New Measurement


Experimental Member
Dec 23, 2005
I'm sure a lot of you don't give a f*ck or don't think it's a big deal...which is fine, just ignore this post cuz it includes a bit of "bragging" but I had a biigg ego boost last yesterday i was a pretty horny boy...jerked off 3x's...once in the morning, afternoon, then a lot later that night (at about 3am). For my last session, I went all out- got out the vaseline and saw a ruler lyin around so decided to put myself to the test since I haven't measured in a good while. Last time I measured I was 7in long (dunno circumference). So I worked myself up to a rock-hard erection, grabbed the ruler, and *gasp* 7.8-7.9 inches, pretty much 8! I couldn't believe it...good ego boost for me...I might not be enormous but to me, 8 inches is pretty damn big. And no, I haven't really been doing any exercises (I stretch it occasionally) but no pills no nothin, just me growing. Ahhh I'm happy lol, feel free to comment (or flame, meh).
'Snot unusual to gain some length at your age. I just hope you didn't bruise yourself pushing that ruler against the pubes. (heh heh)
lol ...i'm 19 though, so I figured that if i were done growing tall, then my penis would be done too, but i'm glad it's apparently not
Congratulations!!!!! I don't think it's "bragging" at all. You should be proud, espeically when it's unexpected. I grew after I was 18 and was tickled. Just keep us posted on how much you keep growing. Way to go man.
Pecker is right, once again, most guys dont fully mature until mid to late 20's.
I believe I read somewhere 25-27 is where your at your sexual peak.

Just remember that the length-in-dick doesn't make the man.

The best thing that ever happened to me was one time I was measuring but kind of haphazardly...I flipped the ruler over by accident...I thought it said 5". I was thinking to myself...goddamn that's a bummer I shrunk (I was ~6 last time I measured) I laughed to myself and held my hard cock and measured properly...I was thrilled to see I had hit 7"! That was one of those "my cock turns me on" masturbations haha
Rikter8 said:
Pecker is right, once again, most guys dont fully mature until mid to late 20's.
I believe I read somewhere 25-27 is where your at your sexual peak.

Just remember that the length-in-dick doesn't make the man.


Men actually hit their sexual peak around 18. Women don't hit theirs until around 40.
bigdude said:
I'm sure a lot of you don't give a f*ck or don't think it's a big deal...which is fine, just ignore this post cuz it includes a bit of "bragging" but I had a biigg ego boost last yesterday i was a pretty horny boy...jerked off 3x's...once in the morning, afternoon, then a lot later that night (at about 3am). For my last session, I went all out- got out the vaseline and saw a ruler lyin around so decided to put myself to the test since I haven't measured in a good while. Last time I measured I was 7in long (dunno circumference). So I worked myself up to a rock-hard erection, grabbed the ruler, and *gasp* 7.8-7.9 inches, pretty much 8! I couldn't believe it...good ego boost for me...I might not be enormous but to me, 8 inches is pretty damn big. And no, I haven't really been doing any exercises (I stretch it occasionally) but no pills no nothin, just me growing. Ahhh I'm happy lol, feel free to comment (or flame, meh).
For some reason, you bug me a lot less than most people do when they post stuff like this. I'm gonna let this one slide because you seem cool, but don't let it happen again or I'm going to order my collection of shaved, winged monkeys to throw poo at you.
spadle- regardless of whether or not you were joking in your reply, here's an idea- just avoid my posts regardless. Not because they might bug or offend you, but because I simply don't like you and feel as though it's a waste of my time to read, a waste of space, and a waste of time for you to type...that is all
I still enjoy my measurements. I have no problem with measuring. There are times, however, when I do not measure up!!!

As the originator of this topic pointed out: Sometimes it is possible to achieve magnificant status. Sometimes the drive is not there.

It is always fun to measure when I think I have achieved a new milestone.

You can see that I remain quite constant in my measurements and it is not bragging. If I wanted to brag I would break out my Photoshop program and do some penis section cloning. :biggrin1:
bigdude said:
spadle- regardless of whether or not you were joking in your reply, here's an idea- just avoid my posts regardless. Not because they might bug or offend you, but because I simply don't like you and feel as though it's a waste of my time to read, a waste of space, and a waste of time for you to type...that is all
Want me to put you on my ignore list? I'm sorry you don't like me. Why don't you just put me on your ignore list?