New Year's Eve encounter


Legendary Member
Nov 27, 2010
So it's been many years, but I had a dream about this guy the other night, and this is preying on my mind. I wanted to share this story just to see if something similar has happened to others. Here we go, kind of long, so I'll break it up.

New Year's Eve 1989

I spent the last night of 1988 bar hopping with my friend Dan and we got invited to a house party.
It was a huge apartment on the third floor, I didn't know these people and hadn't been there before.
The party was very mixed, straight and gay, but the music and vibe in the room was really welcoming and positive. A few people I knew from the bars were there, and we had fun mingling and dancing. About an hour after midnight in walked three guys, all early 20's, on the prowl. Two of them were styled quintessential 1980's, their hair shellac'd into place with copious amounts of mousse and AquaNet, their clothes were bright, flashy and trendy, and they both had on guyliner and earrings. They were both male model handsome, but their looks were obviously pretty high maintenance. These two made a quick beeline for the hottest girls at the party and began flirting.

The third guy, quite the contrast to his friends, was effortlessly gorgeous. The way he looked, the way he was dressed, he literally could have stepped out of any of the previous three decades and fit right in, he had a classic simplicity. Black leather jacket, maroon sweater with a white teeshirt underneath, basic Levi's jeans (not the acid-washed kind) and high-top white sneakers. He had medium length brown/black hair without a touch of product in it, just wash and go, stunning blue bedroom eyes, full lips and he had a day or two of stubble growth. He looked like going out on New Year's Eve was an afterthought, and probably spent all of two minutes getting ready. Couldn't be bothered
to even shave. His friends looked like they had primped for hours. He seemed more shy than his gregarious buddies, so he found himself a beer and parked his butt on a couch. It didn't take long before the sharks started circling. Within a minute some blonde girl sat next to him and they began talking. Oh well. A brunette girl sat opposite him and was also vying for his attention. Then a very flamboyant gay guy stood behind the couch and tried playing with his hair, but he got shot down with just a serious glance, no words necessary. It was then that I just assumed he was as straight as his friends.
My friend Dan was very promiscuous, a trick or two or three a day. Yes, a total slut. I was the exact opposite. At that point I'd had a total of three sexual encounters, but that was just a normal day in the life of Dan. Dan is native American, dark features, close cropped hair, over six foot, nice dresser, incredibly confident. At that time I had short spiky bleached blonde hair, dressed mostly in black, and hid in a large trench coat.

So Dan came over, and he asked me, "Who do you think is the hottest guy in this room?" I instantly motioned towards black leather jacket guy. "Then that's the one I'm going to fuck tonight." I said, "Yeah, good luck, he's only been talking to no one but girls since he's been here." That didn't matter one iota to him. Dan was the kind of guy who could talk you out of all your clothes in under two minutes, and I didn't doubt for one moment that if anyone in this room could have that guy sexually, even if he was straight, Dan was the man. I remarked that I had never even seen this guy once before in the bars, because I certainly would have noticed him, and Dan, the barfly king, agreed with me. Fresh meat.

Here comes fate. Both of black leather jacket guy's friends quickly found New Year's hookups and told him they wanted to leave, and it turned out Dan knew one of his friends, so Dan offered to give him a ride home. Oh sure. So Dan started talking to black leather jacket guy, whose name was Jake, and it turns out they had a few more friends in common. Dan introduced me, and Jake said hello, but he quickly glanced at me, looked away, and went back to talking with Dan.

Soon it was time to leave, and we got into Dan's Cadillac, he always drove large expensive cars. Jake rode shotgun and I got in the back seat. Always direct, Dan asked Jake bluntly, "So, you gay, bi or straight?" Jake, very drunk at this point, adorably didn't verbally answer and just grinned and shrugged his shoulders. At the next stoplight, Dan grabbed the back of Jake's jacket, pulled him in and began kissing him. Jake was taken completely by surprise, and seemed to resist for a quick moment, but then just let it happen. What's crazy is that during the kiss he opened his eyes and he looked right at me. We locked eyes for a few seconds. The light turned green, Dan took a hard left and Jake gently fell against the passenger door. He then looked over the seat, directly at me, and slightly pursed his lips to blow me a kiss. I just melted. Dan began to fondle Jake's crotch.
So Jake asks, "Can you pull over, please? I really have to piss." Dan tells him, "Get out, step away from the car, turn around and face us so we can watch you piss." Jake looked surprised, then giggled and agreed. Dan pulled between two buildings, Jake got out, took a few steps and started fumbling with his fly. "NO, FACE US!", yelled Dan. Jake began his stream facing away from us but slowly turned around, putting on a show. What a beautiful dick. Dan smiled at me and said, "Let's see what else we can get him to do."

Jake finished and shook several times to give us a good look, then Daniel said, "Keep your dick out and get back in the car." Shockingly, instead of opening the passenger door, Jake opened the backseat door, pushed me down on the seat, sat on top of me, grabbed my hand and pulled it towards his crotch. He pulled me close and whispered, "You're the one I wanted tonight, I thought you were the hottest guy at the party but couldn't talk to you." You could have knocked me over with a feather. Trust me, buddy, this feeling is beyond mutual. We started kissing and his soft lips were heavenly, this boy knew how to kiss. Since it was out, I sat up and took a few bobs on his instantly erect knob. Oh, tonight his load would be MINE.

Dan put his arm across the back of the front seat to get a better view and smiled at me, knowing full damn well I needed this much more than he did, and I asked Jake if we could go back to his place. Jake said no. Dan still lived at home and I had a room mate in a one bedroom apartment, so I begged Daniel if we could go get a hotel room. We went to two places close by but because it being New Year's they were 100% full. Dammit! We agreed to go back to my apartment, and I prayed that my room mate, Dave, had gotten lucky and was not home. We pulled up and the lights were on and my heart sank. Looks like Dan and I would have to share Jake with Dave. Dave and I had only been living together for a few months and we had been intimate, but we were not a couple. For all of Dan's parousing, he and I had never done anything sexually together, but he and Dave had had flings.
Jake stuffed his hardon back into his jeans, and we stumbled up the stairs to my third floor apartment. Dave had been watching TV but when he saw what Dan and I were carrying into the room he said, "Oh, what have you brought me?" Jake sat on the edge of the bed and Daniel took off Jake's sneakers and socks. We asked if he was okay with what was happening and he looked right at me and said, "Oh yeah, he's here, I'm good." So Jake laid down, threw his arms over his head, but his legs were over the edge of the bed. In unison, above him Dave grabbed his sweater and teeshirt at the waist, and Dan undid his jeans, grabbed them and thumbed his tighty whities. In one quick move, Dave pulled up and Dan pulled down and instantly Jake went from fully dressed to fully nude. "Oh wow, I am naked!", he exclaimed, "Happy New Year to me!" The hottest guy at the party, in my bed, Happy New Year to ME!

Jake was perfectly hairy. Full pits, some oh his chest, thicker as you went further south. I began to caress him and I have never felt body hair softer than his, it was like a fur, and a lighter brown than his hair. I buried my face in his pit and he said it tickled and giggled. He smelled so good. I moved to his nipple and began to suck. Dave did the same on the opposite side. Dan began his expert skills sucking him off. Very quickly he said, "STOP, or I'm going to cum! I've never had three mouths on me at the same time! It's fucking intense!"

Dan asked if he could fuck him and poor Jake looked like a deer in the headlights, "Uhhh, NO, I've never and I don't want to try that." Okay. Dave asked if he could sit on his dick. "Uhh, NO, I've never fucked a guy and I don't want to try that." Okay. Dan let Dave take over on dick duty and Dan started sucking Jake's toes which sent him into orbit. "Oh wow, no one's ever done that to me before!" I was happy and content working on Jake's nips, pits and navel. Finally I got my turn and went down on him again, barely fitting both his balls in my mouth. Lifting his sack, I worked over his taint and dove for Jake's hole. He squirmed with delight. "Ever had this?", I asked and shoved my tongue in, and he whimpered, "Nooooooo!" I teased him with my fingers but he objected to having them inserted. Okay. Virgin hole stays virgin.
So that night I did nothing to Dan. Dan did nothing to Dave. Dave did nothing to Dan or I. We all just worshiped Jake for an hour. Our buffet, all you can eat. Jake did suck all three of our dicks for a little bit though. When Jake finally exclaimed, "Please, I wanna cum so bad!", he started jerking his dick in my direction. Fucking Dave grabbed it out of his hand at the last second right when Jake started to shoot and Dave swallowed his load. Jake looked at me with an expression that said, "Sorry, I wanted you to have it." Dave gave me a smug look that said, "My apartment, my load." Bitch.

Spent, Jake collapsed on the bed. Dan had been jerking and came into a tissue. Dave jerked off and came across Jake's chest, making a huge mess to which Jake seemed pretty disgusted over. I went to the bathroom and returned with a face cloth to clean him up. Jake asked me if I was going to cum, but I told him I was going to have many, many orgasms thinking about this night.

Dan got dressed and asked Jake if he wanted that ride home but Jake asked if he could crash here. Dan looked disappointed but he left, and I'm sure he went right to the nearest rest area and found some more New Year's action. Thankfully Dave slept like a log and was out very quickly. Jake crawled between us, put his arm around me, we snuggled and he asked if we could kiss for awhile. Uh, YEAH. That's fine. We did. I ran my hands through his hair and he did the same. He whispered to me, "I want to get you off." I suggested we 69. He climbed around, and I was amazed he was rock hard again. It didn't take long before we both reached orgasm, me first and then him. He pulled me up and we kissed and swapped loads. "THAT'S what I wanted all night. Just that. You have nice friends though."
We fell asleep for just a couple of hours. Thankfully Dave had to work that day so when Jake and I awoke he was gone. Round two, or it it three? Yes. Then we showered together and Jake confessed that this was his first ever gay experience, which really blew my mind, but I completely believed after talking with him. He'd always wanted to try but never dared. He asked if I was out to my family and I replied I was, and he sadly told me that was something that would probably never happen with him. I took him for breakfast and we had an amazingly long intense conversation, the first of which I had hoped would continue forever. I'd found him, the guy I wanted, the guy who wanted me back, the one who I could love and build a life with together. Not even asking for it, he gave me his phone number and I gave him mine. I asked if I could give him a ride home and he said he lived close enough to walk. Outside the restaurant he said, "I want to kiss you goodbye, but I can't do that in public. Yet." I hugged him and watched him walk away until he was out of sight.

You know the rule, so I played it cool, you just don't call someone the very next day. I waited until January 3rd. A very gruff older female voice answered the phone, "WHO IS THIS?" I was discreet and told her I was a friend who met Jake on New Year's. "HE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE!", and she hung up. I blinked and was going to quickly call back but I waited until the next day. "IS THIS THE GUY WHO CALLED YESTERDAY? I TOLD YOU HE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANYMORE!", and I asked, "Yes, but please, is this his mom? Do you have a new number or an address for him?" "NONE OF YOUR GODDAMN BUSINESS! NO, I DO NOT! DO NOT CALL HERE AGAIN!"
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To say I was crushed was an understatement. I was devastated. I bugged Dan to ask his mutual friends about Jake, but all his contacts and mutuals came up empty. Some of them had the same phone number Jake had given me, but didn't have his address. I encountered one of the guys he came to the party with but he said he hardly knew Jake at all. He had forgotten how Jake wound up going to the party with his other friend.

Well, Jake knew my address and maybe he'd come see me again. I taped a note to the apartment front door that said JAKE on it, just in case he ever stopped by, but I later found out Dave kept throwing it away. As I mentioned, I never saw Jake in the bars, but no matter where I went I looked for his face in every crowd. I moved out of Dave's apartment within two weeks, and that ended very badly. On New Year's Eve 1990 I went to the same building for the same party as the previous year, but Jake never showed. I remember going home crying. Later that summer I moved across the country. Every New Year's Eve since I still think of Jake, and what might have happened, how different my life might have been. For both of us.

Where ever you are, Jake, if you're still with us, I hope you're healthy and happy, and I hope you found love and have had a wonderful life. Luck like that never ever happened to me again, but I'm not sad or bitter. There are much worse things than being alone. I do still pine for you, though. Every day.

Thank you if you read this whole thing.
I tried to make a Jake in AI and this is as close as I can get.
