My hot little Gaymer


Legendary Member
Feb 28, 2023
Kansas City, MO, USA
99% Gay, 1% Straight
I apologize for this being so long but I had a lot of fun writing it.

Part 1: A Chance Encounter at My Lowest High Point



My name is Adrian Henderson. To look at me, you'd think I was a responsible man in his thirties with a wife and kids. Truthfully, I'm 27, but when girls say "its giving daddy", it isn't news to me. I'm as tall as every man who claims he's 6'2" wishes he actually was. Women have called me good sex walking, big daddy and a big slab of muscle wrapped in a suit and tie. I walk around knowing that I give off an air of elegant brutality that every man should. When you speak to me and see these big lips smile in your direction and you melt. You hope I don't notice, but I notice... and I use it.

People see me as a cocky, smooth operator with tons of pretty privilege. That, however, is fiction.

8 months ago I was staring down the barrel of the life everyone wanted for me. I had the babes, the house, the cars, the party life my dad told me I should want. My mom was more practical, all she wanted for me was an Ivy League Education and to spend every Sunday at the church I grew up in. To make them happy, I spent the last 3 years, immediately after graduating, working my ass off at a corporate job where I made sinful amounts of money.

Then my boss did the worst thing he could have done to me, he offered me a big promotion that included a 2 year contract. I'd have an office with a view, my own team and I'd plenty of opportunity to extend my clientele. It should've felt like a win, but I took the contract home, curled up in my California King sized bed and had the worst panic attack of my life.

I had a week to respond to the offer, so I went to the beach. There I soaked my anxiety in booze, attention from the beautiful women (women are wonderful but I'm not as big a fan as I make it seem), and I smoked weed for the first time. I didn't really know why it was so hard to sign that contract. I had worked my ass off for it, I was too young to be having this flavor of mid-life crisis. Yet, there I was, steeped in dread.

Then I saw KJ (his name is Kacelin, but he hates it). He was dripping from head to toe, sandy blond hair flat against his pretty face. He was obviously drunk, probably high and was trying to record himself on a little shitty ass smart phone. KJ was wearing these boy shorts, he didn't have a huge ass but what was there was nice and round, and it seemed bigger on his small frame. His bulge was impressive too, to be quite honest I don't know how he fit all that ass and dick in those itty bitty swim trunks. He was surrounded on all sides by a diverse array of men and women who were all vibing with him and having the time or their lives doing nothing. KJ himself was smiling big, standing on an overturned trash barrel. He alternated between yelling at the crowd, dancing and throwing that ass in a circle. He was even taking requests, doing handstands and shit like that.

As the sun was setting, it made them all glow but especially KJ.

I was standing there in my appropriately loose, designer swimming trunks that were way too expensive to be something you wear to dip your ass in salt water, and I was in awe. I know exactly why he drew my eye. Out of everyone on that beach, he seemed the most free. Sure, he was the perfect combination of handsome and pretty, but he radiated the kind of devil-may-care joyfullness I had never been able to have, only watch from a distance.

I was done with just watching.

So, I shoved through that crowd, not violently but no one was strong enough to really stop me from moving them out of my way. He saw me coming a mile off and got real nervous. KJ is closer to 5'7" than he'd like to admit and there was this big, half naked, muscular guy shoving past everyone to get to him. Being that I was inebriated as hell, I wasn't really thinking in terms of consequences.

It never even occurred to me to wonder why he had all those people around him.

Now, normally I'm a master flirt. I minored in psychology in college specifically because it allows me to manipulate other people which is what you need in the business world. I'm not ashamed to admit I've used it in my sex life to keep men and women at arm's length.

That day, all I could do was yell, "Aye, you got a boyfriend?" at the top of my lungs, like drunk idiot would.

The crowd was all oo's, aw's and wolf whistles. The way he turned bright red, shook his head to himself and smiled at me gave me life. He knelt down, his blue eyes visible through wet hair and long lashes, and this sexy, raspy voice came out of his pretty lips, "No buddy, KJ is single... unfortunately."

My intellectually stimulating response was simply, "You want one?" I cringe thinking about that stupid line to this day.

But that day, I took his sigh, him licking his lips and chuckling to himself as a yes. The guy even looked around to see if he was being pranked before looking back at me, his smile getting bigger and more embarrassed.

Instead of waiting for an actual answer like you should before you touch someone, I pulled his face into mine. I shoved my tongue into his mouth and felt him moan against my lips. His phone hit my foot and I snatched him off of that trash can, shoving myself against him. He humped against my abs as I shoved my already hard dick against his ass. He tasted like whiskey and mint. He smelled like cologne, the blue ocean-like kind. I was in my element, and he willingly as at my mercy.

The crowd around us erupted. People were shouting, screaming, swooning. The flashes of cameras ignited the atmosphere and I could feel their bodies pressing in, hands sliding across us. People grabbed my ass, his ass, I felt fingers on my dick as it hung out the bottom of my shorts.

I had absolutely no idea he had been live streaming to over 50k people on that shitty little phone. All I knew was I had his legs locked around my waist, my fingers were claws on his ass and it felt so good. I didn't give a fuck about anybody around us, and KJ had to grab my hands to stop me from ripping his trunks off of him.

Breathlessly, he begged, "Not here." I looked into his scared eyes and realized I might have gone too far. The mosh pit forming around us was also clue that I might have been doing the most.

Even so, his leaking dick was hidden between us, and he was holding onto me tightly to keep everyone from seeing/touching it. He swatted a few rude fans away, and I shoved one really aggressive dude as a warning to everyone. We had a modicum of space after that.

When he spoke, his voice quivered and I realized he might be overwhelmed, "Bro please get me out of here." but when I took my first step he said, "Wait my phone." his voice had a whining edge to it and I don't know why I liked it, it would usually be annoying. But I pulled him closer, squatted to get the phone that was still on my foot, and started walking while he continued hiding his erection. There was nothing I could do to hide mine except calm down.


I did what any good man would do in that situation, I carried him to my car. The rowdiness of the crowd was starting to die down. When KJ yelled for them to please back up, most did. The ones who didn't were corrected by the rest of the crowd.

But when I held up my key and the lights on my gunmetal gray Lamborghini Huracán lit up, they went wild again. To be fair to the randos, I was in a rare theatrical mood.

When I stuffed KJ (his hands went right to his groin) into the passenger he was awestruck. After he was in the crowd surged forward and more people seemed to be joining it because I swear it wasn't as big when I was shoving through them. All I had to do was clear my throat loudly, remember no one in the crowd is bigger than me and I'm also very capable of "imposing black man" energy. The people closest to me tried to back up. The rest of the steadily growing crowd of his fans seemed to love it though. A bunch of men and women yelled various forms of take me too daddy. Some were more distasteful people who yelled shit about KJ having "jungle fever" but, aside from that, I had to admit I loved it.

It wasn't until I got in the car, away from all the excitement and the electrifying energy of the crowd, that I realized what I had done. I wasn't out of the closet in any way, shape or form. Literally no one in my life knew I hooked up with men. But also, even though he was still bricked up, KJ was obviously freaking out.

And who could blame him? There was a huge crowd of people still outside taking pictures of my car, streaming live and slowly becoming a crazed mob he didn't want to deal with. Then there was the fact that he'd never seen me before, and didn't know if i was dangerous or not. He was between a rock and a hard place, holding himself defensively like a cornered dog.

I took a deep breath and put my head on the steering wheel, on top of everything I was hot and starting to feel nauseous, "Let me sober up a bit man and I'll take you to your car."

"Oh... uh... thank you?" he answered, voice high and shaky.

I took a second to just breathe and turned on the air, "So what are you, some kind of local celebrity?"

He instantly went from scared to skeptical and rolled his eyes at me, "Bro... c'mon... you know who am, you have to... why else would try to tear me out of these shorts in the middle of the fucking beach?" his tone was carefully playful, but his words were accusatory.

I tapped my center console and grabbed two cans of ginger ale out of the tiny refrigerator inside of it as I spoke, "I just... you looked happy and I just... look I'm more fucked up than I've ever been, I'm sorry if I scared you are whatever." I downed one full can in one go, and handed him the other as a peace offering, "I don't normally do... this... it's a little too high profile for me, and I just wanna gage what kind of damage I've just done to my reputation."

"Wait... you seriously don't know who I am?" he asked, looking out the window. The crowd outside was thinning, there were still people out there but their rowdiness had fizzled out completely.

I shook my head.

"Fuck." he said to himself more than to me, "...Everybody's going to think I staged this." his tone went from irritated to happy as he repeated, "Wow... everybody's going to think I staged this."

I was sweating buckets even though I'd turned the air on, "How many people do you think are going to see this?" my stomach was in knots.

"Bro I've never done these numbers on any of my streams." he said, looking at his phone. then he leaned up to look into my face, "I... uh... my name is KJ. Online I'm KJ4. I stream games, parties, events... anything really. I'm pretty big, but I'm not huge. Bro are you... like... out?"

The bro's were killing me, but I looked up at him and shook my head.

"This isn't like... a mid-life crisis? You don't have a wife and kids that are going to see you tongue fucking a streamer online or anything right?" still accusatory, but he was smiling like someone who didn't want what he said to be true. I liked how he was highly interested in knowing more about me, but was adequately trepidatious . He was leaning toward me, watching me closely, not being a fool hungry to leave with the "rich" man.

"No wife, no kids. Just a job, parents." then what he said dawned on me and I got confused, "Wait... how old do you think I am?"

"Bro, no offense." he said, hands up, "I can never tell. You guys look like you're 25 till you're like 80 or something. I swear I'm not racist, I'm actually like super digging you right now. Not like as a fetish or anything, I just... I... uh..."

"Relax, you're fine." I had to admit, he was bro-ing me to death and who used digging like that nowadays? All he had to day was groovy and I'd be certain he was a time traveler.

"No sir, you're fine. I'm just cute." at that moment I noticed his dick was still dialed up to 11. He'd shoved it sideways, but it was too big to be hidden by his tiny shorts. Way too big for his skinny frame now that it was hard.

"I mean... you wanna get out of here?" As I spoke, I slid my hand across his inner thigh, looked at the ass he was sitting on, licked my lips, and finally made eye contact. He shivered under my gaze.

He obviously said yes. He had me circle the block to get to his car, an old jeep that was well maintained but well past its prime. As he followed me to my house, my phone started blowing up. Younger cousins, old "girlfriends" and even a few of the guys from the office were calling me like crazy.

Obviously, I knew what it was about, so I ignored every call and put my phone on airplane mode. I may have ruined my life, I may have violated the morality clause in my general employment contract, but I refused to let any of that ruin my night. I used the drive and my stash of cold drinks to push tomorrow out of my head and chatted with the pretty guy next to me.


***Still part 1, just too many words

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When I pulled in to my driveway, KJ got out of his car and yelled, "How much money do you fucking make?"

I just laughed. My home only looks fancy, but owning any house in this economy is noteworthy. I live in a middle class neighborhood with no HOA (cause fuck those guys), all the homes around mine are only noteworthy because they're clean and well maintained, some are downright ugly. My dad and uncles are contractors, so they helped me turn a shitty, piss green home in the middle of the street into a luxury bachelor pad. Between my leased Lambo and my fancy looking home, most people thought I was way wealthier than I actually was.

KJ was every bit as impressed as I wanted him to be. I was in full player mode and went to open my front door for him without answering the question about my income.

"Wow, last guy I hooked up with fucked me in a ratty old van." he chuckled, looked back at me, "I also had significantly more clothes on." He obviously expected this to just be a hook up, which kind of bothered me. I didn't like that it bothered me, because I only ever hooked up. Maybe because of that, the moment my door was shut I grabbed him like I had something to prove. I snatched him into the air again and pressed him against the wall in my front hall. This time when I closed my fist around his trunks to rip them in half, he stopped the kiss completely, "Bro what are you on? I can't walk out of here naked, I don't have clothes in the jeep."

"I got you," I began suckling his neck and making him squeal.

After literally one or two seconds he growled helplessly and said, "Fuck it, go for it." I then proceeded to rip those trunks off of him. It wasn't hard.

He kept saying fuck as my hands pulled his bare cheeks apart to rub his hole. It was smooth, only a little hair in the crack but it felt so good. It was soft and jiggly. I smacked his ass a couple times, trying to be tastefully dominant, not too hard but not soft either. He was leaking like a faucet against my abs. He seemed to most react to me suckling his neck, it made his entire body cringe into me.

When he reached down through his thighs to grab my hard dick his eyes went wide even though he couldn't see it, "That's... wow that's a lot."

I'm blessed, I say its 10 inches but really it's just shy of 11. Its girthy, cut and has an upward curve. Most people are impressed by it.

I let him get down, his hard 8 inches bouncing around in front of him. His dick was much more pale than the rest of his body. I grabbed it and said, "So is this."

"Bro I'm usually one of the biggest guys in the room, but this is fucking huge..." he rubbed my bare dick head as it hung out the bottom of my shorts, "I mean I prefer to bottom but..."

"Good." I said, cutting off his nervous blabbering as I shoved my trunks down. My dick bobbed up and his mouth hit the floor again. He dropped to his knees, drooling and looking mesmerized. I just laughed at him, "I'm sure your knees would prefer the bedroom carpet over the hardwood floor."

I nodded towards the stairs and he got up. His body was skinny with a "snatched" waist, and an ass that was perfectly shaped but didn't have a lot of weight on it. Like I said before, it was big on him but he was barely more than a handful himself. He also had these tan lines, which I've always found interesting, and his was shaped just like the shorts that laid in pieces on the floor. Watching his ass as he went up my stairs in front of me made me drool. I had to tell him where to go, but I loved watching him walk in front of me.

When we got to the bedroom it was his turn to be a little aggressive. He got on his knees and jammed my dick into his mouth, wasting no time. Man was already drooling, but the way he slurped up and down my rod was just wonderful. First it was only a quarter, then he got to half way. No teeth at all, an accomplishment considering my girth, only lips, tongue and throat massaged my shaft. His drool was leaking down my balls. He sucked my dick like he loved it.

"Fuck." it was my turn to start cussing. I've had good blow jobs, I've had people who love sucking dick throat me but something about how he looked at my dick, how his spit ran down my legs, was just special. That and the way his lips stretched around my shaft was peek.

He began massaging my balls and I widened my legs. His throat made those little swallowing sounds all tops like, then he started trying to get me deeper. He gagged first, then choked as his gag reflex forced him off me. I looked down, "You good?"

He looked back at my dick, suddenly defiant. He looked at it like it had thrown down some sort of gauntlet. He answered me like it was an afterthought, saying, "I'm good." into the air between him and my drooling head.

Then he was shoving his face as far down my dick as he could go. This time when he choked, throat juice sputtered down my nuts and legs, but he held on. I grabbed his hair, corrected his angle, and rolled my hips forward. He got so close to my trunk my pubes were tickling tip of his nose. His entire body convulsed as I held him there, looking down into glassy, submissive eyes and seeing a level of adoration and joy I was not expecting. No one had ever gotten that far.

When I let his hair go, he popped off me as his body rejected the thick tube he desperately wanted more than air. He was right back on it before he'd even caught his breath, desperately jerking his dick, trembling and moaning as he sucked.

So I did what any red blooded, American man would do, I closed my fists around his hair and fucked his pretty little face like it was the best pocket pussy in the world. He choked, slobbered and gagged but his eyes were pure bliss as I used my dick to reshape his throat.

I couldn't help but moan and every sound I made seemed to spur him on. He began twisting his face in my grip, his tongue sliding across the belly of my beast. When he finally buried his nose in my pubes I held him there. I could see it on his face as teary blue eyes looked up at me, eyes curious and questioning and he desperately slammed his fist into his dick. He asked, without words, if that was good.

"Good boy." I growled down at him, and his eyes rolled back as his body began to seize in a new way. His muted voice howled around my dick, his throat gargled and he refused to let off. It took me second to realize he was nutting all over my bedroom door, and the carpet. When he finished and finally got off my dick, he damn near fell backward. My dick was glazed, shining in the light of the lamp on my nightstand, and poor little KJ looked like he was done and ready to take a nap.

I wasn't done though.

I reached down and helped him up, his legs wobbled, "Sorry about the carpet." he said as he wiped a combination of drool, throat juice and precum from his goatee.

"It'll clean out." I said as I kissed him, tasting my dick on his lips and sliding down his body to grab him by the ass. This time his legs stayed down but he got the hint and began backing away towards the bed. His slightly tanned legs slid across my gray satin sheets as he looked back at me, one eyebrow raised.

"On your back."

He slid to the side of the bed and reached around his legs to hold them back, taking deep breaths, "Bro... please be gentle with me at first. I've never been fucked by anything that big."

I nodded, my dick wasn't going anywhere and I don't like fucking scared holes. So I got on my knees and pulled him till his butt was hanging off the side of the bed.

He was a sight to behold. His pretty, bubblegum pink hole was pristine and had a very slight fringe of sandy blond hair around it. I shoved my face into it, tongue first. It tasted good, fresh and clean. I moaned and shoved my big tongue against his scared little hole, tongue fucking it open.

"Bro..." he intoned, helpless to resist me. When I grabbed his sensitive dick, I found it rock hard even though he had just busted a fat ass nut. He whimpered as I used his dick as a handle to pull my face into his ass. I was showing off, lapping at his exposed crack, drilling my tongue into his tight hole. I even locked my lips around it and sucked. The entire time he sang above me, and his dick began to leak again. My goal was to get him to relax, to open that pretty hole up so I could split it in half. Between my oral machinations and how turned on he was, it didn't take long.

When I finished, I rose and reached over to pump lube into my hand, he laid there arms wrapped around his knees and breathing hard. As I greased my dick, his hole fluttered and his eyes were saucers. He was taking deep breaths, which is what you want in that situation. I pumped more lube out of the container and slipped both my middle fingers into him, curling to dig into his prostate. His voice trembled, his dick flexed and soon I was able to get a third finger in. I twisted my hand and he squirmed as I used my thick, long fingers to stretch him open, but like a good boy he held his legs back and stayed in place.

Just to be safe, I took the bottle of lube and pumped gobs of the stuff onto the outside his upturned hole. Was it overkill? Probably, but I love the way the creamy, cum like lube looks when it oozes out while i fuck guys.

Prep work done, I put my dick head against his slick hole. The first thing he did was clench hard, I gave him a look that said are you serious.

He chuckled, apologized and then tried to stay relaxed. As the wide, bullet shaped head of my dick speared him he grit his teeth but stayed in position. Trembling fingers touched my abs. He whined so sweetly, it turned me on like crazy.

I rocked back and forth, working my dick into him. He whined through clenched teeth. Really, it felt like he had an fist in there, squeezing me so hard I could barely get more dick into him.

He seemed much more used to his throat getting abused than his hole.

I got about halfway into him, mind you that's only 5 inches, and had to stop. I'm girthy, and he was starting to run, which is hard to do when you're on your back. I pressed his thighs down and began to pull back, looking down into his pretty blue eyes, listing to his breathing, gauging his reaction. He was whimpering, fingers hesitating toward my thighs, eyes scrunched up. It was sexy.

Starting out slow, I slid in half way and let him catch his breath before pulling back and sliding forward again. Then a little faster, till he started to clench a little too much or his face scrunched up in pain versus pleasure. I periodically slowed down to add more lube to my shaft and keep things slick. When guys see you doing stuff like that it tricks their brains into relaxing their hole more, because they expect it to hurt less. Soon his face began to look like he was in heaven. It didn't take too long until he was shuddering and I'd gone from sliding in and out to fucking his pretty hole. I looked down and watched it stretch wide around my shaft, clinging to it as he sang in my ear. It felt good but I maintained control, feeling him loosen up as I continued to stroke with the length of my dick he had adjusted to take.

Then he pulled me close and, shuddering with eyes glazed over in lust, whispered into my ear, "Fuck me daddy."

I fucking lost it. I began drilling his little ass. His eyebrows knitted together, his teeth clenched and while I still couldn't shaft him, he got way past halfway. Every time I thrusted he yelped, his dick shot more precum and his hole puckered for more. When I shoved my tongue down his throat I instantly felt his hole clench and seize, and I felt his climax paint my abs white.

I kept going as he howled and shuddered, clinging to me for dear life as I shoved against all the resistance his body had to offer till I was finally fully inside of him, and I was growling in triumph.

"Oh my God." he grunted as I stirred my big dick around in his guts. He was both delirious and strained, "...fuck I should've bought some poppers."

My response was to pour more lube onto my shaft before fully hilting him again. I fucked his little ass hard, reveling in the way our bodies clapped together. I held his legs down as his body flinched with every thrust. His teeth were clenched, his hands grabbing fistfulls of my sheets and it was a sight to behold. I was all up in his guts.

He began calling me daddy, whining, cursing and howling. I could hear the desperation in his voice, he couldn't take anymore as he begged me to cum.

I was more than ready to oblige as I bounced off his upturned ass, I could already feel my cum boiling to the surface.

I roared as I came, as all the tension and power flooded out of me. I bit my sheets next to his neck and trembled against him as my balls emptied everything I had into his quivering guts. I resisted the urge to pound him as I came, instead just holding my jumping and spurting dick in his quivering guts. When I had hilted him, he had yelped one good time and began breathing in relief now that it was over.

Spent, sexhausted and happy, I rolled over onto my back and smiled up at my ceiling. I was breathing hard, I felt so good.

"Bro, give me a sec and I'll go. Just give me a long t-shirt or something and I'll be out of your hair." he didn't sound like he wanted to be out of my hair.

"You're not gonna stay?" I asked, rolling over onto my side to get a better view of him.

His eyes got wide as he looked up at me like I had said something weird, "Can I...?"

"I wouldn't have asked if you couldn't."

"Oh fuck yes... uh... I mean... you're good with cuddling right?" his eyes, the way they lit up at the thought of simple cuddling told me everything I needed to know. I'd never thought about how, when I hooked up with men, I never stayed. I paid for a motel room, fucked and bounced. Common hook up tactics for the closeted elite I guess.

But, with women, it was second nature because I brought them to my home. I had never thought about it, but I had never cuddled with another man before.

"I love to cuddle." I told him.

He practically leapt into my arms, I pulled my blankets from their default folded position at the foot of my California King bed, and held him. He chattered sleepily for just a second, then he was out.

I, however, didn't sleep for a good thirty minutes. This felt way different from obliging someone who made me nut, which is how I thought about cuddling when I was with women. It felt intimate, it felt nice. I realized, I couldn't go back and I didn't fucking want to. I squeezed the sleeping boy in my arms, grateful he'd been on that beach when I needed him, and fell asleep.

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Part 2: Chaos and Naked Men


I should have known I was going to wake up to some bullshit.

The way my phone had blown up the day before, I knew things I didn't want to deal with would need to be dealt with. That being said, I had expected to have time to wake up, cook KJ a romantic breakfast, give him some clothes, get his phone number and drop him off. I expected my locked door and do-not-disturb mode on my phone would give me the distance I'd need to at least compose myself. I expected to have time to have a quick mental breakdown alone in my home before having to come out to literally everyone I know.

I hadn't expected to be nestled in the warmth of my bed, spooning KJ, as a rush of wet, biting cold poured over us. I flinched away from the half melted ice being dumped onto me mostly, not yet comprehending what was going on, but suddenly very awake.

KJ's response was a very eloquent, "WHUH TUH FUUUGGGH!" then a thud as he fell off the far side of the bed.

Meanwhile, I was busy looking up into hate filled eyes and running mascara. I was genuinely confused, "Maria?"

Maria DeCosta, an heiress and party girl I'd had sex with a bunch of times, stood above me with an empty, clear, dripping plastic bag.

Her response was to scream, "You dirty fucking f*****. How could you?"

I was still not at 100%, so it wasn't until I smelled the booze on her breath that I realized she was very, very drunk.

Now, before anyone jumps to conclusions, Maria and I have never been a couple. I had told her, and all the other women I'd ever been with, that I was seeing other people and I wasn't ready to settle down. She had never had a problem with that, and in the last five years she had never expressed wanting a relationship at all. To summarize, she wasn't my girlfriend and she knew it.

So to see Maria in my home slurring her words, screaming, calling me every homophobic and racist slur she could think of, made no sense at all.

As I got out of my bed she tried to shove me, put her whole body into it too, but I'm over double her size. She couldn't even stop me from standing up.

"What are you even doing here?" I went to the door and opened it, "How did you even get in here?" I looked around for KJ, he wasn't anywhere to be seen.

Suddenly the lamp on my bedside table was hurtling toward my face. For a dunk chick, she had good aim. I flinched out of the way and it hit the wall, clattering to the floor.

Maria then decided she wanted to fight, for some reason. She tried to tackle me but there was a full length mirror behind me, the kind that breaks and cuts people who throw themselves into it.

Now I know a lot of people would've just moved and let gravity do its thing. I, however, didn't feel like taking a trip to jail at the end of all of this. Imagine you're a cop and you answer a domestic dispute call where there's this muscular guy and this tiny little bloody, cut up, latina who is telling you he threw her into a mirror or out a window... not a good look.

So I caught her. She said I was hurting her, I wasn't. I wrestled in highschool and college where I considered having a career in MMA, I knew what I was doing. She met me at the tail end of college, so she knew all of this. I'm not sure why she thought she could out muscle me or twist around in my grip, but she did her best.

While she tried to move what might as well have been a mountain, I tried a bit of diplomacy, "Look, can you please just go home? You never have to see me again, I promise."

Her response? Incoherent screaming with a few more slurs. She raked her nails down my arm and that shit hurt. That finally got her out of my grip.

She seemed to suddenly remember how much bigger I was than her, though, and toppled back, retreating from me. She was drunk but, at least she had some self preservation instincts left. I've never hit a woman and that day was not going to be my first, I refused.

"We're not even dating... Maria, this is stupid." Normally I would've known better than to call an irate, drunk person stupid but I had technically just woken up so I blame that.

Her jaw dropped open, her head twisted to the side then he hocked a loogie.

"Bitch you better not..." Another mistake in phrasing, tone and expecting idiots to be reasonable. It was not my best day.So, obviously, she spit at me. It wouldn't have hit me even if I had waited for it but I stepped back, opening the door to retreat into the hall.

The entire time she's telling me my dick is little, I never made her cum, she should've known I was a sissy, she was going to get checked for aids (we never had sex without a condom)... that kind of shit. I was also the n-word, f-bomb and every other nasty word she could think of, and she threw in a bunch of spanish so I only caught about half of what she was saying.

"I'm calling the cops." I was already tired of it. I wasn't in the mood to put any energy into... whatever this was. I know a lot of guys would be pissed but my father raised me better than that, "Real men don't let stupid people bait them down the path of self destruction." he would say.

I also didn't care about Maria's opinion of me. Like, I was in the closet so my family and coworkers wouldn't find out, so my life would be easier. I had no investment in my old college fuck buddy, whom I'd never even been on a real date with.

I stepped back again, and noticed she was following me. Good, I was afraid I'd have to call the police before she'd actually leave. So I argued back a little, restating that we weren't a couple, I said we'd never been on a real date and risked calling her stupid again... to distract her from the fact that we were heading toward the door.

It was all very, very stupid.

When we got to the base of the stairs I saw she had used a crowbar to break my glass door. That got under my skin a lot more than anything she said, but she also didn't bring it upstairs to hit me with so I let it go.

Through the broken door, I could see her Porsche in the middle of my yard where my mailbox should be. Also, my neighbors were looking into my home with expressions ranging from worried, to angry, to awestruck. My favorite neighbor, Gale, looked very impressed as she held her phone up, recording us.

It was at that moment I remembered I was butt naked, dick swinging, in front of people I had to see regularly. The audience seemed to give her energy, and she screamed about how I was a cheater and threw in a few more homosexual slurs. At some point during her performance she decided to say I hit her. The only thing that had whooped her ass was whatever she drank, and it was obvious.

Then I stepped on some glass. Instantly, I was exhausted. The cut wasn't deep, but it hurt.

"I'm calling the fucking cops." I said. As if on cue, red and blue lights flashed across us and I thanked God for whoever had beat me to it.

Maria saw them and decided she'd be better off playing the victim. She sat on my stairs and began crying loudly about how I'd hurt her, cheated on her and gave her aids. The last one made me chuckle. She even held herself, but the spot where I'd "hurt" her kept changing every time she moved.

I, not wanting to leave her alone in my house or track blood up my stairs, dipped into the downstairs powder room to grab a decorative towel and my first aid kit.

The police entered to find Maria, in pristine condition, crying about how much I'd beat her. I was out of her arm's reach, in nothing but a towel while wrapping my foot in gauze.

The first cop was an older white man, and he took one look at the "scene" and sighed. Maria was not a good actress, but the cop told her to tell him about it outside while nodding his partner in toward me.


In walked a cop that looked like a model. His uniform hugged his twunk body in all the right places. He wasn't jacked, but he was in great shape. He was strategically scruffy. His brown skin was flawless, he definitely had a face routine. When he saw me he flashed an award winning smile after licking his lips, his eyes resting on my chest as he spoke, "I assume this is your residence sir?"

"Yeah, it is. Is it cool if I run upstairs to get dressed?"

His eyes took a quick, leisurely tour of my body and he said, while biting his lip, "That's... not necessary."

I couldn't help but chuckle at the handsome, thirsty cop. I could've demanded he let me get dressed, but I was pretty sure my dick and ass were already going viral thanks to Gale's video and if his horniness helped me get out of having to go to the station, I was all for it.

I gave him my information and made my statement. The whole time he was trying hard to stop staring at my dick, It didn't help that my dick did its best to show him I liked the attention. He kept having to lick his lips to keep from literally drooling.

"Do you think this is related to that video of you and KJ4?" he asked, looking past me toward the stairs, "The one from yesterday, on the beach?"

There was no fucking way, "l mean... yeah I guess."

"Does your girlfri-"

"I told you, she's not my girlfriend." I snapped, not feeling angry but exposed and vulnerable. Not a fan of people I don't know, knowing things about me.

That seemed to excite the cop, who was taller than KJ but shorter than me, "Yes sir. I'm sorry, it just looks... my bad." He had to take a deep, slow breath. I got the distinct impression that if I'd shoved him against the wall, he would've nutted all over himself.

His partner's voice came through his radio, saying they were arresting Maria for a bunch of shit, Driving while Intoxicated among them. He asked if I'd like to press charges. I, of course, said yes.

The horny cop said he'd be out in a minute, "So, is KJ4 here as well? We would prefer to get a statement from as many witnesses as possible." thirsty boy hungrily looked toward the stairs.

"Haven't seen him since last night." which was technically true. I hadn't looked toward him when he hit the floor, I was too busy looking to see where all that damn ice had come from.

After I finished my statement, the horny cop made sure to give me a card and wrote his number on the back of it. I didn't know cops had cards, but whatever. He also said something about me coming to the station when I had time. Once he and his partner left with Maria, I closed my broken door and locked the screen door which was also glass.

*I have got to stop typing so much an shorten these "short" stories
Part 2 continued...

Then I went to find KJ. First I checked my closet, there were a lot of spaces to hide in there for a guy his size, but no dice. I even checked the crawl space/attic thing above it, because if I were a small guy hiding in a strange closet, that's where I'd go.

When I opened my bathroom door, the window was wide open. Instantly, my heart sank. There was a tree nearby he could easily climb down if he were desperate.

"Fuck..." I just crumpled, placed my head on the window sill, and took a deep, shuddering breath, "Fuck I liked that guy." I growled as I slid onto the floor, "I didn't even get his fucking number."

"...and you're not getting it either bro." came that raspy voice, and I turned around to see him opening the shower curtain, looking pissed, "...I don't date guys with girlfriends."

Obviously, he was angry, I was just relieved I had a chance to talk him down. It took a minute, but I explained everything to him while I was getting him a pair of basketball shorts to wear.

"I mean... I heard you say she wasn't your girlfriend or whatever but like... I didn't think... whatever." KJ looked as exhausted as I felt, "...look I need to get home bro."

"I mean... that's fine... I just..." I never talked to people without composing myself first, but there I was, stuttering like a shy school boy, "I... I... I was thinking I'd make you breakfast. If you want. Its c-cool you don't... I was... just... I don't want to let Maria ruin our morning."

KJ looked at me like I was crazy, then his face twisted around an unwilling smile and he shook his head, "Yeah, actually... I could eat."

After I cleaned up the mess in the entryway, a tow truck came to take Maria's Porsche from where it had apparently skidded onto my yard.

KJ thought it would be a good idea to walk outside, wearing nothing but basketball shorts that were obviously tied real tight because they weren't his, and gawk at the car Maria's rich family had bought. We all know what guys look like when they free ball, its hyper obvious.

Gale was also lingering outside, very obviously recording the tow truck driver... and KJ and I.

The tow truck driver, Carl, even recognized us, his hat said Proud Gaymer but it was still crazy how many people had seen the videos from the day before. He also handed us a card, more to KJ than me, and said he would love to hang with us sometime. He didn't seem as thirsty as the cop, but he and KJ talked about gaming for a good long while. Like, I wasn't a gamer at all and hadn't owned a console since high school. Even back then I just played sports games and COD.

While they were talking, I saw Gale was still on her porch. The moment I approached her she huffed, obviously pissed, "I'll send you these hun, just in case that bitch comes back. You know she was fucking drunk?"

Gale didn't seem to know anything about KJ4, or the video from yesterday. She was just worried, so I happily received the videos she'd taken. She did ask about my "friend" but I just said he was a guy I'd met recently. We chatted while I waited for KJ and Carl to finish.

When we finally got back inside, I put a blanket over the door. The screen door was just clear glass and I was done having an audience for the day.

KJ and I went to my kitchen. The open floor plan meant he could have sat in the living room and watched TV while I cooked, but instead he stood next to me.

"So... like... you're bi?" was the first thing he said.

"Uh..." it would've been easier to say yeah but I didn't want to lie, "...I'm not really sure."

He kind of interviewed me a little bit. At one point I realized he'd forgotten my name so I reminded him and he got all shy and cute. At the time, I'd hoped that was why he was calling me bro so much.

"Any more crazy exes or situationships I should be aware of?" his hands were wrapped around my waist, his head poking beneath my arm to watch me cook, apparently the interview had gone well.

"I couldn't tell you, I didn't think Maria would ever do something like that." I gave him a smooch, my dick was tenting the sweats I'd thrown on, "This is almost done, by the way."

KJ got the plates, the cabinets have glass windows in them so it is easy to find shit, then stopped while hovering over the table, "I haven't checked my phone all day."

"Is that weird?" I asked as I spooned eggs, smothered potatoes, biscuits, sausage and bacon onto our plates.

"Bro I'm a content creator, it's super weir-" he saw the look I was giving him, "Adrian... cmon, don't be cute I remember your name now I promise. I'm just saying..." he was looking at his phone like it sprouted wings or something.

"What?" I said, pushing a chair behind his legs so he'd sit down.

"I have over thirty thousand new followers... and counting."

The videos from the previous day had made the rounds, One where you could see my dick hanging out the leg of my trunks had over a million views and was being shot down on tiktok and youtube because it was obviously adult, but one upload on xvideos was very popular. KJ's nice little ass made an appearance in it when I tried to pull his trunks off of him. Whoever recorded it had been very lucky.

My heart sank as he gushed. I didn't know what I was going to do.

"Oh... right... I'm so sorry." he pulled me into a hug, "I forgot you weren't like... out."

"It's cool." I said, trying not to deal with it.

"Not really bro... Adrian... Coming out is a very personal decision, you know? I think its shitty to out someone. I'm just... I'm sorry."

"You didn't out me, your fame did. Hell I did, you're the only innocent person in the equation."

"Well... just know I'm here for you bro." I have no idea why he said bro so much but it was starting to grow on me.

"You better be." I asserted, before biting into the breakfast sandwich I'd made with my sausage, eggs and biscuits.

KJ just shook his head, he was suddenly blushing again, "I'm sorry bro, I just... I'm not used to guys being so sweet. I mean... they're either fans who want to bang KJ4, which I appreciate but no ones ever ready for the reality of plain old KJ. Guys like you, who don't know anything about my streaming channel, usually just want to fuck. It's just... hard to connect... sometimes." he got this mischievous look in his eye, "Also... the fact that you also have to deal with crazy groupies is a plus, I'm digging this."

It was my turn to get awkward, "I don't... no offense... but I don't normally do this. I don't know why I'm doing this, everything just... happened."

"That's not true..." KJ said, scooting closer to me, " ARE what happened, its everyone else that's responding."

I just looked at him, brow furrowed probably. Not going to lie, I was confused. I felt like a leaf in the wind, being pulled in every direction. Yet, he wasn't wrong, I was the catalyst.

"Look..." he handed me his phone, "A lot of people online suck... but I saw this."

He had scrolled to a specific comment under his most recent video, the one he was taking at the beach before I scooped him up. The screen name said SavageFentyPrincess, but the profile picture was of a woman I knew named Savannah. She was one of my female friends with benefits, a dark skinned woman with a voice like soft rain who loved reading poetry. Her message simply said, "That man is wonderful, like sunlight on your skin. He is magnificence made manifest, as awe inducing as the sky is vast. Live your truth, King. Walk in power."

"I know her." I whispered, my voice breaking like a teenager's, eyes stinging.

"I figured, the comment really stood out. You see here? Over 100 likes for this one comment." he scrolled down a few comments, "Here is a guy giving me props cause you look good, here is a girl saying all the fine men are gay which is bull shit but whatever... I won't lie, there's a lot of hateful shit on here but there are so many people who are supportive." He then searched KJ4, "Clips from the beach are everywhere they aren't supposed to be. Tiktok's devs probably hate you right now. I'm just saying, you move, you smile and the world reacts." he chuckled, "I could never get this kind of exposure before. I'm still getting new followers and everyone wants to know more about you. You should probably lock any social media accounts you have cause... bro, you're famous."

He looked up at me through sandy blond lashes. Grinning and feeling a little bold, I leaned in for a quick peck. He turned bright red, suddenly shy, "I'm sorry." I didn't really mean it, but he was suddenly hyper flustered.

"You're fine, guess I'm just reacting to you too." I knew the kiss was coming, but the moment he pressed his lips up into mine, it lit up my world.

I've always advised against "falling" for someone. Falling is what happens when you misstep, a partner is someone you seek willingly. But man... was I falling. His tongue sliding against mine made me feel more right than anything. When he pulled away, I was breathless and hungry for more.

"I haven't eaten my food yet so... we should be good." he spoke in hushed, raspy whispers, "Besides, I'm sure you need to let off some steam."

He led me to my couch, slid down my sweats and asked me to have a seat. My couch is really comfortable, and white so I can bleach stains out.

He knelt like he was prostrating himself before a king, and looked at my dick like it was my crown. Big, thick and meaty. My dick stood tall, drooling back at the pretty man whose mouth drooled for it.

When his lips pressed against the sensitive underside, my dick flexed hard. His hands closed around it, his eyes glazed over in reverence. KJ rubbed his scruffy face on my leaking dick, his soft hairs and smooth skin drawing a gasp from my lips. His tongue slid out to taste the precum leaking from my tip, strands of my fluid sticking to the side of his face.

He looked up at me, joyful. I felt like a king in his throne, being served by my most loyal subject.

When he took me in his mouth, I widened my legs. Lips enveloped the head, followed by the pressure of his tongue tickling my cumslit. Wet, velvety goodness wrapped around my shaft, strong lungs pulled him down, down until I met his throat. He looked up at me, eyes low as if he were high on my dick, and began to bob up and down half of it.

My breaths grew loud as my chest began to rise and fall with him. His throat made that little swallowing sound and I cringed into him, choking him in the process. He loved it and shoved himself forward, his throat trying to force me out as his will kept me in.

When I slid my hands into his sandy blond hair, he whimpered and looked up at me. His eyes said, "Yes daddy, please destroy my throat."

My hands became fists, his eyes rolled back, and I shoved forward while yanking him down.

Spit, sputtering and throat juice were my reward. My shaft punched into his throat and battered down all resistance, drawing a deep throated hacking sound from my guy. He trembled as I pounded his face, he moaned around my cock and submitted his everything to me fully.

He was a symphony of sounds. He growled, he moaned, he choked on me. The slurching sound of his spit slick gullet, the way he inhaled whenever I pulled completely out. I closed my eyes and listened to the carnal music as I played his throat like an instrument.

I planted my feet and began thrusting up with leverage and power. KJ began to tremble, his hands holding onto my waist for dear life. With every thrust he both flinched and moaned. He looked like he was having the time of his life, like my dick was more important to him than the air he needed to survive.

I fucked his face hard and fast for a while, till I felt my balls beginning to boil with my impending load, then I pulled him off to kiss his face and say, "On your back, babe."

He fell over trying to follow my order, then popped right back up with a sheepish little grin. He was gasping for air, his mouth and neck covered in drool. His dick was leaking strands of precum all over my couch. KJ scrambled into a seated position, shed his shorts and lifted his legs, ready to be fucked.

"The other hole." I said. Honestly, I prefer ass, but he loved sucking dick too much for me to deny him. He was a good man, he was going to get his reward.

For a second he looked like a deer in headlights, then realized what I wanted and scrambled to lay his head so it was hanging off the front of my couch. As I stood above him, admiring the view, he shuddered and trembled as he jerked his dick, his mouth wide open in obvious invitation.

I accepted that invitation, and shoved my dick into his slutty pink lips. I wasted no time, and felt his entire body cringe around my dick as I came in hot. I held as he whimpered around my dick, fingers clutching my thighs. Once he was ready, I began thrusting into his mouth like it was the last thing I'd ever do. My balls were slapping his forehead, his entire body convulsed with each thrust. I could see my dick reshape his throat every time I shoved forward.

The music returned, different from before. I already loved the swallowing noises, the choking and the sputtering felt like old friends at that point. He hadn't put any lube on his dick, yet as he frantically stroked his impressive meat, his hands sounded greasy as fuck from all the precum. His nostrils furiously pulled in air whenever my dick wasn't punching his windpipe, and the way he kept making desperate little noises with that sexy, raspy voice. I wasn't going to last long.

With my hands sliding onto his chest I could feel the pending climax rocketing through me. He whimpered beneath me, as if he knew what was coming, and that was it. I shoved forward and held, growled as my dick expanded his throat.

My climax was fire and lightning firing out of me with the strength and speed of bullets. I howled as my nuts emptied themselves into his gullet. Suddenly, his climax slammed against my chin, my lips, my chest and then my abs. Beneath me he was helplessly moaning, vibrating my dick as the last of my essence slid down this throat.

When I tugged my dick from him, his lungs filled themselves violently. I slumped onto the couch next to him and looked down at my handiwork. His face was a mess, all of our fluids were cascading down his cheeks. He had my cum flowing out of his nostrils. His hair was dripping. KJ was still gasping for air.

I snatched him up and kissed him again, aggressively and lovingly. I had fallen, and from the way he moaned against my lips I thought he was going to cum again.

"Fuck bro..." he said as I pulled away from his glistening lips. I let him catch his breath as we laid there in each other's arms. At some point I grabbed a towel for him to wipe his face before getting back on the couch and cuddling some more.

I was in love, like the fool that I was. The thought was terrifying. I didn't know him, we hadn't forged any type of bond. We were just horny men who had a bit of chemistry. I knew as soon as I thought the word that this wasn't the love I valued, it was that weak love that teenagers felt for a person they only knew in one context. You need a better picture of a person before you can adequately love them.

I was in love, and it scared me to my core how easy and nice it was. I was used to keeping things simple, but KJ made me complex in the best and worst ways.

I opened my eyes to see him watching me. What I'd been thinking must have been on my face, because his shoulders slumped. He stood up, grabbed my shorts and went to finish his breakfast.

After I'd calmed down I went to sit next to him. He didn't look at me, his head was just bowed in shame when he didn't even do anything wrong. So, I grabbed his phone and put my number in it as Boyfriend: Adrian before showing it to him, "That cool?"

"Look..." KJ said, "Bro... I like you so much."

"That's goo-"

"Let me finish," his voice was soft and warm, the way you'd talk to a scared animal, "I think we should slow down a bit, because this is like your first experience being out. I do want to date you, if that's ok but I don't want to call you my boyfriend until you're 100% on it."

I looked him in his eyes, and nodded my head, "My bad bro," I cringed around the word. I don't call people bro, "KJ I do like you a lot, but I value knowing a person before I say anything about love. I wan-"

"Oh... Oooooohhhh..." he smiled, he blushed, he looked at me like I was a silly fool, "No wonder you look like you made a mistake."

"I want..." I said, sternly the way my dad would, "to get to know you better, a lot better. Right now we're strangers, I don't want us to remain strangers or set expectations we can't live up to."

KJ pecked me on the lips and watched me go all doe eyed, "Good."