Not Good Enough



Hi Everyone,

Serious topic. After some self reflection, I'm realizing that I tie a lot of my self esteem to my penis size and sexual performance. I've had an ex who was emotionally abusive and laid a lot of our relationship problems on the fact that she didn't enjoy sex with me and she couldn't get off from penetration. She also said that I didn't last long enough. She refused to be eaten out or stimulated any other way. We've since broken up and this was many many years ago.

Since then, I've been really self conscious especially with porn, media, and several loud mouthed women who feel the need to say that any man with less than 10 inches needs to commit suicide. I'm 8 inches and 5 inches around. I've also trained myself to hold out sexually for as long as humanly possible. I still don't feel good about myself to the point where I have no friends and never feel like my penis is big enough. Does anyone have any advice because I don't know what to do? Thanks!
Dude, seriously. Do you think you are the only guy who went through hell in a relationship ?

Bad abusive relationships, can be just one step shy of living in hell. Only unlike in hell where the Devil has many minions to torture, your devil, could ply her time 100% to making you feel like crap.

If you really tie your self image to your penis, then it was your weakest point and it was used against you by your X, as she knew it was both your strong and weak point. Life goes on , broken hearts heal; and penises smaller than 10 inches can satisfy a woman

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Sorry about your past. Your penis is amazing. Don’t let anyone, female or male make you think or feel any different. Don’t give anyone the time or day that says guys with less then 10 should commit suicide. Most men in the world are less then 10 inches. Don’t let your ex get to you. Your ex is the problem and the one with the problem not you. Your not the problem. Your better then your ex. It’s ok to go talk to a therapist. You may want to find a support group for victims of abuse. Abuse is abuse. Does not matter what form it is. Abuse happens to men and women. Their is no shame in seeking help. Forget about your ex
It was not about your size. 8” is an awesome length. You may be average width but your gal who abused you mentally found something that she could use to attack the core of your psyche. Not wanting to be eaten out was just part of her rejecting you and pushing you away. She was an aberration and you have to move on from her. Try counseling to help you get past the damage she’s down to you
Jesus!! She sounds like a real c*nt! As a gay man, I would *never* turn down a dude packing 8x5! Just saying.