
Superior Member
Jul 30, 2020
Cambridge (Cambridgeshire, England)
90% Straight, 10% Gay
I have to write this now … right now! It’s real, true and the first ever proper action I’ve had with a man. The reason I have to write it now is because with them, memory fades and if I left it until tomorrow, I’d forget the details like how his cock was so much thicker at the base than the tip - like how his cockhead was so pale when flaccid but became so ruby red when I rubbed it.

This is true and is the very first actual encounter I’ve ever had. Sure, there’s been the guy who got hard next to me at the urinals - but at that time, I didn’t know people had sexual encounters in a toilet! At the same time, the guy who coughed at me and wagged his todger trying to initiate it - I just didn’t know!

But, a few years later and armed with a little more conviction and knowledge - partly thanks to LPSG cam sessions and the lovely members I’ve wanked my long cock with, I have finally found the courage to fill that missing part of me.

It started with a day that was a little different to usual. A day that I would travel somewhere for a whole day. A large city. A place where I could possibly find some action incidentally. However, I didn’t. That day was punctuated with me trying to please everyone else - my default. However, at the end of this day was a window. That magic window that as a married straight man, you spot. After years of longing for exploring that curiosity of touching another man, of him touching you, that you have to act on.

That magnetism led me to a lay-by. One on the way home from my journey but not far from my home. It’s renowned apparently for its action. I fill up at the nearby petrol station and creep along to this lay-by that’s perfectly hidden from the main road. There are lots of lorries but it is punctuated with a few cars. That piques my interest. I suspect there are a few guys here looking for a meet. But… am I brave enough to initiate this? There is no one around. I check my mirrors - the lorry behind has a driver’s hand hanging out … is that a sign? Not one that I know - yet!

So, I sit there. I watch a few cars move up the lay-by. That’s possibly a sign? Now, as of today, I’m more sure that’s a sign! However, it starts to rain. A few cars move on. I let my cock out of the tented trousers. All 8 inches spring out. Oh the relief. I stroke wildly as it is raining and I’m sure no one can see me now. Precum oozes out my cock. I know that this excitement is real. But the rain stops. I feel exposed. I’m not sure how to move things forward and show the right kind of guys that I’m a newbie looking for someone to be kind and look after me.

I bottle it. I drive away.

The next day, I head to work. At the very few moments when I can think about anything but work, I think about that lay-by. I think about just going there. I’ve been there three times before if I’m honest. Nothing has happened. But, I know there are guys there who are looking for the same thing as me. I think throughout the day, I’m going to go there. Colleagues ask, “Have you got any nice plans for the weekend?” My head says, “Yes, I’m going to go to this lay-by after work and cum a cum fountain out my 8 inch dick!” But, the words that come out talk about much more wholesome and sedate things!

At the end of work, I muster up the courage to put the details of the lay-by into my satnav. It’s on the way home and near a petrol station - so, if anyone asks, I can just say I was getting fuel… right? I drive there, part of the route is quite rural and past farms. I pull into a lay-by and load up a few apps and websites that I have memberships on like LPSG, squirt, sniffies and see that I can’t really see anyone nearby. I pull of and go over a bridge, but have to stop to let a guy walking a dog move over. I look at him and smile - wondering if he’s maybe up for it too.

Eventually, I drive down and around to the layby that’s the known spot. There are several cars there. No lorries tonight at all - that’s different. Each car has one man in it - from what I can tell. That’s a hopeful sign, surely. I park my silver Mini in front of a grey Mercedes. He is seemingly cleaning his car out. Although, I know he may not be. At one point, I see him in my mirror going into the scrub to pee. Sadly, it’s too far away to see what he’s packing. A few minutes pass, another vehicle approaches - a small white van. He gets out. Checks his phone. Opens the side door and sits in it. I think, “Oh! That’s quite private!” But, after a few minutes, he gets back into his driver’s seat and then a few minutes later, he leaves. At this point, I think, “I’m not sure this is meant to be.”

After that, a blue Vauxhall pulls up. He parks in. I can see him clearer in my interior mirror, as he’s closer. I get out the car, walk up a bit, walk down a tiny bit. The nerves kick in. I lean against my car, looking at my phone. Reading anything that will calm me down. Eventually, a few cars go past not stopping. I look back at the man in the blue Vauxhall- every now and again, he’s glancing down. I want to see what he’s looking at, as I suspect he’s wanking his meat his car. That kicks a whole new desire into play… that I want to watch!!

I go in and out of my car a few times. On one occasion, I feel brave enough to tug at my underwear, as if it’s uncomfortable. This hopefully shows of my bulge a bit! But, eventually, I think I feel the need to pee and after about 10 minutes of getting out and in the car, I decide to be brave and let my cock out and pee into the scrub.

At that point, the white van from before pulls in again. “Shit!!” I think. “I’ve just exposed myself to someone who is not cruising here!” I walk back around to the driver’s side and get in. “Oh well!” I think. At least my flaccid is about 6” and if he’s not cruising, he thinks I’m peeing and I’m not small… but if he is cruising - I’m nervous he may be interested!”

He gets out. Walks up the lay-by past my car. Then turns around. He walks back. I look up at him. There is this amazing eye contact. He nods at me. I smile. He smiles. It’s electric. We each understand that this is ok and we are on the same page. That is the first time in my life where I have felt that it’s an environment where I could explore a hook up.

All of a sudden, another car pulls in in front of mine. I’m not sure it was a guy. As the car stops, it takes every ounce of my courage to pull the door handle. With all my strength and courage from years of not exploring these opportunities, I make it out and stand on the other side of my car. The guy from the van turns around. He walks towards me and asks, “Are you ok? Are you having a good day?” I reply with, “Yes thanks - are you?” He says, “Yes!”

I can’t believe how straight he looks. He is literally the last guy I thought would be here. He has this amazing beard - short around the sides but long down his chin. I never thought it would turn me on, but in the flesh, it did. He was broad shouldered and had long hair in a bun. There was this mix of ruggedness and this heavy theme of kindness and friendliness.

He walks back past me whilst I look on my phone. He then sits in his van, which has a sliding door. This guy from the blue car is clearly more confident than me. He comes up to the van guy and starts talking. I watch from my left smile. At times, they each glance over to me and I smile at them. At this point, I’m hoping they start something and I can watch and wank my long cock, spunking my load on the side of the van! However, blue car guy gestures a few things. I see his hands by his fly, but then they both look my way. I wonder if they’re talking about me getting my cock out for a pee!

Blue car guy goes back to his car. White van guy comes last me again and says, “Are you looking for something?” My whole heart and body melt. I want to scream, “Yes!” But my ridiculously nervous body produces, “I’m not sure, maybe!?”

Then it gets real.

White van guy says, “A blow job. Can I blow you?” I stumble and manage a “Hmm I’m not sure!” He replies with, “Can I wank you?”

Since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with penises. Yes bloody long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones. Let me touch it, feel it, run my fingers over the head!

However, my reply reflects my nerves and I say, “I’m not sure. Sorry! I’m just so nervous. I’ve never done anything with a guy before.” There is a moment’s pause. Our brains align. He says the phrase that is in my head - “Well, we all have to start somewhere!”

We start walking towards his van. I feel in a complete trance. I want this. But this is not me. Well, it’s not the me I have created. Not the me that everyone else knows! He suddenly says, “You have a really nice cock!” I’m aghast. How does he know that!? I then remember he pulled in as I was peeing. I say, “Oh! You saw that when you arrived!?” He says, “Oh yes!” I really, “I never know how I compare in those sorts of things!” He replies, “Well, let’s see!”

We get to his van and I say something stupid about how convenient it is. But, to be honest, a sliding door van is pretty good if you’re going to hook up in a lay-by! He gets in, kneels down and pulls his trousers down, revealing his cock. It’s flaccid and probably about 3”. I respond in the same way. We each rub our cocks, mine still flaccid at about 6”.

An urge takes over me. I have to feel another man’s cock. I’ve never done it. I’ve longed to. It is right there. I stroke him. His cock feels tight. Like it won’t stretch far. It’s different, but I like it. His foreskin doesn’t cover much of his head like mine. So, I try my best to work out what strokes he’d like! As soon as I grabbed his cock, he moved onto mine.

At first, I felt so nervous, that I felt numb. I wasn’t trying to get hard, but it wasn’t happening. My wildest desire was not fuelling my hard cock. We each kept stroking. His grew to about 6”. He had a lovely set of pubes and I enjoyed feeling them as I wanked him. His cock was narrower at the head and thick at the bottom. I told him, “You’ve got a thick cock.” He laughed. I replied, “Do people not tell you that?” He said, “I think it’s a decent size, but it’s not large!” He collects some precum off my cock with his finger and licks it. He does this several times. Then he says, “Your precum tastes amazing!” I’m reeling. I don’t think I’ve received this many compliments in such a short space of time. And, what’s more - the things he’s saying make me feel good. They reassure me - answer my doubts.

Eventually, I start to relax a bit. I loved feeling his cock as I wankef it. He rubs my nipples after carefully unbuttoning my shirt. He’s so gentle but so passionate. My cock starts to grow. He kisses me - wow! His lips. His stubble. His beard. I hold his head whilst he does this. What an amazing connection. I even run my hand up to his ear and play with it gently. I’m still wanking him - noticing how tight his foreskin is at his cock head.

Then he says, “Can I suck your nipples?” I say, “Yeah!” Well… wow wow wow wow! His stubbly face and brilliant beard, stunning lips and amazing tongue go down on my nipples like they are their own sex organ. I moan. I swear. I moan. This man has plumped up my cock now! I’m still wanking him.

There are several times where he goes from my nipples to kissing me (which is bloody amazing) and back and forth, then he comes away and continues to wank me.

I see him stick his tongue out whilst looking at my cock. But he pulls himself back. I say, “What? Do you want to suck it?” He says these exact words, which will be etched in my memory - “I would absolutely LOVE to suck YOU!” At which point I say, “Yeah! Go on!”

He goes down on me. It’s electric. I’m still wanking him and he’s going down on my cock like mad. I’ve never been blown like this at all. This guy knows what he’s doing! Up, down, twists. All of a sudden, he manages to go balls deep on me… which I’ve never felt. I moan like mad swear. Moan. It’s just insane.

Suddenly he launches off my cock and thrusts his beautiful bearded face into mine. This man knows how to kiss. I taste a familiar taste - my cock! Yes, the only cock that I have tasted is my own. Back in the day, I could bend down and suck myself off. This mix of insane new pleasures and familiarity made me relax more. But, I was also conscious I wanted to get him off too!

Back and forth he went, deep-throating my 8 inches and then passionately kissing me. I couldn’t help but hold onto his head. It was such a strong connection and feeling.

This guy’s incredible blow job skills were working their magic on my meat. All the time I’m wanking him and he’s popping off to snog me. It’s just amazing. I am still conscious the van is bobbing up and down though!

I feel that all-too-familiar building sensation. Thoughts run through my mind like, “He may not want me to cum in his mouth!” “I’m going to have to tell him!” “Sometimes I start spunking cum before I orgasm, maybe he won’t like that!” Well, all of those thoughts were dismissed when I told him I was going to cum and his mouth clamped down further on my cock. His pace quickened and I experienced one of the deepest orgasms I have ever experienced.

I shot again and again into his mouth. He skilfully slurped up every drop. I was in awe.

This beautiful, brilliant, kind man had helped me experience something new, electric and immense. But not expected anything in return. I asked him, “Do you want me to finish you off?” He didn’t reply, but I continued wanking him.

We kissed.

He reclined in a different position. It felt like I was holding him. I wanked him. His tight foreskin not moving much - feeling so different to my own. He groaned. He moaned. He said - “Argh, I’m coming!” I slowed a little - no come spunked out yet, but I continued slowly and he shot streams of white cum into his van.


So new - so intense - so unbelievable!

He was so kind, thoughtful and caring. I confided in him that it was my first time with a guy. He replied saying that was so hot, then he said words that blew me away. He said, “You’re so hot!” I never thought a guy would find me attractive like that. Let alone this straight-looking, bearded guy who I found attractive. I explained I thought he was really hot too!

I sorted my clothing out. I left his van, with him still in the back. Got into my car and drove away. I smiled all the way home. I experienced wave after wave of pleasure, release and relief. This was a life changing moment!

My only regret was, I wished I’d asked him if he was open to doing it again and if there’d be a way to initiate that. As such, I visited squirt and put on the listing about my amazing experience. Hoping that he’d see it and reach out.

And that’s it - a new chapter. A huge breakthrough!

As I write this story, I’ve one hand on my cock. After today’s deep throating from Mr White Van, my cock feels smooth. I think he’d approve of me wanking off again when I read this story back … don’t you?

This is a true story from Worsted Lodge Lay-by, Cambridgeshire, UK
I have to write this now … right now! It’s real, true and the first ever proper action I’ve had with a man. The reason I have to write it now is because with them, memory fades and if I left it until tomorrow, I’d forget the details like how his cock was so much thicker at the base than the tip - like how his cockhead was so pale when flaccid but became so ruby red when I rubbed it.

This is true and is the very first actual encounter I’ve ever had. Sure, there’s been the guy who got hard next to me at the urinals - but at that time, I didn’t know people had sexual encounters in a toilet! At the same time, the guy who coughed at me and wagged his todger trying to initiate it - I just didn’t know!

But, a few years later and armed with a little more conviction and knowledge - partly thanks to LPSG cam sessions and the lovely members I’ve wanked my long cock with, I have finally found the courage to fill that missing part of me.

It started with a day that was a little different to usual. A day that I would travel somewhere for a whole day. A large city. A place where I could possibly find some action incidentally. However, I didn’t. That day was punctuated with me trying to please everyone else - my default. However, at the end of this day was a window. That magic window that as a married straight man, you spot. After years of longing for exploring that curiosity of touching another man, of him touching you, that you have to act on.

That magnetism led me to a lay-by. One on the way home from my journey but not far from my home. It’s renowned apparently for its action. I fill up at the nearby petrol station and creep along to this lay-by that’s perfectly hidden from the main road. There are lots of lorries but it is punctuated with a few cars. That piques my interest. I suspect there are a few guys here looking for a meet. But… am I brave enough to initiate this? There is no one around. I check my mirrors - the lorry behind has a driver’s hand hanging out … is that a sign? Not one that I know - yet!

So, I sit there. I watch a few cars move up the lay-by. That’s possibly a sign? Now, as of today, I’m more sure that’s a sign! However, it starts to rain. A few cars move on. I let my cock out of the tented trousers. All 8 inches spring out. Oh the relief. I stroke wildly as it is raining and I’m sure no one can see me now. Precum oozes out my cock. I know that this excitement is real. But the rain stops. I feel exposed. I’m not sure how to move things forward and show the right kind of guys that I’m a newbie looking for someone to be kind and look after me.

I bottle it. I drive away.

The next day, I head to work. At the very few moments when I can think about anything but work, I think about that lay-by. I think about just going there. I’ve been there three times before if I’m honest. Nothing has happened. But, I know there are guys there who are looking for the same thing as me. I think throughout the day, I’m going to go there. Colleagues ask, “Have you got any nice plans for the weekend?” My head says, “Yes, I’m going to go to this lay-by after work and cum a cum fountain out my 8 inch dick!” But, the words that come out talk about much more wholesome and sedate things!

At the end of work, I muster up the courage to put the details of the lay-by into my satnav. It’s on the way home and near a petrol station - so, if anyone asks, I can just say I was getting fuel… right? I drive there, part of the route is quite rural and past farms. I pull into a lay-by and load up a few apps and websites that I have memberships on like LPSG, squirt, sniffies and see that I can’t really see anyone nearby. I pull of and go over a bridge, but have to stop to let a guy walking a dog move over. I look at him and smile - wondering if he’s maybe up for it too.

Eventually, I drive down and around to the layby that’s the known spot. There are several cars there. No lorries tonight at all - that’s different. Each car has one man in it - from what I can tell. That’s a hopeful sign, surely. I park my silver Mini in front of a grey Mercedes. He is seemingly cleaning his car out. Although, I know he may not be. At one point, I see him in my mirror going into the scrub to pee. Sadly, it’s too far away to see what he’s packing. A few minutes pass, another vehicle approaches - a small white van. He gets out. Checks his phone. Opens the side door and sits in it. I think, “Oh! That’s quite private!” But, after a few minutes, he gets back into his driver’s seat and then a few minutes later, he leaves. At this point, I think, “I’m not sure this is meant to be.”

After that, a blue Vauxhall pulls up. He parks in. I can see him clearer in my interior mirror, as he’s closer. I get out the car, walk up a bit, walk down a tiny bit. The nerves kick in. I lean against my car, looking at my phone. Reading anything that will calm me down. Eventually, a few cars go past not stopping. I look back at the man in the blue Vauxhall- every now and again, he’s glancing down. I want to see what he’s looking at, as I suspect he’s wanking his meat his car. That kicks a whole new desire into play… that I want to watch!!

I go in and out of my car a few times. On one occasion, I feel brave enough to tug at my underwear, as if it’s uncomfortable. This hopefully shows of my bulge a bit! But, eventually, I think I feel the need to pee and after about 10 minutes of getting out and in the car, I decide to be brave and let my cock out and pee into the scrub.

At that point, the white van from before pulls in again. “Shit!!” I think. “I’ve just exposed myself to someone who is not cruising here!” I walk back around to the driver’s side and get in. “Oh well!” I think. At least my flaccid is about 6” and if he’s not cruising, he thinks I’m peeing and I’m not small… but if he is cruising - I’m nervous he may be interested!”

He gets out. Walks up the lay-by past my car. Then turns around. He walks back. I look up at him. There is this amazing eye contact. He nods at me. I smile. He smiles. It’s electric. We each understand that this is ok and we are on the same page. That is the first time in my life where I have felt that it’s an environment where I could explore a hook up.

All of a sudden, another car pulls in in front of mine. I’m not sure it was a guy. As the car stops, it takes every ounce of my courage to pull the door handle. With all my strength and courage from years of not exploring these opportunities, I make it out and stand on the other side of my car. The guy from the van turns around. He walks towards me and asks, “Are you ok? Are you having a good day?” I reply with, “Yes thanks - are you?” He says, “Yes!”

I can’t believe how straight he looks. He is literally the last guy I thought would be here. He has this amazing beard - short around the sides but long down his chin. I never thought it would turn me on, but in the flesh, it did. He was broad shouldered and had long hair in a bun. There was this mix of ruggedness and this heavy theme of kindness and friendliness.

He walks back past me whilst I look on my phone. He then sits in his van, which has a sliding door. This guy from the blue car is clearly more confident than me. He comes up to the van guy and starts talking. I watch from my left smile. At times, they each glance over to me and I smile at them. At this point, I’m hoping they start something and I can watch and wank my long cock, spunking my load on the side of the van! However, blue car guy gestures a few things. I see his hands by his fly, but then they both look my way. I wonder if they’re talking about me getting my cock out for a pee!

Blue car guy goes back to his car. White van guy comes last me again and says, “Are you looking for something?” My whole heart and body melt. I want to scream, “Yes!” But my ridiculously nervous body produces, “I’m not sure, maybe!?”

Then it gets real.

White van guy says, “A blow job. Can I blow you?” I stumble and manage a “Hmm I’m not sure!” He replies with, “Can I wank you?”

Since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with penises. Yes bloody long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones. Let me touch it, feel it, run my fingers over the head!

However, my reply reflects my nerves and I say, “I’m not sure. Sorry! I’m just so nervous. I’ve never done anything with a guy before.” There is a moment’s pause. Our brains align. He says the phrase that is in my head - “Well, we all have to start somewhere!”

We start walking towards his van. I feel in a complete trance. I want this. But this is not me. Well, it’s not the me I have created. Not the me that everyone else knows! He suddenly says, “You have a really nice cock!” I’m aghast. How does he know that!? I then remember he pulled in as I was peeing. I say, “Oh! You saw that when you arrived!?” He says, “Oh yes!” I really, “I never know how I compare in those sorts of things!” He replies, “Well, let’s see!”

We get to his van and I say something stupid about how convenient it is. But, to be honest, a sliding door van is pretty good if you’re going to hook up in a lay-by! He gets in, kneels down and pulls his trousers down, revealing his cock. It’s flaccid and probably about 3”. I respond in the same way. We each rub our cocks, mine still flaccid at about 6”.

An urge takes over me. I have to feel another man’s cock. I’ve never done it. I’ve longed to. It is right there. I stroke him. His cock feels tight. Like it won’t stretch far. It’s different, but I like it. His foreskin doesn’t cover much of his head like mine. So, I try my best to work out what strokes he’d like! As soon as I grabbed his cock, he moved onto mine.

At first, I felt so nervous, that I felt numb. I wasn’t trying to get hard, but it wasn’t happening. My wildest desire was not fuelling my hard cock. We each kept stroking. His grew to about 6”. He had a lovely set of pubes and I enjoyed feeling them as I wanked him. His cock was narrower at the head and thick at the bottom. I told him, “You’ve got a thick cock.” He laughed. I replied, “Do people not tell you that?” He said, “I think it’s a decent size, but it’s not large!” He collects some precum off my cock with his finger and licks it. He does this several times. Then he says, “Your precum tastes amazing!” I’m reeling. I don’t think I’ve received this many compliments in such a short space of time. And, what’s more - the things he’s saying make me feel good. They reassure me - answer my doubts.

Eventually, I start to relax a bit. I loved feeling his cock as I wankef it. He rubs my nipples after carefully unbuttoning my shirt. He’s so gentle but so passionate. My cock starts to grow. He kisses me - wow! His lips. His stubble. His beard. I hold his head whilst he does this. What an amazing connection. I even run my hand up to his ear and play with it gently. I’m still wanking him - noticing how tight his foreskin is at his cock head.

Then he says, “Can I suck your nipples?” I say, “Yeah!” Well… wow wow wow wow! His stubbly face and brilliant beard, stunning lips and amazing tongue go down on my nipples like they are their own sex organ. I moan. I swear. I moan. This man has plumped up my cock now! I’m still wanking him.

There are several times where he goes from my nipples to kissing me (which is bloody amazing) and back and forth, then he comes away and continues to wank me.

I see him stick his tongue out whilst looking at my cock. But he pulls himself back. I say, “What? Do you want to suck it?” He says these exact words, which will be etched in my memory - “I would absolutely LOVE to suck YOU!” At which point I say, “Yeah! Go on!”

He goes down on me. It’s electric. I’m still wanking him and he’s going down on my cock like mad. I’ve never been blown like this at all. This guy knows what he’s doing! Up, down, twists. All of a sudden, he manages to go balls deep on me… which I’ve never felt. I moan like mad swear. Moan. It’s just insane.

Suddenly he launches off my cock and thrusts his beautiful bearded face into mine. This man knows how to kiss. I taste a familiar taste - my cock! Yes, the only cock that I have tasted is my own. Back in the day, I could bend down and suck myself off. This mix of insane new pleasures and familiarity made me relax more. But, I was also conscious I wanted to get him off too!

Back and forth he went, deep-throating my 8 inches and then passionately kissing me. I couldn’t help but hold onto his head. It was such a strong connection and feeling.

This guy’s incredible blow job skills were working their magic on my meat. All the time I’m wanking him and he’s popping off to snog me. It’s just amazing. I am still conscious the van is bobbing up and down though!

I feel that all-too-familiar building sensation. Thoughts run through my mind like, “He may not want me to cum in his mouth!” “I’m going to have to tell him!” “Sometimes I start spunking cum before I orgasm, maybe he won’t like that!” Well, all of those thoughts were dismissed when I told him I was going to cum and his mouth clamped down further on my cock. His pace quickened and I experienced one of the deepest orgasms I have ever experienced.

I shot again and again into his mouth. He skilfully slurped up every drop. I was in awe.

This beautiful, brilliant, kind man had helped me experience something new, electric and immense. But not expected anything in return. I asked him, “Do you want me to finish you off?” He didn’t reply, but I continued wanking him.

We kissed.

He reclined in a different position. It felt like I was holding him. I wanked him. His tight foreskin not moving much - feeling so different to my own. He groaned. He moaned. He said - “Argh, I’m coming!” I slowed a little - no come spunked out yet, but I continued slowly and he shot streams of white cum into his van.


So new - so intense - so unbelievable!

He was so kind, thoughtful and caring. I confided in him that it was my first time with a guy. He replied saying that was so hot, then he said words that blew me away. He said, “You’re so hot!” I never thought a guy would find me attractive like that. Let alone this straight-looking, bearded guy who I found attractive. I explained I thought he was really hot too!

I sorted my clothing out. I left his van, with him still in the back. Got into my car and drove away. I smiled all the way home. I experienced wave after wave of pleasure, release and relief. This was a life changing moment!

My only regret was, I wished I’d asked him if he was open to doing it again and if there’d be a way to initiate that. As such, I visited squirt and put on the listing about my amazing experience. Hoping that he’d see it and reach out.

And that’s it - a new chapter. A huge breakthrough!

As I write this story, I’ve one hand on my cock. After today’s deep throating from Mr White Van, my cock feels smooth. I think he’d approve of me wanking off again when I read this story back … don’t you?

This is a true story from Worsted Lodge Lay-by, Cambridgeshire, UK
Wow I was solid from the start 😍
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Part 2 … the next visit!

So, after memories of the first encounter filtering in throughout my weekend, I continued to smile and feel the spring in my step. I hadn’t really realised what had been missing for so long.

It also fuelled some rather passionate business at home!

Anyway, Monday rolls along and I’m heading into work. I see the roundabout near the lay-by and then the junction later for the small lane that leads up to where I could turn to get there! Even just driving past horns me up a bit. I only just had a wank before I left the house!!

I make it to work, a normal day. Similar challenges… but, being Monday, everyone asks if I have had a good weekend. Well… my response is subconsciously much more positive that usual - mainly because each time they ask, it takes me back to having my nipples sucked, passionate kisses, a blow job and wanking a guy off!!

It gets towards the end of my time at work. I already know I’m going to at least drive there, park up and see what’s going on. So, I head there on the way home.

I turn up the track. My cock twitches. Then I feel nervous and it dies back down. Then I remember what happened last time and that’s enough to ignite my nipples and cock. It fluffs up to a semi.

I head slowly over the bridge - the last time there was a dog walker on it and I had to stop. However, this time, I notice that you can see the lay-by from the bridge. It’s a privileged point to sneak an early peak at any action or possible cars or guys.

As I glance down, I notice a few lorries, a van and … a blue car. I double take and it looks like Mr blue Vauxhall is there again! “Oh!” I think, “At least I know why HE’S there!” I head over the remainder of the bridge and circle around.

I then choose a spot to park, passing blue Vauxhall guy, a van and a couple of lorries.

A few mins later, blue Vauxhall guy moves up the lay-by and parks in front of my car. I can see him in his mirrors.

I get a call on my phone. Looks like I’ll need to head off. However, it felt rude to just disappear like that. So, I muster up the courage to speak to him. After all, I know why he’s here!! I explain I have to go, but perhaps some other time.

Then we get talking. I end up having a long chat. We talked about Friday and I asked if he ended up getting any action. He hadn’t, but he knew I had with Mr White Van!
He told me he’d been with him before. I said, what were you talking about when you went up to him? He explained that white van man had told him to go and that he’d arranged to meet me… which was interesting as it was a fleeting coincidence. Blue Vauxhall guy said to white van guy - I’m not trying to steal him off you!

Then, I said, “Well, when I saw you talking, I thought - great! You’d start and maybe I could watch. He said he had told White Van Guy that they should start or bring me in with them. He said White Van Guy told him to go.

It was interesting to hear!

He talked generally about action he’d had there before, where he usually goes and what kind of things… mainly in a wooded area for quick wanks. Then he opened his rear door for privacy and undid his flies. He was stroking his cock through his flies, still in his underwear.

That piqued my curiosity. I wanted to see it!! I thought he was going to get it out there to show me, but he encouraged me to the wooded bits, saying, just come and watch!

We headed into the woodland. Down a ditch and up the other side. Walked along a bit. He pulled out his hard cock. It was a decent size - probably 6.5” and nice girth. His foreskin sat over his cock head and it wasn’t fully revealed. It nicely puckered around the slit.

Something took over instinctively and I pulled mine out. It was only sitting at a semi - probably 6.5” but soft and pointing down. We kissed. He started stroking his cock. I held mine. Then I wanted to touch his, so I did. He reciprocated. Started stroking me away.

He was so hard and his thick cock curved up a little. Each time I stroked, I expected his foreskin to glide back over the big cock head, but it didn’t. He started leaking precum quite quickly.

My cock stayed at a semi, possibly just starting to get to the 7” mark.

Then, he suddenly went down on me, crouched amongst the tree routes. It felt amazing again. A sudden rush of blood swelled to my meat. After a minute or two, he came up and kissed me. Again, I tasted my own meat and relaxed a little.

He continued to jerk me and then said, “Oh, someone’s coming up a little!” My cock had reached a medium hard. It wasn’t at its full length - probably due to nerves, but it was a solid 7.5”, so only half an inch short and hard enough to do the job!

All the time, he was rock hard. He kept saying, “Give me your cum bitch! I want your cum!” I said he was going to get it. Our cocks touched at their tips and I felt his precum oozing onto mine. Then I remembered something off my wish list from the last time - frotting!

I grabbed both cocks and wanked them together for a bit, mine on top. The he did it with his on top. To be fair, he was. Much more adept than I was! Probably had more experience than me!!

He stopped wanking and just tossed me off like mad. My cock still wasn’t as hard as usual. I was trying relax. He put his hand up near my arse and teased near my hole. He asked me if I was close. To be honest, I wasn’t yet. I find it hard to come standing up, without holding onto something. So, I held on to the branch.

I grabbed his cock and he said - “I want YOUR come.” I said “Yeah, you can have it! But, I want to feel your cock in my hand.” I gave it a squeeze and asked him if he was close. I had suspected this was why he wasn’t wanting me to touch him. Holding him - thick and hard - whilst he was tossing me off started to get me a lot closer. I could feel things starting to build.

I ended up doing my trademark shoot of a load of precum/ cum… but it was before my orgasm. I begged him to keep going. I’m not sure he knew what was going on. He started spurting ropes of hot thick white cum on top of where mine had landed on the foliage. That set me off and I skunked about 8 further ropes of come on top!

We sorted clothes out and joked that white van man would be in the lay-by now. I joked we could give him a wave. He said white van man will think that he stole me off him!

So, 2/2 summarised. It was a great orgasm and he had a nice thick cock! Not as passionate as the last encounter and more rushed. It shows me I like to take the time to build my boner up to its full extent and perhaps do that before the hook up. At the same time, I need to balance those nerves to chill and let the blood flow to push out that final 0.5 - 0.75 inches!! ;-)
He told me he’d been with him before. I said, what were you talking about when you went up to him? He explained that white van man had told him to go and that he’d arranged to meet me… which was interesting as it was a fleeting coincidence. Blue Vauxhall guy said to white van guy - I’m not trying to steal him off you!

Then, I said, “Well, when I saw you talking, I thought - great! You’d start and maybe I could watch. He said he had told White Van Guy that they should start or bring me in with them. He said White Van Guy told him to go.

It was interesting to hear!

He talked generally about action he’d had there before, where he usually goes and what kind of things… mainly in a wooded area for quick wanks. Then he opened his rear door for privacy and undid his flies. He was stroking his cock through his flies, still in his underwear.

That piqued my curiosity. I wanted to see it!! I thought he was going to get it out there to show me, but he encouraged me to the wooded bits, saying, just come and watch!

We headed into the woodland. Down a ditch and up the other side. Walked along a bit. He pulled out his hard cock. It was a decent size - probably 6.5” and nice girth. His foreskin sat over his cock head and it wasn’t fully revealed. It nicely puckered around the slit.

Something took over instinctively and I pulled mine out. It was only sitting at a semi - probably 6.5” but soft and pointing down. We kissed. He started stroking his cock. I held mine. Then I wanted to touch his, so I did. He reciprocated. Started stroking me away.

He was so hard and his thick cock curved up a little. Each time I stroked, I expected his foreskin to glide back over the big cock head, but it didn’t. He started leaking precum quite quickly.

My cock stayed at a semi, possibly just starting to get to the 7” mark.

Then, he suddenly went down on me, crouched amongst the tree routes. It felt amazing again. A sudden rush of blood swelled to my meat. After a minute or two, he came up and kissed me. Again, I tasted my own meat and relaxed a little.

He continued to jerk me and then said, “Oh, someone’s coming up a little!” My cock had reached a medium hard. It wasn’t at its full length - probably due to nerves, but it was a solid 7.5”, so only half an inch short and hard enough to do the job!

All the time, he was rock hard. He kept saying, “Give me your cum bitch! I want your cum!” I said he was going to get it. Our cocks touched at their tips and I felt his precum oozing onto mine. Then I remembered something off my wish list from the last time - frotting!

I grabbed both cocks and wanked them together for a bit, mine on top. The he did it with his on top. To be fair, he was. Much more adept than I was! Probably had more experience than me!!

He stopped wanking and just tossed me off like mad. My cock still wasn’t as hard as usual. I was trying relax. He put his hand up near my arse and teased near my hole. He asked me if I was close. To be honest, I wasn’t yet. I find it hard to come standing up, without holding onto something. So, I held on to the branch.

I grabbed his cock and he said - “I want YOUR come.” I said “Yeah, you can have it! But, I want to feel your cock in my hand.” I gave it a squeeze and asked him if he was close. I had suspected this was why he wasn’t wanting me to touch him. Holding him - thick and hard - whilst he was tossing me off started to get me a lot closer. I could feel things starting to build.

I ended up doing my trademark shoot of a load of precum/ cum… but it was before my orgasm. I begged him to keep going. I’m not sure he knew what was going on. He started spurting ropes of hot thick white cum on top of where mine had landed on the foliage. That set me off and I skunked about 8 further ropes of come on top!

We sorted clothes out and joked that white van man would be in the lay-by now. I joked we could give him a wave. He said white van man will think that he stole me off him!

So, 2/2 summarised. It was a great orgasm and he had a nice thick cock! Not as passionate as the last encounter and more rushed. It shows me I like to take the time to build my boner up to its full extent and perhaps do that before the hook up. At the same time, I need to balance those nerves to chill and let the blood flow to push out that final 0.5 - 0.75 inches!! ;-)
Fuuuck! Bet you were your usual loud horny self
So, as I write this, it is Friday evening. Encounter two was on Monday evening. I’ve visited the layby each day to see what’s going on.

Most of the time it’s nearly full with lorries! However, I head to work as usual and start to see the roads near to it on my commute. My dick instantly pricks up a bit. I hadn’t managed a wank this morning … and I couldn’t remember cumming yesterday either. Fuck… I’m horny!

However, it’s time to get to work - certainly no time for indulging in that now! As I drive there, I reminisce about the two encounters so far. I try to remember specifics - the cocks, the foreskins, the curves, thickness etc. the different touches on my nipples and oh… the kissing!! My trousers are now sporting a rather distracting and impressive bulge. Certainly not the look for work. I do my best to calm it down, which I do by navigating the usual irritating traffic!

Work goes by - a busy day with very little opportunity to think about the excitement of heading down one week after my first male encounter! I was hopeful Fridays might be good times to meet more guys! People asked me about my weekend ahead, I smile and explain it’s just a quiet one… but my mind races to what I may experience before I get home tonight!

I head the usual way to the lay-by. It’s a bit convoluted, but I like it. A small track leads up to a bridge that crosses the main road. It gives an excellent view of who’s there! Tonight, there are about 4 cars already, along with a lorry. I circle down and around. I park in front of all the cars, slowly passing them, so they can see!

As I pass, I notice one has a family in… time to be very careful! I need to check the people here are here for the same reason! However, they head off and a few other cars join. Two of which are rather siwsh! I had seen one of them last Friday - a black Audi… by the time mr white van man had swallowed my load and I had finished him off, I returned to my car to find his reversed close to my bonnet. So, I knew he was down for some fun. I head down to put some rubbish in the bin to get a view of what’s going on. I head back to the car.

Suddenly, another Audi pulls in in front of the black one. I look in my mirrors to check out what I can see. He looks up every now and again but also at his phone. But… I’m pretty sure he’s looking down at his cock too - possibly wanking off to porn.

I log into a few sites, just to see if anyone is here now. There is one guy listed less than 1mi and someone offline who was here. I notice the guy behind in my mirror. He’s holding his phone up to the windscreen and it’s the other way around, like he’s showing me the screen. I can’t see what it is, but I assume it’s some kind of porn?

I look around my car and find another item I can feasibly put in the bin, to get a view of what the guy behind is doing. After a deep breath and telling myself to get on with it, I head out the car. It’s like walking through the thickest air! My muscles are heavy and something is weighing me down… but I still find this momentum that reassures me this feels good.

I walk past the car and it looks like he may be wanking. On the way back, I notice his hand near his waist. I’m feeling brave, so I try the door. He unlocks it and says “Hi!” I ask how he is. He replies that all is well. We exchange small talk, and I ask if he was trying to communicate something to me. I’m feeling bold, so I get in.

We talk about various things like our situations, what we’re into… but he also reveals his lovely cock. It has a beautiful long foreskin… and it’s smothered in loads of precum. He asks me, “Do you have a nice cock?” I explain that I think I do, but I’m very nervous, so it’s soft at the moment. He asks to see it. I get it out and he says how nice it is. I start stroking it a bit and we chat… I stare at his curved cock and take it in my hands. It feels so good. He’s probably about 5.5” hard, good thickness, curve upwards and that brilliant foreskin pooling lots of precum.

He repeatedly takes mine and works it up. His hand feels so good on it. I leak precum. He gently smears it over my slit and cock head. Fuck - I could come.

We talk logistics. He wants to find somewhere else. Somewhere we can do more. He wants a place out of the car and he’s desperate to shoot his load. I can see how horny this guy is with his rock hard curved cock and loads of precum.

We notice the other two guys in the lay-by. They’re now starting talking. It looks like they’re heading behind a small power building. The guy I’m with decides we should head there too.

I go first. I find one guy sucking off another guy with a nice thick cylindrical dick… possibly a decent 7”. Foreskin retracted and nice red cockhead. I say, “there’s another guy that’s going to join us if that’s ok!” I watch the BJ and get my cock out … it’s gone down to a semi, but I stroke it up. The guy receiving the Bj is staring at my cock. Whilst this guy is sucking him. They get a bit bothered that the other guy doesn’t seem to be coming but then he does.

He gets his cock out, staring at me in the eye. It’s so hot. But the guy getting the BJ grabs my cock and wanks me, whilst the original guy kisses me and wanks his cock. The guy sucking, gets up and walks off. The other guy continues wanking me whilst I kiss the original guy and wank off the guy that was being sucked!

At one point, he lets go of my cock and it’s handing out probably about 70% erect. Original guy is wanking his cock and his hand rhythmically hits my cock, which bounces up and then slams down on his. It’s hot!

Suddenly the original guy comes and then the other guy walks off. It’s just me and him. He kisses me, plays with my nipples, I stroke my cock and then shoot come for ages!! Rope after rope. I manage to land my load over his.

We end with a small kiss and he says, “We could hook up again sometime!” I reply favourably. But when I ask him if he is on any kind of platform, he says he isn’t. So… not sure how we’d ever hook up again!

It was another hot experience and when his hand held my cock in his car, I thought I was going to come there and then! 😉

I liked him - a nice guy!
I have to write this now … right now! It’s real, true and the first ever proper action I’ve had with a man. The reason I have to write it now is because with them, memory fades and if I left it until tomorrow, I’d forget the details like how his cock was so much thicker at the base than the tip - like how his cockhead was so pale when flaccid but became so ruby red when I rubbed it.

This is true and is the very first actual encounter I’ve ever had. Sure, there’s been the guy who got hard next to me at the urinals - but at that time, I didn’t know people had sexual encounters in a toilet! At the same time, the guy who coughed at me and wagged his todger trying to initiate it - I just didn’t know!

But, a few years later and armed with a little more conviction and knowledge - partly thanks to LPSG cam sessions and the lovely members I’ve wanked my long cock with, I have finally found the courage to fill that missing part of me.

It started with a day that was a little different to usual. A day that I would travel somewhere for a whole day. A large city. A place where I could possibly find some action incidentally. However, I didn’t. That day was punctuated with me trying to please everyone else - my default. However, at the end of this day was a window. That magic window that as a married straight man, you spot. After years of longing for exploring that curiosity of touching another man, of him touching you, that you have to act on.

That magnetism led me to a lay-by. One on the way home from my journey but not far from my home. It’s renowned apparently for its action. I fill up at the nearby petrol station and creep along to this lay-by that’s perfectly hidden from the main road. There are lots of lorries but it is punctuated with a few cars. That piques my interest. I suspect there are a few guys here looking for a meet. But… am I brave enough to initiate this? There is no one around. I check my mirrors - the lorry behind has a driver’s hand hanging out … is that a sign? Not one that I know - yet!

So, I sit there. I watch a few cars move up the lay-by. That’s possibly a sign? Now, as of today, I’m more sure that’s a sign! However, it starts to rain. A few cars move on. I let my cock out of the tented trousers. All 8 inches spring out. Oh the relief. I stroke wildly as it is raining and I’m sure no one can see me now. Precum oozes out my cock. I know that this excitement is real. But the rain stops. I feel exposed. I’m not sure how to move things forward and show the right kind of guys that I’m a newbie looking for someone to be kind and look after me.

I bottle it. I drive away.

The next day, I head to work. At the very few moments when I can think about anything but work, I think about that lay-by. I think about just going there. I’ve been there three times before if I’m honest. Nothing has happened. But, I know there are guys there who are looking for the same thing as me. I think throughout the day, I’m going to go there. Colleagues ask, “Have you got any nice plans for the weekend?” My head says, “Yes, I’m going to go to this lay-by after work and cum a cum fountain out my 8 inch dick!” But, the words that come out talk about much more wholesome and sedate things!

At the end of work, I muster up the courage to put the details of the lay-by into my satnav. It’s on the way home and near a petrol station - so, if anyone asks, I can just say I was getting fuel… right? I drive there, part of the route is quite rural and past farms. I pull into a lay-by and load up a few apps and websites that I have memberships on like LPSG, squirt, sniffies and see that I can’t really see anyone nearby. I pull of and go over a bridge, but have to stop to let a guy walking a dog move over. I look at him and smile - wondering if he’s maybe up for it too.

Eventually, I drive down and around to the layby that’s the known spot. There are several cars there. No lorries tonight at all - that’s different. Each car has one man in it - from what I can tell. That’s a hopeful sign, surely. I park my silver Mini in front of a grey Mercedes. He is seemingly cleaning his car out. Although, I know he may not be. At one point, I see him in my mirror going into the scrub to pee. Sadly, it’s too far away to see what he’s packing. A few minutes pass, another vehicle approaches - a small white van. He gets out. Checks his phone. Opens the side door and sits in it. I think, “Oh! That’s quite private!” But, after a few minutes, he gets back into his driver’s seat and then a few minutes later, he leaves. At this point, I think, “I’m not sure this is meant to be.”

After that, a blue Vauxhall pulls up. He parks in. I can see him clearer in my interior mirror, as he’s closer. I get out the car, walk up a bit, walk down a tiny bit. The nerves kick in. I lean against my car, looking at my phone. Reading anything that will calm me down. Eventually, a few cars go past not stopping. I look back at the man in the blue Vauxhall- every now and again, he’s glancing down. I want to see what he’s looking at, as I suspect he’s wanking his meat his car. That kicks a whole new desire into play… that I want to watch!!

I go in and out of my car a few times. On one occasion, I feel brave enough to tug at my underwear, as if it’s uncomfortable. This hopefully shows of my bulge a bit! But, eventually, I think I feel the need to pee and after about 10 minutes of getting out and in the car, I decide to be brave and let my cock out and pee into the scrub.

At that point, the white van from before pulls in again. “Shit!!” I think. “I’ve just exposed myself to someone who is not cruising here!” I walk back around to the driver’s side and get in. “Oh well!” I think. At least my flaccid is about 6” and if he’s not cruising, he thinks I’m peeing and I’m not small… but if he is cruising - I’m nervous he may be interested!”

He gets out. Walks up the lay-by past my car. Then turns around. He walks back. I look up at him. There is this amazing eye contact. He nods at me. I smile. He smiles. It’s electric. We each understand that this is ok and we are on the same page. That is the first time in my life where I have felt that it’s an environment where I could explore a hook up.

All of a sudden, another car pulls in in front of mine. I’m not sure it was a guy. As the car stops, it takes every ounce of my courage to pull the door handle. With all my strength and courage from years of not exploring these opportunities, I make it out and stand on the other side of my car. The guy from the van turns around. He walks towards me and asks, “Are you ok? Are you having a good day?” I reply with, “Yes thanks - are you?” He says, “Yes!”

I can’t believe how straight he looks. He is literally the last guy I thought would be here. He has this amazing beard - short around the sides but long down his chin. I never thought it would turn me on, but in the flesh, it did. He was broad shouldered and had long hair in a bun. There was this mix of ruggedness and this heavy theme of kindness and friendliness.

He walks back past me whilst I look on my phone. He then sits in his van, which has a sliding door. This guy from the blue car is clearly more confident than me. He comes up to the van guy and starts talking. I watch from my left smile. At times, they each glance over to me and I smile at them. At this point, I’m hoping they start something and I can watch and wank my long cock, spunking my load on the side of the van! However, blue car guy gestures a few things. I see his hands by his fly, but then they both look my way. I wonder if they’re talking about me getting my cock out for a pee!

Blue car guy goes back to his car. White van guy comes last me again and says, “Are you looking for something?” My whole heart and body melt. I want to scream, “Yes!” But my ridiculously nervous body produces, “I’m not sure, maybe!?”

Then it gets real.

White van guy says, “A blow job. Can I blow you?” I stumble and manage a “Hmm I’m not sure!” He replies with, “Can I wank you?”

Since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with penises. Yes bloody long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones. Let me touch it, feel it, run my fingers over the head!

However, my reply reflects my nerves and I say, “I’m not sure. Sorry! I’m just so nervous. I’ve never done anything with a guy before.” There is a moment’s pause. Our brains align. He says the phrase that is in my head - “Well, we all have to start somewhere!”

We start walking towards his van. I feel in a complete trance. I want this. But this is not me. Well, it’s not the me I have created. Not the me that everyone else knows! He suddenly says, “You have a really nice cock!” I’m aghast. How does he know that!? I then remember he pulled in as I was peeing. I say, “Oh! You saw that when you arrived!?” He says, “Oh yes!” I really, “I never know how I compare in those sorts of things!” He replies, “Well, let’s see!”

We get to his van and I say something stupid about how convenient it is. But, to be honest, a sliding door van is pretty good if you’re going to hook up in a lay-by! He gets in, kneels down and pulls his trousers down, revealing his cock. It’s flaccid and probably about 3”. I respond in the same way. We each rub our cocks, mine still flaccid at about 6”.

An urge takes over me. I have to feel another man’s cock. I’ve never done it. I’ve longed to. It is right there. I stroke him. His cock feels tight. Like it won’t stretch far. It’s different, but I like it. His foreskin doesn’t cover much of his head like mine. So, I try my best to work out what strokes he’d like! As soon as I grabbed his cock, he moved onto mine.

At first, I felt so nervous, that I felt numb. I wasn’t trying to get hard, but it wasn’t happening. My wildest desire was not fuelling my hard cock. We each kept stroking. His grew to about 6”. He had a lovely set of pubes and I enjoyed feeling them as I wanked him. His cock was narrower at the head and thick at the bottom. I told him, “You’ve got a thick cock.” He laughed. I replied, “Do people not tell you that?” He said, “I think it’s a decent size, but it’s not large!” He collects some precum off my cock with his finger and licks it. He does this several times. Then he says, “Your precum tastes amazing!” I’m reeling. I don’t think I’ve received this many compliments in such a short space of time. And, what’s more - the things he’s saying make me feel good. They reassure me - answer my doubts.

Eventually, I start to relax a bit. I loved feeling his cock as I wankef it. He rubs my nipples after carefully unbuttoning my shirt. He’s so gentle but so passionate. My cock starts to grow. He kisses me - wow! His lips. His stubble. His beard. I hold his head whilst he does this. What an amazing connection. I even run my hand up to his ear and play with it gently. I’m still wanking him - noticing how tight his foreskin is at his cock head.

Then he says, “Can I suck your nipples?” I say, “Yeah!” Well… wow wow wow wow! His stubbly face and brilliant beard, stunning lips and amazing tongue go down on my nipples like they are their own sex organ. I moan. I swear. I moan. This man has plumped up my cock now! I’m still wanking him.

There are several times where he goes from my nipples to kissing me (which is bloody amazing) and back and forth, then he comes away and continues to wank me.

I see him stick his tongue out whilst looking at my cock. But he pulls himself back. I say, “What? Do you want to suck it?” He says these exact words, which will be etched in my memory - “I would absolutely LOVE to suck YOU!” At which point I say, “Yeah! Go on!”

He goes down on me. It’s electric. I’m still wanking him and he’s going down on my cock like mad. I’ve never been blown like this at all. This guy knows what he’s doing! Up, down, twists. All of a sudden, he manages to go balls deep on me… which I’ve never felt. I moan like mad swear. Moan. It’s just insane.

Suddenly he launches off my cock and thrusts his beautiful bearded face into mine. This man knows how to kiss. I taste a familiar taste - my cock! Yes, the only cock that I have tasted is my own. Back in the day, I could bend down and suck myself off. This mix of insane new pleasures and familiarity made me relax more. But, I was also conscious I wanted to get him off too!

Back and forth he went, deep-throating my 8 inches and then passionately kissing me. I couldn’t help but hold onto his head. It was such a strong connection and feeling.

This guy’s incredible blow job skills were working their magic on my meat. All the time I’m wanking him and he’s popping off to snog me. It’s just amazing. I am still conscious the van is bobbing up and down though!

I feel that all-too-familiar building sensation. Thoughts run through my mind like, “He may not want me to cum in his mouth!” “I’m going to have to tell him!” “Sometimes I start spunking cum before I orgasm, maybe he won’t like that!” Well, all of those thoughts were dismissed when I told him I was going to cum and his mouth clamped down further on my cock. His pace quickened and I experienced one of the deepest orgasms I have ever experienced.

I shot again and again into his mouth. He skilfully slurped up every drop. I was in awe.

This beautiful, brilliant, kind man had helped me experience something new, electric and immense. But not expected anything in return. I asked him, “Do you want me to finish you off?” He didn’t reply, but I continued wanking him.

We kissed.

He reclined in a different position. It felt like I was holding him. I wanked him. His tight foreskin not moving much - feeling so different to my own. He groaned. He moaned. He said - “Argh, I’m coming!” I slowed a little - no come spunked out yet, but I continued slowly and he shot streams of white cum into his van.


So new - so intense - so unbelievable!

He was so kind, thoughtful and caring. I confided in him that it was my first time with a guy. He replied saying that was so hot, then he said words that blew me away. He said, “You’re so hot!” I never thought a guy would find me attractive like that. Let alone this straight-looking, bearded guy who I found attractive. I explained I thought he was really hot too!

I sorted my clothing out. I left his van, with him still in the back. Got into my car and drove away. I smiled all the way home. I experienced wave after wave of pleasure, release and relief. This was a life changing moment!

My only regret was, I wished I’d asked him if he was open to doing it again and if there’d be a way to initiate that. As such, I visited squirt and put on the listing about my amazing experience. Hoping that he’d see it and reach out.

And that’s it - a new chapter. A huge breakthrough!

As I write this story, I’ve one hand on my cock. After today’s deep throating from Mr White Van, my cock feels smooth. I think he’d approve of me wanking off again when I read this story back … don’t you?

This is a true story from Worsted Lodge Lay-by, Cambridgeshire, UK
If this is a true story it might not be safe to list the location...
Lay-by sex can be very exciting and worthwhile. Sometimes its just a guy on his own and you do your thing with each other out in the open air, other times it can be three or four guys playing with cock, so you can be sucked while you kiss and toss another guy while getting rimmed.
Obvioulsy summer is the best time to go, less clothes for a start and easier to find a cock and nipples and asshole when just in flimsy shorts and a T shirt - but wintertime and its fly popping time as the wind blows can also be a huge turn on.
If this is a true story it might not be safe to list the location...
I did look up the location first while I was reading the story. I actually really like to review these locations just for curiosity. Something about discovering a new cruising spot is exciting, even thru Google maps :) I see the info is gone, I think. Too bad! :) but probably a smart move nonetheless.
I have to write this now … right now! It’s real, true and the first ever proper action I’ve had with a man. The reason I have to write it now is because with them, memory fades and if I left it until tomorrow, I’d forget the details like how his cock was so much thicker at the base than the tip - like how his cockhead was so pale when flaccid but became so ruby red when I rubbed it.

This is true and is the very first actual encounter I’ve ever had. Sure, there’s been the guy who got hard next to me at the urinals - but at that time, I didn’t know people had sexual encounters in a toilet! At the same time, the guy who coughed at me and wagged his todger trying to initiate it - I just didn’t know!

But, a few years later and armed with a little more conviction and knowledge - partly thanks to LPSG cam sessions and the lovely members I’ve wanked my long cock with, I have finally found the courage to fill that missing part of me.

It started with a day that was a little different to usual. A day that I would travel somewhere for a whole day. A large city. A place where I could possibly find some action incidentally. However, I didn’t. That day was punctuated with me trying to please everyone else - my default. However, at the end of this day was a window. That magic window that as a married straight man, you spot. After years of longing for exploring that curiosity of touching another man, of him touching you, that you have to act on.

That magnetism led me to a lay-by. One on the way home from my journey but not far from my home. It’s renowned apparently for its action. I fill up at the nearby petrol station and creep along to this lay-by that’s perfectly hidden from the main road. There are lots of lorries but it is punctuated with a few cars. That piques my interest. I suspect there are a few guys here looking for a meet. But… am I brave enough to initiate this? There is no one around. I check my mirrors - the lorry behind has a driver’s hand hanging out … is that a sign? Not one that I know - yet!

So, I sit there. I watch a few cars move up the lay-by. That’s possibly a sign? Now, as of today, I’m more sure that’s a sign! However, it starts to rain. A few cars move on. I let my cock out of the tented trousers. All 8 inches spring out. Oh the relief. I stroke wildly as it is raining and I’m sure no one can see me now. Precum oozes out my cock. I know that this excitement is real. But the rain stops. I feel exposed. I’m not sure how to move things forward and show the right kind of guys that I’m a newbie looking for someone to be kind and look after me.

I bottle it. I drive away.

The next day, I head to work. At the very few moments when I can think about anything but work, I think about that lay-by. I think about just going there. I’ve been there three times before if I’m honest. Nothing has happened. But, I know there are guys there who are looking for the same thing as me. I think throughout the day, I’m going to go there. Colleagues ask, “Have you got any nice plans for the weekend?” My head says, “Yes, I’m going to go to this lay-by after work and cum a cum fountain out my 8 inch dick!” But, the words that come out talk about much more wholesome and sedate things!

At the end of work, I muster up the courage to put the details of the lay-by into my satnav. It’s on the way home and near a petrol station - so, if anyone asks, I can just say I was getting fuel… right? I drive there, part of the route is quite rural and past farms. I pull into a lay-by and load up a few apps and websites that I have memberships on like LPSG, squirt, sniffies and see that I can’t really see anyone nearby. I pull of and go over a bridge, but have to stop to let a guy walking a dog move over. I look at him and smile - wondering if he’s maybe up for it too.

Eventually, I drive down and around to the layby that’s the known spot. There are several cars there. No lorries tonight at all - that’s different. Each car has one man in it - from what I can tell. That’s a hopeful sign, surely. I park my silver Mini in front of a grey Mercedes. He is seemingly cleaning his car out. Although, I know he may not be. At one point, I see him in my mirror going into the scrub to pee. Sadly, it’s too far away to see what he’s packing. A few minutes pass, another vehicle approaches - a small white van. He gets out. Checks his phone. Opens the side door and sits in it. I think, “Oh! That’s quite private!” But, after a few minutes, he gets back into his driver’s seat and then a few minutes later, he leaves. At this point, I think, “I’m not sure this is meant to be.”

After that, a blue Vauxhall pulls up. He parks in. I can see him clearer in my interior mirror, as he’s closer. I get out the car, walk up a bit, walk down a tiny bit. The nerves kick in. I lean against my car, looking at my phone. Reading anything that will calm me down. Eventually, a few cars go past not stopping. I look back at the man in the blue Vauxhall- every now and again, he’s glancing down. I want to see what he’s looking at, as I suspect he’s wanking his meat his car. That kicks a whole new desire into play… that I want to watch!!

I go in and out of my car a few times. On one occasion, I feel brave enough to tug at my underwear, as if it’s uncomfortable. This hopefully shows of my bulge a bit! But, eventually, I think I feel the need to pee and after about 10 minutes of getting out and in the car, I decide to be brave and let my cock out and pee into the scrub.

At that point, the white van from before pulls in again. “Shit!!” I think. “I’ve just exposed myself to someone who is not cruising here!” I walk back around to the driver’s side and get in. “Oh well!” I think. At least my flaccid is about 6” and if he’s not cruising, he thinks I’m peeing and I’m not small… but if he is cruising - I’m nervous he may be interested!”

He gets out. Walks up the lay-by past my car. Then turns around. He walks back. I look up at him. There is this amazing eye contact. He nods at me. I smile. He smiles. It’s electric. We each understand that this is ok and we are on the same page. That is the first time in my life where I have felt that it’s an environment where I could explore a hook up.

All of a sudden, another car pulls in in front of mine. I’m not sure it was a guy. As the car stops, it takes every ounce of my courage to pull the door handle. With all my strength and courage from years of not exploring these opportunities, I make it out and stand on the other side of my car. The guy from the van turns around. He walks towards me and asks, “Are you ok? Are you having a good day?” I reply with, “Yes thanks - are you?” He says, “Yes!”

I can’t believe how straight he looks. He is literally the last guy I thought would be here. He has this amazing beard - short around the sides but long down his chin. I never thought it would turn me on, but in the flesh, it did. He was broad shouldered and had long hair in a bun. There was this mix of ruggedness and this heavy theme of kindness and friendliness.

He walks back past me whilst I look on my phone. He then sits in his van, which has a sliding door. This guy from the blue car is clearly more confident than me. He comes up to the van guy and starts talking. I watch from my left smile. At times, they each glance over to me and I smile at them. At this point, I’m hoping they start something and I can watch and wank my long cock, spunking my load on the side of the van! However, blue car guy gestures a few things. I see his hands by his fly, but then they both look my way. I wonder if they’re talking about me getting my cock out for a pee!

Blue car guy goes back to his car. White van guy comes last me again and says, “Are you looking for something?” My whole heart and body melt. I want to scream, “Yes!” But my ridiculously nervous body produces, “I’m not sure, maybe!?”

Then it gets real.

White van guy says, “A blow job. Can I blow you?” I stumble and manage a “Hmm I’m not sure!” He replies with, “Can I wank you?”

Since I can remember, I’ve been fascinated with penises. Yes bloody long ones, short ones, fat ones, thin ones. Let me touch it, feel it, run my fingers over the head!

However, my reply reflects my nerves and I say, “I’m not sure. Sorry! I’m just so nervous. I’ve never done anything with a guy before.” There is a moment’s pause. Our brains align. He says the phrase that is in my head - “Well, we all have to start somewhere!”

We start walking towards his van. I feel in a complete trance. I want this. But this is not me. Well, it’s not the me I have created. Not the me that everyone else knows! He suddenly says, “You have a really nice cock!” I’m aghast. How does he know that!? I then remember he pulled in as I was peeing. I say, “Oh! You saw that when you arrived!?” He says, “Oh yes!” I really, “I never know how I compare in those sorts of things!” He replies, “Well, let’s see!”

We get to his van and I say something stupid about how convenient it is. But, to be honest, a sliding door van is pretty good if you’re going to hook up in a lay-by! He gets in, kneels down and pulls his trousers down, revealing his cock. It’s flaccid and probably about 3”. I respond in the same way. We each rub our cocks, mine still flaccid at about 6”.

An urge takes over me. I have to feel another man’s cock. I’ve never done it. I’ve longed to. It is right there. I stroke him. His cock feels tight. Like it won’t stretch far. It’s different, but I like it. His foreskin doesn’t cover much of his head like mine. So, I try my best to work out what strokes he’d like! As soon as I grabbed his cock, he moved onto mine.

At first, I felt so nervous, that I felt numb. I wasn’t trying to get hard, but it wasn’t happening. My wildest desire was not fuelling my hard cock. We each kept stroking. His grew to about 6”. He had a lovely set of pubes and I enjoyed feeling them as I wanked him. His cock was narrower at the head and thick at the bottom. I told him, “You’ve got a thick cock.” He laughed. I replied, “Do people not tell you that?” He said, “I think it’s a decent size, but it’s not large!” He collects some precum off my cock with his finger and licks it. He does this several times. Then he says, “Your precum tastes amazing!” I’m reeling. I don’t think I’ve received this many compliments in such a short space of time. And, what’s more - the things he’s saying make me feel good. They reassure me - answer my doubts.

Eventually, I start to relax a bit. I loved feeling his cock as I wankef it. He rubs my nipples after carefully unbuttoning my shirt. He’s so gentle but so passionate. My cock starts to grow. He kisses me - wow! His lips. His stubble. His beard. I hold his head whilst he does this. What an amazing connection. I even run my hand up to his ear and play with it gently. I’m still wanking him - noticing how tight his foreskin is at his cock head.

Then he says, “Can I suck your nipples?” I say, “Yeah!” Well… wow wow wow wow! His stubbly face and brilliant beard, stunning lips and amazing tongue go down on my nipples like they are their own sex organ. I moan. I swear. I moan. This man has plumped up my cock now! I’m still wanking him.

There are several times where he goes from my nipples to kissing me (which is bloody amazing) and back and forth, then he comes away and continues to wank me.

I see him stick his tongue out whilst looking at my cock. But he pulls himself back. I say, “What? Do you want to suck it?” He says these exact words, which will be etched in my memory - “I would absolutely LOVE to suck YOU!” At which point I say, “Yeah! Go on!”

He goes down on me. It’s electric. I’m still wanking him and he’s going down on my cock like mad. I’ve never been blown like this at all. This guy knows what he’s doing! Up, down, twists. All of a sudden, he manages to go balls deep on me… which I’ve never felt. I moan like mad swear. Moan. It’s just insane.

Suddenly he launches off my cock and thrusts his beautiful bearded face into mine. This man knows how to kiss. I taste a familiar taste - my cock! Yes, the only cock that I have tasted is my own. Back in the day, I could bend down and suck myself off. This mix of insane new pleasures and familiarity made me relax more. But, I was also conscious I wanted to get him off too!

Back and forth he went, deep-throating my 8 inches and then passionately kissing me. I couldn’t help but hold onto his head. It was such a strong connection and feeling.

This guy’s incredible blow job skills were working their magic on my meat. All the time I’m wanking him and he’s popping off to snog me. It’s just amazing. I am still conscious the van is bobbing up and down though!

I feel that all-too-familiar building sensation. Thoughts run through my mind like, “He may not want me to cum in his mouth!” “I’m going to have to tell him!” “Sometimes I start spunking cum before I orgasm, maybe he won’t like that!” Well, all of those thoughts were dismissed when I told him I was going to cum and his mouth clamped down further on my cock. His pace quickened and I experienced one of the deepest orgasms I have ever experienced.

I shot again and again into his mouth. He skilfully slurped up every drop. I was in awe.

This beautiful, brilliant, kind man had helped me experience something new, electric and immense. But not expected anything in return. I asked him, “Do you want me to finish you off?” He didn’t reply, but I continued wanking him.

We kissed.

He reclined in a different position. It felt like I was holding him. I wanked him. His tight foreskin not moving much - feeling so different to my own. He groaned. He moaned. He said - “Argh, I’m coming!” I slowed a little - no come spunked out yet, but I continued slowly and he shot streams of white cum into his van.


So new - so intense - so unbelievable!

He was so kind, thoughtful and caring. I confided in him that it was my first time with a guy. He replied saying that was so hot, then he said words that blew me away. He said, “You’re so hot!” I never thought a guy would find me attractive like that. Let alone this straight-looking, bearded guy who I found attractive. I explained I thought he was really hot too!

I sorted my clothing out. I left his van, with him still in the back. Got into my car and drove away. I smiled all the way home. I experienced wave after wave of pleasure, release and relief. This was a life changing moment!

My only regret was, I wished I’d asked him if he was open to doing it again and if there’d be a way to initiate that. As such, I visited squirt and put on the listing about my amazing experience. Hoping that he’d see it and reach out.

And that’s it - a new chapter. A huge breakthrough!

As I write this story, I’ve one hand on my cock. After today’s deep throating from Mr White Van, my cock feels smooth. I think he’d approve of me wanking off again when I read this story back … don’t you?

This is a true story from Worsted Lodge Lay-by, Cambridgeshire, UK
Wow this is a great story, man, because it's not just about sex, but mainly about emotions, feelings, and fears. Thanks!
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Next encounter…

I end up on a work residential course. It’s just one night with two days either side of courses and conferences. During day 1 it’s pretty intense and I don’t feel great by the evening. But, with a bit of a rest, I manage to reset and feel on form again.

After the usual drinks with colleagues, it’s back to my lonely room. It’s one of those hotels designed to host these kinds of events. I think there were two companies in our hotel.

Of course, alone in a hotel room means a nice long wank session with an amazing orgasm. So, I load up some favourite sites like LPSG plus two which are more cruising based. One of the cruising ones doesn’t show anyone near, but another showed someone at less than a mile.

We end up chatting and think we’re actually in the same hotel. That turned me on a lot! But, I was hoping it wasn’t a colleague! After some wanking and a bit of chatting, I try to establish where he is. It turns out he’s in another one of the three hotels on the complex.

After a few deep breaths and being brave, we aim to meet up and he is going to come to my room… surrounded by my sleeping colleagues. This is a serious risk. We aim to meet outside - it’s freezing though! I explain to him that I’ll be wearing my grey jogging bottoms, a black running top and probably a coat! He tells me he’ll have an orange jumper on and that the map looks like it’ll take him 10mins to walk. We aim to meet outside my hotel.

I nervously - but excitedly - head down the long and burning corridors that all look the same to get to the exit at the front of the hotel. It’s a night where you can actually see the northern lights outside!! So, my alibi to colleagues is either trying to take photos of the northern lights or going for a run!!

I wait for what feels like an age and my former chubby 6.5” semi has shrunk down to a more 5.5” cold flaccid! Eventually I see some movement in the distance. I didn’t even feel nervous this time - just excited!

He says hi and we establish we are who we think we are as per the chat! I lead him in and we warm up. Letting him into my room was hugely horny. When we crossed that threshold it felt so private and exciting. He went to the loo, I reclined on the bed. When he came out, he came and lied next to me. We started grappling with our own meat. When he took his trousers down, I could see a rather stunning thick outline of his semi. It looked so thick! I told him so too!

I was so horny, but still soft, but I just whipped mine out and he did the same. He was really nice and thick - cut too, which was a first for me. He presented some lube and explained that he wasn’t being presumptuous, but that he had a cut cock. I explained that it would be a first for me playing with a cut cock.

I enjoyed him wanking me and I obviously did the same to him. At one point he asked if he could kiss my balls… my god! His stubbly mouth kissed my balls and it was like a new level of ecstasy!

He was kneeling next to me whilst I was lying down. He was wanking away with my cock whilst I tugged on his. All of a sudden, I was overcome by the thickness and plumpness of his cock head and couldn’t resist but sucking on it. It felt so good! The first cock (other than my own) that I’ve had in my mouth. It felt right and natural and he moaned away with pleasure.

He later went down on me and tried to deep throat me. He nearly got to the base, but not quite. I wasn’t quite as hard as usual, but it felt so good.

We frotted for a bit, kissed, wanked, sucked. It was a great mix! Also played with each other’s nipples.

Then, he frotted out cocks whilst I lay on my back. Our cocks looked so good together and I realised that mine was only a little thinner than his and his huge cockhead was only a little smaller than mine. He was on his knees, whilst I lay on my back, he frotted our cocks together while also thrusting his pelvis. It was like he was fucking me, but his cock was on the outside!

There was a lot of precum from both out cocks. I moaned and told him I was going to cum. I started squirting before orgasming… and shot rope after rope of cum over my black running top. He carried on thrusting away still with my already spent cock in his hand rubbing against his! After a few more thrusts, he spunked a large wad on my chest.

We kissed.

He cleaned himself up and I carefully removed the cum top!

I helped him find his way out and we parted ways.

The next morning, I felt a serious cock twinge in picking up the cum top!

Photo of his cock to follow!
Wow, what an experience. Love that you are trying new things and living out some of your fantasies. Thanks for sharing this, made me really horny reading it. I've attended similar events so many times and longed for a similar encounter, but never had the courage to do anything about it. 😊
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As promised- a photo of his cock. He kindly sent this to me when I messaged him requesting it after our hook up. It’s a great way to cement the horny memory in my mind!