his fingers telling me to suck on them, get them wet baby. As he starts to bite and kiss my neck. My head is exploding with sexual overload. This man know all the buttons to push. He pulls his fingers out to spit in my mouth telling me to swallow it. Of course I do what I am told, he pulls me close and we start to kiss again. This time he has used his free hand to lower my jeans and boxers to the floor. I feel him using both hands to pull my cheeks apart. I feel his wet fingers at my rose bud. He slowly circles the hole with what I assume is his index finger, before slowly working it in a little at a time. I moan, I can feel my cock leaking down my leg (I leak like a faucet that never stops). He slowly works it in, then slowly pulls it back out. I pull back and look at him, WTF? He looks at me and just says strip. I remove my shirt and step out of my jeans and boxers. Understand he is still completely dressed. He turns me around and walks me straight out into my back yard. I have a boat dock and boat for ocean fishing. I try and stop him as people come and go up and down the canal all hours of the day and nite. He pushes my face first into one of my deck chairs, yes it has a cushion. I feel him behind me. He grabs a cushion from a empty chair to put user his knees. He slaps my ass. I want dessert and you look mighty tasty. He slaps my ass making me scream a little. He then began to kiss each one of my cheeks, while also massaging each one with his hands. He slowly pulls my cheeks apart. He kisses from my tailbone all the way to my taint. Stopping to pull my cock back into his mouth. Gobbling up my sweet pre cum. As he continues he attention on my cock he has now pulled my ass cheeks as far part as possible. He now licks from my balls my taint all the way around my hole. But he does not lick it yet. He starts kissing and licking every inch around my hole. Hearing me moan, feeling me use my hands to try and force his head and tongue into my ass. The finally he makes contact with my hole. Licking , kissing as I relax and try to push back he slowly works his tongue into my hole. His hands both holding and randomly slapping my ass.

Part two very soon, he just walked in the door.
Part two… His cock is over 7inches long and thick 6 1/2 inches.

As his tongue was slowly working my hole, I was moaning, I mumbled eat my fucking hole. He stopped stood up. Told me to stand up and look at him. I did, this man is his dress pants and dress shirt 👔. You know better! Who is in charge here? I say “you”. He looks around the room. I don’t see any female sheep in here. Who the fuck are you talking to? I forgot, fuck I am going to pay for this. I say loud and proud “Sir, You are in charge of my body, It was the heat of the moment. I promise it will not happen again “. Follow me he says, he leads me to the master suite. Take my clothes off, do it correctly and we will forget the whole trying to tell me what to do thing. I walk closer to him drop to my knees, keeping eye contact the whole time. I reach up and take off his tie. I hand it to him, instead of folding it up he places it around my neck like a noose. I am on my knees my cock is rock fucking hard and dripping on my hard wood floors. My Ass feels hungry. I reach up and unbutton his dress shirt, again keeping eye contact. He helps slip it,off he walks over to my closet grabs a hanger and hangs it on the hook on the door. I am still kneeling on the floor watching this. I am FUCKED, the only time he ever put his clothes on that hook was when he did not finish what he started and had me sleep on the floor while he slept naked in MY BED! I hate to say but this simple action on his part has brought tears to my eyes. But I can’t let him know. He walks back over to me. I take off his belt he rolls it up and places it in the bed. Wait a fucking minute, he put it on the bed. He does that when he plans on using it on me. I undo his dress pants, and help him take them off. He says open, I open my mouth he spits and looks at me. Waiting, waiting for me to swallow, but I know better. I kneel there his spit on my tongue, I am dying to swallow his gift. But I have to wait for him to say so. He walks over to the closet grabs a hanger hangs his pants. Looks at the hook and then me kneeling there mouth wide open waiting, watching. He walks over to me SWALLOW. I swallow and immediately say thank you SIR. hold this. He hands me his pants, he slips out of his boxer, yeah boys regular boxer he needs the space and freedom. He walks over shuts off the light, walks past me without a word in the darkness and pulls back the cover and climbs into my BED. He is laying there on his back, he slides down the covers enough for me to see his massive cock and ball. He reaches down and starts to play with his cock, slowly stroking up and down playing with his nuts. He then whispers I wish I had a man to take care of me. Instead I am stuck with a clothes rack that can’t follow simple instructions.

Fuck he home, WTF I need to go be ready.. more soon.
Part three,

Listen my boyfriend and I have an open relationship. Because he travels and other things. But we put some rules in place.
2. We have to honest that it happened or is going to happen.
3. Not while we are in the same town/city.
seems simple enough for anyone to follow.

Well he broke rule #1 and #3 at the same time in my bed in my house. He knows I have an amazing security system. He’ll he has watched himself fuck me in almost every room and out back in and out of the pool. So the fact that he brought someone to my home. Then fucked this dude RAW, well it pissed me off. But I wanted to give him a chance to explain. That is when he attempted to break rule #2 by claiming nothing happened. Well until I sent the video to the 75 inch flat screen he was watching. Now he see him fucking some dude at the point he yells his fucking cuming, the guy moans about how fucking great it feels. Then he pulls out and comments about the amount of cum leaking out of the guys a$$.

Needless to say we are on a break right now. I need to be with someone I can trust, yeah he is fucking amazing BUT HE FUCKED UP!

So I can’t continue the original story due to the fact I don’t want to think about him right now. Sorry guys maybe at a later date.
Ok, I am ready to finish that story…let’s see…
He was in my bed naked, I was kneeling holding his pants on a hanger.
He starts to slowly slide his hand up and down the shaft of his cock, moaning “I need someone to service me right now “ I whimper, ok I might just be fucked now. He stopped he heard me, WTF? No one in here just fucking bed, end tables, dresser and a clothes rack. Oh wait, he climbs out of bed walks over takes his dress pants and starts to put them on. FUCK I am screaming in my head, he is going to leave. He pulls them up and only zips them. Now from my angle his cock is very visible down the left pant leg. It is starting to make a small dark spot on his pants. Oh god, He going to tear me apart. He walks close to me positioning his cock barely contained in his pants against my face. My mouth is right there, I can feel the moisture leaking thru onto my lips. I don’t dare taste it, I don’t dare, oh fuck me. Out of instinct I lick my lips. WTF he walks over and flips on the light. Oh my goodness look someone gave me one of those real sex dolls. I thought it was a clothes rack. Dam this is going to be fun, understand this man is built. He can dead lift 450 pounds no sweat. So he lifts me up plants me on the corner of the bed. Making sure my legs are spread and I am face down. I hear noises but I know better than to move a fucking inch. Then I feel his breath on my back, just above my ass crack. Fuck it even feels warm, how the fuck do they do that. His right hand has now slide underneath me pulling my cock and balls back so the are pinned against the outside of the bed. Nice they did not cheap out when they made the cock. It even leaks. He removed his hand, I know he is eating my pre cum. The dude is taken with it, I feel his lips as he starts to kiss my ass, biting. His hand has slide down and is now stroking my cock up and down, causing me to leak all over the tile floor. Fuck it’s like a milking machine on the farm. He hand moves and comes back, fuck it’s so fresh and sweet. I feel my legs get pulled apart more. Then I feel his tongue licking just the tip of my cock. Fuck me, I am not about to suck a fake cock, but i will enjoy its tasty treat. He just keeps licking the tip, at one point I don’t think he realizes he had about half my cock in his mouth. I can’t see him but I imagine he laying on his back sucking my cock like a it’s a cows tit giving fresh milk. He hands are playing with my ass. He let my cock come out of his mouth. Enough of that, this is all about me getting off not some fucking sex toy. I feel him get up using my ass as leverage to lift himself off the floor. Then I feel my head being pulled up, he is sitting front of me. Wonder if this version any good at sucking dick? With that he slides forward, using his finger on his right hand to open my mouth. Pushing them in and out, fuck me it feels like a real mouth. He slides forward keeping my mouth open and uses his free hand to guide his cock inside me mouth. Thank god this is just a toy, I don’t have to worry if the dude will choke on my fucking cock. With that I know what is about to happen I take a deep breath, FUCK! He shoved all of huge cock in my mouth and down my throat. I make a gagging noise, fuck me even sound effects they went all out on this piece of shit toy!…

Want more of the story?

I won’t tease you too much.. but I need a break from typing.
More very very soon, looks like you were enjoying it….