Need help with workout


Experimental Member
Oct 3, 2022
50% Straight, 50% Gay
Hi everyone, I'm a 22 yo student and I need some help from you all. My body is quite slim and I would like to change that, get some muscles and have a nice toned figure. I have never really worked out before, so I have no idea where to even start. Would appreciate some tips or recomendations about what to do. Money is tight and my curriculum is a mess so I would ideally like to do most of my exercise at home, if you think thats even possible.
Thanks for the help.

For some reference: I'm approximately 52kg (115lbs) and 170cm (5' 7'').
First 3 pictures are my current condition. The last 2 are the ideal body type I would like to achieve.


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Hey there, you might wanna look into calisthenics. It's basically body weight exercises which you can do at your own pace and convenience. And yeah consistency is the key, working out should be part of your life style if you wanna reach your ideal body. And ofcourse don't forget diet, if you're spending you gotta re-fuel and also build your muscles. Good luck and enjoy the process of transformation, at times you gonna have to seriously motivate yourself esp. for leg day, haha!
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Calisthenics is really good. No need to spend a lot for that. Weightlifting is must if you want to keep the blood flowing to certain muscles. Repeated sets and intervals to relieve muscle stress. Shoulders arms forearms mass, would give u the muscle look u want. Don't focus only on upper body, calves are tougher when trying to bulk up. Sleep, sleep sleep. Eat properly and a lot of protein. But don't give up, if u don't see results instantly. Your body is naturally thin it will be hard to buff things up in a snap. Don't overdo it as too much effort will decrease manly hormones.
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Hey there, you might wanna look into calisthenics. It's basically body weight exercises which you can do at your own pace and convenience. And yeah consistency is the key, working out should be part of your life style if you wanna reach your ideal body. And ofcourse don't forget diet, if you're spending you gotta re-fuel and also build your muscles. Good luck and enjoy the process of transformation, at times you gonna have to seriously motivate yourself esp. for leg day, haha!
thank you
Calisthenics is really good. No need to spend a lot for that. Weightlifting is must if you want to keep the blood flowing to certain muscles. Repeated sets and intervals to relieve muscle stress. Shoulders arms forearms mass, would give u the muscle look u want. Don't focus only on upper body, calves are tougher when trying to bulk up. Sleep, sleep sleep. Eat properly and a lot of protein. But don't give up, if u don't see results instantly. Your body is naturally thin it will be hard to buff things up in a snap. Don't overdo it as too much effort will decrease manly hormones.
thanks for the advice
Hi everyone, I'm a 22 yo student and I need some help from you all. My body is quite slim and I would like to change that, get some muscles and have a nice toned figure. I have never really worked out before, so I have no idea where to even start. Would appreciate some tips or recomendations about what to do. Money is tight and my curriculum is a mess so I would ideally like to do most of my exercise at home, if you think thats even possible.
Thanks for the help.

For some reference: I'm approximately 52kg (115lbs) and 170cm (5' 7'').
First 3 pictures are my current condition. The last 2 are the ideal body type I would like to achieve.
First, wanting to look like that guy is not a healthy choice nor do I think it's realistic. The big challenge is putting on muscle while taking off fat at the same time and that's damn near impossible without drugs. My suggestion would be to find a new body ideal but if you want a better body I'd say that 80% of it is diet. My biggest suggestion is to avoid empty calories like soda and alcohol but beyond that you need to figure out how your body responds to different foods.

As far as lifting, I'd suggest leaving your ego at the door and avoid heavy weights or you'll pay for it down the road. Only work a body part once a week. I like doing 5 sets per body part and 10 reps per set with slow, strict movements. At my peak, I was benching over 300 drug free and my body is paying for it. Make sure to do 30 to 40 minutes of cardio at least 3 to 4 days a week.

Guys with abs like that are miserable. That is starvation level with a meticulous diet. You're young, just live your life and avoid getting in the trap of trying to look perfect. Better to look fine and live well than look freaky and be miserable. That look can also shorten your life.

Good luck in training
This is what I look like when I'm being careful with my diet. This is entirely drug free and you can see my abs are very faint. Some people cannot get sharp abs without insane dieting and/or drugs. I would have also had to drop a ton of muscle to really get those abs showing.


The last 2 are the ideal body type I would like to achieve.
One last thing, it's entirely possible that that model achieved that look specifically for that photo shoot. When those pics were taken he may have been nearly depleted of water and close to passing out. Do not try to achieve that and think you can have that look 24/7. It is unachievable and you'll kill yourself in the attempt.
Hey, when I was 14-25 I was ripped.

I went in summer by bike to the lake at least 3/Week for swimming and at home I would do 2 basic exercises. Pushups and squats. That's free!
Then I would eat a big breakfast of Eggs and Toast.

Potatoes keep you full for a long time and you can get them cheap and precook them for 3days.
Couscous is also very easy portion. And if you need cheap protein, Peas!
If you really want to improve your nutritional income, use an App for counting Calories.
Find 2-3 meals you can prepare easily, where you know how many Calories you will be consuming every day.

I hate the gym, so I prefer to do sport at home: Like running on the spot, weight lifting or going jogging and swimming outside. Or for a bike-ride.

I find a good mixture of eating plenty, doing different kinds of sport, will get me toned in no time.

And most important. HAVE FUN and do your Sport regulary (every second day)
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I am a bit older than you (33), but I've always had a body type like yours. When I was 22, those pictures you posted could have been me. I decided this year that I wanted to stop being so skinny and wanted to put on some muscle.

The most important thing is diet. I went to see a nutritionist (I understand you may not be able to afford that) and he said I was SEVERELY under-eating even though I wasn't "hungry" most of the time. I had to significantly increase my calorie intake before anything would have happened at the gym. Protein shakes, eggs, chicken, etc. Don't eat empty calories, but you simply have to increase your calories if you want to see any sort of results. He has me eating 150-200g of protein per day, which is hard but doable with the right foods.

The second thing, obviously, is working out. Going to the gym was always a chore for me because I thought I didn't know what to do and I would look "dumb" compared to the other people there. I did a ton of research and found a very basic plan that worked one or two body groups a day. 5 exercises, 4 sets of each. Do the plan once a week and don't overcomplicate it. I know you said money was tight, but even the most basic no-frills gym that has free weights, bench press, etc. will be beneficial to you. It would be hard to do this fully at home.

I've now been going to the gym for about 8 months. Do I look like the people in your last 2 photos? Absolutely not, but I've noticed significant results and people have started to notice and comment - it feels good. I also have enjoyed the process immensely and now going to the gym is my favorite activity of the day.

The bottom line is don't make it overcomplicated because you'll find it hard to stick with it, be consistent, and EAT.
I know it's difficult when you aspire to a particular body shape and image, BUT... don't go to extremes trying to achieve it, if you have limits accept them, and don't beat yourself up if you don't end up reaching some ideal form that may not even be achievable for you (an important element in training being the genetic lucky dip.)

As previous posters have already described, when you see these incredible ripped models their physique is often the product of spending excessive amounts of time in the gym, subjecting themselves to extreme diets (in particular, trying to get your body fat percentage down very low just isn't healthy,) and will in some cases be down to their helping matters along with steroids and other drugs. None of this is worth it. It's self-harm. Beyond that, I, for example, would like to achieve a more muscular build, but no amount of weight training and healthy eating produces that physical transformation: I'm plugging away gamely, but my weights are only going up at a glacial pace and I'm barely getting any bigger. That's just my determination running into the brick wall of my body type (compare and contrast with my mate at work who looks like he's filling out almost in real time,) and there's no sense in crying over it. It is what it is.

I guess what I'm trying to say is just: eat healthily, don't over train, work hard for what you want, but if you don't reach some (possibly unobtainable) peak of physical perfection then don't let it get you down. The important thing in life is to have a fit, functional body that lets you enjoy doing stuff and improves your chance of having a long and active life. You don't need to strip like a swimwear model to have all of that.
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I follow this guy’s hiit sessions and they’re awesome. Definitely got results. 30mins a day and you’re done. Give it a shot and post some update pics.
like others have said, diet is a big part of it too, but get onto the hiit.
I agree with most comments above. In particular, with respect to diet, make sure you're getting sufficient protein and calories. Try not to eat simple carbohydrates (bread, chips, pastries, etc.), and stay away from excessive alcohol. Make sure to keep protein in your system throughout the day (every meal) - maybe eggs in the morning, chicken or fish at other meals. Your muscles will need it as they are growing. With respect to exercise, whichever regimen you choose, consistency is the key. If you're hitting it hard (both diet and exercise) you should begin to see results quickly - in about three weeks or so.
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