Operation Noah


Superior Member
Sep 29, 2023
Dublin, Leinster,Ireland
90% Gay, 10% Straight
All characters are 18+

I knew I could have him. Hell, I knew I could have just about anyone in that place. That’s what happens when you’re naturally hot, and what was I supposed to do, apologise for it? It wasn’t my fault that I had god-like genes.

I didn’t get it all for free, either. Being this hot took time and effort. Every morning at six o’ clock, I was the first one at the doors of the college gym. Every evening when the sun went down, I was the one jogging around campus. I ate a clean diet, kept myself perfectly groomed, and sure, I had a little help from my DNA, too.

Life was easy for me. I was good at whatever I put my mind to. Football, wrestling, swimming, boxing. You name it. I had the build for it, you know? Six foot four, lean and muscular. Fast on my feet but strong, and most importantly of all, I was undeniably handsome, which opened doors that I didn’t even need to touch.

So, yeah, it wasn’t all that surprising that I enjoyed the attention of almost every female I’d ever known. They liked the mix of a cute face and a rugged, manly body, and although I was only twenty, I’d already made a name for myself in the bedroom department.

Most entertaining of all, however, wasn’t the attention I received from the young women that I knew, it was the attention that I received from the Cocksuckers.

Call me an asshole all you want. We all know it’s true. They weren’t just guys, and they weren’t just gay guys, either. They were drooling, dewy-eyed, cock-obsessed perverts, and I could tell one from a mile away.

They liked to fantasise about me. They’d watch from a distance, because they knew that to approach a guy like me, could be a very, very bad move. They’d glance over, desperately trying to undress me in their minds, and I’d sit there and let them. I wanted them to do it, and there was nothing better than watching a Cocksucker squirm as he imagined me doing all manner of unspeakable things to him.

I got off on it. Not in a gay way, but in a power-trip kinda’ way. The idea that the mere sight of me was enough to cause some horny little bum-boy to cream his pants was as arousing as it was hilarious. They loved me, and there wasn’t a single thing they could do about it without risking everything. Bliss.

I was surrounded by Cocksuckers in college. The city was as liberal as it could possibly be, and that had spilled onto the campus long before I’d ever arrived there. They felt safe in college, surrounded by all the other Cocksuckers, and that was fine by me.

I didn’t help the matter, of course. If there was anything that I liked more than teasing a Cocksucker’s mind, it was teasing his physical body. I wore clothes that I knew they enjoyed. Tight shorts that allowed them to scrutinise every little detail below my waist. Underwear that accentuated a cock that they’d never get to see. Clothing that made my plump, full ass look even fuller, and t-shirts that left nothing to their perverted imaginations.

I’d notice it happening, too. The slight shifting in a chair as blood rushed to their dicks. The crossing of their legs to stop anybody seeing their pathetic little erections. The soft blush on their cheeks when they realised that I knew exactly what they were doing, and the quick departure when the shame became too much to handle. God, I fucking loved college.

He just appeared one day. We were already a few months into term, and I knew I’d never seen him before. He was a freshman. A bright-eyed, bushy-tailed little junior who looked sheepish now that he was out of his high-school diapers and immersed in the bustling world of college academia.

He was short, slender and needed a haircut, but there was something about him that piqued my interest, and I couldn’t quite tell what it was, so I watched him one afternoon as he tried to navigate a map that he’d been given, and then it hit me, and I smiled a smile that everybody liked.

“Lost?” I asked, sending a flurry of butterflies through him. He spun around and stared at my chest, then lifted his head to look at me.

“Oh, uh… I um… I’m looking for this lecture hall” he said, in a voice that was rather pleasant on the ears. I whipped the map from his hand and threw it away.

“You’ll never learn that way” I told him, and started walking. Just like I expected, he shuffled after me, pulling his bag up his shoulder.

“This place is huge” he said, as he caught up.

“You’ll get used to it”.

He was shy and awkward, and he didn’t say much more as I took him to the other side of campus and pointed at the building. “That’s where you need to be”.

“Thanks” he nodded, and glanced up at me again. “Noah”.

“Tanner” I said, and he gave me a polite smile and walked away. It was only after a few seconds that he stole a glance back, and when he realised I was still watching him, he shuffled off even faster. Bingo.

It didn’t take a rocket-scientist to pick out the Cocksuckers. In fact, they were pretty easy to spot, and that was largely because they were usually the ones to lock eyes with me, first. They liked to test the waters, but they knew instantly that the closest they’d ever get to me, was the fleeting glances across the room. Noah, however, seemed different.

He was a Cocksucker. I had no doubt about it. The way he walked. The way he looked. The soft, unassuming voice. That boy wanted his ass rearranged, but he was nervous, awkward and too shy to admit it to himself, so I decided at that moment that my next project, was Project Noah.

“Go easy on him, Tanner!” He barked, but I was in the zone.

My body was drenched in sweat, and it glistened perfectly under the dusty lights overhead. I stalked him around the ring, forcing him to cower as I threw punches that caught him every time.

“Christ, Tanner!” Coach snarled, shoving me away from him. “When I say go easy, I mean it!”

I smirked as Coach took the senior into the corner and kissed his boo-boos. The guy was thirty pounds heavier than me, and I still kicked his ass. I chewed off my boxing gloves and squirted cold water into my throat, and from the corner of my eye, I saw him.

He wasn’t inside the hall. He was far too timid to have the balls for that. Instead, Noah stood outside, peering in through the window in the door. As soon as he noticed me noticing him, he ducked out of sight, and my smirk grew even larger.

When I was finished in the boxing ring, I skipped the shower and pulled my t-shirt over my sweaty body. From experience, there was nothing quite as intoxicating for a Cocksucker, as the stench of fresh sweat from a guy that they were insane for. I found him in the library, which wasn’t much of a shock.

“You like boxing?” I asked, dropping my bag down and sitting on the opposite side of the desk. The rest of the place was empty.

“Oh, uh…”

“Do you always start your conversations with that?”

“With what?”

“Oh, uh”.

His cheeks flashed red. I already had him on the defensive, and I hadn’t even tried. This was like child’s play.

“I got lost” he mumbled, keeping his finger on the page that he was reading.

“Yeah, the boxing gym looks just like the library” I grinned, and I knew that a wave of excitement rippled through him. He was onto something, or so he thought. He’d already made me smile, or so he thought.

“You’re good” he said.

“I know”.

He wasn’t expecting that answer. He wasn’t used to such unceremonious confidence. He didn’t know how to react, so he shifted in his chair just like all Cocksuckers did when they got nervous.

“You started late” I said, and he seemed glad that the conversation switched directions.

“Yeah” he nodded, eyeing the book but not reading a single word. “I didn’t like my old college”.


“The people were… They weren’t great”.

“You got bullied in college?” I smirked, and he swallowed.


“Why did they bully you?”

“Nobody bullied me” he hit back.

“Was it because you’re gay?”

His bright, blue eyes glistened as they widened. He tried to answer, but his mouth moved and nothing came out. He stuttered then, and shifted again. I was reading this kid like a book.

“I’m not!” He spat, and shoved his chair out. I watched him get to his feet and grab his book. “I’m not” he said again, calmer this time, and then Noah walked away as fast as he could, whilst still trying to look somewhat normal.

“Hey Tanner” Sarah Tilly called, waving her hand and putting on that voice that told me that Noah wasn’t the only Cocksucker in the library that day.

“Your room or mine?” I asked, and as we left, I couldn’t help but think of Noah.

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