Need Dysphoria?

Let's see, nope. My dysphoria is so minimal as to barely exist and in no way would require transitioning to live a happy life. Am I happier with boobs and all the rest though? Absolutely.

On the other hand if we reverse your question and ask "Do people suffering from gender dysphoria need to transition?" I think the answer might well be yes. I hesitate only because I don't suffer with dysphoria but can't see any better avenue for those that do.
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This can be a contentious point but I'm genuinely curious. Do you think a person needs dysphoria to be trans?
Oh no... there are cross-dressers that are a big part of this community's advocacy work and it's outreach to other trans sisters and they are happily married men with wives and they do not share the same dysphoria that the "Classical Transgenders" do .... when I say that I mean the kind of trans women that want to go all the way and have the operation and then live as women with vaginas.
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