Older Men Who Love Younger Men



(I've decided, going forward, to post my major articles as separate threads. This will hopefully give more people the opportunity to participate in the discussion.

You can find a complete bibliography of my essays in "For the love of college boys" thread)

This thread is primarily for older men who love younger men, especially college-aged guys. One thing I want to emphasize is that we should bring into the locker room experience a sense of intense gratitude. After all, these are boys in their late teens who are letting us gawp at their naked bodies! We need to be appropriately discrete, respectful and grateful.

Also, we need to feel what we can bring to the table. What can we offer them? I don’t think I can ever compensate these college guys adequately for the joy I get from seeing them nude. But I read a lot, especially the classics. I’m an avid runner. I am well-versed in many fields of endeavor, from yoga to the history of science to international politics. I can share my knowledge and life-experience with these kids, and I do. I love their hearts and inquisitive young minds as much as I love their fresh masculine beauty. I love their hearts, I love their minds, I love their penises.

I want to share some essays on how college boys react when they become aware of my interest in their physiques, or when they become alert to the fact that I love and value their sexuality.

One thing I want to say is that there are different ways of making love with college boys. I don’t have to physically engage with them to make love with them. I remember once I walked into the campus coffee shop and I saw a tall, gangly blond kid with his friends. They were all freshmen or sophomores. The blond kid looked at me as I walked in and I returned his gaze, and held it. He had beautiful, baby blue eyes. Then when I picked up my order, I turned my head and looked at him and we stared at each other for just a second. I finished my meal and proceeded to read the newspaper. The boy left with his friends, but as he walked past the window, he turned to look at me and we held each other in a brief mutual spell.

We looked at each other just three times, for just a couple seconds each. But compressed in those five or six seconds in total, we had at least an hour of intense, beautiful sex.

(I’d like “bookend” these essays as usual with curios, little mini-essays that detail college guys with unusual or abnormal penises.)

Curio 1

It was after a tennis tournament, and I saw two members of the team disrobing in the locker room. One guy was tall, with dark hair. The other boy was blond, and shorter but more muscular. I saw the tall boy get naked first, but I only saw him from behind. He had a good body, toned and limber. Smooth buttocks. He was looking down at his friend, smiling. He then walked over to the shower with his towel held in front of his genitals but not covering them. I still didn’t get a good view of his privates.

The other boy then stripped to his boxers and started rummaging around in his backpack. I went to my locker to get some water and my notebook. When I looked over, I saw that the blond boy was completely nude. His penis was like a baseball bat! There was a notch in the middle of it and then another hitch right before the head, almost like it was some beautiful segmented creature.

He was getting an exertion boner!

I saw he stood a little bit away from the locker so his penis wouldn’t rub against the door. Finally, he pressed a towel to his groin, and walked to the shower naked, affording me a good view of his glutes in action.


Once, during a wrestling tournament, I walked into the locker room to use the bathroom. Our facility has both communal and stall showers there. I noticed that one of the stall showers was in use. After I took a whiz I noticed the boy was drying off right next to my locker.

We had a nice long talk. His name was Gavin, a well-muscled freshman with a Mediterranean olive complexion. He had a slight yet strong frame, handsome, even features, brown hair and eyes, a somewhat bent nose, a shy smile, good abs. Then he opened and dropped his towel and put one leg up on the bench, vigorously drying himself off.

I don’t know how many matches he won, but this kid had BALLS. He had a good penis too, that hung at an odd angle, but his family jewels stole the show.

He kept his eyes somewhat averted during our discussion, out of deference and respect. He told me he had wrestled all his life, and that he was excited to discover what he could do as a college wrestler (he had had a very illustrious high school career).

Then he did something that took my breath away.

He put on his wrestling socks. It was the first time I had seen up close the kind of socks wrestlers wear, it’s of a very thin material, almost of the fabric of hose.

He put on his socks before his boxers.

This eighteen year old boy was comfortable enough being naked around older adult men that he put on his socks before covering his genitals.

I wanted to cover his chest with grateful kisses.

I realized this boy would probably be dynamite in bed. One of the main requisites for excellent sex is courage. He just showed me he had that.

I wanted to get back to the match, so I held up my fist and he met it with his. We didn’t bump that hard, but the connection still made his testicles shiver.

It was the first time I ever touched a naked college boy while being fully dressed myself.

I love you Gavin.


Curio 2

I was sitting in the sauna while a somewhat stocky wrestler was lying on the opposite bench, fully extended, a crumpled wash cloth covering his manhood and part of his lower abdomen. Then, he shifted his weight and I saw the “washcloth” loll to one side.

Some wash cloth!

It was a beautiful uncut specimen. I usually prefer circumcised penises. An uncut penis is still covered up. Another poster pointed out to me that there’s a kind of total nakedness that comes from a circumcised and fully exposed glans. Cut penises are more vulnerable, more characterful.

But uncut dongs have their place and deserve to be loved and fondled, too.

Thank you for our shared love of college boys.

Omfg, this thread was started by an absolute creep. I think the best way you can "give back" is by not being an absolute predator every time you see a younger man.

It's one thing to admire a nice body. It's another to interpret any interaction with a younger man as an innately sexual encounter. There's no give and take here, just platonic encounters that are getting weirdly twisted.

Dude, these college guys aren't doing anything for you, they're not getting undressed for you, and they're certainly not viewing you in any sexual light. I hate to break the fantasy, but you need to come back to reality here.
Omfg, this thread was started by an absolute creep. I think the best way you can "give back" is by not being an absolute predator every time you see a younger man.

It's one thing to admire a nice body. It's another to interpret any interaction with a younger man as an innately sexual encounter. There's no give and take here, just platonic encounters that are getting weirdly twisted.

Dude, these college guys aren't doing anything for you, they're not getting undressed for you, and they're certainly not viewing you in any sexual light. I hate to break the fantasy, but you need to come back to reality here.

Dear RainbowStrength,

I read your comment, and I want to know that I hear you, and I understand where you’re coming from. Maybe I can explain myself?

To be honest, I’ve received hundreds of likes between this and my now-deleted “Paradise Regained” account. I’ve also got many affirmative and appreciative off-board messages regarding my experiences and reflections with college boys. This is the first time I have ever been excoriated on the site.

I don’t blame you.

First of all, I can imagine “Older men who love younger men” might suggest long-term monogamous or even platonic relationships between men of disparate ages. Instead, what you got were explicit accounts of my sexual fascination with college-aged men. I can see how that could have been off-putting to you.

Also, you may have had personal experiences with lurkers or stalkers in the locker room. You may have even experienced even worse things. Reading my hyper-sexualized accounts of college guys’ bodies could have triggered very, very unpleasant associations for you. If that’s the case, please know that I am very sorry.

I feel miserable that I get to see these beautiful young men naked and other people can’t. I offer my experiences with these remarkable, talented and beautiful boys in a spirit of sharing. LPSG is a site directly designed for the discussion of erotic interests, and yes, kinks and oddball fetishes. I don’t think my interest in beautiful young college men is beyond the orbit of most LPSG forums. I don’t mean to objectify anyone, and I hope readers can see my affection for these boys is at least as strong as my physical fascination with them.

In my two years of writing for this forum, I have covered many of the homosocial behaviors of college boys in the locker room, ranging from buff, good-natured horseplay to outright homoeroticism. I have also discussed the performative nature of much locker room nudity, especially with younger men. I won’t rehash all that here. But I can say with clarity, from my own observations, that college guys’ relationship to locker room nudity can be fraught with communicative intention and meaning. It is an area that I think deserves patient, objective analysis.

Last week I saw one of our baseball players get an erection in the shower. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, not because I got to see some college boy’s erect penis, but because an erection is a symbol of life’s endless capacity for renewal. Like the Indian nymph-goddesses, beautiful, idealized women who represent the eternal Feminine, this boy’s kinetic arousal made me feel that Life, in all of its strangeness, spontaneity and joy, will prevail, even in the face of nuclear weapons, climate change, plagues or whatever cruelties or stupidities the human race concocts to torture itself and the planet. Like my taurean baseball player in the shower, all college boys, in their own way, carry forward the banner of the Masculine divine.

Thank you, and I hope this has made my position a little more relatable. College boys are for me, a field worthy of wonder, investigation and love.

Dear RainbowStrength,

I read your comment, and I want to know that I hear you, and I understand where you’re coming from. Maybe I can explain myself?

To be honest, I’ve received hundreds of likes between this and my now-deleted “Paradise Regained” account. I’ve also got many affirmative and appreciative off-board messages regarding my experiences and reflections with college boys. This is the first time I have ever been excoriated on the site.

I don’t blame you.

First of all, I can imagine “Older men who love younger men” might suggest long-term monogamous or even platonic relationships between men of disparate ages. Instead, what you got were explicit accounts of my sexual fascination with college-aged men. I can see how that could have been off-putting to you.

Also, you may have had personal experiences with lurkers or stalkers in the locker room. You may have even experienced even worse things. Reading my hyper-sexualized accounts of college guys’ bodies could have triggered very, very unpleasant associations for you. If that’s the case, please know that I am very sorry.

I feel miserable that I get to see these beautiful young men naked and other people can’t. I offer my experiences with these remarkable, talented and beautiful boys in a spirit of sharing. LPSG is a site directly designed for the discussion of erotic interests, and yes, kinks and oddball fetishes. I don’t think my interest in beautiful young college men is beyond the orbit of most LPSG forums. I don’t mean to objectify anyone, and I hope readers can see my affection for these boys is at least as strong as my physical fascination with them.

In my two years of writing for this forum, I have covered many of the homosocial behaviors of college boys in the locker room, ranging from buff, good-natured horseplay to outright homoeroticism. I have also discussed the performative nature of much locker room nudity, especially with younger men. I won’t rehash all that here. But I can say with clarity, from my own observations, that college guys’ relationship to locker room nudity can be fraught with communicative intention and meaning. It is an area that I think deserves patient, objective analysis.

Last week I saw one of our baseball players get an erection in the shower. It was one of the most beautiful things I’ve ever seen, not because I got to see some college boy’s erect penis, but because an erection is a symbol of life’s endless capacity for renewal. Like the Indian nymph-goddesses, beautiful, idealized women who represent the eternal Feminine, this boy’s kinetic arousal made me feel that Life, in all of its strangeness, spontaneity and joy, will prevail, even in the face of nuclear weapons, climate change, plagues or whatever cruelties or stupidities the human race concocts to torture itself and the planet. Like my taurean baseball player in the shower, all college boys, in their own way, carry forward the banner of the Masculine divine.

Thank you, and I hope this has made my position a little more relatable. College boys are for me, a field worthy of wonder, investigation and love.

Dude, you're still creepy as heck with those descriptions. This isn't a kink ... and you're a literal lurker who inflates everything to some grandiose scale of your sexual fantasy. It's not okay.
Dear Friend,

I guess we are speaking two mutually incomprehensible languages! I’m sorry I couldn’t be more clear and more sympathetic to your point of view.

I failed. That’s on me.

May I suggest that you pursue other threads for your entertainment and personal enrichment?

If I don’t respond to your future comments/messages, please don’t hold that against me.

I wish you health and happiness, and all the very best,

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Dear Friend,

I guess we are speaking two mutually incomprehensible languages! I’m sorry I couldn’t be more clear and more sympathetic to your point of view.

I failed. That’s on me.

May I suggest that you pursue other threads for your entertainment and personal enrichment?

If I don’t respond to your future comments/messages, please don’t hold that against me.

I wish you health and happiness, and all the very best,

May I suggest you learn consent and pursue other hobbies for your entertainment rather than writing creepy fanfics about random men you meet on the street? The way you write about guys gives me chills. These are literally just people living their day to day lives.

I don't care if other creeps on here have given you positive feedback in the past. I'm letting you know that you have an issue. People here seem to agree judging how the critical comments to your views are the only ones with likes on this thread.

I, thankfully, have never had the sexual trauma you suggested I had, but anyone of those people whom you write erotic fiction about might. It's about understanding boundaries and getting a grip on your hormones to respect people as more than objects for your weird wet dreams. I'm sorry that all of that is outside of your vocabulary and realm of comprehension.

In case consent is a new word for you (which it probably is): What consent does—and doesn't—look like
First of all, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas, or enjoyed whatever holiday they happen to celebrate (I am, incidentally, a Pagan).

I thought today I’d explore a few discrete, interlocking issues, including college male sexuality, the nature of love between men of different ages and backgrounds, the meaning of consent, and internet trollery. I might also indulge in some good-natured ranting! : )

What fascinates me about college guys is their “intermediate” or “transitional” status. They are caterpillars, as it were, in the campus cocoon, struggling between two forms- the boy and the man. Most of them are still going through the polishing stages of puberty; they are new adults who struggle to integrate their unfamiliar manhood into a greater self-understanding. For all the emotional and hormonal turmoil they go through, they still manage to be remarkably warm, open-hearted and generous. If they are clumsy in expression, they make up for it in their sweetness and charm. In the bedroom, we see the inseparability of a college kid’s oafish earnestness and his irresistible intensity.

I realise one sentence in my opening essay may have confused some people: “After all, these are boys in their late teens who are letting us gawp at their naked bodies!”

The dictionary definition of “gawp” is to stare rudely and stupidly at somebody. Obviously, I was using the word in a tongue-in-cheek way. This is confirmed by my next sentence, “We need to be appropriately discrete, respectful and grateful.”

Of course, a secondary definition of ‘gawp’ is “to stand in awe and amazement”, which, while not the primary meaning of the word, comes closer to my actual attitude towards college guys- especially in the nude.

I use a lot of irony and polysemy in my writing, which may throw off people who are not experienced readers. I could write banal, deadpan essays that would appeal to the lowest common denominator, but I prefer to write for people who are capable of things like critical thinking and contextual reading!

I made three points in my first two essays: that college boy locker room nudity may be performative, that the interactions between college guys in the shower or locker room may often have a homosocial or even homoerotic element, and that college boys may, under certain circumstances, enjoy the warm admiration of older men. I would like to exemplify these three points.

Performative behavior in the locker room:

As I said, college boys are getting used to leaving their old world behind, and embracing their new identities as MEN. I remember one Jewish kid, of modest height and slightly curly dark hair, who always used to walk to and from the showers with a half-erect penis. He amusingly reminded me of Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, although in this case it was his elevated shlong that was leading the way. He walked with a somewhat stumbling gait, as if unsure of each step. Is it not obvious that he was making a statement by patrolling the locker room with a pretty complete hard-on? He was joyfully asserting his manliness, and his power to effect a positive change in the world.

As I pointed out in my inaugural essay in “For the Love of College Boys”, late teenage boys will often try to make eye contact with whoever is in proximity to them before getting undressed. I’ve noticed this many times. One Italian kid locked eyes with me for a second before he started disrobing. It was a meaningful glance: “I’m about to take off all my clothes, I’m about to get naked.” He took off his shirt and I noticed he had a beautiful, toned chest with dark nipples. He removed his shorts and boxers in one movement and I saw his massive dong. He walked to and from the scale, completely naked and confident. Like the first boy, he was asserting his manhood, his raw potential. Awesome.

Once I saw a woman in the locker room. She had been assigned male at birth, so she still had to use the men’s locker room. She looked very sad and out of place. I could feel her embarrassment and unhappiness. Then, suddenly, one of the hockey players came out of the shower in his towel. A gruff young guy, about five nine with five o’clock shadow and a hairy abdomen. He noticed me and the woman by his locker and he just came up to us, said hi, and immediately opened his towel and started drying his hair. A smile spread across the woman’s face and her eyes scanned his body until they rested on his crotch. I was happy as well. Can anyone doubt that this young man was being graciously performative?

If interested, people can read more of my thoughts on the exhibitionistic behavior of college guys here:

For The Love Of College Boys | LPSG

Homosocial behavior in the locker room

I’ve written extensively about how college guys often express themselves in homosocial or homoerotic ways when naked. I remember when three camp counsellors were taking a shower, all good-looking young men, and one said to his friend, “Hey Jason, you’ve got a hairy ass, I like that in a man!” Jason, a well-built Irish kid with big biceps and oddly bulging triceps, turned around to give a wry smile to his tormentor, thus revealing his rather prodigious tallywhacker!

Another time, I recall two swimmers were joking after a tournament and the first swimmer said something funny and the other swimmer whacked him with a towel and said “Dan, you’re a dork!” And Dan said, meditatively, “I do have a big dork.”

Dan was a big-nosed young man with dark hair and rather dreamy blue eyes, who was definitely guilty as charged. He was very well-endowed.

Another time, I saw an army reserve boy taking a shower, using one of the stalls. Another boy, a fellow ROTC kid went up to the stall, took off his towel and got in the stall with him! There were other stalls available, so I guess he was just clowning around. The first boy laughed and pushed his friend out. But from his good-natured laugh I could tell they’ve taken many showers together at very close quarters.

How college boys may get pleasure from the attention of older men:

Under certain circumstances, I feel some college guys may enjoy being ogled. I want to examine a couple of these scenarios. At the same time, I want to reinforce what I’ve said many times: lurking is not okay. Stalking is not okay. Leering is not okay. When I said we need to be discrete, respectful and grateful, I meant it.

Some college boys can be exhibitionists. Most are not. Try to maintain healthy boundaries between you and other people. Don’t do anything to make any of these kids uncomfortable or embarrassed.

At the same time, I can think of a few occasions, and they were just occasions, when I feel college guys got pleasure from my approving attention.

Once, I saw a wiry basketball player, a handsome kid with light brown hair and a quick smile, disrobing after a meet. Another player came into the locker room a minute later. The second boy was taller, and blond. The first boy gave me a coy smile and took off his shirt, and then dropped his drawers, immediately crouching down and clutching at his towel to cover his penis. He just held a corner of the towel over his manhood and walked to the shower bare-assed. The second boy was facing his locker, took off his jersey, but the moment he shimmied out of his boxers, raising his towel simultaneously to cover his frontal beauty, he looked at me slack-jawed! He was expecting me to be interested in his manhood! He also covered his crotch with his towel, and walked to the shower. I passed by the shower area a minute later and saw both of them were facing the wall. They were shy about exposing their dongs, but were happy for people to see their hard butts.

I was back at my locker when the first boy came back, still smiling a naughty, crooked smile, still covering the goods with just a corner of his towel. Then he turned around and dropped his towel. While putting on his boxers, he bent over luxuriously, lower than he needed to, exposing his lovely rectal darkness. He didn’t mind having his rear end admired. He dipped so low I could actually see his balls! It’s obvious he enjoyed putting on a little bit of a show, and was aware of the erotic, ecstatic possibilities of his body.

In some sense, it may be a reversal of the expected power dynamic. As a mature lover of college guys, I would be expected to have more leverage in this scenario. I have more money, more social status, more experience, and more power. But by getting naked, these young guys compel me to get an erection and to blush. The first boy’s coy “bad boy” smile might have been his way of saying, “Yes, I might be naked and young, but I can make you respond to my nakedness in ways you can’t control.”

Let’s look at another example that deals more specifically with the theme of erections. A few years ago, I saw a couple of wrestlers in the shower. It was before a tournament, and they were relaxing before a trying day of bouts. One boy was Latino, the other was biracial, Black and Caucasian. The Latino boy was slender, handsome and angular. He had a good-sized dong. The mulatto boy was not as tall as his Chicano friend, but was a little more muscular, had better tone, and had a much larger penis. It was pointed straight ahead, neither erect nor entirely flaccid.

I got an almost immediate erection and I turned around so they wouldn’t see it. I waited for a long time for my boner to go away. It didn’t. Finally, I had to turn around again. The mulatto boy was still there. He glanced at my upcocked penis and I saw he himself was now tending towards an erection! My arousal sparked his own libido! I thought he would leave the shower in embarrassment, but he didn’t. I also stayed, even though I was blushing like a beet. He gave me a warm smile, and I smiled back. It was a moment of mutual appreciation. I was thanking him for his beauty. He was thanking me for appreciating his beauty, his elemental maleness.

If the eruptive sexuality of college boys is a thing, so is their performative generosity, their capacity to share their beauty even with complete strangers. I will never lose my awe and respect for college boys.

The last thing I want to say is that I do not write “fan-fic”. People who lack imagination and empathy, who have no way of understanding humor and who don’t love beauty in any form, may call my essays that. They are mistaken, but I try to treat these people with kindness anyway, as they really don’t know how else to behave.

Guys often tell me that they masturbate to my essays. I always encourage them to feel that when they read my writing, they are making love to these boys, not just jerking off.

Most of my essay have a “curio” section where I discuss college boys who have interesting or “abnormal” penises. Whether exceptionally long, like Cameron’s, or somewhat short, like Evan’s, or consisting of almost nothing more than a big head, like Clay’s, each “curio” penis has its own story to tell and informs us of some secret truth about the boy who wields it.

I also try to use their speech, mannerisms and behavior in the locker room to reconstruct college boys’ sexual habits. This is not totally illogical. Let’s take Spencer as an example:

Are Guys More Comfortable Naked In The Locker Room Than They Used To Be? | Page 41 | LPSG

“Spencer in the bedroom:

“In spite of his Asperger's, sometimes Spencer revealed real social sensitivity. Once I finished my swim after he did, and I went to my locker, but his big backpack was, as usual, blocking it. This time I didn’t have to say anything. Spencer just looked at me and asked, “Are you here?” and then moved it very politely for me.

“I realized at that moment that Spencer might be pretty good in bed! He’s the kind of guy whose lovemaking style would involve him pausing occasionally to whisper in his partner’s ear, “Hey, am I going too fast? Am I pushing too hard?”

“You’d have to reassure him a couple times, but once Spencer got into his groove, he’d be unstoppable!”

What this passage illustrates is that the Spencer who plays video games on his phone naked, is also the same Spencer who competes in triathlon competitions, is also the same Spencer who makes love with the latest woman he’s met on Hinge. It’s the same guy. His mannerisms, speech and basic personality carry over from activity to activity. So, it’s not crazy to extrapolate his sexual behavior from his athletic or social behavior.

My last paragraph on Spencer reads:

“I saw recently on his social media feed that he needs to get laid.

“Ladies, give Spencer a chance. He's a jock who has a big jock. He might be a little stiff and bashful, but he has a pretty face and a lot of stamina. And his stiff, bashful racehorse between his legs might make you the happiest woman in the world!”

Here, his “stiff, bashful racehorse” of course refers to Spencer’s jock. He and his penis have become one entity, and share each other’s characteristics. Like Spencer, Spencer’s penis has become “stiff” and “bashful”. But what were “weaknesses” in Spencer, become strengths when taken up by Spencer’s penis. And we see that this boy, who suffers from Asperger’s, who is so verbally blocked and frustrated in his social life, in the act of sex, finds a channel of eloquent and superbly satisfying self-expression. He becomes a “racehorse” of daring, confident masculinity. What can be more transcendent than that?

And what can be more beautiful than using intuition and inductive reasoning to determine how college boys make love?

Thanks for reading!
First of all, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas, or enjoyed whatever holiday they happen to celebrate (I am, incidentally, a Pagan).

I thought today I’d explore a few discrete, interlocking issues, including college male sexuality, the nature of love between men of different ages and backgrounds, the meaning of consent, and internet trollery. I might also indulge in some good-natured ranting! : )

What fascinates me about college guys is their “intermediate” or “transitional” status. They are caterpillars, as it were, in the campus cocoon, struggling between two forms- the boy and the man. Most of them are still going through the polishing stages of puberty; they are new adults who struggle to integrate their unfamiliar manhood into a greater self-understanding. For all the emotional and hormonal turmoil they go through, they still manage to be remarkably warm, open-hearted and generous. If they are clumsy in expression, they make up for it in their sweetness and charm. In the bedroom, we see the inseparability of a college kid’s oafish earnestness and his irresistible intensity.

I realise one sentence in my opening essay may have confused some people: “After all, these are boys in their late teens who are letting us gawp at their naked bodies!”

The dictionary definition of “gawp” is to stare rudely and stupidly at somebody. Obviously, I was using the word in a tongue-in-cheek way. This is confirmed by my next sentence, “We need to be appropriately discrete, respectful and grateful.”

Of course, a secondary definition of ‘gawp’ is “to stand in awe and amazement”, which, while not the primary meaning of the word, comes closer to my actual attitude towards college guys- especially in the nude.

I use a lot of irony and polysemy in my writing, which may throw off people who are not experienced readers. I could write banal, deadpan essays that would appeal to the lowest common denominator, but I prefer to write for people who are capable of things like critical thinking and contextual reading!

I made three points in my first two essays: that college boy locker room nudity may be performative, that the interactions between college guys in the shower or locker room may often have a homosocial or even homoerotic element, and that college boys may, under certain circumstances, enjoy the warm admiration of older men. I would like to exemplify these three points.

Performative behavior in the locker room:

As I said, college boys are getting used to leaving their old world behind, and embracing their new identities as MEN. I remember one Jewish kid, of modest height and slightly curly dark hair, who always used to walk to and from the showers with a half-erect penis. He amusingly reminded me of Rudolf the red-nosed reindeer, although in this case it was his elevated shlong that was leading the way. He walked with a somewhat stumbling gait, as if unsure of each step. Is it not obvious that he was making a statement by patrolling the locker room with a pretty complete hard-on? He was joyfully asserting his manliness, and his power to effect a positive change in the world.

As I pointed out in my inaugural essay in “For the Love of College Boys”, late teenage boys will often try to make eye contact with whoever is in proximity to them before getting undressed. I’ve noticed this many times. One Italian kid locked eyes with me for a second before he started disrobing. It was a meaningful glance: “I’m about to take off all my clothes, I’m about to get naked.” He took off his shirt and I noticed he had a beautiful, toned chest with dark nipples. He removed his shorts and boxers in one movement and I saw his massive dong. He walked to and from the scale, completely naked and confident. Like the first boy, he was asserting his manhood, his raw potential. Awesome.

Once I saw a woman in the locker room. She had been assigned male at birth, so she still had to use the men’s locker room. She looked very sad and out of place. I could feel her embarrassment and unhappiness. Then, suddenly, one of the hockey players came out of the shower in his towel. A gruff young guy, about five nine with five o’clock shadow and a hairy abdomen. He noticed me and the woman by his locker and he just came up to us, said hi, and immediately opened his towel and started drying his hair. A smile spread across the woman’s face and her eyes scanned his body until they rested on his crotch. I was happy as well. Can anyone doubt that this young man was being graciously performative?

If interested, people can read more of my thoughts on the exhibitionistic behavior of college guys here:

For The Love Of College Boys | LPSG

Homosocial behavior in the locker room

I’ve written extensively about how college guys often express themselves in homosocial or homoerotic ways when naked. I remember when three camp counsellors were taking a shower, all good-looking young men, and one said to his friend, “Hey Jason, you’ve got a hairy ass, I like that in a man!” Jason, a well-built Irish kid with big biceps and oddly bulging triceps, turned around to give a wry smile to his tormentor, thus revealing his rather prodigious tallywhacker!

Another time, I recall two swimmers were joking after a tournament and the first swimmer said something funny and the other swimmer whacked him with a towel and said “Dan, you’re a dork!” And Dan said, meditatively, “I do have a big dork.”

Dan was a big-nosed young man with dark hair and rather dreamy blue eyes, who was definitely guilty as charged. He was very well-endowed.

Another time, I saw an army reserve boy taking a shower, using one of the stalls. Another boy, a fellow ROTC kid went up to the stall, took off his towel and got in the stall with him! There were other stalls available, so I guess he was just clowning around. The first boy laughed and pushed his friend out. But from his good-natured laugh I could tell they’ve taken many showers together at very close quarters.

How college boys may get pleasure from the attention of older men:

Under certain circumstances, I feel some college guys may enjoy being ogled. I want to examine a couple of these scenarios. At the same time, I want to reinforce what I’ve said many times: lurking is not okay. Stalking is not okay. Leering is not okay. When I said we need to be discrete, respectful and grateful, I meant it.

Some college boys can be exhibitionists. Most are not. Try to maintain healthy boundaries between you and other people. Don’t do anything to make any of these kids uncomfortable or embarrassed.

At the same time, I can think of a few occasions, and they were just occasions, when I feel college guys got pleasure from my approving attention.

Once, I saw a wiry basketball player, a handsome kid with light brown hair and a quick smile, disrobing after a meet. Another player came into the locker room a minute later. The second boy was taller, and blond. The first boy gave me a coy smile and took off his shirt, and then dropped his drawers, immediately crouching down and clutching at his towel to cover his penis. He just held a corner of the towel over his manhood and walked to the shower bare-assed. The second boy was facing his locker, took off his jersey, but the moment he shimmied out of his boxers, raising his towel simultaneously to cover his frontal beauty, he looked at me slack-jawed! He was expecting me to be interested in his manhood! He also covered his crotch with his towel, and walked to the shower. I passed by the shower area a minute later and saw both of them were facing the wall. They were shy about exposing their dongs, but were happy for people to see their hard butts.

I was back at my locker when the first boy came back, still smiling a naughty, crooked smile, still covering the goods with just a corner of his towel. Then he turned around and dropped his towel. While putting on his boxers, he bent over luxuriously, lower than he needed to, exposing his lovely rectal darkness. He didn’t mind having his rear end admired. He dipped so low I could actually see his balls! It’s obvious he enjoyed putting on a little bit of a show, and was aware of the erotic, ecstatic possibilities of his body.

In some sense, it may be a reversal of the expected power dynamic. As a mature lover of college guys, I would be expected to have more leverage in this scenario. I have more money, more social status, more experience, and more power. But by getting naked, these young guys compel me to get an erection and to blush. The first boy’s coy “bad boy” smile might have been his way of saying, “Yes, I might be naked and young, but I can make you respond to my nakedness in ways you can’t control.”

Let’s look at another example that deals more specifically with the theme of erections. A few years ago, I saw a couple of wrestlers in the shower. It was before a tournament, and they were relaxing before a trying day of bouts. One boy was Latino, the other was biracial, Black and Caucasian. The Latino boy was slender, handsome and angular. He had a good-sized dong. The mulatto boy was not as tall as his Chicano friend, but was a little more muscular, had better tone, and had a much larger penis. It was pointed straight ahead, neither erect nor entirely flaccid.

I got an almost immediate erection and I turned around so they wouldn’t see it. I waited for a long time for my boner to go away. It didn’t. Finally, I had to turn around again. The mulatto boy was still there. He glanced at my upcocked penis and I saw he himself was now tending towards an erection! My arousal sparked his own libido! I thought he would leave the shower in embarrassment, but he didn’t. I also stayed, even though I was blushing like a beet. He gave me a warm smile, and I smiled back. It was a moment of mutual appreciation. I was thanking him for his beauty. He was thanking me for appreciating his beauty, his elemental maleness.

If the eruptive sexuality of college boys is a thing, so is their performative generosity, their capacity to share their beauty even with complete strangers. I will never lose my awe and respect for college boys.

The last thing I want to say is that I do not write “fan-fic”. People who lack imagination and empathy, who have no way of understanding humor and who don’t love beauty in any form, may call my essays that. They are mistaken, but I try to treat these people with kindness anyway, as they really don’t know how else to behave.

Guys often tell me that they masturbate to my essays. I always encourage them to feel that when they read my writing, they are making love to these boys, not just jerking off.

Most of my essay have a “curio” section where I discuss college boys who have interesting or “abnormal” penises. Whether exceptionally long, like Cameron’s, or somewhat short, like Evan’s, or consisting of almost nothing more than a big head, like Clay’s, each “curio” penis has its own story to tell and informs us of some secret truth about the boy who wields it.

I also try to use their speech, mannerisms and behavior in the locker room to reconstruct college boys’ sexual habits. This is not totally illogical. Let’s take Spencer as an example:

Are Guys More Comfortable Naked In The Locker Room Than They Used To Be? | Page 41 | LPSG

“Spencer in the bedroom:

“In spite of his Asperger's, sometimes Spencer revealed real social sensitivity. Once I finished my swim after he did, and I went to my locker, but his big backpack was, as usual, blocking it. This time I didn’t have to say anything. Spencer just looked at me and asked, “Are you here?” and then moved it very politely for me.

“I realized at that moment that Spencer might be pretty good in bed! He’s the kind of guy whose lovemaking style would involve him pausing occasionally to whisper in his partner’s ear, “Hey, am I going too fast? Am I pushing too hard?”

“You’d have to reassure him a couple times, but once Spencer got into his groove, he’d be unstoppable!”

What this passage illustrates is that the Spencer who plays video games on his phone naked, is also the same Spencer who competes in triathlon competitions, is also the same Spencer who makes love with the latest woman he’s met on Hinge. It’s the same guy. His mannerisms, speech and basic personality carry over from activity to activity. So, it’s not crazy to extrapolate his sexual behavior from his athletic or social behavior.

My last paragraph on Spencer reads:

“I saw recently on his social media feed that he needs to get laid.

“Ladies, give Spencer a chance. He's a jock who has a big jock. He might be a little stiff and bashful, but he has a pretty face and a lot of stamina. And his stiff, bashful racehorse between his legs might make you the happiest woman in the world!”

Here, his “stiff, bashful racehorse” of course refers to Spencer’s jock. He and his penis have become one entity, and share each other’s characteristics. Like Spencer, Spencer’s penis has become “stiff” and “bashful”. But what were “weaknesses” in Spencer, become strengths when taken up by Spencer’s penis. And we see that this boy, who suffers from Asperger’s, who is so verbally blocked and frustrated in his social life, in the act of sex, finds a channel of eloquent and superbly satisfying self-expression. He becomes a “racehorse” of daring, confident masculinity. What can be more transcendent than that?

And what can be more beautiful than using intuition and inductive reasoning to determine how college boys make love?

Thanks for reading!
Regarding your suggestion that I am just an "inexperienced reader," I make my living as a writer and editor. It's consistently been the case in my work that the worst writers to work with are the ones who can't take any critique, feedback, or adversary reaction to their work without melting into an egotistical string of babbling beatitudes for their work.

Take a hint and take the feedback. You are not doing a service to society by sharing your work as you claim. The stories you share are nothing short of memoirs of sexual predation in the way that you are written. I would suggest finding help.

With that, this'll be the last you'll hear of me. I'm tired of bumping this thread back to the top of the forum with my replies. The only reason I replied yet again is to assert that I am not some random reader giving feedback on these stories -- it's what I do for a living.
My friend,

Everything I had to say to you I said in my last message. Take a moment out of your busy schedule to reflect on what I actually said, rather than hurling the word "predator" at me.

Reflecting on the homosocial or performative horseplay of guys in the locker room most certainly is not predation!

I highly doubt you write for a living, dear friend, unless you're still living in your parent's garage! Put the bong down.


I will miss your contributions to the thread- I enjoyed the comic relief : )

Stand up to trolls, dear friends. They have no spine.
i am an older guy that loves younger guys--theres no law against it as people do it all time--boys fresh in college are the best to be with---but i been with younger guys some was a one or two time thing---some i been with lasted a year--- a few still go on after they get out of college as they enjoy it alot
Omfg, this thread was started by an absolute creep. I think the best way you can "give back" is by not being an absolute predator every time you see a younger man.

It's one thing to admire a nice body. It's another to interpret any interaction with a younger man as an innately sexual encounter. There's no give and take here, just platonic encounters that are getting weirdly twisted.

Dude, these college guys aren't doing anything for you, they're not getting undressed for you, and they're certainly not viewing you in any sexual light. I hate to break the fantasy, but you need to come back to reality here.
You verty clearly have no idea how many young colleg dudes are just looking for whatever sexual encounters they can get.
My friend,

Everything I had to say to you I said in my last message. Take a moment out of your busy schedule to reflect on what I actually said, rather than hurling the word "predator" at me.

Reflecting on the homosocial or performative horseplay of guys in the locker room most certainly is not predation!

I highly doubt you write for a living, dear friend, unless you're still living in your parent's garage! Put the bong down.


I will miss your contributions to the thread- I enjoyed the comic relief : )

Stand up to trolls, dear

My friend,

Everything I had to say to you I said in my last message. Take a moment out of your busy schedule to reflect on what I actually said, rather than hurling the word "predator" at me.

Reflecting on the homosocial or performative horseplay of guys in the locker room most certainly is not predation!

I highly doubt you write for a living, dear friend, unless you're still living in your parent's garage! Put the bong down.


I will miss your contributions to the thread- I enjoyed the comic relief : )

Stand up to trolls, dear friends. They have no spine.
No, 100 percent have a spine and do write and edit for a living. What are we, five years old with these insults?

Also, as a gay man who went to college, I'm pretty sure I know how gay college boys work better than most of you here
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After taking a lot of showers with college guys, I realized that the mere act of looking, however pleasurable, however titillating, ultimately becomes stale. If I cannot befriend them, if I cannot learn from them and share my own life with them, then it is pointless. Why not just watch hidden cameras videos on X hamster? Objectification ultimately becomes boring. It is friendship that is fulfilling. That’s what I live for. A few minutes of meaningful discussion can make my whole day.

Try to listen. Try to care. These people are going through literal hell right now with Covid-19, with remote “learning” and lockdowns. These boys need our love, our empathy, our encouragement.

I wrote under my old “Paradise Regained” handle about my car accident, and my long rehabilitation process, and how kind the college guys were to me. I remember one boy actually helped me to get dressed when he saw how much I was shaking. I may objectify college guys, but they are capable of acts of great affection and caring.

I saw that affection in action after a soccer competition. The opposing team lost badly. I saw the team captain, a tall, well-muscled guy with a hairy ass talking and joking with one of his teammates in the shower. I just saw he was trying to cheer his friend up. He made his teammate laugh and I realized all would be well.

Another time I saw a swimmer from another school toweling off by my locker. He was hirsute and handsome. His teammate, a much shorter swimmer came out of the shower and approached us. I asked them their names and they said they both had the same name, Justin. The tall, hairy Justin had just put on his briefs and he looked down at his friend, the naked Justin. The shorter boy looked up at him with a searching look, as if seeking approval. The taller Justin smiled, and then the short Justin did, too. I enjoyed seeing the bond of trust and affection between them.

Once I went to another one of our soccer games. The opposing team had won the regional championship recently, so there was a lot of anticipation in the air. Fortunately for our team, it was a shut-out, five to nothing. I noticed however, that all the points were scored in the first half of the game. The other team did not allow any goals in the second half. They came together to shut down the other side’s offense, just, alas, not in time.

But the mood in the locker room afterwards was pretty upbeat! The boys were laughing and clowning around as they got undressed. The team captain, Ryan, was the first boy in the shower. He had stuck out to me on the field, because he had used his head a few times to punt the ball to his teammates. I had actually watched a couple interviews he had given for his school’s athletic news site. He’s the middle son, and both of his brothers also play soccer. He was very modest about his achievements.

I don’t know how he maintains that kind of humility, because there was nothing modest about his physique! He was as beautiful to look at as he is accomplished on the field.

An A plus plus body, absolutely. Two very emphatic thumbs up!

A bleach-blond, broad-shouldered all-American, with a certain feline grace in his step. 6’2”, I think, maybe around two hundred pounds. A peripatetic dong with a left-dragging swing. After a few minutes in the shower, his college-boy hormones kicked in and it began to elongate and straighten!

I was fascinated by his elephantine arousal, but then the other boys streamed into the shower and my view of my Ohio farmer’s son’s beanstalk was blocked by his somewhat scrawnier, nerdier teammates.

After a few minutes, Ryan and I both finished our shower concurrently, and I saw his penis had gone down, swinging once again to the left with each step, cushioned somewhat by his balls. In his penis, I saw his humility, determination, stamina and confidence writ large.

I did some research on Ryan, and saw that he comes from a traditional Irish Catholic family. He doesn’t do much social media, worked hard in school, and now works in IT.

It’s not much to go on, but can we make some general assumptions about his sex life?

He keeps his hair always well-trimmed and parted to the left, so he likes order. He’s talented and successful academically, and has also led his team to a couple important victories. That means he’s determined and is good with people. He’s good at motivating and communicating.

But his shy, aw-shucks demeanor makes me think that he would be a tender, thoughtful lover, who would let his woman lead the way. I don’t see him as being very creative in bed; he would probably stick with the missionary posture and maintain a strong, steady rhythm. He’s lugging around some major field artillery, so even without being a great sexual tactician, I’m pretty sure he’d make his partner glow. He’s a big guy so between thrusts he would probably have to do push ups to get the right angle.

I did see an interesting photograph of Ryan, his right arm crossed over his head and waving just next to his left ear, his hair tossed, a crooked smile on his face. His clothes covered with grass stains. There might be a little bit of the tiger in this good all-American Christian boy. With the right amount of teasing and fondling, his woman might be able to bring it out. Then fasten your seatbelts! He might even astonish himself with his own prowess!

I don’t think my speculations are crazy! I saw him in that interview, I saw him on the field, I saw him naked with a partial erection. I think these conclusions are reasonable.

Another of his teammates, a brown-haired boy named Daniel, was toweling off when I got to my locker. He had a good sized shlong that stayed close to his body, keeping its head down. I overheard him telling one of his teammates that his brother had just been hospitalized due to Crohn’s disease. I interjected at an appropriate moment and told him that, since my car accident, I have also joined the ranks of the “disabled” and that learning how to overcome my new physical challenges has been a growing experience for me. He told me that his brother seems to have grown up more in the past few weeks than in the past five years. I was happy I was able to give him a different perspective on his brother’s illness.

Another kid, Brandon, was the last one to arrive in the locker room. He yanked off his shirt and was about to pull his shorts down when he realized he didn’t have a towel. He went into the adjacent lobby, came back with a towel and then yanked his compression shorts off with a slight smirk. His ding-dong did a little back and forth dance before settling down. It wasn’t Ryan-sized, but he still had a large dork. I think he was the assistant team captain. He had guts on the field, and balls in the shower to spare.

I also remember a lithe Japanese boy, who was one of the midfielders, who had just the most adorable little butt. He was sashaying around, wriggling his hairy ass. He knew he had a great caboose. I wanted to pump it.

A tall boy, one of the main kickers with shoulder length hair, walked to and from the showers modestly wrapped in his towel. I was disappointed because I had been looking forward to seeing his penis in particular. Who knows? Maybe he’s a verified member!

On the field I saw their facility as a sports team. In the locker room and shower, I saw their dazzling maleness. Their nakedness reminded me of the beautiful code of men: to protect, to delight, and to love.
Recently I attended a basketball game that my college hosted. We lost badly. Our team played hard and well, but the visiting team was more coordinated and played better. The visiting team was not only beautiful in action on the court, but they were also beautiful in their relaxed and jovial post-game shower.

One boy named Cole, a six-three, two hundred and four pound freshman guard, caught my attention under the shower as he had caught my admiration on the court. He was talking, almost shouting, with one of his teammates when he entered. He chose one of the stalls, and dropped his towel, showing off his maleness with a natural nonchalance that was totally out of step with his extraordinary physique.

I’ve seen a lot of male nudity in my time teaching and working at my little Podunk college. As I stared in shock at Cole’s body I had to ask myself if Cole was aware of his own non-fungible assets. I saw that Mr. Cole not only scored a lot on the court, but was also king of the hill when under the covers. The other boy he came in with, named Will, was also a darling, an Adonis. Both kids (Cole is nineteen, Will just turned twenty) had big, beautiful butts, square jaws and gentle masculine curves. Both had brown hair, but Cole’s was a little darker, almost black. Cole had the better chest, while Will had bigger biceps.

Will’s “pale Ramon” was compact and pretty, while Cole’s can only be described as a miracle of nature, perfection. I’ve seen big penises, and I’ve seen beautiful ones, but Cole’s was special for being large and yet proportionate at the same time, an example of classical balance. His family jewels complemented his donger perfectly, large, stable, full. I wanted to cup them.

The boys continued their rowdy banter in the shower, exulting in their triumph and at one point I noticed Cole’s manhood started to lurch upwards! It was a sign of their collective victory! As I watched it shake, and nod, I realized that Cole would be as careful, thoughtful and gentle a lover as any woman could ever want. I am grateful for the chance to make love with this delightful young man, at first with my eyes, and now on paper.

Another boy, equally memorable, arrived in the shower a couple minutes later. His name is Sam, slightly taller than Cole, a little lighter, and swarthy. He is a baby-faced, boyishly handsome twenty year old guy, fast and determined on the court. His body was interesting! He had a birthmark that covered both his buttocks, and the skin there was hairy, with pimples and moles. But that somehow added to his charm. Unlike Will and Cole, his penis was mostly composed of a big wobbling head. I wanted to tweak it, tease it.

Sam grew in the shower.

He was talking to his friends about going out to dinner with his family later that night, and his plans for spring break. He’s obviously sociable and kind.

I’m pretty sure Sam is sexually active and successful.

I get the sense that when boys play together on a team, and shower together, that they form a close bond that is in some ways deeper than even the bond they share with their girlfriends (I am presuming heterosexuality). Young guys who play together become socialized, and start to take on each other’s characteristics and even personality traits. This could even translate into the bedroom, into shared or common style of making love. Sex would become, for them, another opportunity to “score” for the team, so at each stage of lovemaking- foreplay, copulation and recovery- we could expect similar patterns of behavior. You could switch Cole out for Will under the covers and while of course the woman would notice, she would also see how alike they are in their choice of stroke, speed and pressure, as well as in their exclamations, swearing and moaning.

Also, because these boys live, play and shower together, they have a common bond, a sense of communion with each other, that includes but also transcends both friendship and sex. They are friends and lovers on a deep level that people who have never participated in team sports may not be able to understand. And that union extends to some extent to their coaches and fans, and to their surrogate lovers and adorers, like me.

As I was leaving the shower, two tall blond players came in. I saw them when I cast a furtive glance behind, just as they dropped their towels. I didn’t get a closer look at them, unfortunately, because my shower was done and I don’t “hang out”. But I can verify those two tall blond kids were definitely MEN. I also saw another boy in the shower, on my way out. He was maybe a head shorter than the other players, but I saw on the court that he was fast. He was modest, keeping the curtain half open, but I saw the outline of his beautiful body, his muscly torso, his hard little butt.

As I type this, I am shedding tears of gratitude to these boys, for sharing with me the first beautiful blush of their young manhood. I can never repay them, not in a thousand years.
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Just a footnote: This experience was revelatory for me because usually I like guys with small, petite butts, but almost all of these basketball guys (Cole, Will, Sam etc) had big butts, and I loved them.
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