Nipple Pumping Questions


Sexy Member
Feb 13, 2016
100% Gay, 0% Straight
Hi guys, so I love pumping my nipples. Wanted to get that extruded nipple look but hasn't been too successful. So what are some tips and tricks you guys use to achieve that look? how long does it take?

Also to nipple pumpping enthusiasts, when you have the nipple sucker on for too long, does liquid come out of your nips? with like jello like texture. I stopped pumpping when I noticed a little bit of blood. is it normal? lol
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Are you using a vacuum pump or snake bite kite. Haven’t pumped my nips in a long time (husband’s not interested) but I used to have 2 huge bad boys. It took about 2 years before they got obscenely large but you should start seeing progress in a few months. The “secret” is slow and steady work. Even before your nips start growing they will become more sensitive. Playing with them-or having some stretch them-helps too.

Are you using lube before you pump? Def helps makes a better seals. I used Albolene. I never had liquid come out but sometimes the Albolene congealed and maybe looked like Jello. If you’re bleeding you’re going too fast. Again, slow and steady. Your nips will probably scab if you’re really bleeding. Let them heal before you try again.

Good luck bro. A set of big sensitive nipples are a lot of fun.

I’ve just started nipple suctioning! I’ve got the screw ones! I put Vaseline on before and after! I wish I could also make the flat circle bit of my nipple wider too!

I love having my nipples played with!

Thank you for the above posts I found them really really helpful and encouraging when I was about to give up! So thank you!
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