Owen Lindberg

I'm beyond sick of the nasty people on this thread who just keep bashing Owen and saying the same stuff over and over again. Most people, I mean, most people who actually have a life, come to this thread to enjoy Owen's physical beauty. I don't think anyone comes here to see if he has written a book about his philosophy of life or to find reasons to nominate him for the Nobel Peace Prize. On a site dedicated to helping its members wank off to photos of hot guys, it is bizarre to read members posting about virtue as though they were Mother Theresa or Mahatma Gandhi or something. The posts of the Owen bashers are repetitious, boring, and lacking completely in imagination or creativity. Why don't you bitter, middle aged queens go start a thread in one of the chat sections, "Why Owen Lindberg is Bringing About The Collapse of Western Civilization," and spew out your venom there? I promise you, none of Owen's fans who frequents this thread will miss any of your nasty, long-winded, and pointless posts! Now you can start attacking my post and throw viscous comments at me, but I am sorry, sometimes the truth hurts!
There used to be a video on this thread of him jacking off and cumming on a public beach. He had a camera man filming him. It got scrubbed at some point. I wish I could find it again. It’s the best thing he ever posted


