
Worshipped Member
Aug 5, 2017
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Hey guys,

I will post a brand-new story here, coming soon on LPSG!

As always, the story is already available on Patreon.


My Roommate is (way) too Hot!

Samuel is sexy and he damn knows it, showing off his banging body on social media and in the gym any chance that he gets. Oliver knows that he should not agree to let the vacant room of his apartment to a straight horny jock, exhibitionist on top of everything else. This might only create problems and frustrations… Right? Although, how could he resist?! Sam is WAY TOO HOT!

The story, names, and places are entirely fictional.

All characters featured in the story
are above 18. This story is only meant to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18.

First chapter is coming up later this week on this thread!

Chapter 1: Way too handsome (Part 1)

I was bummed when my sister told me she would move out from our apartment to go live with her dumb boyfriend.

I was even more upset when she told me she was moving to Europe with him.

To freaking London of all places!

Sure, we were bickering all the time but Jenna and I were close and I could not believe she would not only leave our place, but the entire continent.

How was I supposed to live my life without her?

I tried to see the good side of things, there would be no more awkward encounters between my sister and my (very occasional) GrindR dates on the morning.

Not that my sexual life was going so great but, maybe, her absence would help me get a little more adventurous...

I am gay, by the way.

Shocker, I know!

I was in full denial of Jenna leaving and, when she actually did, I found myself alone in a two bedrooms' apartment in Seattle that I could definitely not afford working as a junior illustrator.

Follow your passion, they said... Right.

As a result, I was broke as fuck.

I posted an advertisement for the vacant room on a couple renting websites.

It is always difficult to sum yourself up in these types of situations but I tried my best.

<i> "Room available immediately. Hi. My name is Oliver. I am 23, I work as an illustrator and I think I am pretty chill and easy to live with. I am looking for a roommate to share a nice two bedrooms apartment downtown that I used to share with my sister. I do not party much but I enjoy a drink or two after work. I am not obsessed with cleaning but I do my part. I have always shared my apartment and I think I can adapt to someone else although I expect the same from my roommate. I guess I should also add that I am gay, just so there is no weird vibe about it." </i>

I wished we were living in a world where being gay simply did not matter, but it was not the case so I had to make sure that I would not have to deal with a raging homophobe moving in.

At the same time, I did not particularly want to share my apartment with a gay guy.

No need for any relationship drama between roommates.

I received a few answers quickly, a guy who could barely write in English, a girl who described herself as "vegan, feminist, and pansexual", (I was already tired of her before even meeting her), and another girl who seemed cool but who was unemployed and was already trying to negotiate not paying the first month of rent.

Two more guys showed their interest the next day: Alban and Samuel.

The least I can say is that their respective approach was different.

<i> "Hi Oliver. I'm Alban, I'm 30 and I've been working in I.T. for about ten years. I'm really interested in the ad you posted (really nice pictures of the place) and I think I match the criteria you listed. I'm gay, recently broken up -- hence, looking for an apartment -, and I believe a descent roommate. I like reading, jogging every day, and meeting new people around a drink. Feel free to send me a message so we can have a chat; I am available if you have any question." </i>

<i> "Samuel, 24. P.T. Looking for a room to stay in asap. Always pay on time and cool with anyone." </i>

I know what you think, with the two messages at hand, there was supposed to be an obvious choice here.

Alban had a great situation, he seemed pretty nice and, overall, he was writing like a normal dude. There was no red flag.

Although there was no red flag with Samuel either, his message was a bit less inviting.

I had to figure out by myself that P.T. meant Personal Trainer and he was a man of a few words to say the least.

The thing is, on the website where I had posted the ad, every member had a profile section on which they could upload a few pictures of themselves as well.

If Alban seemed very friendly and was rather cute, Samuel on the other hand was stunning.

Although "stunning" does not even begin to describe him.

He was shirtless on the two pictures he shared, - which was already telling a lot -, sporting a ravaging smile with a perfect set of white teeth and an incredible chest.

The man had it all: massive juicy pecs, large brown nipples, a defined six-pack, no, wait, eight-pack (!) with a delicious treasure trail getting bushier as it went down, strong veiny biceps, and the beginning of beautiful v-lines which were diving into his blue jeans on the first photograph, and into his orange shorts for the second photograph.

That second picture was everything.

Samuel was sitting on a bench outside, apparently drenched with sweat, and the pair of shorts he was wearing; -- already tight and light --, was slightly pulled back, giving an unencumbered view to his muscular thighs.

Hairy and massive, just like I loved them!

I could hardly believe this guy was real and not made with an A.I., and even less so that he was living in Seattle...

And potentially soon, in my own apartment!

See, he was not only fit and shredded, Samuel was also blessed with the innocent and perfectly symmetrical face of a model, light brown hair which he styled in a trendy way, a very sharp jaw, blueish eyes and his smile... Damn his freaking gorgeous (and dangerous) smile!

In a word, he was handsome

I did some research on him to make sure that he was legit.

Well... I would be lying if I did not say that I was looking for more shirtless pictures as well!

At this point, I had incidentally started to touch my cock underneath my boxer-briefs, just over the two pictures available on the renting website.

To be fair, Samuel must have had expected this sort of reactions when posting thirst traps pictures on such a random website!

The dude was pretty popular online, and apparently in our city, meaning that I quickly found his Instagram.

"Sam_PT099", based in Seattle.

He was real then.

At this stage, I did slide down my underwear, (come on, I had to!), to take a deep-dive into his account.

Three years of shameless shirtless pictures and more thirst traps were on display. Videos too.

The pretext was sharing training tips, but clearly, the real purpose was to flaunt every single inch of his fit body.

The man for sure knew he was looking good and he was not afraid to give the people what they wanted.

He was followed by thousands of gay dudes and he seemed fine with being their wank materials, sometimes responding with a wink or eggplant emojis to some of the filthiest comments he was receiving.

Sam commented: "READY TO SMASH!" under a picture where he was fully bulging out in (outrageously) tight bronze speedos.

His cock looked humongous in these! I wondered if it was edited.

I think my mouth was wide opened (and my cock was definitely hard as a rock) as I scrolled through the rest of his pictures.

I was surprised that Samuel did not have an exclusive content platform but maybe he was hiding it somewhere, I did not dig too much as I felt bad enough for lurking at his content... and for, admittedly, nutting to a video where he was doing squat exercises in just loose underwear.

That was his wink at the end of the two minutes clip which had gotten me.

So fucking handsome, so freaking hot.

Once again, the man knew exactly what he was doing!

My dick in my hand and cum running down my thighs, I replied to his message knowing that it may have been a huge mistake.

What can I say? My brain was not so much in control when I wrote him back.

The blood had been fuelling another part of my body...

"Hi Samuel. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we learn to know each other a little bit better? See you soon (hopefully!)"

Maybe the "hopefully" was a bit much but the reply was rather tame compared to what I was actually feeling when I wrote the message.

There were chances he would not get back to me anyway, and maybe it would be better that way.

Once I had wiped off the cum from my chest, taken a shower and calmed down, I anxiously checked my inbox.

There was no new message.

I could not help but to check Sam's Instagram and I realized that he was attending some kind of sports events.

He also happened to be making out with some hot girls in a tagged story from the night before.

Fuck, I was already obsessed.

To feel better about myself, I decided to reply to Alban as well.

As I said, he was the logical choice for a roommate and there was no reason to pick a meathead straight dude instead... even if said meathead was the sexiest man that I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life!

I wrote roughly the same message to Alban.

"Hi Alban. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we can know each other a little bit better?"

I scratched the "see you soon" part for Alban. I was not that excited to see him...

He replied straight away.

"Great to hear from you Oliver! If you're available, I can come by after work, around 6 PM tomorrow? I am currently living with my ex-boyfriend so I am kind of in a hurry to get the situation resolved. ;) Let me know what works best for you! Cheers!"

Damn it, his answer was short, simple and clear.

I really had no objective reason not to consider Alban as my new roommate.

I checked my inbox again, no new message from Sam.

"6 PM sounds perfect actually. Let me send you the exact address and let's meet tomorrow!" I replied to Alban before going to bed.

The next morning, I had almost forgotten about the late-night exchanges, I was late for work (as always) and I ran to the studio I was working in.

It was not the best-paying job but I liked it, I was doing illustrations for luxury brands' advertising campaigns.

I checked my inbox from work. A few more guys had replied to my ad but among them, one particular message caught my attention.

Samuel had responded to me in the middle of the night.

"Hey. Just saw your message, send me the details, I'll pass by the apartment tomorrow to check it. See ya!"

No defined hour, not much more information...

Samuel really did not seem as serious and reliable as Alban. Also, his tone was a bit authoritarian.

I replied to him anyway.

I had been drooling over the hot personal trainer since the day prior.

"Could you come by around 7PM tonight? I have a few people visiting the place throughout the day."

My only other visit was with Alban at 6PM but Samuel did not need to know that.

This time, he replied instantly.



I got hard just reading those three letters. I was going to see him, in the flesh!

Getting that turned-on by the idea was simply wrong.

I do not think that I performed any usable work that day, my mind was reeling.

Maybe I could have drawn a big dick or something since this was the only thing occupying my brain but the fancy client would probably not have been very happy with that.

[Chapter 1 continues below]

Chapter 1: Way too handsome (Part 2)

I tried to force myself not to think about Samuel and his sweaty lean body but it was pointless.

One thing was for sure, he could never become my roommate. I would be hard 24/7 and obsessing over someone living so close to you can never be good.

Still, I could meet him and have a chat, if just to see whether the real-life Sam was matching the hot hunk presented online.

There was no harm in that. Right?

I left work soon enough to make sure I would have time to clean up the apartment before Alban arrived. I had decided that unless he turned out to be a weirdo, I would propose the vacant room to him.

This was my safest bet and he seemed cool enough.

Turned out that he actually was!

Alban arrived at 6 PM sharp which was an excellent sign and he was very polite and easy to talk to.

He was cute as well even if not really my type.

Despite being 30, he still had a twink vibe to him, he was rather slim with a yummy little butt. Sorry, just the kind of details I notice...

Damn, maybe I am a pervert after all.

He was wearing a blue shirt and a beige pair of pants, almost as if he was going for a job interview look. He explained that he was wearing this at work and apologized if he seemed too formal, I was only wearing an old pair of jeans and a plain white t-shirt.

Alban liked the place and his room; he was also fine with the rent and we got along pretty fine. We had gone to the same bars a couple of times so we may have run into each other already without paying attention.

We drank a beer before he left.

"So, you think this could work out?" He asked.

"Eager to leave your boyfriend's place?"

He smiled.

"Kinda, yeah. The break-up was mutual but it's awkward. I do not need to hear my ex coming back home from his dates, if you know what I mean."

"I get that..."

"You didn't answer though. Is there something wrong with me or...?"


Nothing was wrong with Alban. He was perfect. But for the life of me, I could not confirm him that he had the room.

I knew that someone else was on the way and I could not stop thinking about him.

"Oh no, there's nothing wrong with you. At all! I'm just refraining from giving a definitive answer because I have a few more candidates to see and like, I want to give everyone a fair shot."

Alban seemed a bit disappointed but he kept his smile on.

"I guess that's fair. Well, you have met me and I think I've told you everything you should know to make your choice so I assume this is now out of my hands. Just know that I had a great feeling visiting this place and meeting you."

He stood up and extended his arm.

I shook his hand, feeling guilty for letting him hanging while I knew for damn sure that he was the objectively best candidate.

Alban was a class act though; he left and waited for the next morning to send me a text to know about my decision.

In the meantime, I had met with Sam... and Alban had lost any chance to get the vacant room.

I know, I am a weak man driven by his pulsion, sue me!

But picture this, it was 7:45 PM, I was coming to terms with the fact that the Adonis I had been fantasizing about would never show up and I was about to text Alban that I had picked him, when someone rang the intercom.

I jumped.

"Sam here, is this the right apartment for the visit?"

"Ehm... Yes... Yes, it is! The door is opened, come upstairs, it's on the second floor."

I did not make any comment on the fact that he was almost a full hour late.

My voice was shaking.

How pathetic was that?

Samuel knocked at the door as I was pacing around, checking myself in the large mirror set in the living-room. I tried to fix my hair; they were getting too curly. Whatever, the man was straight as an arrow, why should I care?

I really needed to chill, he was just a guy after all, he could not be that hot or that intimidating!

I was wrong... On both accounts.

Samuel Piper was both incredibly hot and, although very casual about the whole thing, super intimidating.

I opened the door to a 6 feet 4 man wearing just a tight tank top glued to his muscular body, his nipples were poking through the light grey fabric. A pair of tiny green compression shorts in lycra were completing the athletic outfit.

He noticed me staring at his bulge immediately.

"Sorry, I was having a run and did not come by my place to change since I was already late." He said, looking down at his own prominent crotch.

I gulped.

He extended his hand but I was too stunned to shake it.

I must have looked ridiculous, paralyzed, mesmerized even, standing in the door frame.

"Bro?" He asked after what felt like a full minute standing there.

"Yeah... Hum, sorry, I... I lost my train of thoughts."

He chuckled and smiled at me.

"Happens to me all the time!"

I moved away from the door, - I did not shake his hand after all -, and I let Samuel walking to my place with his dirty sneakers on.

I would clean up the floor later, that was fine. Everything was fine. He was gorgeous.

I looked down at his calves, no socks visible.

His thighs were incredible, partially wet with sweat.

And his crotch, fuck, I really should not have looked there! His bulge looked huge and appetizing, his cock was smashed against his compression shorts, it was like I had a full picture of each line and blue vein of his meaty genitals. He was uncut.

Blessed be the Lord for having created such amazing see-through fabrics and men shameless enough to wear them.

I tried to be less of a perv and to look up at his handsome face.

The fact that this man had to work a daily job was puzzling me, I was certain he could have made a fortune just by existing.

Samuel was not minding my insistent gaze though; he was already walking around the apartment as if he owned the place.

This was the confidence you get when nobody never dares to say no to you, I supposed.

I could not relate. I was geeky and, as you may have noticed, often awkward around people.

"Cool, the place is really matching the pictures." He spoke.

"So are you!" I replied, like a dumbass.

He did not catch on my innuendo though.


"Furniture is nice as well; most guys apartments look like trash and smell like hell."

I chuckled nervously.

"Yeah, my sister took care of decorating the place, she's just moved to Europe. She was always putting candles and shit like that to make the apartment smell nice."

In a very surprising move, Sam lifted up his right arm in the air, offering his hairy musky armpit on full display, and he took a huge sniff.

"Pfffff.... Sorry, mate! I must be the one stinking like cheese right now!"

I had to refrain a faint moan.

Was he going to make me smell it? It looked like freaking paradise for me! Choke my in these armpits, bro, please!

I beg you!

"You... No... I... It's not..." I blurted out.

"What?" He asked me, visibly not getting why I was so flustered.

"I mean, I did not smell you, smell it, your armpits..."

Oh Gosh... Could I be any more awkward?!

Thankfully, Samuel did not seem fazed one bit.

To be fair, he did not seem to care about much.

"Well, good if I don't stink too much. Besides, I guess you should see me in my natural state if I end-up moving here. I have to say, I work-out pretty much all day long so I gotta smell sometimes." He laughed.

I laughed with him.

"I don't mind!" I replied (very sincerely).

"Men being men, you know the drill." He told me back.

I was melting but I decided it was time to pull myself together. This was ridiculous. I was meeting a potential future roommate, I had to be more chill.

"Do you want to see your bedroom?"

Oh no, I had said "your" bedroom already. The deal was already made in my head...

Truthfully, I could not pass on the opportunity of sharing the place with such a hunk.


I showed him the door on my right and he passed me by. I had a clear view of his ass for the first time. I had the confirmation he was going commando as I could see everything down to the wet hair of his ass-crack.


"Wow, cool!" He spoke, jumping on the bed as if it was already his.

If anyone else had done the same thing, I would have found it disrespectful and totally inappropriate, especially while wearing so little and being so sweaty, but Samuel, I almost wanted to thank him for pouring his manly scent and testosterone all over the sheets.

"You like it?"

"Of course! It's perfect. Close to my gym, close to the bars, second floor, good lighting, cool roomie!"

The guy barely knew me but I took the compliment. I may have even blushed a little.

Please reader, do not judge me too hard, Samuel was really THAT good-looking!

"Great then, why do you need to move out from your current place?" I asked.

He jumped from the bed to stand back up which made his dick bounce in his tight shorts, for the life of me, I swore he was this close to have a dick slip!

One man can hope.

"I'm living with a girl, a cool chick. We're supposed to be friends but we've had a few mishaps in bed together and now she thinks I'm the man of her life or something. I had to run!"

"Oh, I understand."

"Ever been in a similar situation?"

I sort of hoped that I was about to be! I would not mind having a few accidents in bed with Samuel for sure.

I did not say any of it of course.

"Not really, but a straight girl and a straight guy living together, this might get ambiguous."

"Exactly! Trust me, I've been trying hard not to bang her... But let's say that I have not hooked up with anyone and I come back home by myself, blue balls, and she's here, acting slutty... It's pretty impossible to resist! And then, she imagines things. Is it so difficult to understand that a man can use a blowjob before going to bed without it meaning anything?"

I swallowed my saliva; many thoughts were polluting my brain.

A part of me was worried that Sam had not understood that I was gay.

He seemed very casual about the whole thing, treating me like one of his "bros" already, and I considered that maybe, he had not read the ad properly.

Somehow, probably because of years of internal homophobia, I could not fathom that a guy like Samuel would be fine with sharing a place with a guy like me.

In all fairness, in this particular case, the fear of a gay man lusting over a straight mate was definitely justified... I was rarely falling for the hetero type, - there was literally nothing to gain out of it -, but I have to admit, my mind was not working normally there.

He was simply way too handsome.

Yet, I had to make my sexual orientation clear to avoid any misunderstanding.

"So, you're single at the moment?" I asked to bring up the subject.

"Bro, I'm 24 and I work on this body every single day." He flexed his huge biceps to make his point. "I would be crazy to lock myself in a relationship! What about you?"

"I'm single too. It... It did not last with my ex-boyfriend."

I was expecting and admittedly, dreading, a reaction but Samuel had none.

Maybe he had already taken into account that I was gay after all.

"Not that you need it but if you want, I'll give you some training tips to work that body. The guys will fall all over you, mate, you'll be happy to be single once I'm in your life!"

We were already talking as if we had signed the rent contract and he was living with me.

Probably because it was as is.

"Okay, we'll see about that... For now, sport for me stops at the treadmills."

"I can see you've got some thighs under this pair of jeans!"

He checked me out. I was turning red.

"Nothing compared to you..."

He spread his barely naked legs.

"Yeap, I don't skip legs days. Ever. I mean, it's my job, I'd be a pretty bad P.T. if I was not working my muscles properly. All of them."

He had to flex again, his glutes this time.

I came to learn that Samuel was doing this about 30 times a day, pumping and flaunting his big muscles every time he had the chance.

It took me a few seconds to come back to Earth after he invited me to look at his thighs and then at his bum (and again, his bulge was right there, fat and in the way!).

"And when would you be ready to move?" I asked, practically sealing the deal.

"Now! Whenever! As soon as possible."

I smiled.

I could not wait either.

I made him visit the rest of the apartment, he quickly checked my own bedroom, mocked me for my large collection of video games, and the bathroom.

"I love the bathtub! Don't have one in my current place." He commented.

"I love it too; it helps me relaxing a lot."

"I cannot wait to try it!"

The (erotic) mental images were flooding my mind once again.

Twenty minutes later, we were sitting at the kitchen table and doing some paperwork to officialise the move-in.

Sorry Alban, I had picked the hot roomie.

Had I made a mistake or was it the best decision of my entire life?

Only time would tell.

My Roommate is Way too Hot and more stories on Patreon!

Chapter 1: Way too handsome (Part 1)

I was bummed when my sister told me she would move out from our apartment to go live with her dumb boyfriend.

I was even more upset when she told me she was moving to Europe with him.

To freaking London of all places!

Sure, we were bickering all the time but Jenna and I were close and I could not believe she would not only leave our place, but the entire continent.

How was I supposed to live my life without her?

I tried to see the good side of things, there would be no more awkward encounters between my sister and my (very occasional) GrindR dates on the morning.

Not that my sexual life was going so great but, maybe, her absence would help me get a little more adventurous...

I am gay, by the way.

Shocker, I know!

I was in full denial of Jenna leaving and, when she actually did, I found myself alone in a two bedrooms' apartment in Seattle that I could definitely not afford working as a junior illustrator.

Follow your passion, they said... Right.

As a result, I was broke as fuck.

I posted an advertisement for the vacant room on a couple renting websites.

It is always difficult to sum yourself up in these types of situations but I tried my best.

<i> "Room available immediately. Hi. My name is Oliver. I am 23, I work as an illustrator and I think I am pretty chill and easy to live with. I am looking for a roommate to share a nice two bedrooms apartment downtown that I used to share with my sister. I do not party much but I enjoy a drink or two after work. I am not obsessed with cleaning but I do my part. I have always shared my apartment and I think I can adapt to someone else although I expect the same from my roommate. I guess I should also add that I am gay, just so there is no weird vibe about it." </i>

I wished we were living in a world where being gay simply did not matter, but it was not the case so I had to make sure that I would not have to deal with a raging homophobe moving in.

At the same time, I did not particularly want to share my apartment with a gay guy.

No need for any relationship drama between roommates.

I received a few answers quickly, a guy who could barely write in English, a girl who described herself as "vegan, feminist, and pansexual", (I was already tired of her before even meeting her), and another girl who seemed cool but who was unemployed and was already trying to negotiate not paying the first month of rent.

Two more guys showed their interest the next day: Alban and Samuel.

The least I can say is that their respective approach was different.

<i> "Hi Oliver. I'm Alban, I'm 30 and I've been working in I.T. for about ten years. I'm really interested in the ad you posted (really nice pictures of the place) and I think I match the criteria you listed. I'm gay, recently broken up -- hence, looking for an apartment -, and I believe a descent roommate. I like reading, jogging every day, and meeting new people around a drink. Feel free to send me a message so we can have a chat; I am available if you have any question." </i>

<i> "Samuel, 24. P.T. Looking for a room to stay in asap. Always pay on time and cool with anyone." </i>

I know what you think, with the two messages at hand, there was supposed to be an obvious choice here.

Alban had a great situation, he seemed pretty nice and, overall, he was writing like a normal dude. There was no red flag.

Although there was no red flag with Samuel either, his message was a bit less inviting.

I had to figure out by myself that P.T. meant Personal Trainer and he was a man of a few words to say the least.

The thing is, on the website where I had posted the ad, every member had a profile section on which they could upload a few pictures of themselves as well.

If Alban seemed very friendly and was rather cute, Samuel on the other hand was stunning.

Although "stunning" does not even begin to describe him.

He was shirtless on the two pictures he shared, - which was already telling a lot -, sporting a ravaging smile with a perfect set of white teeth and an incredible chest.

The man had it all: massive juicy pecs, large brown nipples, a defined six-pack, no, wait, eight-pack (!) with a delicious treasure trail getting bushier as it went down, strong veiny biceps, and the beginning of beautiful v-lines which were diving into his blue jeans on the first photograph, and into his orange shorts for the second photograph.

That second picture was everything.

Samuel was sitting on a bench outside, apparently drenched with sweat, and the pair of shorts he was wearing; -- already tight and light --, was slightly pulled back, giving an unencumbered view to his muscular thighs.

Hairy and massive, just like I loved them!

I could hardly believe this guy was real and not made with an A.I., and even less so that he was living in Seattle...

And potentially soon, in my own apartment!

See, he was not only fit and shredded, Samuel was also blessed with the innocent and perfectly symmetrical face of a model, light brown hair which he styled in a trendy way, a very sharp jaw, blueish eyes and his smile... Damn his freaking gorgeous (and dangerous) smile!

In a word, he was handsome

I did some research on him to make sure that he was legit.

Well... I would be lying if I did not say that I was looking for more shirtless pictures as well!

At this point, I had incidentally started to touch my cock underneath my boxer-briefs, just over the two pictures available on the renting website.

To be fair, Samuel must have had expected this sort of reactions when posting thirst traps pictures on such a random website!

The dude was pretty popular online, and apparently in our city, meaning that I quickly found his Instagram.

"Sam_PT099", based in Seattle.

He was real then.

At this stage, I did slide down my underwear, (come on, I had to!), to take a deep-dive into his account.

Three years of shameless shirtless pictures and more thirst traps were on display. Videos too.

The pretext was sharing training tips, but clearly, the real purpose was to flaunt every single inch of his fit body.

The man for sure knew he was looking good and he was not afraid to give the people what they wanted.

He was followed by thousands of gay dudes and he seemed fine with being their wank materials, sometimes responding with a wink or eggplant emojis to some of the filthiest comments he was receiving.

Sam commented: "READY TO SMASH!" under a picture where he was fully bulging out in (outrageously) tight bronze speedos.

His cock looked humongous in these! I wondered if it was edited.

I think my mouth was wide opened (and my cock was definitely hard as a rock) as I scrolled through the rest of his pictures.

I was surprised that Samuel did not have an exclusive content platform but maybe he was hiding it somewhere, I did not dig too much as I felt bad enough for lurking at his content... and for, admittedly, nutting to a video where he was doing squat exercises in just loose underwear.

That was his wink at the end of the two minutes clip which had gotten me.

So fucking handsome, so freaking hot.

Once again, the man knew exactly what he was doing!

My dick in my hand and cum running down my thighs, I replied to his message knowing that it may have been a huge mistake.

What can I say? My brain was not so much in control when I wrote him back.

The blood had been fuelling another part of my body...

"Hi Samuel. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we learn to know each other a little bit better? See you soon (hopefully!)"

Maybe the "hopefully" was a bit much but the reply was rather tame compared to what I was actually feeling when I wrote the message.

There were chances he would not get back to me anyway, and maybe it would be better that way.

Once I had wiped off the cum from my chest, taken a shower and calmed down, I anxiously checked my inbox.

There was no new message.

I could not help but to check Sam's Instagram and I realized that he was attending some kind of sports events.

He also happened to be making out with some hot girls in a tagged story from the night before.

Fuck, I was already obsessed.

To feel better about myself, I decided to reply to Alban as well.

As I said, he was the logical choice for a roommate and there was no reason to pick a meathead straight dude instead... even if said meathead was the sexiest man that I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life!

I wrote roughly the same message to Alban.

"Hi Alban. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we can know each other a little bit better?"

I scratched the "see you soon" part for Alban. I was not that excited to see him...

He replied straight away.

"Great to hear from you Oliver! If you're available, I can come by after work, around 6 PM tomorrow? I am currently living with my ex-boyfriend so I am kind of in a hurry to get the situation resolved. ;) Let me know what works best for you! Cheers!"

Damn it, his answer was short, simple and clear.

I really had no objective reason not to consider Alban as my new roommate.

I checked my inbox again, no new message from Sam.

"6 PM sounds perfect actually. Let me send you the exact address and let's meet tomorrow!" I replied to Alban before going to bed.

The next morning, I had almost forgotten about the late-night exchanges, I was late for work (as always) and I ran to the studio I was working in.

It was not the best-paying job but I liked it, I was doing illustrations for luxury brands' advertising campaigns.

I checked my inbox from work. A few more guys had replied to my ad but among them, one particular message caught my attention.

Samuel had responded to me in the middle of the night.

"Hey. Just saw your message, send me the details, I'll pass by the apartment tomorrow to check it. See ya!"

No defined hour, not much more information...

Samuel really did not seem as serious and reliable as Alban. Also, his tone was a bit authoritarian.

I replied to him anyway.

I had been drooling over the hot personal trainer since the day prior.

"Could you come by around 7PM tonight? I have a few people visiting the place throughout the day."

My only other visit was with Alban at 6PM but Samuel did not need to know that.

This time, he replied instantly.



I got hard just reading those three letters. I was going to see him, in the flesh!

Getting that turned-on by the idea was simply wrong.

I do not think that I performed any usable work that day, my mind was reeling.

Maybe I could have drawn a big dick or something since this was the only thing occupying my brain but the fancy client would probably not have been very happy with that.

[Chapter 1 continues below]
Nice. I am looking for a HOT roommate as well.

Chapter 1: Way too handsome (Part 1)

I was bummed when my sister told me she would move out from our apartment to go live with her dumb boyfriend.

I was even more upset when she told me she was moving to Europe with him.

To freaking London of all places!

Sure, we were bickering all the time but Jenna and I were close and I could not believe she would not only leave our place, but the entire continent.

How was I supposed to live my life without her?

I tried to see the good side of things, there would be no more awkward encounters between my sister and my (very occasional) GrindR dates on the morning.

Not that my sexual life was going so great but, maybe, her absence would help me get a little more adventurous...

I am gay, by the way.

Shocker, I know!

I was in full denial of Jenna leaving and, when she actually did, I found myself alone in a two bedrooms' apartment in Seattle that I could definitely not afford working as a junior illustrator.

Follow your passion, they said... Right.

As a result, I was broke as fuck.

I posted an advertisement for the vacant room on a couple renting websites.

It is always difficult to sum yourself up in these types of situations but I tried my best.

<i> "Room available immediately. Hi. My name is Oliver. I am 23, I work as an illustrator and I think I am pretty chill and easy to live with. I am looking for a roommate to share a nice two bedrooms apartment downtown that I used to share with my sister. I do not party much but I enjoy a drink or two after work. I am not obsessed with cleaning but I do my part. I have always shared my apartment and I think I can adapt to someone else although I expect the same from my roommate. I guess I should also add that I am gay, just so there is no weird vibe about it." </i>

I wished we were living in a world where being gay simply did not matter, but it was not the case so I had to make sure that I would not have to deal with a raging homophobe moving in.

At the same time, I did not particularly want to share my apartment with a gay guy.

No need for any relationship drama between roommates.

I received a few answers quickly, a guy who could barely write in English, a girl who described herself as "vegan, feminist, and pansexual", (I was already tired of her before even meeting her), and another girl who seemed cool but who was unemployed and was already trying to negotiate not paying the first month of rent.

Two more guys showed their interest the next day: Alban and Samuel.

The least I can say is that their respective approach was different.

<i> "Hi Oliver. I'm Alban, I'm 30 and I've been working in I.T. for about ten years. I'm really interested in the ad you posted (really nice pictures of the place) and I think I match the criteria you listed. I'm gay, recently broken up -- hence, looking for an apartment -, and I believe a descent roommate. I like reading, jogging every day, and meeting new people around a drink. Feel free to send me a message so we can have a chat; I am available if you have any question." </i>

<i> "Samuel, 24. P.T. Looking for a room to stay in asap. Always pay on time and cool with anyone." </i>

I know what you think, with the two messages at hand, there was supposed to be an obvious choice here.

Alban had a great situation, he seemed pretty nice and, overall, he was writing like a normal dude. There was no red flag.

Although there was no red flag with Samuel either, his message was a bit less inviting.

I had to figure out by myself that P.T. meant Personal Trainer and he was a man of a few words to say the least.

The thing is, on the website where I had posted the ad, every member had a profile section on which they could upload a few pictures of themselves as well.

If Alban seemed very friendly and was rather cute, Samuel on the other hand was stunning.

Although "stunning" does not even begin to describe him.

He was shirtless on the two pictures he shared, - which was already telling a lot -, sporting a ravaging smile with a perfect set of white teeth and an incredible chest.

The man had it all: massive juicy pecs, large brown nipples, a defined six-pack, no, wait, eight-pack (!) with a delicious treasure trail getting bushier as it went down, strong veiny biceps, and the beginning of beautiful v-lines which were diving into his blue jeans on the first photograph, and into his orange shorts for the second photograph.

That second picture was everything.

Samuel was sitting on a bench outside, apparently drenched with sweat, and the pair of shorts he was wearing; -- already tight and light --, was slightly pulled back, giving an unencumbered view to his muscular thighs.

Hairy and massive, just like I loved them!

I could hardly believe this guy was real and not made with an A.I., and even less so that he was living in Seattle...

And potentially soon, in my own apartment!

See, he was not only fit and shredded, Samuel was also blessed with the innocent and perfectly symmetrical face of a model, light brown hair which he styled in a trendy way, a very sharp jaw, blueish eyes and his smile... Damn his freaking gorgeous (and dangerous) smile!

In a word, he was handsome

I did some research on him to make sure that he was legit.

Well... I would be lying if I did not say that I was looking for more shirtless pictures as well!

At this point, I had incidentally started to touch my cock underneath my boxer-briefs, just over the two pictures available on the renting website.

To be fair, Samuel must have had expected this sort of reactions when posting thirst traps pictures on such a random website!

The dude was pretty popular online, and apparently in our city, meaning that I quickly found his Instagram.

"Sam_PT099", based in Seattle.

He was real then.

At this stage, I did slide down my underwear, (come on, I had to!), to take a deep-dive into his account.

Three years of shameless shirtless pictures and more thirst traps were on display. Videos too.

The pretext was sharing training tips, but clearly, the real purpose was to flaunt every single inch of his fit body.

The man for sure knew he was looking good and he was not afraid to give the people what they wanted.

He was followed by thousands of gay dudes and he seemed fine with being their wank materials, sometimes responding with a wink or eggplant emojis to some of the filthiest comments he was receiving.

Sam commented: "READY TO SMASH!" under a picture where he was fully bulging out in (outrageously) tight bronze speedos.

His cock looked humongous in these! I wondered if it was edited.

I think my mouth was wide opened (and my cock was definitely hard as a rock) as I scrolled through the rest of his pictures.

I was surprised that Samuel did not have an exclusive content platform but maybe he was hiding it somewhere, I did not dig too much as I felt bad enough for lurking at his content... and for, admittedly, nutting to a video where he was doing squat exercises in just loose underwear.

That was his wink at the end of the two minutes clip which had gotten me.

So fucking handsome, so freaking hot.

Once again, the man knew exactly what he was doing!

My dick in my hand and cum running down my thighs, I replied to his message knowing that it may have been a huge mistake.

What can I say? My brain was not so much in control when I wrote him back.

The blood had been fuelling another part of my body...

"Hi Samuel. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we learn to know each other a little bit better? See you soon (hopefully!)"

Maybe the "hopefully" was a bit much but the reply was rather tame compared to what I was actually feeling when I wrote the message.

There were chances he would not get back to me anyway, and maybe it would be better that way.

Once I had wiped off the cum from my chest, taken a shower and calmed down, I anxiously checked my inbox.

There was no new message.

I could not help but to check Sam's Instagram and I realized that he was attending some kind of sports events.

He also happened to be making out with some hot girls in a tagged story from the night before.

Fuck, I was already obsessed.

To feel better about myself, I decided to reply to Alban as well.

As I said, he was the logical choice for a roommate and there was no reason to pick a meathead straight dude instead... even if said meathead was the sexiest man that I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life!

I wrote roughly the same message to Alban.

"Hi Alban. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we can know each other a little bit better?"

I scratched the "see you soon" part for Alban. I was not that excited to see him...

He replied straight away.

"Great to hear from you Oliver! If you're available, I can come by after work, around 6 PM tomorrow? I am currently living with my ex-boyfriend so I am kind of in a hurry to get the situation resolved. ;) Let me know what works best for you! Cheers!"

Damn it, his answer was short, simple and clear.

I really had no objective reason not to consider Alban as my new roommate.

I checked my inbox again, no new message from Sam.

"6 PM sounds perfect actually. Let me send you the exact address and let's meet tomorrow!" I replied to Alban before going to bed.

The next morning, I had almost forgotten about the late-night exchanges, I was late for work (as always) and I ran to the studio I was working in.

It was not the best-paying job but I liked it, I was doing illustrations for luxury brands' advertising campaigns.

I checked my inbox from work. A few more guys had replied to my ad but among them, one particular message caught my attention.

Samuel had responded to me in the middle of the night.

"Hey. Just saw your message, send me the details, I'll pass by the apartment tomorrow to check it. See ya!"

No defined hour, not much more information...

Samuel really did not seem as serious and reliable as Alban. Also, his tone was a bit authoritarian.

I replied to him anyway.

I had been drooling over the hot personal trainer since the day prior.

"Could you come by around 7PM tonight? I have a few people visiting the place throughout the day."

My only other visit was with Alban at 6PM but Samuel did not need to know that.

This time, he replied instantly.



I got hard just reading those three letters. I was going to see him, in the flesh!

Getting that turned-on by the idea was simply wrong.

I do not think that I performed any usable work that day, my mind was reeling.

Maybe I could have drawn a big dick or something since this was the only thing occupying my brain but the fancy client would probably not have been very happy with that.

[Chapter 1 continues below]
Been there, Done that.... I can' t wait to see HOT GUYS come check out my place.

Chapter 1: Way too handsome (Part 1)

I was bummed when my sister told me she would move out from our apartment to go live with her dumb boyfriend.

I was even more upset when she told me she was moving to Europe with him.

To freaking London of all places!

Sure, we were bickering all the time but Jenna and I were close and I could not believe she would not only leave our place, but the entire continent.

How was I supposed to live my life without her?

I tried to see the good side of things, there would be no more awkward encounters between my sister and my (very occasional) GrindR dates on the morning.

Not that my sexual life was going so great but, maybe, her absence would help me get a little more adventurous...

I am gay, by the way.

Shocker, I know!

I was in full denial of Jenna leaving and, when she actually did, I found myself alone in a two bedrooms' apartment in Seattle that I could definitely not afford working as a junior illustrator.

Follow your passion, they said... Right.

As a result, I was broke as fuck.

I posted an advertisement for the vacant room on a couple renting websites.

It is always difficult to sum yourself up in these types of situations but I tried my best.

<i> "Room available immediately. Hi. My name is Oliver. I am 23, I work as an illustrator and I think I am pretty chill and easy to live with. I am looking for a roommate to share a nice two bedrooms apartment downtown that I used to share with my sister. I do not party much but I enjoy a drink or two after work. I am not obsessed with cleaning but I do my part. I have always shared my apartment and I think I can adapt to someone else although I expect the same from my roommate. I guess I should also add that I am gay, just so there is no weird vibe about it." </i>

I wished we were living in a world where being gay simply did not matter, but it was not the case so I had to make sure that I would not have to deal with a raging homophobe moving in.

At the same time, I did not particularly want to share my apartment with a gay guy.

No need for any relationship drama between roommates.

I received a few answers quickly, a guy who could barely write in English, a girl who described herself as "vegan, feminist, and pansexual", (I was already tired of her before even meeting her), and another girl who seemed cool but who was unemployed and was already trying to negotiate not paying the first month of rent.

Two more guys showed their interest the next day: Alban and Samuel.

The least I can say is that their respective approach was different.

<i> "Hi Oliver. I'm Alban, I'm 30 and I've been working in I.T. for about ten years. I'm really interested in the ad you posted (really nice pictures of the place) and I think I match the criteria you listed. I'm gay, recently broken up -- hence, looking for an apartment -, and I believe a descent roommate. I like reading, jogging every day, and meeting new people around a drink. Feel free to send me a message so we can have a chat; I am available if you have any question." </i>

<i> "Samuel, 24. P.T. Looking for a room to stay in asap. Always pay on time and cool with anyone." </i>

I know what you think, with the two messages at hand, there was supposed to be an obvious choice here.

Alban had a great situation, he seemed pretty nice and, overall, he was writing like a normal dude. There was no red flag.

Although there was no red flag with Samuel either, his message was a bit less inviting.

I had to figure out by myself that P.T. meant Personal Trainer and he was a man of a few words to say the least.

The thing is, on the website where I had posted the ad, every member had a profile section on which they could upload a few pictures of themselves as well.

If Alban seemed very friendly and was rather cute, Samuel on the other hand was stunning.

Although "stunning" does not even begin to describe him.

He was shirtless on the two pictures he shared, - which was already telling a lot -, sporting a ravaging smile with a perfect set of white teeth and an incredible chest.

The man had it all: massive juicy pecs, large brown nipples, a defined six-pack, no, wait, eight-pack (!) with a delicious treasure trail getting bushier as it went down, strong veiny biceps, and the beginning of beautiful v-lines which were diving into his blue jeans on the first photograph, and into his orange shorts for the second photograph.

That second picture was everything.

Samuel was sitting on a bench outside, apparently drenched with sweat, and the pair of shorts he was wearing; -- already tight and light --, was slightly pulled back, giving an unencumbered view to his muscular thighs.

Hairy and massive, just like I loved them!

I could hardly believe this guy was real and not made with an A.I., and even less so that he was living in Seattle...

And potentially soon, in my own apartment!

See, he was not only fit and shredded, Samuel was also blessed with the innocent and perfectly symmetrical face of a model, light brown hair which he styled in a trendy way, a very sharp jaw, blueish eyes and his smile... Damn his freaking gorgeous (and dangerous) smile!

In a word, he was handsome

I did some research on him to make sure that he was legit.

Well... I would be lying if I did not say that I was looking for more shirtless pictures as well!

At this point, I had incidentally started to touch my cock underneath my boxer-briefs, just over the two pictures available on the renting website.

To be fair, Samuel must have had expected this sort of reactions when posting thirst traps pictures on such a random website!

The dude was pretty popular online, and apparently in our city, meaning that I quickly found his Instagram.

"Sam_PT099", based in Seattle.

He was real then.

At this stage, I did slide down my underwear, (come on, I had to!), to take a deep-dive into his account.

Three years of shameless shirtless pictures and more thirst traps were on display. Videos too.

The pretext was sharing training tips, but clearly, the real purpose was to flaunt every single inch of his fit body.

The man for sure knew he was looking good and he was not afraid to give the people what they wanted.

He was followed by thousands of gay dudes and he seemed fine with being their wank materials, sometimes responding with a wink or eggplant emojis to some of the filthiest comments he was receiving.

Sam commented: "READY TO SMASH!" under a picture where he was fully bulging out in (outrageously) tight bronze speedos.

His cock looked humongous in these! I wondered if it was edited.

I think my mouth was wide opened (and my cock was definitely hard as a rock) as I scrolled through the rest of his pictures.

I was surprised that Samuel did not have an exclusive content platform but maybe he was hiding it somewhere, I did not dig too much as I felt bad enough for lurking at his content... and for, admittedly, nutting to a video where he was doing squat exercises in just loose underwear.

That was his wink at the end of the two minutes clip which had gotten me.

So fucking handsome, so freaking hot.

Once again, the man knew exactly what he was doing!

My dick in my hand and cum running down my thighs, I replied to his message knowing that it may have been a huge mistake.

What can I say? My brain was not so much in control when I wrote him back.

The blood had been fuelling another part of my body...

"Hi Samuel. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we learn to know each other a little bit better? See you soon (hopefully!)"

Maybe the "hopefully" was a bit much but the reply was rather tame compared to what I was actually feeling when I wrote the message.

There were chances he would not get back to me anyway, and maybe it would be better that way.

Once I had wiped off the cum from my chest, taken a shower and calmed down, I anxiously checked my inbox.

There was no new message.

I could not help but to check Sam's Instagram and I realized that he was attending some kind of sports events.

He also happened to be making out with some hot girls in a tagged story from the night before.

Fuck, I was already obsessed.

To feel better about myself, I decided to reply to Alban as well.

As I said, he was the logical choice for a roommate and there was no reason to pick a meathead straight dude instead... even if said meathead was the sexiest man that I had ever laid eyes on in my entire life!

I wrote roughly the same message to Alban.

"Hi Alban. Thank you for your interest in the apartment. Should we meet so you can visit the place and we can know each other a little bit better?"

I scratched the "see you soon" part for Alban. I was not that excited to see him...

He replied straight away.

"Great to hear from you Oliver! If you're available, I can come by after work, around 6 PM tomorrow? I am currently living with my ex-boyfriend so I am kind of in a hurry to get the situation resolved. ;) Let me know what works best for you! Cheers!"

Damn it, his answer was short, simple and clear.

I really had no objective reason not to consider Alban as my new roommate.

I checked my inbox again, no new message from Sam.

"6 PM sounds perfect actually. Let me send you the exact address and let's meet tomorrow!" I replied to Alban before going to bed.

The next morning, I had almost forgotten about the late-night exchanges, I was late for work (as always) and I ran to the studio I was working in.

It was not the best-paying job but I liked it, I was doing illustrations for luxury brands' advertising campaigns.

I checked my inbox from work. A few more guys had replied to my ad but among them, one particular message caught my attention.

Samuel had responded to me in the middle of the night.

"Hey. Just saw your message, send me the details, I'll pass by the apartment tomorrow to check it. See ya!"

No defined hour, not much more information...

Samuel really did not seem as serious and reliable as Alban. Also, his tone was a bit authoritarian.

I replied to him anyway.

I had been drooling over the hot personal trainer since the day prior.

"Could you come by around 7PM tonight? I have a few people visiting the place throughout the day."

My only other visit was with Alban at 6PM but Samuel did not need to know that.

This time, he replied instantly.



I got hard just reading those three letters. I was going to see him, in the flesh!

Getting that turned-on by the idea was simply wrong.

I do not think that I performed any usable work that day, my mind was reeling.

Maybe I could have drawn a big dick or something since this was the only thing occupying my brain but the fancy client would probably not have been very happy with that.

[Chapter 1 continues below]
Been there, Done that.... I can' t wait to see HOT GUYS come check out my place after I set up the time to meet up and I just feel so bad that I have to pick a hot guy over the others.
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Hey guys,

I will post a brand-new story here, coming soon on LPSG!

As always, the story is already available on Patreon.

View attachment 137049921

My Roommate is (way) too Hot!

Samuel is sexy and he damn knows it, showing off his banging body on social media and in the gym any chance that he gets. Oliver knows that he should not agree to let the vacant room of his apartment to a straight horny jock, exhibitionist on top of everything else. This might only create problems and frustrations… Right? Although, how could he resist?! Sam is WAY TOO HOT!

The story, names, and places are entirely fictional.

All characters featured in the story
are above 18. This story is only meant to be read by a mature audience, and in any case, by people over the age of 18.

First chapter is coming up later this week on this thread!
Is that picture an AI image of an actual person? Based off a real model? What's the guy's name?
The illustration of Samuel's character is made from AI and not inspired by any real person.

Basically, I used a detail description of Samuel as I had written him for the story.

Also... Guys, who would be up for reading chapter 2 tomorrow?! Samuel is getting way too comfortable around the apartment. ;)
The illustration of Samuel's character is made from AI and not inspired by any real person.

Basically, I used a detail description of Samuel as I had written him for the story.

Also... Guys, who would be up for reading chapter 2 tomorrow?! Samuel is getting way too comfortable around the apartment. ;)
The illustration of Samuel's character is made from AI and not inspired by any real person.

Basically, I used a detail description of Samuel as I had written him for the story.

Also... Guys, who would be up for reading chapter 2 tomorrow?! Samuel is getting way too comfortable around the apartment. ;)
Can Sam be my roommate? I always joke with my friends. You move in with me. Free Rent, Free Food. Free Sex. It makes my friends laugh so hard.
The illustration of Samuel's character is made from AI and not inspired by any real person.

Basically, I used a detail description of Samuel as I had written him for the story.

Also... Guys, who would be up for reading chapter 2 tomorrow?! Samuel is getting way too comfortable around the apartment. ;)
Can't wait...........
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Reactions: thehottestmenxx


Chapter 2: Way too comfortable (part 1)

What had I done picking him?

The mere idea of Samuel moving in was giving me a constant and solid brick in my pants.

I had already nutted twice during the night, simply thinking about the first time we met.

The vision of his tight compression shorts, his meaty flaccid cock glued against the lycra fabric, his hairy armpits, his huge biceps on full display, his ass...

Good fucking Lord, his delicious jock's bum!

I could imagine Samuel sitting on my face for hours.

I was replaying the scene of his visit in my head non-stop, sometimes adding some minor details like I was picturing myself on my knees, licking his sweaty balls, swallowing his massive rod, or taking it deep in my ass.

If only!

I had to jerk off once again after breakfast.

Sam arrived at about 3 PM with a few boxes... and a few friends.

It looked like a large part of the team of personal trainers working at "FIT 4 LIFE" had decided to spend the afternoon at my place.

Lucky me!

Three guys were accompanying Samuel, each of them challenging the others on who could lift the heaviest box.

They did have to bring his weights and gym materials to his room, those shits were heavy.

If none of them was as sexy as Samuel, -- no one was playing in the same category of being all at once gorgeous and incredibly fit, -, they were all hot hunks in their own rights.

Angelo, a black man with the largest back I had ever seen in my life and pecs bigger than my own head, was the only one who could have any sort of influence on Samuel.

He was older than the others, in his late thirties, and I learned later that he was the manager of the gym. He seemed like a good man.

Kurtis, or rather Kurt, who looked like a younger and leaner version of Samuel, was his protegee.

At barely 19, he was already spending all of his time at the gym, trying to emulate my new roommate in anything that he was doing. If he had not spent so much efforts trying to impress Samuel, I might have found Kurt charming.

And there was Jeong, a Korean guy, Samuel's best friend since highschool.

As you can imagine, Jeong was fit as one can be with the particularity that he was really into cycling which had made his thighs both thin and super muscular. He had just gotten engaged to Brittany, a kindergarten teacher.

One thing you have to know is that Samuel hated Brittany.

Throughout our time living together, he spent a lot of time dishing on the poor girl: she was too uptight, too talkative, too obsessed with decorating and cleaning...

I quickly realized why Samuel was despising Brittany so much. She had taken his best friend (and wingman) away from him. Jeong could not party in every club of the city when he was watching Netflix at home with his girlfriend, and then fiancé.

Settling down so young was like a betrayal for Samuel. What are your twenties for if not banging chicks and hanging with your best bros?

Since Jeong's "betrayal", Samuel and Kurtis had gotten closer.

Anyway, they were all wearing shorts, trainers, and tank tops except for Samuel who had to go shirtless about five minutes into the moving.

Blessed be his overheating body!

He insisted that I did not have to do anything to help except, if I wanted to, get some fresh drinks out of the fridge.

I could certainly do that. Handing refreshing beverages to sweaty hunky movers, that was right in my alley.

If they needed a massage, I could take care of that as well.

Once the boxes had been unpacked, I ordered the classic post-moving pizzas and the guys stayed for a quick dinner and a drink.

Pizza was a rare occasion for these dudes. They did not care about much, were taking everything lightly, but they were not messing up with their calories, energy drinks and protein shakes.

I had never realized how serious those gym rats were about their diet.

To be fair, I was barely taking part, or listening, in their conversation about nutrition and exercise, - it seemed like aside from girls and sex, it was the only thing they talked about -, but I sticked around, enjoying the eye candy.

Samuel never put his tank-top back on.

As I was about to find out, he was barely ever wearing a top in the apartment, or anywhere else for that matter.

The others were showing enough skin to keep me entertained.

I spent a few minutes lost in the sweaty pits of Jeong. He was practically hairless except for his stinky armpits. A droplet of sweat hung in there the whole time we were sitting around the table.

Angelo's singlet was not leaving much to the imagination either, his massive pecs and big brown nipples were fully visible when you were looking at him from the side. I was, of course, ideally seated not to miss anything.

Kurt took his top off before the end of the dinner.

I have to say, for a 19 years-old, he was looking bulk as fuck. He could not keep his eyes off Samuel though, clearly his mentor, most likely, his hero.

Who could blame him though?

Samuel had the dirty (but yummy) habit of sliding his hand underneath his shorts, - which he was wearing commando, - to scratch his balls. Sometimes, he could have his hand in his shorts for ten minutes straight while he was fondling with his genitals.

Even to that detail, Kurt was trying to copy him, but Angelo made fun of Samuel for his bad habit.

"Come on, man, don't use those dirty hands to serve the pizza."

"What are you talking about?"

"I don't want to smell your stinky balls on my cheat meal!"

"Oh yeah?" Samuel shoved his hand in Angelo's face. "You don't like the manly scent of my junks?"

It was all fun and games and they had a laugh about it.

I was stirring up in my pants and changed my position to hide my growing boner. I had struggled with it all afternoon.

I wondered if I would be passing my whole life concealing my erection from now on, with Samuel living in the apartment.

To be fair, my new roommate was not doing anything to prevent me from fantasizing about him.

I would even say that he was doing everything that he could to make me horny!

Whether he was aware of his power or not, Samuel was very comfortable around the apartment and that was true from night one.

When his mates left, he decided that he would stay at the apartment for the night to organize his stuff.

That was quite rare that he would decide not to go out.

Once the decision was made, he took off his (smelly) socks, changed into a loosener pair of shorts, and he spent the evening going from the living room to his bedroom, his dick dangling inside of them outrageously.

It is tough to explain since he was not doing anything crazy, but everything he was doing had a sensual (or rather sexual) vibe to it.

Maybe you could call it big dick energy.

To put it simply, Samuel was very at ease, very quickly.

Once he was done with arranging his room, he lied on the couch where I was already sitting watching an anime.

He told me he was fine with the series which was on. He put his bare feet on the coffee table, one of his arms behind his head, the other one slid in his shorts, and he stayed like that for about half an hour.

I had to focus on every fibre of my being not to glance at him but he was right there, fondling with his dick a few inches from me, his thighs sometimes incidentally touching mine.

Each time he was moving around next to me, I was feeling a fire burning inside my lungs.

What if he were to put his hand on my thigh? His fingers marked with the heat of his genitals... Maybe I could do like Angelo and mock him, he would make me smell his hand to tease me? Maybe he would even grab my hair and shove his crotch in my face?

Damn... My mind was reeling again.

Thankfully, I was wearing some jeans but when I got to the bathroom after the third episode of the anime I was watching, there was a huge stain of precum inside my briefs.

Samuel was not doing anything weird neither did he have any reaction which could have made me feel like he was judging me.

It was like he had always been there; he did not force the conversation with me, but he did not mind me either. We chatted a little, he scrolled on his phone...

I think, aside from his body, his confidence was one of the things which impressed me the most about Samuel.

I was nervous in social situations, I tended to overthink everything. I did not know how to act, how to position myself with others. Samuel did not ask himself any of these questions, this was his apartment now, as much as it was mine, and he was simply his casual-self.

Samuel was drifting into sleep on the couch, his hand still freaking stuck in his shorts.

Since his eyes were shut, I could take a better look at him. His hairy thighs, his big feet, - everything was large on that man -, his treasure trail, his abs, and even a part of his bushy pubic hair.

I did look, and stare... I was very close to touching him... Until I thought I was too much of a perv, creeping on my roommate.

"Hey, Sam..." I whispered next to him. "I think you're falling asleep dude; do you want me to turn off the TV?"

He semi-opened his eyes and got his hand out of his shorts.


I caught a glimpse of his cock while he did that. Just for a split second. It would be enough to fuel my fantasies for the night to come.

"Yeah, thanks mate... I'll go in my bed."

He fist-bumped me.

"Good night, Sam." I told him.

"Good night, bro."

It may have been the first time anyone called me that. "Bro" was not really my style.

I ran to my bedroom to jerk off.

I felt bad once I had creamed the sheets but I really could not control myself. My roommate was way too hot.

I promised myself that I would get myself together, that it was the excitement from the first day, but what happened the next morning did not help the situation.

At all.

I woke up in the loosened underwear that I was wearing to sleep. They were forming a large tent, proof that I was still very horny despite the multiple loads I had busted the day before.

I was in my apartment but it felt like I had lost my marks. Everything was different.

I rubbed my eyes and I walked through the living room to get to the bathroom.

I walked in, ready to pull down my underwear and have a leak despite of my morning wood; but then...

"Aaaah!" I gasped, seeing a gorgeous naked man in the bathtub.

[Chapter 2 continues below]

Chapter 2: Way too comfortable (part 2)

"Jeez, you scared me!" Samuel chuckled.

"What... I... You..."

Yes, I had lost the ability to use words and make sentences.

"Relax man, I'm just taking a bath. Looks like you've seen a ghost or something."

His body was for the most part hidden under a light layer of foam but just the fact that I was aware that he was naked, his wet feet hanging at the end of the tub, the sole view of his dirty underwear hanging by the sink in fact, was making me hard.


I was hard... in front of him!

Awkwardly, I hid the big tent in my underwear with my hands.

"You haven't locked the door." I pointed out.

He shrugged his shoulders making some waves in the tub.

"Sorry. I did not know you would be this shocked to see a dude cleaning himself." He rubbed some soaps on his chest as he was talking.

"I... I'm not shocked!"

"I'll grant you that, you seem very happy to see me!" He laughed, looking straight at my bulge.

I became instantly red.

"No... That's not it! I... This has nothing to do with..."

He straightened up in the bath, getting his upper body out of the water, his chest was dripping with soap and hot water.


"Chill, mate. If we're living together, you'll have to learn to take it easy. I know what a morning wood is. You bet that I've got one every time I got out from the freaking bed. And bigger than this one if I do say so myself!"

He was very casual about it so why was I so mortified?

His wet body though... A part of me could not help myself to try to photograph the image mentally so I could wank to it later.

"I'm sorry." I ended-up saying. "I'm used to be living with my sister, we were like... careful around each other."

He was soaping his armpits now.

The layer of foam was slightly evaporating and the water was getting clearer.

"Don't sweat it, man. I can be more careful next time if you're bothered by it. Like, I usually don't give a fuck and wander around my own place naked all day, but I don't want to make you feel uncomfortable."

"Oh no! I'm not uncomfortable! Please do it like you're used to!"

I almost shouted, panicking at the idea that I may have discouraged my new roommate from showing himself off... nude... inside the apartment! Please do!

I might have been too expressive though.

Once again, he did not seem to mind, he got his feet out of the water fully and extended his arm to wash and massage them.

I could see his cock getting closer to the water level. It looked very big. He could not be entirely soft, I thought.

"Since you're gay, I thought, of all people, you would be very chill with nudity. I hear that queers fuck like rabbits!" He commented.

Okay, so now we were really having a conversation while he was soaping every inch of his naked body in the bath.

I tried to clear my head to have a normal discussion.

"You have other clichés like this on gay men?"

"You're not upset, I hope? I was just saying..."

"I'm not upset... I'm curious, actually. Have you been around gay people a lot?"

"No, not really. Well, I have some gay followers on my Insta, those dudes are the most dedicated to like and comment my pictures. And I mean, maybe there might be gay guys at the gym that I don't know about, sometimes you cannot tell."

He made me smile.

He was somewhat really innocent and naïve despite exuding so much sexual energy.

"True. Would you have been able to tell with me?"

He thought about it for a few seconds.

"When I would have seen a guy getting out of your room walking funny, I might have guessed!"

He was now fondling with his cock under the water. He was certainly simply washing it but it did look like something else.

"I'm mostly a bottom actually. I'm the one who ends up walking funny usually." I heard me say.

I could not believe that I had been so upfront about this. I was not even that blunt with my friends.

"Wow. You take it in the ass? That's crazy, bro! I wonder what it feels like."

He seemed more impressed than judgmental. Somehow, he also sounded curious.

"Not that often. I'm not very good at dating."

"Nah, don't say that! You're with a pro here, I'll teach you all of my tricks if you want."

As he said that, Samuel stood up in the tub.

If I was flustered before, now I was completely hypnotized.

His wet, hairy and muscular body emerging from the water was everything I had been dreaming of... and more.

His heavy flaccid dick bounced against his thigh as his massive balls were hanging very low.

I would have given anything to have this cock in my mouth.

He was uncut, the water was dripping from his foreskin and it almost seemed like he was pissing as he was standing up.

Normally, he was a few inches taller than me, but because he was in a tub, he looked like he was a head above mine.

He grabbed the shower head to rinse himself. It was like a gogo-dancer doing a show at a strip-club, except way hotter because it was all genuine and real. Also, my roommate was hotter than any stripper that I knew of.

I had no idea whether Samuel understood the effect that he had on me or if he noticed my cock throbbing in my underwear.

I had totally forgotten about the conversation we were having but I thought I should say something to justify that I was still standing there, looking at him.

"Your body is incredible." I blurted out.

"You think so?" He asked, spitting out some water out of his mouth at the same time. "I think I still have to work on my back and shoulders."

He turned around.

He was showing me his upper back but I was only looking at his hairy ass, looking tastier than ever when it was drenched.

A white foam was sliding inside his inviting crack.

"Come on, you know that your body looks perfect..." I said, genuinely.

"Oh really? It's tough when you work in a gym, you compare yourself to others."

He was facing me again and he aimed the water coming from the shower head to his abs and then, his v-lines.

"Your v-lines are insane." I commented, mesmerized.

He smiled.

"I am happy with those, yeah." He traced the line from his abs to his groin with his index. "I've worked a lot to make them very long and defined, girls always tell me they love it. I guess it works also for gay guys."

I blushed again.

"I just meant... I mean.... Your muscle structure is impressive..."

In the next couple of minutes, Samuel turned off the water and proceeded to show me every muscle of his in crazy details.

The large and veiny biceps which he flexed all the damn time; His pecs that he wanted to grow a little more although he admitted he had "bigger cups than some of the girls he was banging"; His abs and v-lines on which, as mentioned, he was working a lot; His thighs, down to his back, and even his glutes that he flexed for quite a long time.

In the end, the only muscle we did not inspect thoroughly was the big bone hanging between his legs, although it was definitely part of the show.

It was not like Samuel was covering his junks when he was flexing. On the contrary, he was all out.

Proud and cocky!

I pretended to have questions on the exercises he was doing to reach this kind of results, I asked advice on what to eat and when, but really, my mind was set on automatic, I was just trying to make this moment last longer.

It sort of backfired on me as once he was drying himself and then fully wrapped himself in his towel.

Samuel could not shut up about his fitness program and insisted that we went to the kitchen so he could show me what was the purpose of each protein powder he was religiously ingested on a daily basis.

I was there for the body watching, not the damn nutriments lessons.

"I'm all natural, no weird chemicals in these which shrinks your balls or gives you cancer." He stated proudly.

I was glad... Both for his health, and for the size of his balls!

He dropped the towel before getting into his bedroom to put on his notorious fitness compression shorts. Once again, they looked outrageous.

"I'm training a babe this morning; I hope this will be fun." He winked at me.

"She'll certainly enjoy all your assets."

He looked down at own his bulge and laughed.

"Yeah, those are a bit showy... But eh... When you got, flaunt it, right?"


He slapped my ass.

"See you later, roomie!"

"See you later..." I said as he was already gone.

That man was breathtaking.

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