
Worshipped Member
Aug 5, 2017
80% Gay, 20% Straight
More content, including 16 more chapters of My First with Austin, and exclusive unreleased stories, are available on my Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon.

Thanks for your support!



Some elements of contexts before diving into the story:

"My First Year with Austin" is the third book in a trilogy. The previous two stories, "My First Year in College" and "My First Year in Prison" (24 chapters each) are both available on LPSG and in re-edited version on my Patreon.

This trilogy follows the life of Tyler, first when he is 18/19 in College; then, ten years later, as he finds himself locked-up in prison; and here, in this third story, as he (finally!) starts a serious relationship with his College crush and best friend, Austin.

After years of entertaining the idea, it is time for those two to figure it out. Is their relationship meant to last?

You do not have to have read the first books to enjoy the story - I believe it stands on its own - but I do think that it would improve your experience as you will get the references to past characters and storylines.

I would say this story is a rather romantic / dramatic one, with elements of humour, some twisted characters, and a ton of sex and erotic situations. As always, it starts slow but it gets crazier as the story unfolds.

This story is purely fictional and all characters featured are above the age of 18.

The story is destined to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18. Enjoy!



Chapter 1: Like a 90's tv show (Part 1)

No nine years gap this time around. Only nine days separate the last pages of My First Year in Prison and those lines.

I figured that starting this third story on the day I moved in with Austin in Los Angeles was making the most sense.

First, I cannot help but to appreciate the throwback to My First Year in College.

How poetic - (or cheesy? You tell me...) - is it to start this new instalment the same way, by moving-in with hunky dreamy Austin?

Second, when thinking about what other crazy year of my life I could share with my readers after college and prison, I came to the conclusion that the year I spent with Austin in L.A. was certainly worth the tale.

The porn, the fights, the drama, the sex... And the LOVE of course. I hope you are all set for a hell of a ride!

Clearly, I was not prepared for what was coming when I landed in L.A.X.

I was freaking nervous -- and sweating a lot -- all throughout the taxi ride.

It felt like I was being transported into a Melrose Place's episode when I walked into the apartment complex. (I hope you get the reference; the nineties were certainly peak tv in my mind.)

There was a large pool in the middle of the place, surrounding by two floors of apartments on each side. Blue neon lights were illuminating the pool at night.

Do not get me wrong, the place was cool and we were fortunate to live there, but I definitely did not want my life to turn into a scandalous and vicious 90's TV show.

I certainly did not need any more drama... If only I knew what was coming!

We were living about thirty minutes away from the large stadium in construction on which Austin was working, and where he would spend most of his time.

Do not ask me what Austin was actually supposed to do there, I never really got it.

It had something to do with making sure to get approvals from various local administrations, dealing with Human Resources' issues, and discussing with the major US football teams (Austin's favourite part of job of course) the marketing and promotion of the future stadium.

Coming back to Los Angeles had not been the easiest decision for me.

I did not have a lot of fond memories from my previous experience there, but Austin had a one-year contract to stay in L.A. and well, where else was I supposed to go?

I had no job, - and no perspective of getting any in my field since I had lost my license to practice -, I was coming out of prison, - which always look great when meeting new people... -, and in any event, there was no place other than my boyfriend's arms that I would have rather been in.

If I could really call Austin my "boyfriend"... This whole thing was still very surreal.

In the plane, I hoped, if not prayed, that the couple of weeks I had spent at my brother's house on the other side of the country did not make Austin rethink everything.

Can you imagine? What if he was already regretting his declaration of love? What if we just did not connect anymore? We had known each other for ten years but we had not lived together since our freshman year of college, and we had been dating for just a few days since I was out of prison.

God, what had I gotten myself into? I was starting to freak-out and I wrote a text to Janice in the cab.

"Jan, if everything goes to shit, I can come to your place, right?"

It was getting exhausting to be the messy friend while Janice had always had her life together. She was working at a rehabilitation centre and she was constantly helping everyone, including me.

She replied right away:

"Stop freaking-out and try not to mess this up! But if you do, yes, you can come at our place."

"Our" place. Oh right, she was living with Richard, her wall-street type boyfriend. Handsome, tall, sexy but always talking about big numbers and finance stuff. Boring dude.

To be fair, maybe I was a bit jealous that Janice had found herself a hot wealthy and seemingly down to earth guy while I was losing my job and being convicted for drug trafficking during the same period.

Anyway, she was right, as always. It was up to me not to mess this up.

I had to pull myself together. It was Austin after all. We had fucked, or more precisely, he had fucked me a dozen of times in the few days we had spent together after prison. He knew all of my (dirty) secrets. And yet, he had been the one to propose that I come live with him.

What was there to be so nervous about? Moving-in with him was, in many ways, a dream come true.

I knocked at the door. It was technically my place, but you know, it was the first time I was coming there.

No response.

I had texted Austin about forty minutes prior that I had landed and he had replied: "cannot wait!"

I knocked again.

Still no response.

That did not help calming my nerves.

Finally, I heard some movements in the apartment. My heart was racing in my chest.

All nervousness disappeared from the moment when Austin opened the door. One look in his blue eyes, and I felt safe. I know this is cheesy as fuck, but it is the truth.

The fact that he was all wet and only wearing a tiny grey towel, barely holding around his waist, was helping a lot too.

"Sorry Ty, I did not think you would get here so quick."

"And you wanted to look good for me." I teased him.

"Yeah... Sorry." He said looking down at his bare chest. "I did have a whole outfit planned actually."

"Shut up, you know exactly what you're doing."

He looked honestly confused, as if he did not know the effect his barely naked body would have over me. Come on! After all this time, he must have been aware of how attractive he was! Right?

I was still standing in the door frame. But before I came in, Austin had one more thing to do.

He leaned in to kiss me. Instant electricity.

I had missed him so much.

We had to cut our "honeymoon phase" short because I was staying at my brother's, and he needed to organize things to settle in Los Angeles. Instantly though, it was like we were back where we had left things, meaning, in an intense sex craze.

I somehow walked into the apartment; my lips glued to his. I knocked the door off with my foot behind me while he was pulling my jacket off.

I had never visited the place, but I was certainly not seeing anything clearly at this point. Half of my luggage had been left on the front porch. I could not care less. I was following Austin's lead blindly.

He quickly lost his poorly wrapped towel and led me to our bedroom; I did notice the "room 403" sign he had installed on the door as a reminiscence to our college dorm's room number.

Who knew Austin was such a romantic?

"I smelt like the airport." I mumbled, suddenly self-aware.

Actually, I was more stinking like sweat but I did not think that body hygiene was a good thing to bring up at that moment.

"You smell so good." Austin replied, literally sniffing my neck.


He was already naked; I kissed his pecs, licked his right nipple.


The years had worked wonders on him, Austin was ten times hotter than when he was in college, and back then, he was the sexiest man I had ever met.

30 years old Austin was a true hunk, he had let his brown hair grow on his chest -- not too much, but still -, and he was flaunting a very athletic body: six packs abs, large shoulders and biceps, muscular thighs. The whole package. His face had aged like fine wine, his jaw was sharp, his cheek's dimples were showing more than ever...

He took my top off. I unzipped my trousers.

Even when we were taking my clothes off, each second my lips were not touching his skin felt like a waste. It was like we needed to have our hands, mouths, bodies fully intertwined, we had to form a single entity.

How could I have been so nervous before!?

It had been like this from the moment I got off prison. We were like glued to each-other, irresistibly attracted to one another.

And that feeling... That feeling that it was reciprocal! Finally. That he wanted me as much as I wanted him. That feeling that I had been longing for the past ten years.

But let's focus on the matter at hands, Austin's hard and juicy cock rubbing against my thighs as I was struggling to remove my shoes off. His dick was already wet and dripping. I had to take care of it. Fast.

I got on my knees, he sat down at the edge of the bed, our bed. I had not managed to take all of my clothes off that I was already kissing his pink cockhead.

"Damn, babe." He mumbled.

Austin lied down. Fuck, he looked so freaking good. Especially when he was horny like that.

I started playing with his wet foreskin and then, bobbing up and down his thick cock. I wanted to taste it. Savour it. Make love to his perfect cock with my tongue. Nine inches of a meaty, veiny, and fully hard dick to enjoy. So fucking big.

As usual, he was quickly precumming in my mouth.

"You like that?" I said, panting.

"Fuck yeah." He mumbled.

I managed to deepthroat the monster cock. I knew that my nose hitting his pubic hair -- lightly trimmed -- was one of Austin's biggest turn-ons.

I have said it before and I will say it again, sucking dicks has always been one of my strong suits when it comes to sex. I had learnt how to take care of a big hard cock with my mouth, - and my throat -, and I was not afraid to go dirty: saliva, spit, gagging noises, choking, tears in my eyes.

If this began as a sensual encounter, quickly, I was servicing Austin's cock like a proper pornstar. My own dick was throbbing in my underwear, the head already poking out and leaking precum on the floor.

Oh, I realized that we had deep blue carpeting on the bedroom's floor! Nice, I thought.

Once my blowjob skills had Austin practically jizzing in my mouth a couple of times, I finally authorized myself to take a break.

I also needed to strip off fully. My cock needed some freedom!

"You're really good at this, you know. The best. I'm telling you." Austin said, still lying on the bed, barely looking at me, trying to focus on not to cum.

I smiled at him.

"You're very good too."

"I'm not doing much."

I looked at his cock, moving by itself over his abs, coating his six packs (wait, eight packs now?!) with more precum.

"I think you're doing a lot."

I was finally stark naked as well, and I lied down against his body. I was on top of him. Topping him, this was something we had never done.

I kissed him, full mouth. I needed to feel his tongue intertwining with mine.

My life was such a mess. I was out of job. I had no perspective career wise. I was back to a city in which I only had traumatic memories. But right there, I was the happiest I had ever been. I was kissing my boyfriend, the stunning Austin.

"I want to fuck you." He whispered in my ears.

It seemed like it would not be the day where we would switch the top and bottom's roles.

I was fine with that. My ass was already itching for his dick. Almost two weeks since he had last pounded me.

The last time was when we had fucked in his car (we were sleeping on the couch in the middle of the living room at my brother's place and we would not do anything sexual there) right before he went back to Los Angeles.

It was nice at the time but I was eager for more. I wanted to be able to scream when he would hit that right spot and a parking lot was not the ideal place to do that.

Besides, fucking in a car is not that comfortable, I am not that flexible of a man.

"What are you waiting for, then?" I asked him.

We both chuckled.

Immediately, he turned me around, - he had not forgotten his moves from his wrestling days -- and he was now lying on top of me. I was lying on my stomach and I could feel Austin's throbbing cock against my ass cheeks.

Name a better feeling!

His strong arms felt my back. I was not as built as he was, but I had matured into a fitter and finer physique since college. If one good thing had come out from prison, that was my working out routine.

Exercising helped me remaining sane there, and also admittedly allowed me to spend time with Kurtis, but it paid off.

[Chapter 1 continues below]

Chapter 1: Like a 90's tv show (Part 2)

I think I would always be the skinner type, especially compared to Austin, but apparently, I looked good, and my bubble butt had always been a strong asset of mine.

Austin was about to invade it, his cockhead tapping against my pucker, his dick lodged right in my ass crack where it belonged, when we heard hard knocking on the door. I did not know the place at all so I was very confused.

"Shit, who's that?" Austin wondered, his dick slipping between my ass crack.

Another round of knocking. Against a window this time.

It was late.

"Keep going..." I begged, lost in my own world.

"Wait here."

Austin let go of me, he stood up and grabbed a pair of underwear. The two birthmarks I had fantasized so much about were still there, right next to his ass crack, fully visible as he bent over to pick-up some tight boxer briefs.

He was still blatantly hard.

Not that he had ever been shy or modest, but eh, I was not too sure how happy I was that he just would not care answering the door with his erect cock poking out of his boxer briefs.

Another knocking.

"Shit, that's the old gargoyle." Austin said.


"Mrs. Smith. An old lady living right next to us. She's..."

Now she was yelling:

"Mister Prat! Are you here? Mister Prat!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Austin yelled back.

I wished I could have said the same, my dick was deflating!

I finally took a proper look around. The bedroom was sort of small but cosy, there were my clothes spread out all over the floor, I noticed a couple of football trophies on a shelf. I reached for my underwear.

Austin was walking to the main living space, towards our front door. The apartment was barely decorated but the few furniture which were there looked nice enough.

"Good evening, Mrs. Smith." Austin said as he was opening the door.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything." I heard the woman say.

"What is this about?" Austin replied a bit abruptly.

Don't blame Austin, this is the kind of annoyed tone you use when you have been preventing from having sex. I was frustrated too.

"I was concerned about this bag, right in front of your door. With everything happening lately, I thought I needed to warn you..."

"Oh... That's... That's just the bag of my boyfriend."

My heart beamed with pride. Austin and I were on the same page regarding our relationship status. Boyfriends.

I thought it was maybe time to show myself. I did not want to make an enemy of my neighbour, as noisy as she was, on my first day.

"Good evening, Madam. Sorry, I must have forgotten about one of my bags when I came in."

I did not specify that I has been distracted by Austin's hot, wet and naked body but the woman could probably figure that out by herself.

She was not as old as her voice made me assume, but her face had gone through way too much plastic surgeries. She was basically emotionless. I would say that she was in her early sixties but there was no way to know for sure.

Her hair looked crazy black (unnatural) and she had her nails painted red.

She looked at me with all the despise she could gather and then gave the same look to Austin.

Was she homophobic? That would be weird in this area of Los Angeles.

Austin explained to me later that she could probably not care less about us being together but she was the most "judgmental and noisy bitch" he had ever met in his life, and he had been knowing her for less than ten days.

"Oh... Well... I just wanted to make sure everything was fine." Mrs. Smith finally said.

"Everything is fine, thank you." Austin replied harshly, picking up the bag and motioning to close the door.

"This is a peaceful complex but you can never be too careful." She added before he could shut the front door.

"I promise, no bomb in there, just too many pairs of jeans." I said with a smile, trying to make a joke.

"Well, anybody could have stolen your precious jeans!"

"Yeah, we're glad that you did not! Thank you very much."

And Austin slammed the door at her face. Ouch.

"Damn, don't you think you were a bit harsh here?" I told him.

"That old bat is the worst! She has found a way to bug me every single day since I've moved here."


He started to imitate her. I prayed for the walls to be thick enough so she would not hear him:

"Your bike is not parked properly." "You should have introduced yourself coming in, that is simply the polite thing to do." "I hope you don't mind that I give you some hints on the rules we have in the complex, only to make sure that this remains a friendly environment."

"Ahah, see! She wants to be friendly!" I teased him.

"Maybe too much... I think she's looking for people to chat with, her husband left her and she does not know how to fill her days. Allison told me to be careful and to keep my distance when I first arrived."


"One of our other neighbours. She's cool."

A hint of jealousy crossed my mind, but it was quickly squashed as Austin was already all over me.

"Should we finish what we've started?"

I did not have to reply, I smiled at him and he brought me back to the bedroom. He threw me on the bed and almost torn up my underwear.

He dry-humped me for a while (although, dry might have not been the right word there as his cock was leaking all over my hole), and then, he proceeded to eat my ass.

Saliva is the best lube, right?

"Mmmmm...." I started moaning.

He thought I was good at sucking cocks? Well, Austin definitely did no need any lesson in eating ass. And in the event, he would ever need some, I would have been happy to act as his canvas and help him practice.

His tongue was warm and Austin was digging deep. I had shivers all over my body.

He started fingering me while he was stroking his own cock. I was now lying on my back, my legs up in the air.

"I've missed you these last couples of weeks." He whispered.

"I've missed you... hmmm... too.... Hmmm.... So much..."

He shoved two fingers in, and then three.

"Ty... I want to fuck you so bad."

"Please... Hmm... Fuck me."

Austin held my legs up. I was staring straight at him. I wanted my boyfriend to look at me while he would penetrate me. I still had traumas of the times back in college when he would ask me to pretend that I was a girl.

There was no need to pretend anymore. He pushed his dick against my pucker and finally... he was inside of me.

"Like that, babe?" He asked.

"Yes... That's good... More..."

The first few inches always hurt a little, the issue of having a massive fat cock, but then...



I was no longer the only one sweating.

He buried his dick some more. I could feel more inches slowly ravaging me.

"Feels so tight... Fuck, you're gonna make me nut so fast, babe." He mumbled.

"Keep going, babe. Keep going." I begged.

Like a good solider, Austin obliged and ploughed my ass like I deserved. He lied down on top of me and we kissed as he was fucking me. I was practically screaming of pleasure. Hope Mrs. Smith did not mind.

I felt complete with Austin's shaft deep inside of me. He was going at a steady rhythm now, going balls deeps with large and intense thrusting motions.

He licked my neck. I could have lost consciousness.

I jizzed without even realizing it, spraying his lower chest with my juice.

"Bad boy." He said with a grin.

"Sorry... I..."

He slapped me. Nothing hurtful or anything. He was just playing.

"You're a bad boy." He repeated.

"I am... I am a bad boy for you."

Dirty talk would always get him in the mood. Austin had loved rough sex since when I had first met him. Lucky for him, I was a kinky bastard too.

"I'm gonna finish myself off in your ass." He muttered.

"Breed me, Austin. I want to feel your spunk inside of me."

"Aaargh... You fucking deserve it."

"I do, babe. Gimme your cum... I'm begging you."

He was banging me like a rag doll at this point. It hurt. It hurt so good though. His balls were loudly fapping against my ass.

He kissed me once again, the kiss turned into a spit fest, that was the moment where I felt his hard throbbing dick exploding in my ass. I precisely remember the sensation of the warm cum pouring in my insides, filling me up.

I would have given anything to be with that man forever.

He was panting on top of me, his flattening dick still inside of my ass. We kissed one last time before he finally lied down next to me.

"Welcome home, Ty."


I hope you have enjoyed this introduction chapter, guys! Much more to come... Please share your feedback and don't forget to show your support if you want me to keep releasing the story on LPSG! I'll keep posting on here if there are people to read and appreciate the story. Cheers! xx

Chapter 1: Like a 90's tv show (Part 2)

I think I would always be the skinner type, especially compared to Austin, but apparently, I looked good, and my bubble butt had always been a strong asset of mine.

Austin was about to invade it, his cockhead tapping against my pucker, his dick lodged right in my ass crack where it belonged, when we heard hard knocking on the door. I did not know the place at all so I was very confused.

"Shit, who's that?" Austin wondered, his dick slipping between my ass crack.

Another round of knocking. Against a window this time.

It was late.

"Keep going..." I begged, lost in my own world.

"Wait here."

Austin let go of me, he stood up and grabbed a pair of underwear. The two birthmarks I had fantasized so much about were still there, right next to his ass crack, fully visible as he bent over to pick-up some tight boxer briefs.

He was still blatantly hard.

Not that he had ever been shy or modest, but eh, I was not too sure how happy I was that he just would not care answering the door with his erect cock poking out of his boxer briefs.

Another knocking.

"Shit, that's the old gargoyle." Austin said.


"Mrs. Smith. An old lady living right next to us. She's..."

Now she was yelling:

"Mister Prat! Are you here? Mister Prat!"

"I'm coming! I'm coming!" Austin yelled back.

I wished I could have said the same, my dick was deflating!

I finally took a proper look around. The bedroom was sort of small but cosy, there were my clothes spread out all over the floor, I noticed a couple of football trophies on a shelf. I reached for my underwear.

Austin was walking to the main living space, towards our front door. The apartment was barely decorated but the few furniture which were there looked nice enough.

"Good evening, Mrs. Smith." Austin said as he was opening the door.

"I hope I am not interrupting anything." I heard the woman say.

"What is this about?" Austin replied a bit abruptly.

Don't blame Austin, this is the kind of annoyed tone you use when you have been preventing from having sex. I was frustrated too.

"I was concerned about this bag, right in front of your door. With everything happening lately, I thought I needed to warn you..."

"Oh... That's... That's just the bag of my boyfriend."

My heart beamed with pride. Austin and I were on the same page regarding our relationship status. Boyfriends.

I thought it was maybe time to show myself. I did not want to make an enemy of my neighbour, as noisy as she was, on my first day.

"Good evening, Madam. Sorry, I must have forgotten about one of my bags when I came in."

I did not specify that I has been distracted by Austin's hot, wet and naked body but the woman could probably figure that out by herself.

She was not as old as her voice made me assume, but her face had gone through way too much plastic surgeries. She was basically emotionless. I would say that she was in her early sixties but there was no way to know for sure.

Her hair looked crazy black (unnatural) and she had her nails painted red.

She looked at me with all the despise she could gather and then gave the same look to Austin.

Was she homophobic? That would be weird in this area of Los Angeles.

Austin explained to me later that she could probably not care less about us being together but she was the most "judgmental and noisy bitch" he had ever met in his life, and he had been knowing her for less than ten days.

"Oh... Well... I just wanted to make sure everything was fine." Mrs. Smith finally said.

"Everything is fine, thank you." Austin replied harshly, picking up the bag and motioning to close the door.

"This is a peaceful complex but you can never be too careful." She added before he could shut the front door.

"I promise, no bomb in there, just too many pairs of jeans." I said with a smile, trying to make a joke.

"Well, anybody could have stolen your precious jeans!"

"Yeah, we're glad that you did not! Thank you very much."

And Austin slammed the door at her face. Ouch.

"Damn, don't you think you were a bit harsh here?" I told him.

"That old bat is the worst! She has found a way to bug me every single day since I've moved here."


He started to imitate her. I prayed for the walls to be thick enough so she would not hear him:

"Your bike is not parked properly." "You should have introduced yourself coming in, that is simply the polite thing to do." "I hope you don't mind that I give you some hints on the rules we have in the complex, only to make sure that this remains a friendly environment."

"Ahah, see! She wants to be friendly!" I teased him.

"Maybe too much... I think she's looking for people to chat with, her husband left her and she does not know how to fill her days. Allison told me to be careful and to keep my distance when I first arrived."


"One of our other neighbours. She's cool."

A hint of jealousy crossed my mind, but it was quickly squashed as Austin was already all over me.

"Should we finish what we've started?"

I did not have to reply, I smiled at him and he brought me back to the bedroom. He threw me on the bed and almost torn up my underwear.

He dry-humped me for a while (although, dry might have not been the right word there as his cock was leaking all over my hole), and then, he proceeded to eat my ass.

Saliva is the best lube, right?

"Mmmmm...." I started moaning.

He thought I was good at sucking cocks? Well, Austin definitely did no need any lesson in eating ass. And in the event, he would ever need some, I would have been happy to act as his canvas and help him practice.

His tongue was warm and Austin was digging deep. I had shivers all over my body.

He started fingering me while he was stroking his own cock. I was now lying on my back, my legs up in the air.

"I've missed you these last couples of weeks." He whispered.

"I've missed you... hmmm... too.... Hmmm.... So much..."

He shoved two fingers in, and then three.

"Ty... I want to fuck you so bad."

"Please... Hmm... Fuck me."

Austin held my legs up. I was staring straight at him. I wanted my boyfriend to look at me while he would penetrate me. I still had traumas of the times back in college when he would ask me to pretend that I was a girl.

There was no need to pretend anymore. He pushed his dick against my pucker and finally... he was inside of me.

"Like that, babe?" He asked.

"Yes... That's good... More..."

The first few inches always hurt a little, the issue of having a massive fat cock, but then...



I was no longer the only one sweating.

He buried his dick some more. I could feel more inches slowly ravaging me.

"Feels so tight... Fuck, you're gonna make me nut so fast, babe." He mumbled.

"Keep going, babe. Keep going." I begged.

Like a good solider, Austin obliged and ploughed my ass like I deserved. He lied down on top of me and we kissed as he was fucking me. I was practically screaming of pleasure. Hope Mrs. Smith did not mind.

I felt complete with Austin's shaft deep inside of me. He was going at a steady rhythm now, going balls deeps with large and intense thrusting motions.

He licked my neck. I could have lost consciousness.

I jizzed without even realizing it, spraying his lower chest with my juice.

"Bad boy." He said with a grin.

"Sorry... I..."

He slapped me. Nothing hurtful or anything. He was just playing.

"You're a bad boy." He repeated.

"I am... I am a bad boy for you."

Dirty talk would always get him in the mood. Austin had loved rough sex since when I had first met him. Lucky for him, I was a kinky bastard too.

"I'm gonna finish myself off in your ass." He muttered.

"Breed me, Austin. I want to feel your spunk inside of me."

"Aaargh... You fucking deserve it."

"I do, babe. Gimme your cum... I'm begging you."

He was banging me like a rag doll at this point. It hurt. It hurt so good though. His balls were loudly fapping against my ass.

He kissed me once again, the kiss turned into a spit fest, that was the moment where I felt his hard throbbing dick exploding in my ass. I precisely remember the sensation of the warm cum pouring in my insides, filling me up.

I would have given anything to be with that man forever.

He was panting on top of me, his flattening dick still inside of my ass. We kissed one last time before he finally lied down next to me.

"Welcome home, Ty."


I hope you have enjoyed this introduction chapter, guys! Much more to come... Please share your feedback and don't forget to show your support if you want me to keep releasing the story on LPSG! I'll keep posting on here if there are people to read and appreciate the story. Cheers! xx
Very nice
More content, including a bunch more chapters of My First with Austin (currently at chapter 16), and many exclusive unreleased stories, are available on my Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon.

Thanks for your support!



Chapter 2: The honeymoon phase (part 1)

The first morning waking-up in my new apartment could not have gone any better. Some rays of sunshine on my face, an odour of bacon and eggs, and a naked Austin bringing me breakfast in bed.

Did I mention that my boyfriend looked stunning?

Ok, I know, I am drooling over Austin's body one every two paragraphs but cut me some slack, that man truly was gorgeous. Especially, when his biceps were put at good use, like when he was holding a tray with freshly baked pancakes, orange juice and strawberries.

"Good morning, babe." I mumbled in a yawn.

"Slept well?" He asked with a grin.

Austin was well-aware that we had not been sleeping much... He had fucked me for a second time in a raw in the middle of the night.

At one point, I felt his hard dick lodging itself into my ass-crack and things escalated quickly. We barely used any lube; My hole instinctively knew how to stretch itself for Austin's thick cock. It was not rough though, mostly tender.

Austin bred me and I fell asleep with his male juice coating my hole.

"I had a great night." I replied.

I picked up the tray and leaned in to kiss my lover. He had already brushed his teeth and taken a shower. He smelt nice.

My kiss extended from his lips down to his neck and once again, I could not help myself but to pull him over me in the bed. My morning wood needed some taking care of, and from what I could tell, Austin's sausage was waking up also.

"Babe... I have to go."

"Austin, please, you're the only breakfast I need."

Yes. I was cheesy as fuck, but sue me, I was falling in love all over again with my college crush. We were definitely in our "honey moon phase" and I intended to make the best of it.

Austin kissed my forehead gently.

"I do need to get dressed and go to work, Ty."

"All right..."

I could not really blame him for being the only one with a job. On my side, I had only debts to contribute to our household at this point.

"What are your plans for today?" He asked.

He got out of bed and was searching for some clothes. At least, I had a nice view.

"I have lunch with Janice and afterwards, I'm not too sure."

I bit into my pancake (delicious, by the way), while I was staring at Austin's beefy cake. The two birth marks he had on his ass had become my safe place. He was definitely hairier than he was in college, including on his ass cheeks, but I liked that. Being older suited him.

"I guess I should figure out what I'm going to do with my life. I'll check for job applications." I added.

I was nervous that Austin would think that I was taking advantage of him. I did intend to get a job and to make my own money.

He turned around and smiled at me. He did not seem worried at all.

"Sounds like a plan."

Austin was such a tease. He put on a polo shirt before putting any underwear or pants on. He was wandering around, his flaccid cock bouncing between his legs. I ate some more pancakes. I would work-out later on that day to compensate.

After five minutes of his dick fapping against his thighs, Austin finally found some jeans and left for work.

He kissed me one more time before going. His lips tasted like a nice sweety treat.

Was I really that lucky? Sometimes I was afraid I would close my eyes and realize that I was back at the prison or that I had imagined the past few weeks.

This seemed too good to be true.

Unfortunately, or maybe that was just how it was supposed to be, life was about to catch back with me.

I was looking at Austin walking by the pool from the apartment's window when a blond girl, in a ridiculously tiny red bathing suit, - basically a thong and, on top, two very thin straps to hide her nipples -, ran towards my boyfriend.

"How are you doing Austin?" I vaguely heard her say.

"Hi Allison."

Wait. That was Allison?! The girl Austin thought was, quote on quote, "cool"?!

Fuck, I was screwed.

I could not really hear their conversation but they did seem to be friendly with each other. I found myself checking on Austin's crotch. Was he hard? I could not tell from afar.

I mean, I was gay as hell but even I knew that Allison was sex on a stick.

Thankfully, their interaction did not last long, Austin was already late for work.

Once he was gone, I kept on spying on Allison, lounging and tanning by the pool. She definitely wanted to be seen by the entire apartments' complex. No wonder she did not get along with Mrs. Smith. The old gargoyle (to quote Austin again) was certainly not a fan of such an obscene display!

Although they did share a common trait, they both had gotten a ton of plastic surgeries done. There was no way Allison's big boobs could have been natural and her lips seemed too luscious to be real.

I decided to stop looking when I realized how much of a pervert that was making me, staring through the window, stark naked, at my neighbour in a bikini.

I wondered if Austin had mentioned me to Allison. Did he tell her that he was gay? Well, he was not gay. Not really... Not at all actually, except for me. Did he tell her that he was with a guy though?

Even then, I was sufficiently self-aware to realize this was not a good thing to get in my head about this. Austin had been perfect with me and I knew better than anyone else that you should not be defined by your past.

When I left to meet up with Janice, the pool was cleared and I did not meet anymore of my new neighbours.

Allison quickly came up in the conversation with Janice though. We were having lunch near Venice Beach. Janice looked very good in a trendy yellow dress; Richard was treating her well.

"How big were the boobs?" She asked to assess of the situation.

I rolled my eyes.

"Very damn big! Two bombshells."

"And how intense was the hug with Austin?"

"Not too intense but the boobs did get in the way and her pussy was pressing against his crotch. I mean, her bikini was so small, one could barely see her pussy lips."

I had asked Janice, who was always more reasonable than me, if I should bring that up to Austin or if that would just make me look paranoid and jealous.

"But she was the one coming at him, right?"


She stared at me very seriously and pronounced her verdict.

"You don't have anything to tell Austin then."

I shrugged my shoulders.

"He did mention that she was cool though!"

"Well, you have girls' friends too. You are having lunch with me and Austin does not make a fuss!"

"Yes, Janice, I'm having lunch with you. But I will never say that YOU are cool! Ever!" I bursted out laughing.

She cracked a smile. She knew I was only kidding.

Over the course of our ten years' friendship, Janice had learnt to take my stupid jokes on how uptight she supposedly was.

Although, this was mainly a thing from where I met her back in college because since then, she had become way more confident, assertive, and well... free. Contrary to what I was telling her, Janice had turned into one of the coolest girls I knew.

We had met as we were both in our freshman year. I was Austin's roommate while she was the roommate of Ashley, Austin's girlfriend at the time. Janice and I reconnected when she pursued her degree in psychology on the West Coast, just like me.

"Come on, you wish you had my sense of style." She replied, putting her new sunglasses on.

"I must admit that you do look somewhat fancy today. I go one year in prison and suddenly, you wear designer clothes."

"Oh, shut up. Get a job and you might do the same."

"I wish." I replied a little more seriously.

"Any idea of what you want to do next?"

"Work in a factory? I mean, who would hire an ex-convict?"

"Not a lot of people, that's true."

Janice was working at a rehabilitation centre so she knew what she was talking about. Also, she would always tell it like it is.

"Great encouragement... Thanks." I mumbled.

"But you don't need a boss to hire you to have a job, Ty. Sometimes, you have to create your own opportunities."

"Yeah... I mean... I do have something I'd like to do... But it seems so silly."


I laughed out loud.

If only I knew she would ultimately not be that far away from the truth. But I was not thinking about porn at the time.

"I'd like to write." I said in the most neutral tone.

For some reason, I felt very stupid about my desire to become an author.

"Writing. That's nice. About what?"

I was glad she did not mock me right away.

"Everything. As far back as I can remember, I have always loved to write. I would imagine stories to fall asleep every night when I was a kid, sometimes very elaborate and complex ones. And I don't know, in prison, when I was forced to think of something I could do outside, the reinsertion projects, this is the first thing that came to mind. Weird, right?"

"Why do you say this is weird? I think that's great! We all need to be passionate about something."

"Great? That will not put food on the table, at least, not anytime soon. I don't even know where to start."

"Ok, it might not be easy but what is? As far as starting goes, it seems pretty simple to me, you open your computer and you start typing. And in the meantime, you can work at a bar or something."

"I guess..."

I was already picturing myself in a gay club, serving shots to shirtless drunk dudes dancing to Lady Gaga's latest bops.

After lunch, we spent most of the afternoon walking by the beach with Janice. The perks of living in L.A. The sun, the jocks training shirtless outside, the bikes, and the weed.

We were having a nice time but I could tell that she was concerned for me.

"I've seen this with many guys I've worked with. The first couple of months after prison feel amazing but then, it's a very hard wake-up call when daily life comes back. I just want to make sure you are prepared for that."

"I know, but I'm not one of your patients. I have no intention of falling in love with another drug dealer any time soon. Trust me, I have learned my lesson. I won't do anything that might jeopardize my release."

"I'm not saying that... Depression or anxiety can impact even guys who manage to fully reinsert themselves. Especially after what you've been through, this experience does leave some permanent marks and ..."

I cut her off.

I knew exactly where she was going with that and I was clearly not ready to talk about the shooting or all the other crazy stuff that had happened in prison.

"I'm fine, Jan. Ok? I'm very lucky, actually. I have you. I have Austin. My brother stood by my side. Most of the guys I met in there had nothing waiting for them on the other side. Me, I have tons of stuff that I want to fight for."

She smiled.

"I guess you're right."

There was something I wanted to tell Janice for a while but why is it always so difficult to share our true feelings? Even when they are positive ones.

"Janice. I... I just needed to say..."


We stopped walking, we had arrived at the end of the Santa Monica Pier.

"I guess I could make a long speech but basically, I just want to say thank you."

She seemed genuinely surprise. She took her sunglasses off.


I felt my eyes getting teary. I hated that.

"You know why. For everything. You came visit me in prison, you tried to understand what I had done. I mean. You were there. You are here. Always. I can't believe you have stuck up with me all these years, after each time I've messed up."

She got some tears in her eyes too. She hugged me.

"Tyler, stop being surprised that people love you."

Janice really was the best.

Be reassured, the moment of deep feelings and emotions did not last for too long. Soon enough, we were back at commenting all the pop culture phenomenon that I had missed while I was in prison.

That suit Shawn Mendes had worn at the Grammies, we had to talk about it!

[Chapter 2 continues below]

Chapter 2: The honeymoon phase (part 2)

When I came back home around 6 PM, Austin was still at work. It was still very sunny, and I thought it was a good opportunity for me to try the pool.

I quickly passed by the apartment, put my favourite speedos on, - they were black so they were pretty bland but they fit me nicely -, and I jumped in the pool.

Damn, that felt good!

When I was a therapist, I was often advising my patients to go for a swim to help them clear their minds. The pool of the complex was not huge but was long enough to do a few laps.

I also did some meditation exercise by putting my head under water and holding my breath. Apnoea is another great way to recentre yourself. You have to let go of all the thoughts polluting your brain to focus on your breathing.

However, this time, when I finally got my head out of the water, I wondered if I had not accidentally killed myself and ended-up in Heaven.

My eyes opened up to muscular and hairy thighs and, right above my face, the skimpiest, most outrageous pair of speedos that I had ever seen. Those were definitely not bland (they were bright pink!) and it seemed like they were about to snap in half given how much they were stretched.

For a few seconds, I was stuck on the obscene bulge flaunted before me.


Fuck. The speedos belonged to a man. A man who was talking to me.

*Stop staring at that crotch, Tyler. Get a grip!*

"Hi..." I said, spitting out water from my mouth.

Finally, I looked above the insane pink bulge, I followed the black treasure trail between the abs, went through two large pecs complimenting a broad hairy chest, and I landed on the face of a thirty something Latino guy.

He was smiling down on me like he was straight out of a toothpaste commercial. Bright white perfectly aligned set of teeth. Some L.A. people look so perfect that it is scary sometimes.

"You do know this is a private pool, man."

He did not look mad or annoyed. The hunk just stared at me, standing above the pool, his legs widely spread. I swear to God that one of his balls was about to get out. Just the rules of gravity!

To be honest, I was kind of hoping it would happen.

"I... Yes... I'm sorry... I mean, no. I'm not sorry. I... I live here. Apartment 3B."

Pardon my somewhat incoherent blabbering, it was hard (no pun intended) not to be distracted.


"I live with Austin. Austin Prat." I spoke.

"Oh! Sorry. I did not know you were already here."

I swam towards the ledge of the pool and he extended his hand. Long hand. I do not think anything about that man could be small.

"I'm Tyler."

"Sergio. I live right there, 2C." He pointed to an apartment behind him.

I thought I should get out of the water to properly introduce myself but I realized the encounter had made my dick chubbed. Although my speedos were not close to be as revealing as Sergio's, one could still easily tell that I was hard.


*When will you stop being turned on by all the hot guys that you meet, Tyler?*

"I arrived yesterday evening. I could not wait to try the pool."

"I bet! Mind if I join you?"

Great... Now he was going to get even closer to me.

"Of course not. Please."

Sergio turned around and I got a view of his fat Latino bum for the first time. Seriously, at this point, his speedos might as well have been a thong, his ass was barely contained and both his cheeks were coming out of the pink fabric.

When he bent over to put his phone down, I could even see his thick hair starting from his crack and extending out of the swimsuit.

Clearly, there was no way I could contain my erection. Thank God I was under water. At the same time, Sergio must be expecting this sort of reactions if he was wandering around like that!

He dipped his (very large) feet in the water before diving in.

"How long Austin and you have been together?" He casually asked.

My heart beamed with joy that Austin had already mentioned me to our neighbour.

Given his attitude and his clothing choice, I was getting a strong gay vibe from Sergio, maybe the reason why Austin had already been talking about our relationship.

"A few weeks... I... It's complicated. But we've been knowing each other for years. We met in college."

I thought I should avoid talking about my time in prison to a stranger.

"First weeks of a relationship. That's nice. You must be fucking all the time." He chuckled.

Ok, Sergio was straight to the point.

I mean, I could not really pretend that I was a prude...

"Pretty much." I grinned at him. "The honeymoon phase, you know."

"Oh, I know! I miss that."

I was not too sure where to bring the conversation from this point on.

Sergio was now floating above the water, his bulge once again in full view, except now, the Adonis was all drenched with water. I tried to look away but my eyes were wired to follow the damn crotch. And like a shark, it was getting closer and closer to me.

"Hey guys!"

My heart jumped in my chest. I knew that voice. I turned around, Austin was there.

"Hi Austin, I..."

"You could not resist a swim, eh?" He told me. "What's up, Sergio?"

"All good, mate."

Sergio got his big ass out of the pool to shake Austin's hands. I was hard as a rock so I was still trapped in the water.

"I guess I don't have to introduce you two." Austin commented.

"Nope, I met the notorious Tyler myself."

"Yeah... I... I went in for a quick swim and Sergio had the same idea."

I thought I had to justify myself. Somehow, I felt guilty like I had been caught doing something wrong.

"That dude is always in the pool when I come back from work." Austin explained.

"Guilty." Sergio replied with a cheeky smile.

The more I was looking at him, - and to be fair, I was looking at Sergio a lot -, the more I had a feeling that I had already seen him somewhere. Maybe on my Insta feed or something.

"How was work?" I asked Austin to revert my attention back to him.

"It was good, I'm starting to feel a bit more comfortable with the project and the teams."

Austin and Sergio discussed football for a few minutes which allowed me to finally get some control over my stupid erection. I came out of the water as soon as it was safe and Austin and I went back to the apartment.

Austin slapped my ass the second he shut the door behind us.

"Nice butt."

"You think? I feel very self-conscious now that I have met Sergio."

"Ahah, you should not. You don't play in the same category. You have a juicy peachy bubble butt..." Austin grabbed it to prove his point.

"...While he has a gigantic hairy cake!" I completed his sentence.

We laughed.

I was glad Austin did not seem the slightest mad to have found me in the pool with another guy.

We chit chatted a little. But less than five minutes later, we were both in the shower together. More specifically, I was on my knees while Austin was enjoying the warm water falling on his back.

He deserved a nice treat after a long day at work.

Although my dick would always react when confronted to a hot hunk, I had no interest in seeking anyone other than my boyfriend. I would have bet everything that Sergio's precum did not taste as nice as Austin's.

He did not fuck me this time. Austin had a little accident in the middle of my blowjob. His cock was buried deep in my throat and as I was gagging, my nose against his pubic hair trying to beat another apnoea's record, Austin blew several fat loads of creamy cum.

I did not expect it and apparently, neither did he.

I almost choked with the amount of jizz filling my mouth but I dutifully swallowed everything, until the last droplet.

"Sorry, babe."

"Don't apologize, I'm just too good at this." I winked at him, bubbles of cum popping in my mouth.

"Yeah... But you have not finished yourself."

"Well, maybe you can help with that."

Austin had already sucked my cock but he was still a bit uncomfortable with any position which involved him acting as the bottom or the submissive. I grabbed his right hand and I guided it towards my dick.

He kissed my lips and started stroking me. The hand job, he knew how to do very well. We were both standing up under the water.

"Hmmm... Austin..."

"I thought about your lips and your peachy bum all day."


He wanked me off harder.

"Yeah... I could not wait to get home and take care of you."

We French-kissed.

"Austin... I..."

"Cum for me, babe..." He whispered in my ears.

He did not need to ask twice. I jizzed against his abs and legs and we let the water wash it off down the drain. Austin then spent a few minutes massaging and soaping my body.

I loved rough sex but I also loved when he was caring with me.

I made dinner, spaghetti bolognaise, and we drank some wine. We only wore underwear in the apartment.

I got a text from Ralph, the bodybuilder I had shared a cell with in prison, we had plans to see each other later that week since we were living in the same city. However, I did not mention it to Austin.

I wanted to preserve our little bubble of happiness as much as possible and anything relating to prison could damage that.

Austin had gotten a text too. He shared it with me.

"Sergio just asked me if we wanted to go have dinner at his place on Saturday night."

"I guess... He seems fine."

Austin gave me a weird look.

"What is it, ty?"

"I don't know. I mean, have you seen his body and more importantly, his speedos? The dude looks like the perfect mix between a gay Pornstar and a Marvel movie actor. I'm not too sure what to think of him."

"Are you telling me that you fancy our neighbour?"


He rolled his eyes. Even I did not convince myself. Of course, I was attracted to Sergio! And if Austin had not realized how hot our neighbour was, that meant that he really, really was not gay.

To be honest, my boyfriend's sexuality was, for the most part, still a mystery.

"I think we should say yes. They're both "very L.A." (Austin did the quotations mark with his fingers), but they're cool once you get to know them."


"Sergio and Allison. Did not he tell you that he was married?"

This, I was not expecting. Although it was making sense, they shared the same taste in outrageous bathing suits!

Once again, Austin had referred to Allison as being "cool", whatever that meant.

"No, he did not. Honestly, I thought that he was gay."

"You really have some biases on people. A straight dude cannot wear sexy speedos? He could also be bisexual you know, that exists."

In his tone, I sensed that Austin was a little upset. He probably considered himself as a bisexual man.

"Come on, Austin. I simply assumed. Just a hunch."

"So, what about dinner with them?"

"Sure. I should meet this Allison girl; you seem to like her so much..."

Austin looked at me quizzically but he did not say anything. Ouch. I hoped we had not bursted our bubble already.

More content, including a bunch more chapters of My First with Austin (currently at chapter 17), and many exclusive unreleased stories, are available on my Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon.

Thanks for your support!



Chapter 3: The Nine Inches King (Part 1)

"Don't you ever wear clothes?!"

Ralph had just opened the door to his small apartment. It was situated in an old building in a sleazy part of the town.

The ex-bodybuilder was not naked but he was not really dressed either. Who greets someone coming to their place in only loose underwear with teddy bears printed on them? I could see his (large) balls dangling underneath!

"Come on in, it's not like you haven't seen it all! Come here, old pal!"

Ralph exclaimed, hugging me.

I had not seen him in about four weeks, - since the moment we had been released from prison together -, but Ralph had not changed one bit.

He was still a giant, crushing me when he was just patting my shoulders.

Tall, broad, very muscular, Ralph was an athlete who had two obsessions in life: working-out at the gym to grow his muscles to the furthest extent, and banging wet pussies. His bare chest was twice larger than mine, his arms were pretty much the size of my legs. He looked impressive under every possible angle.

And don't get me starting on his monster cock, merely concealed in his underwear.

"Happy to see you, Ralph. How are things?"

He welcomed me in his apartment.

It was a cool place, I was not sure what I was expecting but although it was not fancy by any means, it looked good, and at the very least, clean.

There were two cameras, a tripod and a ring light in the main living space in front of the couch.

"Things are good, Braxton. What can I say? I'm enjoying the freedom! I'm enjoying not having to see Falcon's bald face ever again! I'm enjoying the hot showers, the fast food, the comfortable mattress. I'm enjoying the fact that I don't have to spend all my time surrounded by only dicks and balls!"

I smiled.

"I don't miss Falcon either."

"What about the dicks and balls though?" Ralph winked at me.

I ignored him.

"Where's Mia?"

Mia was a girl whom Ralph had started to date while he was locked-up. Her nickname was "busty girl" if that gives you any indication of how she was perceived inside the prison.

"She comes and goes. She's feisty. We tend to fight." Ralph replied sheepishly.

"Oh... Sorry to hear that."

He shrugged his (immense) shoulders.

"She does not understand that a man coming out of prison needs to release the pressure and fool around."

I laughed.

"I'm surprised, she seemed to be very well inclined to clench your... hmmm... thirst when I met her."

My eyes got irresistibly drown to his prominent crotch.

Again, I had no intention to cheat on Austin but it was hard to ignore the elephant in the room.

"Yeah. She's very good at fucking. But she has this thing where she expects me to only care for her pussy. I've never really understood that monogamous lifestyle." He sighed. "You want a beer?"

He was opening his fridge. Ralph bent over to pick up a few bottles. Large fat ass.

"Sure. I'll take a beer."

"That's the great thing with you guys. I mean, the gay guys." He continued. "You don't give a fuck. Sex is no big deal, just a way to have fun."

I had plenty of occasions to confirm that "sex was just sex" for Ralph when we were in prison.

The guy would be fucking someone like he would be saying hello. Mostly girls as he was straight but he had no problem getting fucked in the ass by the prison's warden if that meant he could get out early.

Again, no big deal for him. A hole. A cock. No feelings or no shame involved.

"Gosh Ralph, you really think gay men are animals, don't you? We're just like everybody else. Sex is important but eh, at the end of the day, most of us are looking for someone they can rely on, one person to share their lives with." I spoke.

"Damn. If even the homos are becoming boring as fuck!"

"I think we're more conservative than the straight white males in some ways, we did fight for gay marriage." I grinned at him. "I was not picturing Mia as a very traditional girl though."

He chuckled.

"She's not Mother Theresa, I grant you that. She's pretty wild. The issue is not that she would be close-minded, but it's like, she wants me to be her freaking dog. She calls the shots and makes all the decisions while I..."

He stopped himself and looked at me.

"Well... I'm nobody's bitch."

I thought again about what I had seen -- and had taken part in -- inside the warden's office but I did not mention anything.

I looked at the camera set up.

"Did not you have plan to start an exclusive page with her or something?"

He took a sip of his beer and dropped on his couch. His body was really something.

Maybe I was wrong before, he did change in the past few weeks. He looked even more defined than when he was in prison. His nipples were large and pink. Proper men titties.

"We did. And that's a big part of the problem. The way this business works, the girl is getting the views and the money. It's like a whole 360 turn from the olden days when the producers, the men, had all the power. Now, that's the women who are getting the traffic and the followers. Mia needs me cause, hell, (he grabbed his fat cock through his underwear), it would be hard to find a better dick than this one, but ultimately, she's the star in our videos. I'm just the supporting role."

"Well, yeah, what did you expect shooting straight videos?"

"I don't know, dude. I'm whipping out my nine + inches of meat online, I thought it was enough to get myself rich!"

We laughed it off.

"I guess you can understand how difficult it is to be regarded as "the product" in these kinds of situation now... Crazy how life turns out sometimes!" I commented.

"What do you mean?"

Ralph was more serious and things got a little awkward.

"I mean, you were the one, like, making girls do stuff before, and now..."

"Wow, wow, wow. I stop you right there, Braxton. Once and for all, I did not make any woman do anything they were not happy to do. They were all free, and treated fairly! Who do you think I am? A shitty pimp? The fact that one girl who did not get enough of my cock (again, he grabbed his junks firmly to prove his point), went to complain, and that led me to freaking prison is a fucking travesty."

"Ok. I'm sorry. I... I did not want to upset you. I don't have the full story."

Ralph was no longer smiling and there was a long silence.


Suddenly, I felt out of place. What I was doing there? Did I really know this guy?

Ralph and I had become friends under crazy circumstances. We were forced to share a tiny cell for nearly an entire year, forced to rely on one another, forced to form bounds to hold on, or simply, to survive. But what did we truly have in common?

And then, there had been Xander. Although, I did not want to think about Xander or what had happened to him. It was still too tough.

"I'm not mad at you, Ty." Ralph said after a while. "I messed up. That's why I got to prison in the first place. But the girls who were working for me... We were doing some illegal shit because prostitution is illegal, but I have always respected them and defended them when needed. I would never hurt or force a woman."

I felt stupid.

"Look, I'm in no position to judge anyone. You know my story. I fucked up big time."

"You sure did."

He teased me. We were back to a more chill talk.

"I'm still a bit confused about the way you go about your page though. I'm following guys who make tons shit of money on those platforms and they don't have your body nor your cock."

Again, I had to look at the goods. Sue me!

"I have no idea how they do it! I have opened my own page separated from Mia's but it just does not take off. 16 subscribers. That's all. And all of them gay guys from what I could tell..."

"Of course! Who did you think would follow you? Girls? Straight dudes?"

"Yeah. I mean, I'm putting straight porn out there. I thought straight guys would dig it. Mia is already famous and she's always featured on my page."

I could not help but to laugh.

"Dude! Straight guys will never follow another man's page. I mean, a few of them could, there are always exceptions. And I assume famous male performers who can get crazy girls on their pages can build an audience, but Ralph, the people who would follow you and make you earn some real money are the gay or bisexual guys. Almost exclusively."

I could not believe how naïve Ralph was being!

"I don't know, man. I did not think it through. I just thought I would post videos with girls and guys would subscribe, but you're right, they are subscribing to the girls' pages, not to mine!"


"Ralph, if you really want to make money out of those x-rated platforms, you will have to cater to a gay audience. But that's not it. There is a whole marketing process to it. You need to build a strong presence online, post on all social media platforms, build a character around yourself, create the demand."

"Easier said than done. Besides, I would have to fuck guys and I'm not sure about that... I can do it if I have to, you do know that, but it's not my thing."

"That would be a mistake to fuck guys anyway. At least, at the beginning."

"You're no longer making any sense now. You just told me that I had to cater to the faggots!"

"Don't use that word, Ralph."

He looked at the floor like a puppy who would have been caught doing something wrong by its owner.

"Sorry, sometimes, it just comes out... I'm no homophobe!"

I rolled my eyes.

"Anyway. Creating content to cater to a gay audience has nothing to do with fucking guys. A ton of straight guys start with doing solo videos. It's a big turn on in itself: having a straight guy jerking-off for other dudes. And the models who are the most successful are the ones who start slow, and throughout the months, evolve towards more daring stuff and get their subscribers involved in their journey."

"That's a good point..."

"Most of the fans stick around to see how far the so-called straight hunk is willing to go. If they start with the fucking, the journey has no point."

If you are reading the third book in this trilogy, I guess you already know this about me... I love the slow-building.

"Damn Ty. I had no idea you were so knowledgeable on this stuff." Ralph told me, visibly impressed.

"Neither did I to be honest. I guess I watch too much porn and I know what gay guys like. Also, I'm always interested in the ways intimacy and attraction work, you know, on a psychological level."

Ralph seemed really excited now. He was not taking notes but almost.

"What should I do then?"

[Chapter 3 continues below]

Chapter 3: The Nine Inches King (Part 2)

"It all depends on what you are comfortable with. There are tons of paths you can take. I am not too familiar with that but I know straight guys are doing findom. There are submissive gay guys who get turned on by having an alpha muscular dude literally draining their bank accounts. It's a whole thing."

"I guess that's interesting! I could use some bank accounts draining! You think you could help me?"

I was confused.

"Dude, if you expect any money from me, you've knocked at the wrong door. First, I'm broke as fuck and I don't have a job. Second, I've already seen everything you had to offer."

That time, Ralph was the one rolling his eyes.

"I'm not asking for any money from you, dummy! I'm asking for your help, just like the advice you've been giving to me just now. Could you like, set up social media accounts, guide me with the content?"

I smiled.

"Ralph, are you asking me to be your porn manager?"

"I think I am. I mean, I'd be willing to give you a share of the revenues I am making! What else are we going to do? Work our asses off for the minimum wage, and that is if we can even get any sort of job after being locked-up?"

He was making some good points there. I had already received dozens of rejection letters.

"I do have a lot of time on my hands as well... But... I don't know, Ralph. I think I'll have to talk about it with Austin."


"Yeah. My boyfriend. The guy who was visiting me at the parlour."

"No way! I thought your fiancé had broken up with you, and like, afterwards you were always glued to Jensen. You were spending 24/7 with your tongue in his freaking mouth!"

"My fiancé did leave me. And I was with Kurtis indeed. But...It's tough to explain... Coming out of prison, I... We... I mean, Kurtis and I broke up, and I am with Austin now." I blurted out.

Damn, my sentimental life was a mess... It sounded very pathetic summed up this way.

"See, what I told you, gay guys are just going from one dude to the other."

Ralph commented with the biggest smirk on his face.


"Please, don't make me your representation of the gay community cause clearly, I'm not a good example. But Austin, I do care about him, very much. I want our relationship to work."

"I know. He's hot. I've seen him at the parlour too."

He winked at me.

What an ass that man could be sometimes!

We spent a good part of the afternoon talking about my exes while Ralph was asking stupid questions about what it entailed to, quote on quote, "date another dude."

It turned out that even outside of prison, Ralph and I could get along fine. We actually had a great time. I was not sure Austin would approve of this friendship so I had not mentioned that I was coming to see my ex-cellmate, but it was nice to have someone who had shared the same experience.

Ralph had his flaws but he had always been straight up with me and he was there at the lowest point of my life.

After a while, the conversation came back to the content Ralph wanted to produce and I told him that he should market his first "solo" video. We set up a brand-new twitter account. "Nine Inches King" would be his username from now on.

Fitting, right?

"Could you film me?" He asked at some point.


"I could jerk off and you record me. This way, I have something to post tonight. Like you said, the preview on the twitter account and the whole video on the exclusive page."

"Dude, I'm not going to film you masturbating."

Shit, my dick was already stirring up in my pants.

"Why? Who cares? You saw me wanking my cock hundreds of times. I freaking blew your cock already! Don't tell me you have forgotten about that!"

How could I?

"I'm dating someone, man."

"And so, what? That's just work! Nothing sus."

Suddenly, he stood up and slid down his underwear to his knees, his swinging flaccid cock appeared before my eyes. Damn, that thing was huge, even soft!


"Are we good or are you going to have a stroke? The only thing I ask is for you to set up the camera and change the angles the way you think it would work best. Also, to do some close ups at the finish line."

I sighed.

Probably this was a bad idea but he was already stark naked before me. And let's be real, I had spent the entire afternoon checking out his body.

"Go on. Sit on the couch, I'll start the cameras." I ended up saying, jaded.

He patted my shoulders, his dick brushing against my thighs. I was wearing my jeans. I had no idea if he could tell that I was already hard.

"Thanks, bro!"

"Actually, you should put some clothes back on." I advised, taking my role of porn manager a little more seriously.

"I know you said we needed to start slow but if the Nine Inches King does not show his nine inches, I don't really see the point."

"No idea how straight brains work but as far as I'm concerned, a guy just stroking his dick, close-up, with no context, does not really get me in the mood. But a hot fit guy, especially an ex-con, who is slowly stripping in front of the camera, that makes me want to see more!"

"You're a genius, Ty!" He exclaimed, while he ran to his room to pick up some clothes.

What was I doing with my life?

To be fair, I needed to find something to do and despite how insane this idea sounded, Ralph had undoubtfully a huge potential to be the next big star on those sex platforms... I could definitely help him out and make some money in the process.

It was not like I would appear myself in the content whatsoever!

Ralph came back in the living room, dressing in a very tight tank top which seemed about to get ripped off at the slightest movement, and some broad shorts. Not the sexiest attire but the guy always looked fine, no matter what.

Also, his pecs were almost fully visible despite his top, which was always a plus.

"Here we go, then. I'll start the camera, you should present yourself, say that you're just coming out of prison, that you're super horny, and then, you start stripping and well... touching yourself."

I swallowed my saliva at the end of that sentence.

Maybe I had drunk too much beer.

"Sounds good!" Ralph simply said.

Like I had suddenly become Steven Spielberg, I heard me saying:


Ralph may have been clueless when it came to marketing strategies targeted towards a gay audience but he knew exactly how to follow instructions.

As soon as we started to roll, Ralph changed his chill demeanours to turn up the sexual tension a few notches.

While flexing his biceps, he talked to the camera, and therefore at me.

"Well, guys, a little bird told me that some of you were fantasizing about a real straight muscular boy, coming straight out of jail."

He kissed his biceps.

"Here I am. You wanted some big alpha dick energy? I've got nine inches right there."

He grabbed his obscene crotch.

That day, we posted his mugshot on his twitter account to prove to the audience that he was a "real" ex-con. It worked wonders!

Ralph was doing the most but that was exactly what needed to be done.

After some more biceps licking, I mouthed him the word "armpits" and he put one arm behind his head. He took a big old sniff of his hairy pits.

Ralph was a true exhibitionist and he loved his own body so I was not surprised to see his bulge getting bigger as he was caressing his very own muscles.

The tank top came off shortly after. I thought that in the future, that would be the type of stuff Ralph could sell off to his fans. I bet there were some people who would have paid a lot of money to bathe in some sweaty inmates' tank-tops.

He spat on his pecs and let the saliva drooled until it reached his six packs abs. I wished that Ralph had played with his nipples some more but that would be a note for next time.

More flexing, more ludicrous posing, and more filthy talk.

The bodybuilder was getting me in the mood. He went as far as licking his own armpits while pinching his nipples. Raunchy as fuck!

As I was filming this gorgeous man showing off for an audience who was not there, I started to see things differently. Maybe that gig was not so bad after all! I had had many feverish dreams about this sort of situations, and... I would be paid for that "job"?!

Ralph took the shorts off next.

There came the surprise. When he went to his room, he did not only put some clothes on, he had also changed his underwear. No more loose fabric, but some very tight white briefs leaving nothing to the imagination of his semi-hard monster cock waking up underneath.

"Four years in prison. Four years with blue balls." He said to the camera while playing with the waistband of his underwear.

This, I knew to be a damn lie!

Back in the prison, there had not been a single night where Ralph did not nut, not even taking about the "conjugal visits" he was taking part in any chance he got! No blue balls for my old cellmate.

"Fuck, that feels good to stroke my fat, massive, horny cock."

He started to fondle his dick underneath his boxer briefs. I tried to catch the moment as best as I could. My first steps as director.

I was pretty happy with the footage we were getting so far. I would have definitely jerked-off to that shit if I saw it online.

Ralph sat down on his couch, slid down his tiny briefs (way too small for the size of his junks) to his ankles, revealed his big fat cock and he started jacking off while looking straight at the camera. He did not even need to watch a porn movie.

"Nine Inches King" indeed.

At full mast, his dripping hard cock was a true piece of art. I felt my own precum leaking in my boxers.

*This is just a job, no big deal, relax Tyler!*

Ralph spat on his dick to lube it some more and processed to stroke it using his two large hands.

Even then, it was not enough to cover his entire shaft.

I thought he should spread his legs further, give the audience a glimpse of his hole but I did not know how to communicate that without potentially killing his mood. He seemed so close to cum at that point.

For the first time, he addressed me directly, not the audience on the other side of the screen.

"Come closer, film this! I'm gonna jizz." He pressed me.

My heart was racing fast.

Fuck. Getting closer to his throbbing hard cock. Really?

His balls were contracting, he was breathing heavily, almost grunting, he was about to blow his loads, no doubt.

Now that we have come so far, I may as well go all the way and do this right. I did get closer, almost kneeling down, to catch his cock pulsating.

The ejaculation, or should I say, the explosion, did not disappoint. I was hit by a volley of friendly fire. Not the first time Ralph was spraying me with his milk but still, I was not expecting this afternoon to turn out like this!

"Mmmm... Fuck yeah... You want me to feed you my juice, you little bitch..."

Ralph was nutting all over his chest, hitting his own face (and mine, as well as the camera) in a beautiful firework of spunk.

He got his fingers full of jizz close to his mouth but right before licking them he took the camera away from my hand and turned it off.

"Not today!"

In just a second, he was back to being just Ralph, not sexy beast "Nine Inches King" Ralph.

"How did I do?"

I gulped.

"Hmm... I... I don't know."

My throat was sore suddenly. I was thirsty. I was shaking.

"Sorry for the friendly fire, pal."

"That's... That's fine." I mumbled incoherently.

"Cool. So, really, you think people will like it?"

I nodded yes.

"Sure... yeah... Of course."

Ralph looked down at my pants.

"Looks like you did like it." He smiled. "You can rub one out before leaving if you want? I have to go take a shower anyway"

"NO!" I yelled, louder than I wanted to.

I felt bad. What was I doing there with another dude's cum on my face?

"Dude, relax. What the fuck? We're just chilling."

"I mean, no... I... It's just that I don't have time to jerk off."

I looked at my phone.


I had not realized how late it was. It was 7:30 and Austin and I were invited to dinner at Sergio and Allison's place. Austin had already texted me to check if I was ready.

Fuck my life.

More content, including a bunch more chapters of My First with Austin (currently at chapter 18), and many exclusive unreleased stories, are available on my Patreon: Thomas Lodge is creating Gay Erotic Stories | Patreon.

Thanks for your support!



Chapter 4: The dinner (Part 1)

I barely wiped the cum off my face and I left Ralph's place in a hurry, my hard-on still raging on in my pants.

"I'm coming." I texted Austin.

Bad choice of words, I guess.

It was not such a big deal but I did not want to be late simply because I did not want to explain to Austin why I was late.

Recording an ex-con jerking his nine inches dick off did not seem like a great excuse to give to my boyfriend.

"That's fine. Waiting for you, babe." Austin texted back.

Damn it, why did he have to be so perfect all the time?

I ended up being thirty minutes late. Austin was all cute, wearing a sky-blue shirt which was matching perfectly with his eyes and which was fitting his broad frame nicely, and some tight beige pants.

"I'm so sorry, babe, I just did not see the time." I kissed him on the lips coming in.

"We are going to our neighbours, not visiting the King of England, we can be a little late. Where were you?"

I was already undressing myself to change into nicer clothes. I had been sweating and I, too, wanted to look cute!

Austin started to kiss my neck while he was helping me out of my tee-shirt.

"Where were you?" He repeated.

He sounded casual and he was grabbing my ass but I could feel the tiny bit of annoyance starting to form in his voice.

"Oh, I'll explain to you after dinner."

He took a step back. He was still talking normally but now, he looked at me weirdly.

"Why can't we talk about it now, Ty? Why the secret?"

"No reason."

I did not want to lie to him so I used the good old tactic of postponing telling the truth. I will admit that it was not my smartest move...

Austin did not insist but I could tell that he was getting mad. He did not even tell me that the pants I had put on were making my butt look amazing, despite the fact that they clearly did! I checked myself in the mirror, I looked fiiiiine!

We walked out in silence, crossed the apartment complex and found ourselves in front of Apartment 2C.

I could tell that Austin was closed-off. Before knocking at the door, I had to ask him... (Another smart choice on my part...)

"Austin, you're ok?"


Well, at least, he was upfront about it. No beating around the bush on his side.

"Don't be mad, please."

"I'd just like to know if I should have a reason to be mad at all."

This was fair. I was not too sure what to say though.

I did not answer right away and things only got worse from this point on.

"Damn it, Ty. Where have you been? I'm already spending my days at work; I try to come home early to be with you and you're just not here."

"Are you blaming me for not working?"

"No! I'm just saying, I'd like to understand what you were doing which was more important than spending time together."

"Really? I have to justify myself?"

"Don't twist things around, Ty. You're the one acting all weird and defensive. I really did not care until you were all secretive about this." He looked down at the floor. "I know how I was when I was lying to Cassie."

"Well, I did not lie to you, did I? I just thought we could have this conversation after having dinner since we're already late."

He sighed.

"You were late, not me."

I felt stupid, this was such an argument for nothing. Maybe I should have lied instead. I could have told him that I was with Janice or doing interviews for a job.

"Look, Austin, I was visiting one of my friends from prison. Can we just knock now?"

His face changed drastically.

"You were with Kurtis?" He whispered.

"No! Not Kurtis! I have not talked to him since... Well, since we last saw each other. I would never do that, meet with Kurtis behind your back. I went to see Ralph, you know, he was my cell-mate for the entire 10 months I was there."

"Oh... Ok."

I took a deep breath. I could not believe we were having this conversation right outside of Allison and Sergio's place.

That was a constant in my life: I really sucked at timing.

"And for the record, meeting him had to do with work. Ralph is starting a business and he wants my help." I added.

"What the fuck, Ty? You're doing business with an ex-con?!"

I will be the first to own up that I was in the wrong so far but the disdainful way Austin had said that really rubbed me the wrong way.

He was hitting a very real insecurity of mine there.

"Wow. An ex-con cannot do anything right for the rest of his life then? For the record, I have been convicted too Austin! And in case you have not notice, it's tough out here, I'm not drowning under the job's proposals."

"Your situation is very different Ty, and you know that."

"How? I committed a felony and I was prosecuted, just like any of these guys."

"So now, you're doing sleazy stuff with your fellow prisoners and I should be fine with it?"

"Why does it have to be sleazy? I would never do something illegal ever again; God damn it, I thought you knew that about me."

"I don't know that about you actually. I don't know you... I mean, on certain aspects of your life. Also, you have been released in crazy circumstances, the slightest mistake, and you could go back in there! I have a right to be worried about you, no?"

It was my turn to sigh.

As if I did not know that already. As if I was not already feeling that pressure.

"Well, this has nothing to do with drugs or any criminal bullshit. You can rest easy."

"What is it about then? What is the business?"

"Should we just cancel the dinner and go argue in our own apartment?" I asked him, jaded.

"Just tell me!"

"Ok, ok. Ralph is making content for X-rated platforms."

This took a few seconds for Austin to process. I saw in his eyes the precise moment where it hit him.

"PORN?!" He barked at me.

Right at the moment, the front-door opened.

"I thought I heard people chatting outside, welcome guys!"

Allison was all smile, wearing a tiny yellow dress, barely made of more fabric than the bikini she was wearing by the pool the other day.

Both Austin and I probably looked annoyed as hell.

What a way to start the evening.

We did not really have the choice though, we put our best fake smiles on and said in unison: "Hiii!"

Allison invited us in. Their apartment looked fancy as hell. Paintings on the walls, plants everywhere, and of course, healing stones at every corner.


"Sergio is in the kitchen, he loves to cook, especially when we have guests."

First thing I saw from Sergio was his fat Latino ass, bent over to pick up something in a bottom cupboard. I even wondered if he had not done this on purpose, right when we came in.

He was wearing super tight black jeans which, when he turned around, proved to compliment his crotch in a VERY obvious way. It was hard to tell whether the front was more obscene than the back.

I could not believe how much of a show-off Sergio was.

I mean, his wife too. I could see both Allison's side boob and Sergio prominent bulge at the same time. It was quite the sight.

Sergio was also wearing a black shirt but the three buttons at the top were opened.

You could almost see his nipples and, generally, there was way too much visible dark chest hair for an appropriate dinner. The outfit and general look were perfect for a porn shoot though. Sergio was exuding sex and big dick energy.

Did I mention that he was barefoot too? Somehow, it made him look even hotter.

He walked to hug Austin, and then me.

Not surprisingly, the welcome was warm and friendly. Sergio was the type of huggers who did not mind to be hands-on to show how happy he was to see you. I could swear he grabbed my ass for a split second. Or for more than a second!

"Homemade hotdogs for dinner!" Sergio announced. "My own recipe, sounds good for you two?"

"Sounds perfect." Austin replied.

"Great, thanks." I confirmed.

Allison then brought us to the dining room where...

What the hell?!

A fully nude portrait of the two of them, a black and white photograph, was hanging on the wall from the opposite side of the entrance.

Sure, it was artsy and it was taken from the back, Allison resting her head on Sergio's bare shoulders, but man, we could see their asses front and centre while having dinner! Allison's bubble butt and Sergio's hairy fat and muscular bum were in full display! IN THE DAMN LIVING ROOM?!

And I thought his chest hair were a bit much before, I had clearly not seen anything yet...

Not that it spoiled my appetite. On the contrary, if anything, the life-size portrait made me even hungrier for the hot dogs to come.

Apparently, Austin had already come here and had gotten used to the photograph because he did not express any shock while I had to consciously remind me of closing my mouth, gasping at the view.

"De Pronto photographed us last year, he is fantastic. He has photographed many A-List celebs here in L.A." Allison explained, noticing my face. "We were surprised when he contacted us, it was such a great opportunity."

"Oh. Wow. It's beautiful." I spoke.

I mean, it was.

"If you think that piece is beautiful, you should check the other version of this picture De Pronto is exposing at his gallery. Same shot but taken from the front!" Sergio said, coming in the living room.

I chuckled nervously.

"I would not miss it for the world."

I must have been smiling too much because Austin gave me a harsh look.

Come on, those were HIS friends. I had to adapt to them!

Both Allison and Sergio were working in the entertainment industry. Sergio was a model by Los Angeles' standards, meaning that he was posting shirtless (or barely naked) pictures of himself on Instagram while promoting shitty diet products.

450K followers, not bad.

Allison was presenting herself as an actress but she was actually mostly appearing in trashy reality TV shows.

780K followers, slightly better.

She had been evicted during the first episode of a season of "the Bachelor" a few years back and since then, she was featured as a waitress in an obscure show following the life of a rich owner of a restaurant. She did insist on the fact that "big things were coming for her" in the upcoming months.

That being said, you might think those two were arrogant assholes, obsessed with themselves, and entirely disconnected from the real world... Well, this was partially true, but they were also funny and smart in their own ways.

The fact that they had fallen in love and gotten married despite of their superficial lifestyles, and that they seemed sincerely into each other was quite impressive, - and dare I say it? -, endearing.

Also, after a few glasses of wine, Austin and I just leaned in and had a nice time.

We found out that we had a friend in common, Allison had met with our friend from college, Martin, when he was still trying to make it in the reality tv industry. This was all before he moved back to the East Coach to settle in a Christian community.

People do change, I guess.

From the way she was talking about him, I wondered if the two had sex. Knowing Martin, I would not have been surprised if he had roughly face-fucked Allison at one point or another. Most likely, she had given him a sloppy blowjob in the restroom of a busy bar.

Sergio and Allison were also quite fascinated with my time in prison. No judgmental at all, just genuinely curious.

This was weird talking about that experience openly. Since I had gotten out, about four weeks before, we had barely mentioned my time in prison with Austin.

Firstly, because it was still a very traumatic experience for me. Secondly, because Austin knew that, not only I had sex with guys in there, but that I had also built a real romantic connexion with someone, Kurtis.

And then again, there was Xander.

Lately, I had been dreaming (or having nightmares) about him almost every night.

But there, probably helped by the alcohol, I was able to talk about it. I even mentioned the abuse, the way the warden and guards were treating us, how we were suing them back and how the ex-warden Deen might end-up in jail.

"We should do a tv-show about your life, Tyler." Allison said. "This is such a fascinating story."

[Chapter 4 continues below]

Chapter 4: The dinner (Part 2)

"Or a Netflix docu-series." Sergio intervened.

Anything but that, I thought. Although, I was already considering writing a book about it.

After some heavy discussions on the state of the country and the point of prison sentences, came easier topics like the size of the cells, the type of food we were eating or the kind of people there, until we inevitably came to the subject of gay sex.

Not surprisingly, Sergio and Allison were really upfront about it.

"Is it true then? Even the straight guys hump each other?" Allison asked.

"Some of them, yeah."

"How long does it generally take before they blow each other's dicks?" Sergio wanted to know all the details.

Believe it or not, he had opened-up two more buttons throughout the evening and we could now see his hairy navel. I had rarely ever met such an exhibitionist. He could have been shirtless and this would have been the exact same thing.

"Not really sure. I mean, I got some indecent proposals quite quickly after I got locked-up." I replied, semi laughing.

I was way too drunk already.

I could tell that Austin was uncomfortable with me talking about getting fucked inside the prison, so I tried to change the subject. Sergio, though, was eating all my anecdotes up until he was sharing his own stories.

The tale of how he had experienced anal gay sex while testing mushrooms for the first time was definitely a hit. Allison laughed really hard when he explained how he gagged trying to fit a large cock in his throat for the first time.

"Now, you know how I feel!" She exclaimed, hysterical.

One of her boobs came out from her dress from the excitement.

I thought Austin's eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. I gave him a subtle kick on his foot and he looked away while Allison rearranged herself.

The great thing with my shameless neighbours was that, at no point, they labelled themselves bisexual or anything, they were just sharing their experiences like it was no big deal. Because it was.

They were simply free.

When the stories started revolving around Allison first experiences with girls, Austin seemed to relax while Sergio had become visibly hard. I thought his (massive) cock was about to burst out from his pants.

I wondered if I might not pass by De Porto's gallery someday, just to have a better look at this crotch's situation.

I smiled to myself.

When Sergio and Allison started making out on the couch and Sergio completely lost his shirt, Austin and I thought it was time to go. Maybe it was still a bit too soon for a fourway.

When we left, I had forgotten about my argument with Austin from earlier. I thought this was behind us.

I was wrong though. Apparently, Austin had been thinking about it all freaking night, which certainly explained his unusual bad mood.

He started yelling as soon as he closed the door behind us.

"Shooting freaking Porn?! That's what you were doing all day?"

I laughed.

I should not have but I was totally drunk at that point.

Thinking of which, I had not been this hammered in years. Not the best state to have your first fight with your boyfriend. But eh, you remember what I have said about me and timing.

"I was not doing anything! I was just filming, Austin. Come on, let's not fight. Let's play instead."

I tried to take off his shirt, Claudio and Allison had given me some ideas. I was very playful and horny, - truthfully, I had been hard since the video featuring Ralph -, but Austin pulled away from me.

"What are you doing, Ty? What do you want?"

"Austin! You're blowing this out of proportions. This has nothing to..." I let go of a long burp and felt dizzy.


Austin looked at me with an expression I had rarely ever seen on his face. He seemed utterly disappointed. I felt so bad, it reminded me of one of our biggest fights in college right before I came out to him.

Although some of his points were valid, I did not think he was letting me the opportunity to speak up for myself.

"Maybe we should go to bed." He stated, getting down to his underwear.

"Austin, don't be like that... I... I'm drunk, ok... But I.... When you asked me what I want, this part... This is very clear." I made sure to look straight in his piercing blue eyes. "I want you."

He was sceptical for a few seconds.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Austin, you are perfect, you must freaking know that! The only thing I am worried about is that I might not be good enough for you. And the way you're talking to me right now, well, that's not helping with that."

He softened up immediately.

"I did not mean to yell at you. I got... scared. I was... I guess I'm jealous."

I got closer to him. I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry I went to see Ralph without telling you first. And as far as the porn thing goes... This is just silly. Ralph is straight, he's alone, he needs help to get his page running or with filming, but this was stupid and did feel bad about it... But I never meant to lie to you, I just wanted to have a chill conversation about it. I mean, I did not want to deal with that right before eating with the two exhibitionists from 2C!"

He took me in his arms. So large. So comforting.

How did Austin smell so nice even after such a long ass dinner?

"This is tough, Ty. I'm going through a divorce, I had to fill the paperwork today, and... I want to make sure I'm making the right decision."

This was something I had not realized until then. I extracted myself from his embrace.

"Wait. You're still married with Cassandra?"

"Well, yeah, you don't get a divorce in just a few weeks. We started the procedure in January, less than four months ago. Are you really mad about that?"

I sat down on our couch.

"No, no... I guess I just had not realized I was dating a married man. It's like, you're literally cheating on your wife with me."

He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"I did not hesitate while signing the papers, Cassie and I are separated. We're over. We have literally not talked for months. Only five minutes phone calls to deal with the paperwork. She knows about you."

"I guess we will both have to work on our insecurities then..."

He kissed me on the cheek. I lied down on him, resting my head on his abs.

"I'm willing to do what it takes to make it work though." Austin said.

I smiled; a tear even formed at the corner of my eyes. He was beautiful.

"Me too, Austin."

He was caressing my hair. I closed my eyes. That moment lasted for a while. It was peaceful and perfect.

I was scared to ruin everything but I thought I should go for total honesty there and say something which had been polluting my mind ever since we had gotten together.

"There is something I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Oh boy... What now?"

"Maybe we should not have this conversation when we both had a little bit too much to drink, but since we have already bursted our little bubble, why not go all the way and lay it all on the table?"

He was still gently caressing me.

"Just say your piece, Ty."

"Tonight, you were more looking at Allison more than you were looking at Sergio...."

He cut me off:

"There is nothing between Allison and I, we are..."

"No... Please. Let me finish, this was not where I was going with this. And you had the right to look. I mean, I did look at Sergio too, it was hard not to! What I mean is... Years ago, you told me that you could never see us being together and you let me go. You were having sex with girls; you then married a woman; you still seem like you're attracted to girls... It's not like I want to label you, but should I be scared that I'm like your gay experiment or something? You asked me what I wanted earlier... What do YOU want?"

When I looked back at him, he was crying.

That broke my heart, I immediately kissed him.

He took some time to speak again. He was thinking. He must have been thinking about this for a while.

"If only I knew, Ty. You're the only one who has ever made me feel this way. It's tough to... to put words on how my brain, my cock or my heart works."

"Sorry, Austin, I did not want to push you, I..."

"No, no, you're right. Look. What I can tell you is that in no way you are some sort of sick experimentation for me. I care way too much about you for that."

Damn, we were going deep.

"I think I know that." I told him.

"The thing is, I did not even think about having sex with another dude or dating any guy before meeting you. When we fooled around in College, I did not think twice about it. I mean, guys do that you know! A quick handjob, even a blowjob, bros being bros. No big deal."

I rolled my eyes.

"I did not even care that people might think that I was gay, I just had never considered it for myself. But when I... When I started to feel something more for you, it fucked me up a little. I was fucking girls but I would never feel the same attachment to them. Still, I had always pictured myself ending up with a woman, with kids, living in a big family house."

I wiped the tears from his cheeks and let him talk. It seemed like he needed to say this as much as I needed to hear it. Probably more, actually.

"This is why I told you that I could not picture myself with you back then. I feel so bad about the way I have handled it at the time but I truly thought that I could not love you the way you were loving me and... I guess I simply did not want to hurt you."

"That's fine, Austin... I... I know how difficult it is to try to figure yourself out."

He had never been this vulnerable with me. I felt more connected to Austin that I had ever been in the ten years we had known each other.

"After you left, I just kept dating girls in College. I was having rough kinky sex with them. The rougher, the better actually. But there was no feeling there. Well, until I met Cassie. She was perfect. Like, she filled all the boxes. I still had my weird sexual kinks but I thought, eh, it is time to settle down now. We got engaged, you came to the wedding... Tyler, the way you looked at my wedding. You looked so accomplished, so grown up."

"I mean, I was a big shot therapist at the time." I said ironically.

"Basically, yeah! And you looked damn good in that suit."

I blushed; this was ridiculous.

"You know, Austin. The day you got married, that was the day when I finally accepted to move on from you. All those years, I was sort of hoping we might reconnect but seeing you walking down the aisle... I... I thought it was time to let you go. And I did. I met Griffin 24 hours later."

"We have never been very good at aligning our schedules." Austin said semi-laughing and semi-crying.

"We are aligned, today."

He smiled at me.

"A year in the marriage, I started cheating on Cassie. With girls at first, and then, probably trying to recreate what I had discovered with you, with guys. And sure, I loved to be a dom and having a dude blow my dick, but there was always something missing. Cassie and I were no longer working out. We disconnected slowly; you called me from freaking prison around the same period. As the year went by, I thought it was only fair to end it with her. I did try until the very end to save the marriage but we both knew we were done."

"I'm sorry, Austin. I mean... I'm sorry I never even asked you about how you were feeling about the divorce... I am so caught up in my own shit sometimes."

He kissed me.

"I did not divorce her to be with you, but to figure myself out. I guess that approaching 30 made me think about my choices, what I wanted to do next in life. And you were stuck in that awful place. I was thinking about you, all the time. I was worried about you. I was so mad about the way Griffin had treated you. I just wanted to protect you. And at some point... I... I realized that I should try to stop looking for an ersatz of what we had lived together in College and maybe instead, I should try to live the real thing again."

I was not too sure if this was the most romantic or fucked-up love declaration ever, but I kissed him full mouth.

"I love you, Austin."

We were two messes trying to live our true-selves, we were making a ton of mistakes along the way but we were caring for one another deeply. What else could I ask for?

"I love you, Ty."

We had sex, or rather, we made love on the couch, our lips glued to each other the whole time. I was sitting on his cock. I felt complete once again.

I guess that bursting the bubble at the beginning of a relationship is not always a bad thing.


Guys, i'd love to hear your feedback about this story before posting the next chapter! What do you think about it so far? Critics are welcomed as well, just don't be too harsh on me! ahah
Well you captured my interest. The imperfectness of love is very relatable and makes for an infectious storyline. It will be interesting to see where you take this.
I’m a fan of love conquers all but that requires restraint or incredible communication and both individuals comfortable with terms. Your description of the lovers tiff captured all of that brilliantly. More please

Chapter 4: The dinner (Part 2)

"Or a Netflix docu-series." Sergio intervened.

Anything but that, I thought. Although, I was already considering writing a book about it.

After some heavy discussions on the state of the country and the point of prison sentences, came easier topics like the size of the cells, the type of food we were eating or the kind of people there, until we inevitably came to the subject of gay sex.

Not surprisingly, Sergio and Allison were really upfront about it.

"Is it true then? Even the straight guys hump each other?" Allison asked.

"Some of them, yeah."

"How long does it generally take before they blow each other's dicks?" Sergio wanted to know all the details.

Believe it or not, he had opened-up two more buttons throughout the evening and we could now see his hairy navel. I had rarely ever met such an exhibitionist. He could have been shirtless and this would have been the exact same thing.

"Not really sure. I mean, I got some indecent proposals quite quickly after I got locked-up." I replied, semi laughing.

I was way too drunk already.

I could tell that Austin was uncomfortable with me talking about getting fucked inside the prison, so I tried to change the subject. Sergio, though, was eating all my anecdotes up until he was sharing his own stories.

The tale of how he had experienced anal gay sex while testing mushrooms for the first time was definitely a hit. Allison laughed really hard when he explained how he gagged trying to fit a large cock in his throat for the first time.

"Now, you know how I feel!" She exclaimed, hysterical.

One of her boobs came out from her dress from the excitement.

I thought Austin's eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. I gave him a subtle kick on his foot and he looked away while Allison rearranged herself.

The great thing with my shameless neighbours was that, at no point, they labelled themselves bisexual or anything, they were just sharing their experiences like it was no big deal. Because it was.

They were simply free.

When the stories started revolving around Allison first experiences with girls, Austin seemed to relax while Sergio had become visibly hard. I thought his (massive) cock was about to burst out from his pants.

I wondered if I might not pass by De Porto's gallery someday, just to have a better look at this crotch's situation.

I smiled to myself.

When Sergio and Allison started making out on the couch and Sergio completely lost his shirt, Austin and I thought it was time to go. Maybe it was still a bit too soon for a fourway.

When we left, I had forgotten about my argument with Austin from earlier. I thought this was behind us.

I was wrong though. Apparently, Austin had been thinking about it all freaking night, which certainly explained his unusual bad mood.

He started yelling as soon as he closed the door behind us.

"Shooting freaking Porn?! That's what you were doing all day?"

I laughed.

I should not have but I was totally drunk at that point.

Thinking of which, I had not been this hammered in years. Not the best state to have your first fight with your boyfriend. But eh, you remember what I have said about me and timing.

"I was not doing anything! I was just filming, Austin. Come on, let's not fight. Let's play instead."

I tried to take off his shirt, Claudio and Allison had given me some ideas. I was very playful and horny, - truthfully, I had been hard since the video featuring Ralph -, but Austin pulled away from me.

"What are you doing, Ty? What do you want?"

"Austin! You're blowing this out of proportions. This has nothing to..." I let go of a long burp and felt dizzy.


Austin looked at me with an expression I had rarely ever seen on his face. He seemed utterly disappointed. I felt so bad, it reminded me of one of our biggest fights in college right before I came out to him.

Although some of his points were valid, I did not think he was letting me the opportunity to speak up for myself.

"Maybe we should go to bed." He stated, getting down to his underwear.

"Austin, don't be like that... I... I'm drunk, ok... But I.... When you asked me what I want, this part... This is very clear." I made sure to look straight in his piercing blue eyes. "I want you."

He was sceptical for a few seconds.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Austin, you are perfect, you must freaking know that! The only thing I am worried about is that I might not be good enough for you. And the way you're talking to me right now, well, that's not helping with that."

He softened up immediately.

"I did not mean to yell at you. I got... scared. I was... I guess I'm jealous."

I got closer to him. I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry I went to see Ralph without telling you first. And as far as the porn thing goes... This is just silly. Ralph is straight, he's alone, he needs help to get his page running or with filming, but this was stupid and did feel bad about it... But I never meant to lie to you, I just wanted to have a chill conversation about it. I mean, I did not want to deal with that right before eating with the two exhibitionists from 2C!"

He took me in his arms. So large. So comforting.

How did Austin smell so nice even after such a long ass dinner?

"This is tough, Ty. I'm going through a divorce, I had to fill the paperwork today, and... I want to make sure I'm making the right decision."

This was something I had not realized until then. I extracted myself from his embrace.

"Wait. You're still married with Cassandra?"

"Well, yeah, you don't get a divorce in just a few weeks. We started the procedure in January, less than four months ago. Are you really mad about that?"

I sat down on our couch.

"No, no... I guess I just had not realized I was dating a married man. It's like, you're literally cheating on your wife with me."

He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"I did not hesitate while signing the papers, Cassie and I are separated. We're over. We have literally not talked for months. Only five minutes phone calls to deal with the paperwork. She knows about you."

"I guess we will both have to work on our insecurities then..."

He kissed me on the cheek. I lied down on him, resting my head on his abs.

"I'm willing to do what it takes to make it work though." Austin said.

I smiled; a tear even formed at the corner of my eyes. He was beautiful.

"Me too, Austin."

He was caressing my hair. I closed my eyes. That moment lasted for a while. It was peaceful and perfect.

I was scared to ruin everything but I thought I should go for total honesty there and say something which had been polluting my mind ever since we had gotten together.

"There is something I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Oh boy... What now?"

"Maybe we should not have this conversation when we both had a little bit too much to drink, but since we have already bursted our little bubble, why not go all the way and lay it all on the table?"

He was still gently caressing me.

"Just say your piece, Ty."

"Tonight, you were more looking at Allison more than you were looking at Sergio...."

He cut me off:

"There is nothing between Allison and I, we are..."

"No... Please. Let me finish, this was not where I was going with this. And you had the right to look. I mean, I did look at Sergio too, it was hard not to! What I mean is... Years ago, you told me that you could never see us being together and you let me go. You were having sex with girls; you then married a woman; you still seem like you're attracted to girls... It's not like I want to label you, but should I be scared that I'm like your gay experiment or something? You asked me what I wanted earlier... What do YOU want?"

When I looked back at him, he was crying.

That broke my heart, I immediately kissed him.

He took some time to speak again. He was thinking. He must have been thinking about this for a while.

"If only I knew, Ty. You're the only one who has ever made me feel this way. It's tough to... to put words on how my brain, my cock or my heart works."

"Sorry, Austin, I did not want to push you, I..."

"No, no, you're right. Look. What I can tell you is that in no way you are some sort of sick experimentation for me. I care way too much about you for that."

Damn, we were going deep.

"I think I know that." I told him.

"The thing is, I did not even think about having sex with another dude or dating any guy before meeting you. When we fooled around in College, I did not think twice about it. I mean, guys do that you know! A quick handjob, even a blowjob, bros being bros. No big deal."

I rolled my eyes.

"I did not even care that people might think that I was gay, I just had never considered it for myself. But when I... When I started to feel something more for you, it fucked me up a little. I was fucking girls but I would never feel the same attachment to them. Still, I had always pictured myself ending up with a woman, with kids, living in a big family house."

I wiped the tears from his cheeks and let him talk. It seemed like he needed to say this as much as I needed to hear it. Probably more, actually.

"This is why I told you that I could not picture myself with you back then. I feel so bad about the way I have handled it at the time but I truly thought that I could not love you the way you were loving me and... I guess I simply did not want to hurt you."

"That's fine, Austin... I... I know how difficult it is to try to figure yourself out."

He had never been this vulnerable with me. I felt more connected to Austin that I had ever been in the ten years we had known each other.

"After you left, I just kept dating girls in College. I was having rough kinky sex with them. The rougher, the better actually. But there was no feeling there. Well, until I met Cassie. She was perfect. Like, she filled all the boxes. I still had my weird sexual kinks but I thought, eh, it is time to settle down now. We got engaged, you came to the wedding... Tyler, the way you looked at my wedding. You looked so accomplished, so grown up."

"I mean, I was a big shot therapist at the time." I said ironically.

"Basically, yeah! And you looked damn good in that suit."

I blushed; this was ridiculous.

"You know, Austin. The day you got married, that was the day when I finally accepted to move on from you. All those years, I was sort of hoping we might reconnect but seeing you walking down the aisle... I... I thought it was time to let you go. And I did. I met Griffin 24 hours later."

"We have never been very good at aligning our schedules." Austin said semi-laughing and semi-crying.

"We are aligned, today."

He smiled at me.

"A year in the marriage, I started cheating on Cassie. With girls at first, and then, probably trying to recreate what I had discovered with you, with guys. And sure, I loved to be a dom and having a dude blow my dick, but there was always something missing. Cassie and I were no longer working out. We disconnected slowly; you called me from freaking prison around the same period. As the year went by, I thought it was only fair to end it with her. I did try until the very end to save the marriage but we both knew we were done."

"I'm sorry, Austin. I mean... I'm sorry I never even asked you about how you were feeling about the divorce... I am so caught up in my own shit sometimes."

He kissed me.

"I did not divorce her to be with you, but to figure myself out. I guess that approaching 30 made me think about my choices, what I wanted to do next in life. And you were stuck in that awful place. I was thinking about you, all the time. I was worried about you. I was so mad about the way Griffin had treated you. I just wanted to protect you. And at some point... I... I realized that I should try to stop looking for an ersatz of what we had lived together in College and maybe instead, I should try to live the real thing again."

I was not too sure if this was the most romantic or fucked-up love declaration ever, but I kissed him full mouth.

"I love you, Austin."

We were two messes trying to live our true-selves, we were making a ton of mistakes along the way but we were caring for one another deeply. What else could I ask for?

"I love you, Ty."

We had sex, or rather, we made love on the couch, our lips glued to each other the whole time. I was sitting on his cock. I felt complete once again.

I guess that bursting the bubble at the beginning of a relationship is not always a bad thing.


Guys, i'd love to hear your feedback about this story before posting the next chapter! What do you think about it so far? Critics are welcomed as well, just don't be too harsh on me! ahah
Thomas, I am totally invested in this series and I want a good life to Ty. He gave up what could have been a great life with Kurtis after a plea from Austin to choose him. Of course it will be tough. I know this is pretty early on in this relationship and book/story and knowing how you write to keep our interest, I am sure there will be many twists and turns along the way. I’m hard just writing this as I can just feel many ’dickings’ coming on. Cheers Thomas, Krobbie. *Thumbs up from me*

Chapter 4: The dinner (Part 2)

"Or a Netflix docu-series." Sergio intervened.

Anything but that, I thought. Although, I was already considering writing a book about it.

After some heavy discussions on the state of the country and the point of prison sentences, came easier topics like the size of the cells, the type of food we were eating or the kind of people there, until we inevitably came to the subject of gay sex.

Not surprisingly, Sergio and Allison were really upfront about it.

"Is it true then? Even the straight guys hump each other?" Allison asked.

"Some of them, yeah."

"How long does it generally take before they blow each other's dicks?" Sergio wanted to know all the details.

Believe it or not, he had opened-up two more buttons throughout the evening and we could now see his hairy navel. I had rarely ever met such an exhibitionist. He could have been shirtless and this would have been the exact same thing.

"Not really sure. I mean, I got some indecent proposals quite quickly after I got locked-up." I replied, semi laughing.

I was way too drunk already.

I could tell that Austin was uncomfortable with me talking about getting fucked inside the prison, so I tried to change the subject. Sergio, though, was eating all my anecdotes up until he was sharing his own stories.

The tale of how he had experienced anal gay sex while testing mushrooms for the first time was definitely a hit. Allison laughed really hard when he explained how he gagged trying to fit a large cock in his throat for the first time.

"Now, you know how I feel!" She exclaimed, hysterical.

One of her boobs came out from her dress from the excitement.

I thought Austin's eyes were going to pop out of their sockets. I gave him a subtle kick on his foot and he looked away while Allison rearranged herself.

The great thing with my shameless neighbours was that, at no point, they labelled themselves bisexual or anything, they were just sharing their experiences like it was no big deal. Because it was.

They were simply free.

When the stories started revolving around Allison first experiences with girls, Austin seemed to relax while Sergio had become visibly hard. I thought his (massive) cock was about to burst out from his pants.

I wondered if I might not pass by De Porto's gallery someday, just to have a better look at this crotch's situation.

I smiled to myself.

When Sergio and Allison started making out on the couch and Sergio completely lost his shirt, Austin and I thought it was time to go. Maybe it was still a bit too soon for a fourway.

When we left, I had forgotten about my argument with Austin from earlier. I thought this was behind us.

I was wrong though. Apparently, Austin had been thinking about it all freaking night, which certainly explained his unusual bad mood.

He started yelling as soon as he closed the door behind us.

"Shooting freaking Porn?! That's what you were doing all day?"

I laughed.

I should not have but I was totally drunk at that point.

Thinking of which, I had not been this hammered in years. Not the best state to have your first fight with your boyfriend. But eh, you remember what I have said about me and timing.

"I was not doing anything! I was just filming, Austin. Come on, let's not fight. Let's play instead."

I tried to take off his shirt, Claudio and Allison had given me some ideas. I was very playful and horny, - truthfully, I had been hard since the video featuring Ralph -, but Austin pulled away from me.

"What are you doing, Ty? What do you want?"

"Austin! You're blowing this out of proportions. This has nothing to..." I let go of a long burp and felt dizzy.


Austin looked at me with an expression I had rarely ever seen on his face. He seemed utterly disappointed. I felt so bad, it reminded me of one of our biggest fights in college right before I came out to him.

Although some of his points were valid, I did not think he was letting me the opportunity to speak up for myself.

"Maybe we should go to bed." He stated, getting down to his underwear.

"Austin, don't be like that... I... I'm drunk, ok... But I.... When you asked me what I want, this part... This is very clear." I made sure to look straight in his piercing blue eyes. "I want you."

He was sceptical for a few seconds.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes! Austin, you are perfect, you must freaking know that! The only thing I am worried about is that I might not be good enough for you. And the way you're talking to me right now, well, that's not helping with that."

He softened up immediately.

"I did not mean to yell at you. I got... scared. I was... I guess I'm jealous."

I got closer to him. I kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry I went to see Ralph without telling you first. And as far as the porn thing goes... This is just silly. Ralph is straight, he's alone, he needs help to get his page running or with filming, but this was stupid and did feel bad about it... But I never meant to lie to you, I just wanted to have a chill conversation about it. I mean, I did not want to deal with that right before eating with the two exhibitionists from 2C!"

He took me in his arms. So large. So comforting.

How did Austin smell so nice even after such a long ass dinner?

"This is tough, Ty. I'm going through a divorce, I had to fill the paperwork today, and... I want to make sure I'm making the right decision."

This was something I had not realized until then. I extracted myself from his embrace.

"Wait. You're still married with Cassandra?"

"Well, yeah, you don't get a divorce in just a few weeks. We started the procedure in January, less than four months ago. Are you really mad about that?"

I sat down on our couch.

"No, no... I guess I just had not realized I was dating a married man. It's like, you're literally cheating on your wife with me."

He sat down next to me and put his hand on my thigh.

"I did not hesitate while signing the papers, Cassie and I are separated. We're over. We have literally not talked for months. Only five minutes phone calls to deal with the paperwork. She knows about you."

"I guess we will both have to work on our insecurities then..."

He kissed me on the cheek. I lied down on him, resting my head on his abs.

"I'm willing to do what it takes to make it work though." Austin said.

I smiled; a tear even formed at the corner of my eyes. He was beautiful.

"Me too, Austin."

He was caressing my hair. I closed my eyes. That moment lasted for a while. It was peaceful and perfect.

I was scared to ruin everything but I thought I should go for total honesty there and say something which had been polluting my mind ever since we had gotten together.

"There is something I wanted to talk to you about..."

"Oh boy... What now?"

"Maybe we should not have this conversation when we both had a little bit too much to drink, but since we have already bursted our little bubble, why not go all the way and lay it all on the table?"

He was still gently caressing me.

"Just say your piece, Ty."

"Tonight, you were more looking at Allison more than you were looking at Sergio...."

He cut me off:

"There is nothing between Allison and I, we are..."

"No... Please. Let me finish, this was not where I was going with this. And you had the right to look. I mean, I did look at Sergio too, it was hard not to! What I mean is... Years ago, you told me that you could never see us being together and you let me go. You were having sex with girls; you then married a woman; you still seem like you're attracted to girls... It's not like I want to label you, but should I be scared that I'm like your gay experiment or something? You asked me what I wanted earlier... What do YOU want?"

When I looked back at him, he was crying.

That broke my heart, I immediately kissed him.

He took some time to speak again. He was thinking. He must have been thinking about this for a while.

"If only I knew, Ty. You're the only one who has ever made me feel this way. It's tough to... to put words on how my brain, my cock or my heart works."

"Sorry, Austin, I did not want to push you, I..."

"No, no, you're right. Look. What I can tell you is that in no way you are some sort of sick experimentation for me. I care way too much about you for that."

Damn, we were going deep.

"I think I know that." I told him.

"The thing is, I did not even think about having sex with another dude or dating any guy before meeting you. When we fooled around in College, I did not think twice about it. I mean, guys do that you know! A quick handjob, even a blowjob, bros being bros. No big deal."

I rolled my eyes.

"I did not even care that people might think that I was gay, I just had never considered it for myself. But when I... When I started to feel something more for you, it fucked me up a little. I was fucking girls but I would never feel the same attachment to them. Still, I had always pictured myself ending up with a woman, with kids, living in a big family house."

I wiped the tears from his cheeks and let him talk. It seemed like he needed to say this as much as I needed to hear it. Probably more, actually.

"This is why I told you that I could not picture myself with you back then. I feel so bad about the way I have handled it at the time but I truly thought that I could not love you the way you were loving me and... I guess I simply did not want to hurt you."

"That's fine, Austin... I... I know how difficult it is to try to figure yourself out."

He had never been this vulnerable with me. I felt more connected to Austin that I had ever been in the ten years we had known each other.

"After you left, I just kept dating girls in College. I was having rough kinky sex with them. The rougher, the better actually. But there was no feeling there. Well, until I met Cassie. She was perfect. Like, she filled all the boxes. I still had my weird sexual kinks but I thought, eh, it is time to settle down now. We got engaged, you came to the wedding... Tyler, the way you looked at my wedding. You looked so accomplished, so grown up."

"I mean, I was a big shot therapist at the time." I said ironically.

"Basically, yeah! And you looked damn good in that suit."

I blushed; this was ridiculous.

"You know, Austin. The day you got married, that was the day when I finally accepted to move on from you. All those years, I was sort of hoping we might reconnect but seeing you walking down the aisle... I... I thought it was time to let you go. And I did. I met Griffin 24 hours later."

"We have never been very good at aligning our schedules." Austin said semi-laughing and semi-crying.

"We are aligned, today."

He smiled at me.

"A year in the marriage, I started cheating on Cassie. With girls at first, and then, probably trying to recreate what I had discovered with you, with guys. And sure, I loved to be a dom and having a dude blow my dick, but there was always something missing. Cassie and I were no longer working out. We disconnected slowly; you called me from freaking prison around the same period. As the year went by, I thought it was only fair to end it with her. I did try until the very end to save the marriage but we both knew we were done."

"I'm sorry, Austin. I mean... I'm sorry I never even asked you about how you were feeling about the divorce... I am so caught up in my own shit sometimes."

He kissed me.

"I did not divorce her to be with you, but to figure myself out. I guess that approaching 30 made me think about my choices, what I wanted to do next in life. And you were stuck in that awful place. I was thinking about you, all the time. I was worried about you. I was so mad about the way Griffin had treated you. I just wanted to protect you. And at some point... I... I realized that I should try to stop looking for an ersatz of what we had lived together in College and maybe instead, I should try to live the real thing again."

I was not too sure if this was the most romantic or fucked-up love declaration ever, but I kissed him full mouth.

"I love you, Austin."

We were two messes trying to live our true-selves, we were making a ton of mistakes along the way but we were caring for one another deeply. What else could I ask for?

"I love you, Ty."

We had sex, or rather, we made love on the couch, our lips glued to each other the whole time. I was sitting on his cock. I felt complete once again.

I guess that bursting the bubble at the beginning of a relationship is not always a bad thing.


Guys, i'd love to hear your feedback about this story before posting the next chapter! What do you think about it so far? Critics are welcomed as well, just don't be too harsh on me! ahah
A wonderful story. Can't wait for the next chapter!
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