My life.. nymphomaniac


Sexy Member
Dec 4, 2024
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Evening at the bar.

Hello, this is a story from my real life, names have been changed for security purposes, thank you for understanding

This evening was very interesting. As usual, I was playing games on PlayStation 3 and relaxing. But my boyfriend (now my husband) suggested that we go to a bar. I reluctantly got ready and we went there. On the way to the bar, my boyfriend said that we needed to pick up one of his friends. That's where it all happened. His name was Louis, his build was like 60% of the population, he was a little pumped up, he had blue eyes and a beard (I really like bearded guys). He said hello to me and we went back to the car. In the bar, we started talking and I found out that his boyfriend had dumped him, I felt very sorry for him, although in my thoughts I was thinking about how to shove it deeper. After a while, I began to notice how he was sending me two mental signals. At first, I did not attach any importance to this, but then I became interested. My boyfriend was talking to some guy and did not pay attention to me.
- Let's go have a smoke? I suggested. We didn't even notice how our minds started to dull with the light intoxication of alcohol. In the end, we decided to take a walk to somehow come to our senses, but their feelings got the better of us. Louis took me, pulled me towards him and kissed me. This kiss was full of passion, I was surprised at what was happening, my penis began to vibrate greedily in my pants and I felt that the same was happening to Louis. Louis walked over my body, unable to resist his feelings any longer. A couple of movements and a cold hand was under my clothes. A slight chill passed over my body, but the hands began to go lower. The hand squeezed my penis so hard that I moaned furiously, I knew whether it was pleasant or painful. The body stopped listening and gave out false sensations of pain, from which I felt even more strongly in paradise. All blockages, all embarrassment went away and we surrendered to the night. Only quiet sighs gave away our location. I also did not lag behind my partner, with light movements of my hand I stretched the fly from which the penis jumped out. It was all pulsating, the veins were filled with blood, which gave the penis a reddish tint. I began to masturbate Louis, from which the guy threw his head back, unable to hold on any longer. Fortunately, there was not a soul on the street and no one could condemn us, not throw a condemning glance in our direction. But even if this had happened, I did not care, alcohol and frantic desire did their job. Louis took me by the head and began to breathe in my ear, causing a lot of emotions in my partner. Then light kisses captured the neck. I could no longer control myself and harshly pressed the guy against the wall.

- Ты все еще так уверена? Не дав парню ответить, я страстно поцеловала его по-французски. Наши языки сплели узлы, которые очень быстро распутались. Мы с Луи начали мастурбировать в унисон, уже не скрывая стонов. Через пару минут мы кончили, теплая жидкость потекла по нашим рукам. После этого Луи повернулся, намекая мне продолжать. И вот, перемежаясь стонами, послышались толчки. Они то ускорялись, то замедлялись. Через час они сели на пол, обессиленные. Холодный асфальт начал приводить двоих в чувство.
- Ты закуришь? Это все, что спросил парень. Мы тихонько вдыхали дым, не говоря ни слова, и он тонкой струйкой выходил изо рта. Каждый из нас был погружен в свои эмоции, но каждый из нас знал, что это не последняя встреча в их жизни... После этого я встала, спустилась к лицу Луи и поцеловала его в щеку, а затем начала возвращаться к бару. Он перевел взгляд, намекая, что должен пойти с ним. Мой парень все еще сидел на том же месте и даже не заметил моего ухода. Мы мило побеседовали и в итоге в 12:00 мы разошлись по домам.