Obscure Big Dick Pro-Gamer Moves (only available to a certain few)


Loved Member
May 3, 2024
90% Straight, 10% Gay
Hey, these days I've been pondering on how @assf_1077 friends did not believe having a two hander was "a thing".

That got me thinking:

>>> What are some quirks or techniques that are only available to the huge ones that mere mortals can only dream with doing?

Here are some ideas of what I'm referring to:

  • Foreskin play :
    i.e. sticking a finger/tongue and scratching/licking inside of the foreskin. Yeah you just need not to be cut for this one. Not too obscure but rarely seen.

  • The Two Hander :
    apparently, being able to jerk off with both hands along the shaft is not as common as I thought it was, as you need length for that.

  • Helicopter :
    I love this one, just take it out and spin it like crazy. Looks amazing, the movement makes it look like you have a real firehose, and it's also great prank. You definitely need some flaccid length, the more the merrier.

  • Autofellatio a.k.a. Self-suck :
    Let's be honest, it's a combination of having a lengthy cock and sheer flexibility. There are guys out there sucking themselves with not that much of a dick but the truth is that huge ones have it easier!

  • Autocoitus a.k.a. Self-fuck :
    A bit obscure compared to selfsuck but damn you need some real flaccid length too for this one as you need to reach your anus while semi-hard at best.

There's probably a ton of them if you're into body modification that I'm not aware of but I'm gonna leave this video of a hung twink playing with his cock like it's a punching ball. Super specific and sexy :) --> Chaturbate - Red-haired Teen with Monster Cock - GayBoysTube

Also here's let's give an honorable mention to this great thread, Hung Helicopter. :eek:
Hung helicopter

And the original thread of two hander disbelief. :laughing:
Friends don't believe having a two-hander is a thing

This is my first "serious" thread outside of introducing and verification attempt and I don't know if I'm quoting and embedding the links properly. Sorry if it could be better laid out, enjoy.
Another great technique (I can't believe I forgot to add) is the Whiplash,

in which you take your hose and slap your lover's cheeks or buttocks or whatever other meaty zone.

About 15 years ago it was briefly called "Látigo Cepa" in Spanish due to a viral post in the website Asco de Vida (ADV) in which a girl complained his boyfriend yelled that before whipping it right her face. "Látigo cepa" means "Vine whip" and is a reference to Pokemon.
Tying a knot in it... Girth would be your enemy with that trick. Alas, I cannot.

However, I personally, have been known to smash pencils as a bet. I should post a video. :p

Long John Silver was able to tie a knot in one but his was fake and crazily long. I don't really think that's possible? Alas, I haven't investigated that.

You mean breaking a pencil in two with a karate chop? That would be great
Long John Silver was able to tie a knot in one but his was fake and crazily long. I don't really think that's possible? Alas, I haven't investigated that.

You mean breaking a pencil in two with a karate chop? That would be great
Exactly! The girl holds the pencil out and I swing my dick right through it! POW! Smashed!
