ON-TOPIC only: Gay2Str8 Contest thread for gays and female milkjugs


Cherished Member
Mar 1, 2010
80% Gay, 20% Straight
Welcome, fellow GAY2str8 mates.

I have a massive fetish for gays/homoflexible-gay/gay-bisexual men who sexually indulge in their lesser, secondary attraction to women; particularly their biological nurseries.

I'm establishing this thread to periodically hold contests for participants who are gay but flexibly have a smaller heterosexual attraction; or even just a fetish with no substantial hetero attraction at all; to post materials pertaining to female tits.

Guidelines of specifically what to post for all announced contests will be provided.
e. g.
- pics of largest tits
- videos of longest most pendulous tits
- pics of largest natural areolas
- GIF of pleasured busty women being fucked and their huge mamories bouncing, non-fictional videos of REAL gay guys with femininely voices hornily jacking off and semen'ing to the sight of beautiful heterosexual women and their huge tits
- non-fictional self-videos of gay participants fucking women with large mamories and cumming inside their pussies
- gay participants drinking their milk, etc.) will be provided.
- videos of huge female mamories gyrating and bouncing; with self-voice over commentary or moan sounds

While right now during the start of this thread I don't have any contests in mind yet, ^^^ These are loosely some of the ideas that will go into a contest.

I'm hoping that this ongoing thread will support and promote homoflexible self-accepting gay men who love the fuck out of their homosexuality; so much so, that they are strong and willing to be forefront, open and accepting of their lesser attraction to women. (If they naturally, biologically have it!)

Requirements for posting in this thread thread:

- First and foremost, participating entrants are to generally register as 4.5, 5.0, 5.5 or 6 (~70-100% gay). Kinsey 3's and 4's (50-60% gay) are not qualified, and neither are heteroflexible 1's and 2's (10-40% gay).

(Clarification: obviously, anyone is allowed to enter and post in this thread; gay or straight. But, to be a contestant, one must qualify as mentioned above.)

- Participants are not anti-gay, homophobic, nor genuinely wishing in real life that they or fellow LGB's would no longer be LGB. As contributing members of this thread, they do not believe that the LGBTQIA+ movement shouldn't exist. Though eroticized homophobia is to a degree acceptable (even encouraged!!), participants are to responsibly keep it fictional only.
(Analogy: those with sadomasochistic fetishes enjoy being hit and physically abused as a means to obtain sexual pleasure; such fetishes are indulged by responsible adults who don't actually violently hurt people in real-life. Those who do criminally act violently would face... a very different conversation...)
If you are suicidal because you are gay, are in an unsafe environment due to potential abuse on your homosexuality, feel that change is possible, etc., please PM me for a resource.
(It is not okay to this thread owner that you feel that way, having lived through that socially dark time himself!)
(Do not PM the thread owner, just to test him!)

- Those who post in this thread will not use it to promote the ex-gay conversion philosophy that "change is possible."
(The owner of this thread does not condone nor believe that philosophy. He believes that he is homoflexible/gay-bisexual because of his biology. Having a minor attraction to women will not make him more attracted to women "if he only tries harder". It will not lessen the beautiful predominant homosexuality that he has always loved, cherished, and known of himself to be innately biological.)

- People who post in this thread agree to not allege, criticize, accuse, lambast, troll, single-out, shame, degrade, demean, chastise, ridicule, or do anything of the related to participants as "homophobic", "anti-gay", a "shame against [their] own people", etc.
(If they are a participant in this thread, they are not. That was already made a requirement!).
(Those who post "laughing" emoji reactions to any positive discussion or regard for heteroflexibility, or post such reactions to the calling out of accusers and criticizers, will be called out by the thread owner.)

- People who post in this thread agree not to criticize, accuse, lambast, shame, degrade, demean, chastise, ridicule this thread nor the movement it belongs to of homophobia, "hurting the LGBT movement", promoting/encouraging homophobia, or the like.
(If participants are participants in this thread, they do not support these causes. That was made a requirement!).

- People who post in this thread agree not to support, facilitate, give voice to or encourage people who do criticize, demean, lambast, accuse, etc. participants or this thread of homophobia, "hurting the LGBT movement", and the like. This includes thumbing up, giving thanks, or providing "love" emoji reactions to such post.

Folks, if you see it being done, report it! Involve a moderator, if you must. I will not have this thread turn into a toxic political breeding ground for gay-versus-antigay finger-pointing.
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As an extended comment to the requirements:
I'm sure you have a general awareness of what I stand for and what this thread means to be. If you think what you'll say is even somehow distantly related to accusation of anti-gayness or you know it might potentially cause issues in the thread, please just don't.
Don't try to find ways to "slip just outside" and circumvent the requirements, just because it wasn't directly and firmly stated.
What can I say. I do get very verbose. :blush:
It's not as much as it seems. Basically, the few rules to enter a contest are a few boil down to this:

1 - You are gay-bisexual/homoflexible; and not 50-50 bisexual or straight.
2 - You won't use this thread to promote anti-gay hate and encourage ex-gay conversion.
3 - You won't accuse this thread and its participants of homophobia.
4 - You won't encourage or facilitate the behavior of people who accuse this thread and its participants of homophobia.

At any rate, I didn't expect anyone to respond to this thread yet. I haven't started a contest. haha
Hi everyone. My name is Dylan, and I recently turned 18 and am from New York. I’ve been trying to figure so many things out with my sexuality and gender identity. I would say that I am overwhelmingly homosexual, and would indeed sleep with and love another man. However, recently, and I have been getting attracted towards vaginas, not so much women, but their beautiful holy vaginas and breasts. This awakening seems to have occurred after watching straight porn. I’m not sure if it was the sight of seeing a penis beautifully penetrating the vagina so miraculously and wanting that don’t to myself (I’m a bottom despite being a virgin), or if whether I wanted to partake in heterosexual sex myself. I’m not sure, and still trying to figure things out. The sight of a vagina does excite me, but not to the same intensity or drive to the sight of a man and his penis. I believe that I am mostly homosexual now with sudden homoflexible tendencies. I do find myself pleasuring myself to both gay and straight porn, and when watching the latter specifically, I had, at first, masturbated to the sight of a manly man pleasuring himself and the woman, but now it has transformed into seeing them both together making love and being an act of intimacy. The masculinity of the man and his assertiveness and the femininity of the woman… it’s a beautiful sight. How he thrusts and eventually ejaculates his semen… oh my…

I hope I’m making sense— bear with me, I’m only trying to make sense of it myself too. Feel free to reply and share your experiences and thoughts. I just ask that we stay respectful :) remember just because we don’t live the same experience, doesn’t make it any less real.
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Hi everyone. My name is Dylan, and I recently turned 18 and am from New York. I’ve been trying to figure so many things out with my sexuality and gender identity. I would say that I am overwhelmingly homosexual, and would indeed sleep with and love another man. However, recently, and I have been getting attracted towards vaginas, not so much women, but their beautiful holy vaginas and breasts. This awakening seems to have occurred after watching straight porn. I’m not sure if it was the sight of seeing a penis beautifully penetrating the vagina so miraculously and wanting that don’t to myself (I’m a bottom despite being a virgin), or if whether I wanted to partake in heterosexual sex myself. I’m not sure, and still trying to figure things out. The sight of a vagina does excite me, but not to the same intensity or drive to the sight of a man and his penis. I believe that I am mostly homosexual now with sudden homoflexible tendencies. I do find myself pleasuring myself to both gay and straight porn, and when watching the latter specifically, I had, at first, masturbated to the sight of a manly man pleasuring himself and the woman, but now it has transformed into seeing them both together making love and being an act of intimacy. The masculinity of the man and his assertiveness and the femininity of the woman… it’s a beautiful sight. How he thrusts and eventually ejaculates his semen… oh my…

I hope I’m making sense— bear with me, I’m only trying to make sense of it myself too. Feel free to reply and share your experiences and thoughts. I just ask that we stay respectful :) remember just because we don’t live the same experience, doesn’t make it any less real.
Welcome to the board, MynameisDylan. :)

And, welcome to the club! You're definitely speaking my language. I love watching heterosexual sex; the man and woman together; with the man semen'ing inside her vagina; and his DNA tadpoles swimming towards her Ovum.

What's even more exciting for me? Is if it's a cute femininely handsome gay guy doing it. The fact that he is so sexually broad-minded as to able to have heterosexual sex (despite childish backlash of his allegedly "hating on his own people") is, to me, a marker of reproductive success. God, it blows my mind, just thinking about such a cute gay guy with a really cute femininely handsome voice; and his eyes look gay; and yet, he's intercoursing with a beautiful woman.

I would want a gay husband who loves his homosexuality so much that he'd be willing to makout and fuck a beautiful heterosexual large-breasted woman.


I just have a question that's been burning in my mind since your reply: As a proud gay** guy, what kind of female tits make you horny?

You did mention her vagina and breasts. So I was curious about the later.

Or, are you nearly exclusively attracted only to her pussy?
verbose is definitely a word to describe it. why do you keep saying mamories? that's not a word. do you mean mammaries? which is also a really weird way to refer to tits. if you don't wanna keep saying tits, say breasts instead.
the content you request is mostly big tits content with a side of g2s. and your requirements are "be on the gayer side of the sexuality spectrum" followed by "don't be homophobic" in 5 different ways.
as for the content you're requesting, while the tits related stuff is much easier to get, the g2s stuff is less likely, and a lot of it is images with straight porn but captioning it as g2s
verbose is definitely a word to describe it. why do you keep saying mamories? that's not a word. do you mean mammaries? which is also a really weird way to refer to tits. if you don't wanna keep saying tits, say breasts instead.
the content you request is mostly big tits content with a side of g2s. and your requirements are "be on the gayer side of the sexuality spectrum" followed by "don't be homophobic" in 5 different ways.
as for the content you're requesting, while the tits related stuff is much easier to get, the g2s stuff is less likely, and a lot of it is images with straight porn but captioning it as g2s
"Mamories" is an erotic variation of "mammaries"; just as I use "tyts" and "dyc"/"dyk" as novel variations of "tits" and "dick", respectively.

As far as the "content [I'm] requesting", how are you so sure what I am? Have you seen a contest in this thread yet? :)

Finally, why do you think I spelled "don't be homophobic" in "5 different ways"?

Answer: people who don't/won't like this thread (which I'm guessing is mainly though not exclusively angry gay guys who will try to make this some case of promoting conversion therapy; perhaps due to personal pain in their history) will obviously attempt to circumvent the rules if they are stated too generally or vaguely.
(Notice how I had to say "mainly though not exclusively". If I just said "angry gay guys", counter-responding thread-foes will zoom in on my 'erroneous generalization' and completely diverge from the thread just to talk about that. Ya dig?)

Edit: Now, I'm typically among the first to point out logical fallacies, and I do attempt consciously to limit my committing them myself. I especially don't find ad hominem, red herring, irrelevant conclusion, irrelevant facts and strawman all that flattering. On the other hand, I can't help but notice that you list yourself as 100% gay. Should I assume that some of that plays into your bias(?) against the topic of this thread? (Again, not that gold-star gays should automatically be assumed to be G2S-phobic. I know of a few examples proving otherwise.)
(I keep missing the 5-minute edit window.)
For clarification, my italicized bolted highlight of Strawman simply meant that, of all fallacies, that one would be my top pet peeve. The fallacy I may be criticized of possibly comming is Ad Hominem; not Strawman.
"Mamories" is an erotic variation of "mammaries"; just as I use "tyts" and "dyc"/"dyk" as novel variations of "tits" and "dick", respectively.

As far as the "content [I'm] requesting", how are you so sure what I am? Have you seen a contest in this thread yet? :)

Finally, why do you think I spelled "don't be homophobic" in "5 different ways"?

Answer: people who don't/won't like this thread (which I'm guessing is mainly though not exclusively angry gay guys who will try to make this some case of promoting conversion therapy; perhaps due to personal pain in their history) will obviously attempt to circumvent the rules if they are stated too generally or vaguely.
(Notice how I had to say "mainly though not exclusively". If I just said "angry gay guys", counter-responding thread-foes will zoom in on my 'erroneous generalization' and completely diverge from the thread just to talk about that. Ya dig?)

Edit: Now, I'm typically among the first to point out logical fallacies, and I do attempt consciously to limit my committing them myself. I especially don't find ad hominem, red herring, irrelevant conclusion, irrelevant facts and strawman all that flattering. On the other hand, I can't help but notice that you list yourself as 100% gay. Should I assume that some of that plays into your bias(?) against the topic of this thread? (Again, not that gold-star gays should automatically be assumed to be G2S-phobic. I know of a few examples proving otherwise.)
i've never once seen the use of mamories. as for tyts, dyc and dyk, that sounds like the shit people type on tik tok to circumvent censors, and i very much do not like that shit. they're not novel variations, they're codes people are being forced to use because of how puritan the internet is becoming.
i pointed out that you wrote "don't be homophobic" 5 times because it's redundant. people who have an issue with g2s are gonna talk shit regardless of the rules you make. you could fill out a page writing "don't be homophobic" and those people would still ignore you and do it anyway. people don't follow the actual rules of this site, because they don't read them, the rules of this thread won't be an exception.
as for your edit. while i am 100% gay, i'm into g2s. the thing being that it's a fantasy type thing and nothing more, because i ain't gonna go out of my way to fuck a pussy, unless it somehow lands on my lap. i don't have any bias against g2s, i think it's hot. i just think your post was an unnecessary world salad that could've been much more concise because people on this horny site ain't reading all that. you like g2s, you want stuff that focuses on tits and you don't want people being homophobic. i'm a yapper, so i can go on for ages and end up writing a fuck ton of tangents that most people do not wanna read. but it's important to know when to edit things down.
your post could've been made much simpler and convey the same message by simply saying something along the lines of: looking to hold some type of content contest with people interested in g2s(that's gay to straight, aka homoflexible), i'll bring in more details when i do make the contests, but the gist of it is that i want it to be g2s content with a focus on the women's breasts, be it in picture, gif or video form. i ask that if you're not into this to simply not engage and leave those of us into it alone and indulging in our fantasy. for those of you that are into it, a major ground rule would be to not promote homophobia in any way shape or form, specifically with content that leans towards conversion therapy or any other form of homophobic ideals of traditional values
i pointed out that you wrote "don't be homophobic" 5 times because it's redundant.
Not really.
But, of course. You didn't read those "reduntant" rules, because you thought them so.

people who have an issue with g2s are gonna talk shit regardless of the rules you make. you could fill out a page writing "don't be homophobic" and those people would still ignore you and do it anyway.
See that? The responses I get in these dialogues have become all too predictable.

If I wasn't specific and elaborate enough with the rules, there will be criticizers who point out that I should have been more specific; in efforts to deter smart alecs from breaking them. If I was being specific and elaborate with the rules, there will be criticizers who then point that I wrote too much that it's "redundant"; considering that people "will try to break the rules anyways".

I suppose it's a happy reminder to me that humans are never satisfied; for there will always be something to complain about.

The bottom line (@andre1000 ) is: if they can't read the rules that are set and then break them, guess how easy I've made it for myself to have the final word on it?


At any rate, we've gone quite off-topic.
ok back on topic. i was gonna dm you to ask you something but you have dms off.
so i'll ask here. which of these 2 would you prefer?
Both are very beautiful.
I wish, however, that the gay guy in such a hetero situation would face his female lover; and fuck her while on her back.
Doggy isn't really my thing. But, I guess I say that with gay sex also. It's 10 times more explosive for me when the two having sex get to enjoy facial interactions and looking at each other while doing it.
P.s. would you happen to know how DMs are turned on again? I must have accidentally pressed something a week or so back that turned it off; not sure what.
That way, we can talk. Cheers!
Thanks, babe.

Anyways, it will be a common question that I ask participants and gay male spectators alike:
As a gay guy who I'm assuming is proud and self-loving of his homosexuality, what type of female tits make you horny?

(See what I get off on?)
Thanks, babe.

Anyways, it will be a common question that I ask participants and gay male spectators alike:
As a gay guy who I'm assuming is proud and self-loving of his homosexuality, what type of female tits make you horny?

(See what I get off on?)
I'm very partial to milfs so i like tits on the bigger size
I'm very partial to milfs so i like tits on the bigger size
I'm quite the same.
I've always been curious what their milk tastes like; and curious how many babies they can nurse in one sitting.
My prediction: one milkbag can probably feed no less than 8.
Even if that may or may not be true, it still feeds the sexual satisfaction: To know that I'm so fucking strongly attracted to gay men, and yet, I'm still able to get horny over female tyts; and how many little ones they can feed.
I think you're gonna find out you're gonna get more answers from people bloviating and protesting about the parameters you've set rather than the actual results themselves.
Yes. And, we don't need to keep talking about it.
Thing of it is, if I didn't "set those parameters", I would have 'found out' that there would be more people 'bloviating' about my thread's alleged homophobia 'more than the results I was looking for.'
I already knew there were going to be complainers, whichever way I went. It was simply the luck of the poison I've chosen.