Naked And Comparing With Best Friend


Admired Member
Platinum Gold
Sep 22, 2019
69% Gay, 31% Straight
Hi all.
Bit of back story. So the last few years I've been dealing with depression, anxiety etc. I'm on antidepressants and going for counselling.I've been having some insecurities about my body recently at the age of 31. I'm overweight, a very private person and not very confident.
My best friend is 28. We've known each other since I was 14/15 and he's like a brother to me. He's living abroad with a pretty big time difference but still somehow finds the time to have a chat with me pretty regularly if I'm feeling down or need to ask him questions or confide in him with something I'm having an issue with. He's stopped me from making some pretty massive mistakes and ill never be able to repay him. We lived together in college for 2 years, we've been on holidays together, gotten changed around each other in locker rooms, showered together etc, public and private gym or pool facilities. Despite my being slightly older than highest, I've always admired his courage, charisma and comfort with his looks and his body. He's straight and I'm gay, not that it should matter really. He was actually the first person I came out to. I've had my doubts in the past if he was homophobic or not. But he assures me he isn't. So I just assume its my anxiety.

Main story:
Recently I've been feeling really bad and insecure about my body, weight, physical features and whatnot. I've been googling and researching ways to help be more confident in my body. I know I need to loose weight etc. But I've other issues aside from this. I came across this video.

Basically some best friends who have never seen each other naked, strip off, turn around and compare bodies. Theres a few videos on it, between males and males and females and females and some posts about it on different forums where people have hung out with friends naked and its normal and compared and its made them closer and feel more confident in their bodies which is cool. Considering how we've seen each other naked before in changing rooms etc., I didn't think it'd be an issue.

Given how close we are and we've always been able to talk about this stuff in the past, I asked my friend if he'd be willing to try this whenever he got back and we were able to chat in private. We were on video call and he became very nervous and smiling awkwardly. I told him prior I wanted to ask him something private and would he be okay with talking about it so it wasn't like I didn't pre prepare him for an awkward conversation. He said he'd have to think about it. He'd be open to looking into it and thinking about it but can't promise he'd be comfortable with it. I respect that decision. He explained that he'd never thought about it before and if any of the other lads he would be good friends with asked him the same thing In, he'd be thing "why?" also. In the past however, we've been around each other where he has said something about his penis before. Like he had a worry about it or something funny about it, 2 or 3 times in the past and I'd say whip it out then and he'd do it. We chatted about what he said after I had a look and after that subject had ended, we'd carry on as normal. I didn't think it was awkward or there was any change in our friendship after any of those instances.

However, I'm now wondering what has happened in our friendship since then, to say it's all of a sudden an awkward topic? This is making me even more anxious and wondering if I've done something wrong to say he's now having to think about something that was not an issue before.
He knows whatever we talk about is taboo in general and that id never betray his confidence.

Has anyone ever done this experiment of being naked with a best friend and comparing features and complementing each other? I'd like to know your take on it. Was there any negatives? Positives? What was the atmosphere before, during and after?

Thanks for reading!
Hey Porknbeans,

I think “preparing him for an awkward conversation” was the problem. He got his walls up.It would have been better to wait till you guys were together to throw it around in a more casual way.

That’s what happened. Don´t think it is a reflection of a “changed” friendship. Overthinking and anxiousness gets the best of us when we have straight friendships. Been there.

I have compared a couple of times with friends and coworkers with very good results but that’s because our friendship got there naturally. I would have never tried to get to that level with a coworker on my own. Sometimes opportunities for intimacy are there and if the curiosity is mutual you get there. If not, no problem. Some people are just not comfortable naked in front of others, no matter how close to you they are. It is not really about you.

In those cases where I have reached that level of intimacy it made us closer, but everyone is different. If you are way bigger than the other guy he might get resentful. Anything could happen.

Loving your body is hard, there is just so much we can do to change it. Learn what is healthy for you and try to stay that way. Your health, mental and physical is what matters the most.
I had a very cathartic moment with one of my best friends years ago, the only time we visited a nude beach together. A little history...when we first met, I was interested in him, but it wasn't reciprocal and we ended up becoming great friends, although I still had a little bit of a crush on him. He was generally as immodest as me, so we had already been naked in front of each other many times in shared hotel rooms, gym showers, etc., so the nudity itself wasn't new. The night before we went, we ended up talking about how much we each like being naked in front of other guys. I confessed that I sometimes the excitement of it gets to me and I have to turn over, but that after I'm there for a while, it tends to settle down.

At the beach, as expected, I had to spend a bit of time on my stomach at the beginning until things settled down, but then managed to keep it under control for a long stretch on my back. Out of the blue, my friend mentioned that I seemed to be keeping my dick under control. I joked that if he talked about it, it wouldn't stay under control much longer, which was true as it was starting to get a bit of a semi. He then noted that he has the opposite problem...that although he likes being seen, he feels a bit of performance anxiety and gets shrinkage, which did appear to be happening. I had seen his dick enough to know that his usual flaccid size was a bit bigger. We talked about the irony of the of us getting too much blood and the other not getting enough.

The next thing he said really put my situation to the challenge...he commented that he had always thought that our dicks were the same about the same size, a bit smaller than average, to which I agreed. While he had seen me naked many times, and therefore had seen my penis, it was an intense moment to have him verbalize that he had looked at it enough to have a lasting impression of it and a comparison of it against his own. It was an affirmation that while we're naked, it's ok to look at each others' penises and to talk about them.

The conversation got me pretty hard, but rather than turn over, I showed him a technique that I sometimes use. I hang a bit to the right, so if I put my knees up, I can block it from popping all the way up with my right inner thigh. This technique hides it from most angles, particularly if both knees are up. I only put my right knee up, though, so that my dick was still fully visible to him, on my left. Since his penis was still showing in the state that makes him vulnerable, it only seemed only fair that I leave mine visible to him in my vulnerable situation. It was a very intimate and cathartic experience and I'm glad that we shared it.