
Worshipped Member
Mar 18, 2019
80% Straight, 20% Gay
Chapter 1
Katherine waited for that moment several evenings, since she finally purchased her new lingerie. Steven was very busy last days and he looked always so tired that she thought it was wrong moments for such things. Finally now it was a restday and they spent it together, enjoying the walk and small picnic at the backyard. Only loud noises from the neighboring house distracted them from the joy
"It looks like Austin and Betty finally found a customer for their house" - Steven said
"Hope it will be a good young couple" - Kate said with a smile - "I already miss the time when Austin and Betty were there"
"Come on, it is the past, darling" - Steven ate a saussage with his typical indifferent face and a big hunger

They were married for almost 5 years and he has gained fourty extra pounds since their wedding. She knew that it was also her fault. She should have paid more attention to Steve and persuaded him to eat more healthy food. Katherine was a yoga trainer so she knew a lot about such things but it didn't work with Steven because he wasn't her client, he was a husband

At that evening she did her best to finally have a good sex. She was sure that her new lingerie looked seductive enough and Steven would like it and manage to get horny. When she wore it and entered the bedroom he read something in his phone and didn't notice her for the first

"Honey, I'm here" - she said with a very seductive voice
"Very good" - he even didn't look at her
"I have a surprise for you"
"Really? And what is... Oh God! You look very good!" - he was in shock seeing her in very revealing and sexy black lingerie which fitted her dark hair and smooth skin
"Yes I do!" - she said with a devilish smile - "and I also have some plans for my Stevie..."

She was happy to see him hard when she removed his underpants. It was not so easy to turn him on last months because he had a lot of stress at his work. So she wanted to use the moment and ride him like a horse
"Oh yes Kate! It feels so good!" - he whispered when she started riding him. She wanted he would be more active in bed, more passionate and creative, like at that moment when they met for the first time... But unfortunately now all the whole initiative was in her hands, and he only dutifully followed her actions. She wanted him touching her breasts (he always said he loved her not very big but nice tits), speaking with her in a romantic or dirty way. But he was almost silent, as always. Kate heard how he breathed hard but it wasn't what could turn her on. In a few minutes she felt how he came inside her
Fuck, it was so fast - she thought, laying next to Steve and smiling at him with a fake smile - was it worthy of so much preparation? What did I wrong?

She couldn't understand why he became so passive and cold in bed. He had a stressful job but she always thought that she could make him feel more relaxed. She didn't like the situation at all... When next morning they had a breakfast she tried to behave like nothing happened but it was hard
"I woke up early because of some noises from our neighboring house" - Steven informed her, spreading butter on toast
"Oh yes, I heard it too" - she answered, trying to be distracted from her thoughts - "but it's understandable. Our new neighbors probably have a lot of things to do with new house"
"Yes, you're right. Maybe we need to get to know them"
"I didn't think about it... But maybe you're right, honey"

Steven was at work and Kate had some extra time before her day at yoga studio would start so she decided to clean up some things left in the backyard after yesterday's picnic. She thought that work would help her to be distracted from her unpleasant thoughts. She had almost filled a big trash bag when she heard a male voice:
"Hello miss. Sorry to bother you"
She looked through the fence and she noticed a man standing at her neighboring area

Fuck, look at that body... Damn, who is he? Omg, I need to calm down

He smiled in a very cute way:
"Sorry miss if I scared you. I wanted just to say goodmorning. My name is Joel"
"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Katherine" - she said after some pause - "me and Steven live here for almost 5 years since we're married"
Better to show him that I'm married and not "miss"
"Oh, nice to meet you too, Katherine. I moved to Springfield recently and bought this house for living. It seems like a good place"
"Yes it really does" - she said - "I'm sure your wife will like it too"
"Maybe, but first I need to find her" - he laughs - "and it's not so easy"

With such body? It's the easiest thing, dude

They shared several words and Katherine just wanted to hope that she didn't stare at him too much. When they said "goodbye" she couldn't stop to think about it. She gave him her number because she thought it's right to do with your neighbor. And also Joel looked friendly and nice enough. When she drove her car to yoga studio she thought about Joel and his perfect body. She felt she was getting wet. Fortunately there was not much people at the shower room and she decided to relax. Standing under the shower she remembered Joel's muscular body... He looked so sexy and so hot. She couldn't resist and started to masturbate. It didn't take much time before she came. It was so big orgasm that she was surprised
I didn't feel something like that for a lot of times... Damn it's crazy. Fuck, I need to calm down and focus on my work
Chapter 1
Katherine waited for that moment several evenings, since she finally purchased her new lingerie. Steven was very busy last days and he looked always so tired that she thought it was wrong moments for such things. Finally now it was a restday and they spent it together, enjoying the walk and small picnic at the backyard. Only loud noises from the neighboring house distracted them from the joy
"It looks like Austin and Betty finally found a customer for their house" - Steven said
"Hope it will be a good young couple" - Kate said with a smile - "I already miss the time when Austin and Betty were there"
"Come on, it is the past, darling" - Steven ate a saussage with his typical indifferent face and a big hunger

They were married for almost 5 years and he has gained fourty extra pounds since their wedding. She knew that it was also her fault. She should have paid more attention to Steve and persuaded him to eat more healthy food. Katherine was a yoga trainer so she knew a lot about such things but it didn't work with Steven because he wasn't her client, he was a husband

At that evening she did her best to finally have a good sex. She was sure that her new lingerie looked seductive enough and Steven would like it and manage to get horny. When she wore it and entered the bedroom he read something in his phone and didn't notice her for the first

"Honey, I'm here" - she said with a very seductive voice
"Very good" - he even didn't look at her
"I have a surprise for you"
"Really? And what is... Oh God! You look very good!" - he was in shock seeing her in very revealing and sexy black lingerie which fitted her dark hair and smooth skin
"Yes I do!" - she said with a devilish smile - "and I also have some plans for my Stevie..."

She was happy to see him hard when she removed his underpants. It was not so easy to turn him on last months because he had a lot of stress at his work. So she wanted to use the moment and ride him like a horse
"Oh yes Kate! It feels so good!" - he whispered when she started riding him. She wanted he would be more active in bed, more passionate and creative, like at that moment when they met for the first time... But unfortunately now all the whole initiative was in her hands, and he only dutifully followed her actions. She wanted him touching her breasts (he always said he loved her not very big but nice tits), speaking with her in a romantic or dirty way. But he was almost silent, as always. Kate heard how he breathed hard but it wasn't what could turn her on. In a few minutes she felt how he came inside her
Fuck, it was so fast - she thought, laying next to Steve and smiling at him with a fake smile - was it worthy of so much preparation? What did I wrong?

She couldn't understand why he became so passive and cold in bed. He had a stressful job but she always thought that she could make him feel more relaxed. She didn't like the situation at all... When next morning they had a breakfast she tried to behave like nothing happened but it was hard
"I woke up early because of some noises from our neighboring house" - Steven informed her, spreading butter on toast
"Oh yes, I heard it too" - she answered, trying to be distracted from her thoughts - "but it's understandable. Our new neighbors probably have a lot of things to do with new house"
"Yes, you're right. Maybe we need to get to know them"
"I didn't think about it... But maybe you're right, honey"

Steven was at work and Kate had some extra time before her day at yoga studio would start so she decided to clean up some things left in the backyard after yesterday's picnic. She thought that work would help her to be distracted from her unpleasant thoughts. She had almost filled a big trash bag when she heard a male voice:
"Hello miss. Sorry to bother you"
She looked through the fence and she noticed a man standing at her neighboring area
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Fuck, look at that body... Damn, who is he? Omg, I need to calm down

He smiled in a very cute way:
"Sorry miss if I scared you. I wanted just to say goodmorning. My name is Joel"
"Oh, nice to meet you. I'm Katherine" - she said after some pause - "me and Steven live here for almost 5 years since we're married"
Better to show him that I'm married and not "miss"
"Oh, nice to meet you too, Katherine. I moved to Springfield recently and bought this house for living. It seems like a good place"
"Yes it really does" - she said - "I'm sure your wife will like it too"
"Maybe, but first I need to find her" - he laughs - "and it's not so easy"

With such body? It's the easiest thing, dude

They shared several words and Katherine just wanted to hope that she didn't stare at him too much. When they said "goodbye" she couldn't stop to think about it. She gave him her number because she thought it's right to do with your neighbor. And also Joel looked friendly and nice enough. When she drove her car to yoga studio she thought about Joel and his perfect body. She felt she was getting wet. Fortunately there was not much people at the shower room and she decided to relax. Standing under the shower she remembered Joel's muscular body... He looked so sexy and so hot. She couldn't resist and started to masturbate. It didn't take much time before she came. It was so big orgasm that she was surprised
I didn't feel something like that for a lot of times... Damn it's crazy. Fuck, I need to calm down and focus on my work
I'll wait for the movie.
Chapter 2
Summer days were too hot and Katherine felt not very well trying to have regular yoga exercises and do all housework while Steven was at work. She was exhausted every evening and even hadn't desire for sex, prefering just talk with her husband about routine. Their sexual life became more and more boring and it seemed like Steven didn't mind. It made Katherine sad. She always wanted him being more confident, insistent and dominant

"See you at the evening, honey" - she kissed Steven's cheek and hug his waist. He was already sweaty
"See you, Kittie" - he said, kissing her back
It was like a ritual and she didn't feel any tenderness from him
When she went out the fence and was ready to open the door of her car she saw Joel. It looked like he just walked on the street after some jog or other sport activity. He was sweaty too but Katherine didn't feel any unpleasant smell from him

"Good morning Katherine" - he said with adorable smile

O God, look at this body. He's perfect. Those muscular chest, 6 packs, meaty legs... He's Apollo - she thought trying to hide that she stared at him

"Good morning Joel. I see you're keeping fit" - she said
"Oh yes, I have to do this. Regular trainings. I think you understand me because you have a nice body too" - and he smiled again in a very flirty way
She behaved like nothing happened. It was not the first time when Joel did a compliment about Katherine's look. It was unexpected for the first but now she felt like she deserved it. It was very pleasant to hear such words from an attractive guy. So she just smiled her back
"What are your plans for today?" - he asked accidentially
"Oh, I plan to work" - she answered with a sad face

"I would love to have a short break but we need money. A lot"

"Another boring day at yoga studio? Or do you have fun there?" - he laughed
"What do you mean?" - she felt embarassed
"Just joking. Sorry"
She smiled at him. For some reason she found him very cute and interesting. She enjoyed the time with him
"And your plans? Don't you have a shift today?"
Katherine knew that Joel is a firefighter
"Oh, no, I don't. I plan to relax and do something for my joy" - he answered - "I wish you could join"

"Is he crazy? It's too much. I'm not a whore!"

Maybe her face changed because he noticed something
"Sorry. I didn't mean something bad. I just wouldn't mind if you and Steven could spend some nice time with me. We could have a picnic, listen to music, drink a bit. I know only few people here and it sucks because I'm very sociable man"
"Oh really? Okay, I need to ask Steven about it. Maybe when we have a restday..."
"It would be awesome" - he smiled

All rest day at work she felt like she was tricked. But fortunately day wasn't too tough and she managed to relax between several yoga sessions. She couldn't fully concentrate on the process and she didn't like it. When she came back home it was already a late afternoon

During the dinner she tried to behave positive because Steven was exhausted and she didn't want to let him feel melancholy
"It sounds like a nice idea" - he said when she told him about Joel's offer
"Why not Kittie? He seems like a nice guy. I'm sure we will like each other"
"I want to believe"
She was happy that Steven liked the idea of spending time together with Joel. She felt that it's wrong but she really wanted to spend more time with her new neighbor. And she was afraid of this because she never was a silly woman. Katherine thought a lot about that while she took a shower before bed. When she came into the bedroom Steven was already in bed. He smiled at her

"Our neighbor doesn't waste his time" - he said
"What do you mean?" - she asked cautiously
"Look at the window" - he smiled again and did a movement of his neck, showing her to the window
"Oh my god!" - she said when she saw what he meant
It was already dark but Joel's house was really close to their one and the light in the window was on. She saw how Joel fucked a girl. She moaned so loudly that Katherine could hear it. He fucked her doggy, grabbing her hair, in a fast pace. He did it very good, like he was a pornstar
"Not bad, yeah?" - Steven asked her
"It's crazy!" - Katherine was in shock
"Why so? It looks like they both enjoy it"
"But we can see this, Steve!"
"Yes, but I think they don't care. Come here!" - he smiled in a flirting way and grab her arm. She felt strange. Like it was something wrong but very hot at the same time

"Fuck me Stevie! Fuck me! Yes! Like that" - she moaned when he started to penetrate her in a doggy position. She felt his hard dick inside
"mmmmm" - he only said, increasing the pace
"Oh yes! Yes!" - for a moment she imagined the dark-skinned muscular body of Joel and how he fucks her doggystyle. She felt ashamed after this but it turned her on. She was happy that Steven couldn't read her thoughts - "fuck me! Fuck me!"
He came very soon, filled her pussy with his sperm. It was a nice feeling but she had to imitate fake orgasm again, to please her husband
"It was soooo good" - Steven said and she only smiled at him
When he fell asleep she couldn't calm down. She got up and went to the shower. Being sure that Steven slept like a baby, she switched her phone and open the profile of Joel in social media. She chose a pic where he was barechested and started to masturbate, sitting in the bathroom. In her dream he fucked her raugh and hard and she enjoyed it.
"Oh yes, yes, Joel please fuck me!" - she whispered, masturbating - "fill my pussy! yes, oh fuck!"
She came very fast and it was a good orgasm...

"Fuck! What's wrong with me? Last two time when I came I did it thinking about Joel! I'm not a slut! It was not a cheating!"
Chapter 2
Summer days were too hot and Katherine felt not very well trying to have regular yoga exercises and do all housework while Steven was at work. She was exhausted every evening and even hadn't desire for sex, prefering just talk with her husband about routine. Their sexual life became more and more boring and it seemed like Steven didn't mind. It made Katherine sad. She always wanted him being more confident, insistent and dominant

"See you at the evening, honey" - she kissed Steven's cheek and hug his waist. He was already sweaty
"See you, Kittie" - he said, kissing her back
It was like a ritual and she didn't feel any tenderness from him
When she went out the fence and was ready to open the door of her car she saw Joel. It looked like he just walked on the street after some jog or other sport activity. He was sweaty too but Katherine didn't feel any unpleasant smell from him
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"Good morning Katherine" - he said with adorable smile

O God, look at this body. He's perfect. Those muscular chest, 6 packs, meaty legs... He's Apollo - she thought trying to hide that she stared at him

"Good morning Joel. I see you're keeping fit" - she said
"Oh yes, I have to do this. Regular trainings. I think you understand me because you have a nice body too" - and he smiled again in a very flirty way
She behaved like nothing happened. It was not the first time when Joel did a compliment about Katherine's look. It was unexpected for the first but now she felt like she deserved it. It was very pleasant to hear such words from an attractive guy. So she just smiled her back
"What are your plans for today?" - he asked accidentially
"Oh, I plan to work" - she answered with a sad face

"I would love to have a short break but we need money. A lot"

"Another boring day at yoga studio? Or do you have fun there?" - he laughed
"What do you mean?" - she felt embarassed
"Just joking. Sorry"
She smiled at him. For some reason she found him very cute and interesting. She enjoyed the time with him
"And your plans? Don't you have a shift today?"
Katherine knew that Joel is a firefighter
"Oh, no, I don't. I plan to relax and do something for my joy" - he answered - "I wish you could join"

"Is he crazy? It's too much. I'm not a whore!"

Maybe her face changed because he noticed something
"Sorry. I didn't mean something bad. I just wouldn't mind if you and Steven could spend some nice time with me. We could have a picnic, listen to music, drink a bit. I know only few people here and it sucks because I'm very sociable man"
"Oh really? Okay, I need to ask Steven about it. Maybe when we have a restday..."
"It would be awesome" - he smiled

All rest day at work she felt like she was tricked. But fortunately day wasn't too tough and she managed to relax between several yoga sessions. She couldn't fully concentrate on the process and she didn't like it. When she came back home it was already a late afternoon

During the dinner she tried to behave positive because Steven was exhausted and she didn't want to let him feel melancholy
"It sounds like a nice idea" - he said when she told him about Joel's offer
"Why not Kittie? He seems like a nice guy. I'm sure we will like each other"
"I want to believe"
She was happy that Steven liked the idea of spending time together with Joel. She felt that it's wrong but she really wanted to spend more time with her new neighbor. And she was afraid of this because she never was a silly woman. Katherine thought a lot about that while she took a shower before bed. When she came into the bedroom Steven was already in bed. He smiled at her

"Our neighbor doesn't waste his time" - he said
"What do you mean?" - she asked cautiously
"Look at the window" - he smiled again and did a movement of his neck, showing her to the window
"Oh my god!" - she said when she saw what he meant
It was already dark but Joel's house was really close to their one and the light in the window was on. She saw how Joel fucked a girl. She moaned so loudly that Katherine could hear it. He fucked her doggy, grabbing her hair, in a fast pace. He did it very good, like he was a pornstar
"Not bad, yeah?" - Steven asked her
"It's crazy!" - Katherine was in shock
"Why so? It looks like they both enjoy it"
"But we can see this, Steve!"
"Yes, but I think they don't care. Come here!" - he smiled in a flirting way and grab her arm. She felt strange. Like it was something wrong but very hot at the same time

"Fuck me Stevie! Fuck me! Yes! Like that" - she moaned when he started to penetrate her in a doggy position. She felt his hard dick inside
"mmmmm" - he only said, increasing the pace
"Oh yes! Yes!" - for a moment she imagined the dark-skinned muscular body of Joel and how he fucks her doggystyle. She felt ashamed after this but it turned her on. She was happy that Steven couldn't read her thoughts - "fuck me! Fuck me!"
He came very soon, filled her pussy with his sperm. It was a nice feeling but she had to imitate fake orgasm again, to please her husband
"It was soooo good" - Steven said and she only smiled at him
When he fell asleep she couldn't calm down. She got up and went to the shower. Being sure that Steven slept like a baby, she switched her phone and open the profile of Joel in social media. She chose a pic where he was barechested and started to masturbate, sitting in the bathroom. In her dream he fucked her raugh and hard and she enjoyed it.
"Oh yes, yes, Joel please fuck me!" - she whispered, masturbating - "fill my pussy! yes, oh fuck!"
She came very fast and it was a good orgasm...

"Fuck! What's wrong with me? Last two time when I came I did it thinking about Joel! I'm not a slut! It was not a cheating!"
Fuck that's hot
Chapter 3
"Stevie, please, a bit more! More!" - Katherine moaned when she was riding her husband's dick
"Not so loud, honey. I'm afraid neighbors will hear us"
"Fuck them! I said more! Fuck me!" - she was too horny to think about neighbors and the noise. She needed a dick and wanted to feel a real orgasm. It was almost a week ago when she had sex with Steven for the last time
"Oh Kate, I'm cumming! Oh God!" - he started breathing cum and came inside her

"Fuck. I was waiting for this so long. Just for what? For 3 minutes riding and ejaculation inside? Poor Steve, you was much better when we just got married"

Katherine had to simulated fake orgasm to feel her husband satisfied. When they both had breakfast she felt bad and unsatisfied

"I need to masturbate before work... but damn, I haven't much time for this! I hate such situations! Why did Steve cum so early?"

"Honey, what are you thinking about?" - her husband asked her, eating a big sandwitch with a real hunger
"Nothing interesting, my love. Just about the work..." - she lied. She was sure that she should have not talk with Steven about her sexual needs. He was not a right person for this. He would never understand her in this situation and be offended

She drove her car to yoga studio without enthusiasm. She liked her job but it was so uncomfortable to feel unsatisfied in a physical way. Especially if your job is related with physic abilities...

"I need a shower! A quick shower before work!"
- she thought when she entered the locker room. She undress herself and went to the shower zone... And she was in shock because she faced with a man! And it was Joel! Only in towel on his waist

"Joel?" - she asked in shock and tried to cover her breasts
"Kate?" - he looked embarassed but not nervous at all. She caught his eyes looking at her body
"What are doing here?!"
"I start visiting this yoga studio since yesterday. I didn't know you go here too"
"I mean at the female locker room!" - she still tried to cover herself. He looked at her like she was a very tasty cake
"Sorry Kate, but it's male locker room" - he answered in a calm way
She looked around... and he was right. She was probably too thoughtful when she entered the room that she didn't notice it was a male room

"Omg, I'm sorry" - she said - "I was sure it's for women... Sorry Joel... It is so silly"

"Okay, now he thinks I'm stupid horny woman... Well, maybe it's true... God, look at that body... He has so nice packs... And those lips"

"Maybe it's a wrong moment" - he said suddenly - "but you have a great body..."

"Oh my god!"

"Th... Thanks" - she answered - "you too"
He smiled
"Sorry, I should give you a chance to dress up and go to the female room... Unless you want to stay and take a shower here" - he smiled in a devilish way
Katherine felt how she was getting red and blushing hard
"N.. no.. I better go..."
"Okay... See you later Kate" - his behavior was so easy and confident. He was a real man who knows his place in this world. Kate liked it

The accident made her feel much fresher. She managed to mobilize herself and start the training with her female client, trying to not think about what happened with Joel. But she caught his eyes from time to time. He was good at yoga, not newcomer at all. When he looked at her he smiled in a warm way and he smiled back

After the training he approached her
"I didn't know you're a trainer here" - he said
"And I didn't know you like yoga" - she replied
"I'm an expert in stretching" - he winked her - "and as I saw, you're very good in it too" - he put his hand on her waist like it was a friendly gesture but she felt goosebumps
"Thanks. I like yoga and try to keep in shape"
"And your shape is very good" - he said moving his hand a bit lower
She didn't know how to react. It was not a private place even if they were alone. But also she was married and she always tried being a faithful wife... Flirting is possible but touching is too much. But in fact she didn't react at all like he used charms to make her petrified
"You know I think we could help each other to develop our yoga skills" - he said - "what do you think?"
"Well..." - she finally woke up - "sounds like a good idea"
"Nice!" - he smiled in a very adorable way - "so, how about on Friday, at the same time as today?"
"It's a free time for me. So why not?" - she answered, feeling like it was a trap but couldn't resist and refuse him
"Deal! So, see you later babe" - he said and hugged her, kissing to the cheek. His lips were soft and warm

All rest day she thought about what happened and couldn't stop thinking it was a mistake and a wrong path. But at the same time she felt like she really liked Joel as a man and as a person. So she decided to be just a friend for him

At the evening, before bed, she felt horny again. It was so strong that she couldn't sleep. Unfortunately, Steven was too tired and he fell asleep very quickly. She tried to calm down but it was hard. She almost managed to relax when she heard a sound of message recieving

"Fuck, I forgot to switch my phone off"

She got up and take the phone. It was a message from Joel. When she opened it she felt panic

"Are you ready for this?" - message said, and it had a pic attachment

"Fuck! Is he crazy? What the fuck is it? Is it his cock? Impossible. It's so huge, like Steven's hand... And it's even not hard... It's a photoshop..."

While that thoughts intervened her mind she recieved the message from Joel again
"Sorry Kate... I mistakenly sent you this message. It was not for you. I'm sorry :sweat: :sweat: "
Her hand trembled when she wrote the reply:
"Don't worry. I got it"
"I'm not a perv, Kate. I'm really sorry"
"All is fine Joel"
"Hope you won't have problems because of that"
"Not at all"
"Nice! Goodnight. Sorry again:innocent::kissing_heart:"

Kate was sure that Joel will delete the message but he didn't and she couldn't resist anymore. She went to the shower room, grabbing the phone in her hands. She locked the door, put the phone with a Joel's penis pic on the washing machine and started masturbating herself

"Oh God! This tool is so big! I fucking can't understand how he really uses this monster to pound a woman. Maybe she has a deep vagina"
She was so horny that she started to cum very quick, thinking about Joel's huge dick pounding a pussy. It was a big orgasm she wanted to get for a long time

"I'm getting addictive from him. And he even didn't do something really sexual with me. Fuck, I'm a crazy married bitch" - she though, taking the shower