Night wankers of LPSG, What hour of the night are you most likely to cum?

Night wankers of LPSG, What hour of the night are you most likely to cum?

  • 8pm to 10pm

    Votes: 7 19.4%
  • 10pm to 12am

    Votes: 13 36.1%
  • 12am to 2am

    Votes: 12 33.3%
  • 2am to 4am

    Votes: 4 11.1%

  • Total voters
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Mostly at sleeptime, past 12am my body knows it's jerktime and I get horny in a second, there has been however times where I've had such a horny dream and woke up like at 4am and had to jerk it in order to fall asleep again
Mostly at sleeptime, past 12am my body knows it's jerktime and I get horny in a second, there has been however times where I've had such a horny dream and woke up like at 4am and had to jerk it in order to fall asleep again
what's your night streak count? What's the most amount of nights do you think you have jacked it consecutively?
what's your night streak count? What's the most amount of nights do you think you have jacked it consecutively?
I think there was a time where I almost went for the full month with once a night hahaha
When I was younger and lived at my parents I was a night wanker cause it was the only moment I had privacy to do it. Now that I have my own place I love doing it in the middle of the day when I have time (that is, when I'm not working).
Usually I do it when I come back from work around 6p.m or later at 8p.m.
Sometimes I get horny again when I go to bed and have to rub one out before sleep.
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