Older men know that after you towel off you have to wait a few minutes before you put your clothes on for your skin to completely air dry. I find if I towel off and immediately put my underwear on, it keeps my balls moist, and can lead to unpleasantness and odor - all of which can be avoided by just making sure everything is dry beforehand.I have a new understanding for why older men are so comfortable with being nude in the locker room. I was told by an older gent that guys from his generation would think you were "effeminate" if you were shy about being naked. The more I thought about this, the more I realized that this was a not so offensive way of saying someone was a homosexual and back in his day the worst thing a man could be called was gay as it was something that no man wanted to be labeled. Of course we live in a world that is much more accepting of other sexualities that are not heterosexual but still a lot of men who are younger tend to be less likely to be nude in the locker room and sometimes bypass taking a shower after a workout out of fear that someone might take a peek at them. I'm a young man but I'm not shy about nudity as I always shower after my workouts. The amount of time that I would be nude in the locker room is very brief however and I do find that older men spend a much longer time parading around the locker room in the buff as if they would if they were at home.